Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 687 Of course I am willing

Chapter 687 Of course I am willing
As long as you know how to be content and how to cherish.

Whether it is an ordinary, tense, stressful or difficult day, you can find a corner where your tired soul can rest.

For Feng Qingchen, the place where his heart rests is not the supreme authority, but a pastoral created by his own hands.

For her, her life may not be peaceful, but the company and support from those close to her can also make her happy and contented.

This peace of mind is my hometown.

Who said peace of mind must be achieved by reaching the top and being worshiped by thousands of people?
Feng Qingchen raised his eyebrows and said, "There is a legend in Western Chu. I heard that kind monsters live inside the grown melons. You can hear them whispering when you sit under the melon shed on a midsummer night."

"Their voices are a blessing. Those who hear them can be safe, happy, and happy. When you have the opportunity, would you like to listen to them with me?"

"If it doesn't work this year, then next year. If it doesn't work next year, then it will be the year after next. As long as I am not too old to move, melons will always be planted in the yard. This invitation is valid for life, are you willing?"

Bai Mingwei heard the words and asked him with a smile: "To be precise, the man and woman who heard it will grow old together and raise eyebrows together, right?"

Feng Qingchen still faced her direction: "Don't avoid the problem."

Bai Mingwei did not answer him directly, but picked up a piece of cantaloupe and handed it to his mouth:

"There is a saying in Dongling, 'It is not advisable to eat alone'. Do you want me to finish all these melons by myself?"

Feng Qingchen took the melon and took a bite: "I won't let you eat it alone, and naturally you won't let me stand alone under the melon shed to listen to the voice of the kind monster."

Bai Mingwei said nothing.

The gentle wind blew her black hair around her temples, and her beautiful face bloomed quietly like a water lotus.

Of course she is willing.

It's just not the time yet.

There was no need to repeat this answer. She knew that Feng Qingchen could understand it tacitly.

Seeing this, the little white ferret who was sleeping nearby got up, rolled his eyes at the two of them, turned his back to them and continued to sleep.

When the cantaloupe in the basin was eaten and a small pile of melon rinds was piled on the small table, Feng Qingchen got down to business.

"Qin Fengye's people went to Zhao's house last night."

Bai Mingwei frowned slightly: "Zhao family? My aunt's original husband's family? Things were done secretly, and my people didn't even receive the news."

Feng Qingchen nodded: "Yes, it's very secret. If I hadn't planted a nail in the Zhao family because of your little aunt's incident, it would be difficult for me to know about it."

This was his foresight.

After Bai Chenshuang's incident, he felt that the Zhao family would have problems again sooner or later, so he planted hidden stakes in the Zhao family.

Now it really comes in handy.

Bai Ming smiled: "Qin Fengye is trying to mess up my mind! He and Emperor Yuan Zhen's plan to plot against me didn't work, but he took action on the back." At this point, Bai Mingwei's face was full of ridicule: " If he was so diligent in doing other things, the government would not be in such chaos."

Feng Qingchen handed over the handkerchief to Bai Mingwei to wipe the honey stains on his hands: "Welcoming the envoy from Beiyan was originally a small shoe given to you by the emperor, but it turned into a good opportunity for you to establish your authority."

"Qin Fengye naturally can't sit still and wait for death. Let this matter become an opportunity for you to establish your authority. It will definitely upset you and make you unable to prepare to welcome the Northern Yan envoy with peace of mind."

There was a cold expression on Bai Mingwei's lips, and his gaze fell on the ice that had not yet melted, as if it was frozen.

"The Zhao family has a low ancestry, and the head of the family is only a fourth-rank official. With such a position, he can be said to be at the bottom of the heap in this capital city where powerful people gather."

"Originally, the Zhao family got close to the Bai family through their aunt, but when the Bai family suffered a disaster, they immediately added insult to injury, exposing their disgusting and ugly face."

"Although the Bai family is back together now, because Zhao Xiang and his aunt reconciled, and the Zhao family and the Bai family broke up, they can no longer take advantage of the Bai family. Naturally, they have to climb a new branch."

"Because of the quarrel with the White House, those forces that are friendly or neutral with the White House have no choice but to be Qin Fengye's dogs."

"They will definitely do their best to do whatever Qin Fengye orders this time to prove their loyalty to Qin Fengye."

"As the saying goes, 'The King of Hell is easy to meet, but the devil is difficult to deal with.' This time, the Zhao family's affairs may require some effort."

Feng Qingchen said: "Your sister-in-law does things neatly and thoroughly. When she took your little aunt over, the whole story was recorded in Jingzhao Mansion."

"The subsequent Heli and the Zhao family's abandonment of Cerong in order not to return the dowry are also supported by written evidence. It is difficult for the Zhao family to make splash on these matters."

"But just to be on the safe side, I asked Ah Liu to go to Jingzhao Mansion, take out the record at that time, and put a fake copy on top."

"If they want to make a fuss about the filing, we have the real filing, so we are not afraid of them, and the documents are in our hands, so the Zhao family can't change the world."

Bai Ming smiled and said: "You are still thinking carefully."

After a pause, Bai Ming sighed slightly and continued:
"Originally our family did not agree with this marriage, but my aunt has worked hard in this family for so many years and has never asked my grandfather for anything."

"My aunt insisted on marrying my little aunt to Zhao Xiang, but my grandfather had no choice but to fulfill my aunt's wish."

"In the past, my little aunt was protected by her father and brother, and her life was peaceful, but Zhao Xiang is simply not a human being. And the Zhao family's shamelessness is beyond the ability of normal people like us to estimate."

"They can't attack my aunt and Cerong, but they will definitely find ways to disgust us. I don't have anything to worry about. I'm just afraid that the hearts of Cerong and my aunt will be hurt."

Feng Qingchen smiled and said: "Although your little aunt is weak, she still has backbone, and Cerong has been taught well by her, so you can rest assured in this regard."

Bai Ming thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his lips: "I'm really worried, is it the Zhao family? Haha..."

"They treated my little aunt like that. It's a pity that our White House was weak at the time, and my sister-in-law had been careful, so she could only get such a result."

"I was just feeling that my bad breath hadn't come out yet, but now that they have bumped into me, it reminds me of my little aunt's past grievances. I must vent my anger for my little aunt this time."

(End of this chapter)

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