Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 570 She is lucky

Chapter 570 She is lucky

Bai Mingwei stood outside the door silently, and unknowingly heard all the conversations between the sisters-in-law.

She turned around and left without saying a word.

Because she knew that there was no need for comfort.

The three sisters-in-law are stronger than she imagined. No matter what they encounter next, they will not be afraid.

What she can do is protect them and bring them home alive.

Thinking of this, Bai Mingwei left the cabin and went to the deck, ready to enjoy the wind.

The words of her sisters-in-law made her heart heavy, and she needed to clear her mind.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived on the deck, Feng Qingchen was also there.

The gentle evening breeze blew past my ears, and the stars in the sky flickered and flickered, shining brightly in the clear and clean sky.

Feng Qingchen stood with his hands behind his hands. His white clothes were frosted, and the white silk covering his eyes was blown up by the wind along with his hair.

Hearing the footsteps, he turned around slowly, with a light smile on his lips.

A gust of evening wind blew up, making his clothes rustle.

In an instant, Bai Mingwei had the illusion that he would fly away at any time.

"The weather is great."

Feng Qingchen spoke first.

Bai Mingwei walked up to him and looked at him slightly: "Why are you here?"

Feng Qingchen faced the Taotao River: "The cabin is a little stuffy, come out for some air. Why are you here too?"

In front of Feng Qingchen, Bai Mingwei did not hide anything.

She was silent for a moment, and then told Feng Qingchen: "Just now I wanted to comfort the three sisters-in-law and tell them not to be afraid."

Feng Qingchen looked back and tilted his head slightly to face her direction. His beautiful jaw looked a little blurry in the swaying light, but the beautiful and smooth lines were exceptionally clear.

"and then?"

Bai Mingwei looked at the rolling river under the dark night. The blurry mountains stood on the left and right, and the sound of waves crashed on both sides.

She told Feng Qingchen: "I have always blamed myself for the death of my second sister-in-law. Although I don't say it, I am always worried about it."

"Just now I was outside the third sister-in-law's door, and I heard the third sister-in-law say that she dreamed about the second sister-in-law. She said that in the dream, the second sister-in-law had been reunited with her second brother, but she still couldn't worry about me."

"The fourth sister-in-law and the sixth sister-in-law are also very worried about me. They are afraid that I will never let go of the death of the second sister-in-law. They want to persuade me, but they don't know where to start, so they are very troubled."

Feng Qingchen turned around and asked her, "So what do you think now?"

Bai Mingwei looked at the sword that was in his hand and said seriously: "It's time to let go. No matter how sorry and self-blame I am, my second sister-in-law will never come back."

"If my second sister-in-law is alive in heaven and knows that I have been grieving because of her death, she will definitely be worried."

"So what I should do is not to punish myself and spend every day with the guilt of my second sister-in-law, but to let go of her passing and cherish the life she sacrificed herself to protect." Feng Qingchen said. He raised his hand and patted Bai Mingwei's shoulder gently for a long time. His voice was filled with his unique fragrance and gentle comfort.


Bai Ming took a deep breath and felt that the starry sky seemed much brighter.

At the moment when she was relieved, the whole world became clear and beautiful.

She knew that she had made the right choice. Letting herself go would also allow those who cared about her to let go of their worries about her.

Holding the sword in her hand tightly, Bai Ming showed a relieved smile and asked Feng Qingchen: "What are you thinking about?"

Feng Qingchen pondered for a moment, and then told Bai Mingwei: "Occasionally, I miss my family."

Bai Mingwei did not answer. The tragic life experience of the regent of Western Chu was known to the whole world. Nine tribes were alone, and no relatives or friends were left alive.

She hoped that Feng Qingchen could let go as she did, but she was not sure whether Feng Qingchen could let go, so she did not speak rashly.

At this time, listening is far better than self-righteous comfort.

Sure enough, Feng Qingchen did not wait for her response, but continued: "I can never let go of my sister who suffered so much humiliation to protect me."

"I often think of my brother who was timid and timid, but was able to take on his responsibilities at the last moment. I also think of my father who was very strict but was as gentle as water to my mother."

"And my mother, who always has a smile on her cheek, reminds me that I once had a happy family..."

"There are many things that I may find difficult to let go of in this life, although I know what I should do is to let go of the past and live well with the blessings of the deceased."

After a pause, Feng Qingchen sighed softly: "But some things are easy to understand, but not easy to do."

Bai Mingwei listened quietly.

In her heart, Feng Qingchen is omnipotent.

This man is very powerful and can always do many things that ordinary people cannot do.

But she understands that those who climb higher than ordinary people must have more difficult experiences than ordinary people.

She never thought that Feng Qingchen was easy.

I have never thought that this man should be in a state of glory, without any blemishes or suffering.

But when Feng Qingchen mentioned the past in a calm tone, she still couldn't help but feel sad.

As she once said, no matter how difficult it is for her, she has a whole family by her side.

But Feng Qingchen was indeed alone, swallowing all the pain alone and reaching his current position with one sword and one sword.

She was lucky to Feng Qingchen.

After a long silence, Bai Mingwei slowly spoke: "The rest of our lives will be enough for us to miss some important people."

(End of this chapter)

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