Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 691 She has enough patience

Chapter 691 She has enough patience
Bai Ming walked in the palace with her hands slightly folded. After everyone dispersed, she was alone, like a lone wolf.

There was a lot of commotion all around, but she felt calm in her heart.

When she first came to her grandfather's side, she once asked him: "What does it mean to be in a position of high power?"

Her grandfather explained to her seriously: "A high position and great power means a high position and authority."

At first, she thought that "high position and power" was just what her grandfather explained, and it meant it literally.

It wasn't until later that she discovered that things were far from that simple.

Even if an official stands very high, if no one is convinced and does not have the ability and skill to respond to everything, then he is only in a high position and does not reach the weight.

This is why there are some interesting phenomena in officialdom——

Some people have a high official rank, but their words have no weight; some people have a low rank, but have great influence.

There are many ways to do this.

Just like now, although she can control the wind and rain in northern Xinjiang, she is isolated and helpless in the court, without any power.

If you want to gain a foothold in this officialdom, it is not enough to hold a hundred thousand soldiers, be a third-grade general, and have the status of a first-grade imperial princess.

She is still far from being able to answer every call, but she is patient enough.

There is a good opportunity to establish authority now.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming smiled slightly.

"Isn't it okay to just let them go drink?"

Bai Yu's voice sounded beside him, and it turned out that it was Bai Yu's break time.

The brother and sister walked side by side on the long corridor. Because Bai Mingwei had martial arts skills, he could detect if someone was eavesdropping, so there was nothing to worry about when he spoke at this time.

After hearing her brother's words, she responded with a smile: "There's nothing wrong with it. As long as there are no mistakes in welcoming the Northern Yan envoy, it won't hurt if they go drinking, but..."

Bai Yu understood immediately: "But it's not good to go drinking at this time. We should teach them a lesson."

Bai Ming showed a sly look: "His Royal Highness Ninth has been serving as the censor of the city for some time, but he has never achieved anything. I'm afraid everyone thinks he is just messing around."

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Mingwei is right. Even if nothing big is done, arresting a few officials who indulge in pleasure and drinking can still create some turmoil."

Bai Ming said slightly: "When we leave the palace, I will order someone to pass the news to His Highness Ninth Prince. I believe he will be happy to make this trip."

"But next, Qin Fengye will definitely not miss this opportunity. He will definitely take this opportunity to read my book to His Majesty and say that I am not strict, so we need to have countermeasures. I need Brother Qi to do me a favor. .”…

After Bai Mingwei finished eating, he was handling military affairs in the study.

A mountain of official documents were placed on her desk, all handed over by Jiang Ci and his cronies. After combing through them one by one, she carefully responded to the questions in the official documents.

Because she worked neatly and the official documents submitted by Jiang Ci and others were clear and organized, she processed them quickly.

After she finished approving the official document, she saw that it was still early, so she took the letterhead and wrote a letter to Wei Xiao and Jiang Ci each.

The letter described her current situation, as well as her concerns and greetings to the two of them.

She put the letter into an envelope and, together with the processed official documents, sent the courier back to Northern Xinjiang.

After processing, she turned off the lights in the study and prepared to leave.

When he closed the door of the study, Bai Yu found her: "His Royal Highness Ninth arrested people with great fanfare and made the matter big. Those people are now thrown into prison."

"Your seventh sister-in-law's brother Yu Jianling is also among them. The Yu family members have gone to the palace overnight to find the Queen Mother, and the families of other officials are also working hard to smoothen their relationship with them."

"All the things you asked me to do have been completed. Now everything is ready, all we have to do is to lead Qin Fengye's army in the court tomorrow."

Having said this, Bai Yu looked a little worried: "Mingwei, are you sure Qin Fengye will read your book in the court tomorrow?"

Bai Mingwei was very sure: "He will. Once he has a grudge against us, he will not miss any opportunity to step on us."

"He is so angry that he caused me trouble today. If there is such a good opportunity right after, he will definitely seize it."

"Secondly, the emperor also wants to see our jokes. He hopes that we will make mistakes soon so that he can have reason to punish us, so no matter how Qin Fengye finds fault with us, he will condone it."

"Qin Fengye knows the emperor's heart, so he will naturally try to pull our pigtails to please the emperor, so he will not miss this opportunity."

Bai Yu said: "I understand what you mean."

Bai Mingwei asked: "General Pingxi's son Lu Yunfeng was not among those arrested? Why didn't Seventh Brother mention him?"

Bai Yu said: "No, I was just about to tell you about this. This person is quite interesting. I suspect that he has understood your purpose, so you need to be careful and not let him ruin your plan. "

Bai Ming smiled and said: "It's interesting. When things are over tomorrow, I have to get to know him well."

(End of this chapter)

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