Chapter 549 Let's Go Home
Looking at the finely woven blankets.

There were also dense emotions in Bai Yu's eyes.

The etiquette is light but the affection is heavy. These blankets represent the gratitude and memory of the people of Pingcheng for the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country, and also represent their respect and admiration for their fathers, uncles and brothers.

Compared with priceless treasures, it is obvious that these blankets, woven with sincerity by thousands of families, are more valuable.

He held his father's tablet and knelt down respectfully: "On behalf of my father, uncle and brother, I would like to thank everyone for their kindness."

The old man took the lead and put the blanket properly on the coffin with his own hands.

Then he stepped aside and slowly knelt down: "Send away! Martyr!"

"Send! Hero!"

One after another, the sounds resounded in the sky above Pingcheng. The people screamed hoarsely, and the shouts were so powerful that the ground shook.

But it seemed that they could not express their respect, so they shouted over and over again until they were hoarse, their throats were choked, and they could no longer make a loud voice.

The east wind blows, and sorrow and music arise.

As the people bid farewell sincerely, Bai Yu shouted hoarsely: "Get up! Let's go home!"

Little Chuanyi kept his lips pressed tightly, his face as white as a wall.

As Bai Yu spoke, his child's clear voice suddenly rose.

With choking, determination, and respect and heartache for the deceased.

"The body enters the loess, and the heroic spirit returns home!"

"The Bai family has passed on justice. Today, we will take on the responsibility of the Son of Man and bring all the heroic spirits from the bloody frontier home!"

After saying that, he held the tablet with only the word "heroic spirit" firmly in his hands.

Suddenly, a burst of drum sound came from the distant Yinshan Mountain.

The mourning and music in Pingcheng stopped, and everyone followed the sound and saw a figure moving in the direction of Yinshan Mountain in the distance.

As the drum beat, sonorous and powerful singing came.

The song "National Tragedy" swallows up the mountains and rivers, and is tragic and desolate.

At this time, a soldier came over and knelt down in front of Bai Yu: "Seventh Young Master, General Huo led his soldiers to Yinshan Mountain to pay homage. He asked his subordinates to tell you that he will often go to remember the soldiers on the cold-blooded frontier. I wish you all the best." Bon Voyage."

After the soldier finished speaking, he saluted Bai Mingwei: "Princess An Ning, have a safe journey!"

Bai Yu nodded slightly. Since his return, for safety reasons, he has not visited the Heroes' Tomb to worship even once.

Now that General Huo led his troops there, it made up for one of his regrets.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu said hoarsely: "Please thank General Huo for me!"

Bai Mingwei also said: "May the general's military fortune be prosperous!"

The soldiers stepped aside and the pallbearers lifted the coffin.

In the distance are the sounds of drums and "National Memorial", and in the near distance are the sounds of mourning and music and the people.The long procession returned home, carrying ten cold coffins and tablets representing countless heroes.

The people who crowded around immediately rushed up after the procession passed by, filling the long street behind the procession with water.

"Send to the martyrs!"

There was a shout, crying everywhere, and the people knelt on the ground.

When the team left Pingcheng, a uniform sound of sleeve-waving sounded from the city wall.

Soldiers are not allowed to leave their posts, but they can kneel down on one knee in unison to bid farewell to these heroes who have protected the northern border.

The territory of Dongling will not be surrendered at all.

People of Dongling, don’t lose the millet!
This is a duty that as a soldier, you must fulfill even if you risk your life!
They don’t know whether they will be able to return to their hometown in their lifetime, but they have made the decision to dedicate their lives to their country and people.

Maybe they are indeed fools, but isn't that the duty of a soldier?
Those who don’t understand are the fools!

On this day, the entire Pingcheng came out to see him off. Until the procession loaded the coffin onto the carriage and slowly drove away from Pingcheng, the crying continued for a long time.


The team left Pingcheng and embarked on the road back to Beijing.

Seated in the carriage were the female family members of the Bai family, two men, Mr. Liu Yao and Mr. Gongsun, and Feng Qingchen. The rest of the carriages were used to transport the coffin.

A hundred carefully selected elite soldiers and the original guards guarded behind.

The carriage was traveling very fast, and the scenery outside the window receded one after another, leaving behind blurry shadows.

The city wall became farther and farther away, and the people standing on the city wall became blurry.

Bai Mingwei watched as the people standing on the city wall seeing off gradually shrank into a small dot, then he lowered the car curtain and turned around to sit firmly.

The wheels were rolling, and her mind was like the axle, turning rapidly. The experiences of the past few months flashed in her mind like a fleeting glimpse.

For a moment, she had a lot of emotions and mixed emotions.

She had thought about the scene after the war more than once, but when the days of bloody fighting came to an end, she was not as relieved as she had imagined.

Because leaving this city means saying goodbye to the bloody battlefield, but it does not mean that the war is over.

From the moment we set foot on our homeward journey, the wars we will face in the future will be a Shura field that kills people but shows no blood.

The officialdom is ups and downs, and power is in conflict.

Every step must be taken on thin ice and with trepidation.

Thinking about this, Bai Ming took a long breath and his expression became extremely determined.

The most difficult hurdles have been overcome, and she is confident enough to solve future difficulties.

Because she is never alone.

(End of this chapter)

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