Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 601 It turns out to be an old friend

Chapter 601 It turns out to be an old friend

The team rested for an hour and then set off again.

The garrison blocking the front was wounded and fled. They did not encounter any danger on the stretch of road where they should have been encircled and suppressed.

But the road was damaged by huge rocks, making it extremely difficult for them to walk.

After finally walking through the difficult and dangerous section of the road, they quickened their pace and continued on their way as quickly as possible.

No one can completely relax, because they know that the fleeing troops will come back to deal with them.

Sure enough, before dawn, their way forward was blocked.

Standing in front of them with a disabled team was a small leader under Wei Zhuo. This person's name was Wu Heng, who was the calmer leader just now.

As he ran away, he felt more and more something was wrong.

The order from above was to capture the remnants of Zhao Qingyuan's rebellion. However, after the fight, it was obvious that the opponent was not that simple.

If Zhao Qingyuan had such a strong companion, he wouldn't be...

The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, so he gave up escaping to join his companions and instead turned back to try to figure out the truth.

He drew out his sword, pointed at the team in front of him, and asked in a cold voice without fear: "Who are you?!"

Bai Mingwei stepped out from the crowd, and the torch behind her lit up, illuminating her fresh clothes and armor.

However, no matter how intense the fire was, it could not be as red as her red dragon scale armor.

She looked at Wu Heng calmly and raised her lips: "Princess Dongling Anning, the leader of the Bai family's army of one hundred thousand, Bai Mingwei."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Heng was stunned.

Not only Wu Heng, but also the people behind him were stunned.

Wu Heng, who had a face as cold as iron, actually showed a look that was much more complex than incredible after he reacted.

His lips trembled, and after a while, he suddenly knelt down on one knee: "Wu Heng, humble duty! Welcome Princess An Ning!"

Can't go wrong.

Princess Anning's power has long been known to the world.

Such a bright face, such a heroic demeanor, and that unique red dragon scale armor.

In this world, who can pretend?

No wonder all operations take place at night.

No wonder they had no way of knowing any news about their opponents.

It turned out that what the garrison wanted to kill was not the remnant of Zhao Qingyuan at all, but Princess Anning who had returned home.

How can this be so?

What's going on in this world? !

Just after Wu Heng knelt down, the brothers behind him also knelt down one after another.

Some people do it from the bottom of their hearts, some people follow Wu Heng because they are his subordinates, and some people follow the trend.

However, no matter what, after Bai Ming revealed his identity, everyone knelt down and filled the small mountain road in front of them.

Bai Mingwei asked: "What are you doing?"

Wu Heng replied respectfully: "We are all warriors!"

There is not much explanation, but this sentence is very powerful.

They are warriors, not indifferent garrison troops, nor are they today's henchmen; they are warriors.They were saluting another warrior as warriors.

Salute to their respected warriors!

Bai Mingwei said nothing, just watched quietly.

Wu Heng stood up slowly, and the first words he spoke were: "Do it!"

There was a commotion in the team behind him, and someone was stabbed through the chest with a sword and thrown to the bottom of the cliff.

After a while, he leaned slightly towards Bai Mingwei: "The remaining people are all Beizi's confidants. Beizi is willing to escort the eldest girl back to Beijing. Please give me this opportunity!"

She is a eldest girl, not a princess.

Perhaps at this moment, Wu Heng had seen through Emperor Yuan Zhen's face.

So he would rather call Bai Mingwei a big girl than call her the title given by Emperor Yuan Zhen.

How ruthless it is to kill your companions.

But it also showed his determination.

Because he knew that once these people were alive, they would be a threat to the safety of the eldest girl and them.

He must prevent this from happening.

Bai Mingwei spoke slowly: "I know you. Your grandfather died 30 years ago when he blocked a knife for my grandfather."

"Then your father left with the whole family without asking for any reward, and there has been no news since."

Wu Heng was shocked beyond words.

Sometimes when his father was drunk, he would tell him about the glorious deeds of his elders.

After all, only my grandfather's deeds can be used.

It turns out that my grandfather was once a soldier. Many years ago, he escorted Bai Weiyong, who had not yet become prime minister, to negotiate with Yan. He was attacked on the way back. His grandfather blocked a knife for Bai Weiyong and died in the line of duty.

The person who assassinated Bai Weiyong had a well-established background. After his father heard the news of his grandfather's death, he moved his family away in order to avoid retaliation.

Later, their family became the slaves of a wealthy family and lived a humble and miserable life.

It wasn't until his parents died that he gritted his teeth and joined the army. It took him ten years to climb to the position of a small leader.

He has no children, no worries, and is alone.

His life is full of sourness and unbearable memories.

But he always remembered his father's words - "Your grandfather was a true warrior."

This sentence supported him to keep his heart.

He also supported him and gritted his teeth through all the hard days.

But at this time, Bai Mingwei's words "I know you" completely broke his guard.

It was not that he had never blamed Bai Xiang, thinking that Bai Xiang was the source of his family's misery.

It's not that I didn't hate this family, I hated them for not caring about my grandfather's death.

But unexpectedly, it turns out that Bai Xiang's descendants still remember their grandfather's sacrifice.

He couldn't believe it: "How could it be?"

Bai Yu stood out from the crowd: "You know, Old Zhengtou, right? He is my good friend, Bai Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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