Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 541 She suffered it on your behalf!

Chapter 541 She suffered it on your behalf!
Bai Mingwei slowly picked up Ren. Because he had been kneeling for so long, he staggered a little and almost knocked Ren out.

Bai Yu had quick eyesight and quick hands. He and Yu Jiao held her firmly on the left and right.

Bai Yu whispered: "Be careful."

Bai Mingwei did not respond and walked into the room holding Ren.

She seemed to have calmed down, but in fact she was trying to control herself.

When her father, uncle, and brother died heroically, she was able to grit her teeth and get through it, but when her second sister-in-law left, there was no reason for her to collapse.

Even though her heart was like a knife and the pain was heartbreaking, she didn't dare to let herself be sad for too long.

As the seventh sister-in-law said, she still needs to avenge the second sister-in-law.

She still has a lot of unfinished things and a lot of responsibilities waiting for her to bear. She can't be defeated, otherwise the second sister-in-law's life will be in vain.

Controlling the emotions rolling in his heart like waves, Bai Mingwei gently put Ren on the bed.

She stretched out her hand to move Ren's hair away from her face, but blood stained Ren's face.

She quickly wiped it off with her hands, slowly and carefully, until she wiped Ren's face clean, and then she slowly stood up: "Sisters-in-law, please clean up the second sister-in-law and clean up, I still have Things to do.”

Gao choked up and responded to her: "We are here, don't worry, big girl."

Bai Mingwei gave Ren a deep look, then walked to the yard with his sword in hand and shouted sternly: "Guards, listen to the order! Be sure to secure the yard!"

Hundreds of guards saluted together and responded loudly: "Yes!"

Bai Mingwei gathered her emotions, walked up to Feng Qingchen, and asked word by word: "How much do you know about the situation?"

Feng Qingchen hid his injured hand under his sleeve, and then told her: "Pingcheng sneaked into two shadow guards, and Ling is leading the shadow guards to hunt them down."

Bai Ming turned his head slightly to look at the assassin who was lying in the corner with blood and flesh like a puddle of mud. His trembling hands tightly grasped the hilt of the sword.

She said: "This assassin should have sneaked into Liangcheng a long time ago, otherwise there is no reason why he would not be discovered."

"The other two shadow guards are just the lure to lure the tiger away from the mountain. The real killing move lies with this assassin."

As she spoke, her cold and sharp eyes suddenly fell on Liu Yao, frightening Liu Yao so smartly that he almost instinctively shrank behind Mr. Gongsun.

In the end, Bai Mingwei didn't say anything.

But it was Mr. Gongsun who spoke: "Your Majesty, Ninth Prince, I'm afraid the Second Young Madam has suffered for you."

Liu Yao said firmly: "How is that possible?"

Mr. Gongsun explained: "Your Highness, don't you think it's strange that you have a stomachache tonight? Everyone eats the same meal, why are you the only one who has a stomachache?"

Liu Yao looked at Bai Yu: "He's making trouble too!"

Mr. Gongsun sneered softly: "Can't you see that the Seventh Young Master is just pretending? If the Seventh Young Master hadn't saved you tonight, I'm afraid you would be the one lying there."

Liu Yao tightened his lips and said nothing, as if he still didn't understand the situation.

Mr. Gongsun shook his head and continued to explain: "Girl defeated Bei Yan, and Bei Yan will definitely hate her, but they may not succeed in assassinating Yatou. On the contrary, it is easier and more cost-effective to attack His Highness."

"Once something happens to His Highness in this team, who can escape the involvement? Then Long Yan will be furious and everyone will suffer?"

"The assassin was originally going to attack His Highness, but the Seventh Young Master disrupted his plan, so he changed his mind and went all out to assassinate the girl directly."

"His Highness has the time to speak harshly here, so why not think carefully about what made His Highness so upset, and then tell everyone the clues so that everyone can catch the accomplice as soon as possible!"

As soon as Mr. Gongsun finished speaking, Bai Mingwei's eyes fell on Liu Yao again.

Liu Yao lowered his eyelashes and thought for a moment, then blurted out: "How could it be?"

"How could it happen?!" Bai Xiuying stepped forward suddenly, grabbed his wrist, and asked sternly, "How could it happen?"

Liu Yao denied it flatly: "I just sigh, why are you so anxious?"

Bai Xiuying gritted her teeth: "Believe it or not, I will draw my sword and ask you?!"

Liu Yao hesitated: "It's really nothing!"

Bai Xiuying looked disdainful: "I thought that although His Highness was naughty, he had a good nature. Now that such a big thing happened, His Highness actually concealed it for the murderer. It turns out that His Highness is such a person!" The lamp flickered, and Liu Yao's eyes drifted away. He glanced, glanced, and finally landed on the pool of blood on the ground.

He gritted his teeth and told everyone the truth: "I ate the candy cake given by Jiang Jun tonight!"

"Ah Liu!" Feng Qingchen called.

Ah Liu immediately appeared in front of everyone: "Find out this matter within half an hour."

When Liu Yao saw this, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

This Jiang Jun was none other than one of the guards sent to him by his mother-in-law. He went north together with the civil servants who were transferred to six cities, and finally came to his side.

If there is a problem with Jiang Jun, and the person is given to him by his mother and concubine, will it implicate his mother and concubine?
Just as he was in a state of confusion, Ah Liu responded and then disappeared.

Bai Mingwei never looked at him again, and then asked: "Where is Zero?"

Feng Qingchen was silent, and finally said: "Come with me."

After saying that, the wind blew up the dust, and a black shadow flashed past in the dark night, and his people had disappeared.

Bai Mingwei immediately tapped her heels. A strong wind blew past her ears. She glanced down and saw that not only the guards, but the whole courtyard was also guarded by a group of men in black.

She knew that it was Feng Qingchen's secret guard, and she also knew that under such tight defense, without the cover of the heavy rain, even the shadow guard could no longer sneak into the small courtyard.

Therefore, everyone in the residence is safe.

And what she has to do now is to kill the other two shadow guards and collect some interest for the tragic death of her second sister-in-law!
Two figures, one black and one red, shuttled across the roof at extremely fast speeds, as elusive as ghosts.

After walking for a while, Feng Qingchen stopped on a roof and patted his arms. The little white ferret immediately jumped out and ran towards the southwest.

The two of them didn't waste any time and immediately followed the little white ferret.

After walking through the city for a while, the little white ferret suddenly stopped moving.

In front of them, two shadows floated.

Bai Mingwei immediately drew out his sword, held the hilt with both hands, pointed his toes into the air, and struck a blow in the air.

The sword energy carried the force of thunder and swayed towards the two fleeing shadow guards.

"Boom!" sounded.

The wall of the alley collapsed and it was a mess.

However, the movement skills of the two shadow guards were too charming, and they were barely able to avoid them.

However, during this delay, Zero Rate's hidden guards caught up and instantly got into a fight with one of them.

The other man was about to run away, but Bai Mingwei didn't give him this chance at all, and blocked his move with a sweep of his sword.

The next moment, a hand covered Bai Mingwei's eyes.

"Don't look."

As a soft voice sounded, the air was instantly filled with the disgusting smell of blood.

It turned out that while Feng Qingchen covered Ban Mingwei's eyes, he smashed one of the secret guards with one palm.

Yes, crush.

The man was like a watermelon, split into pieces in an instant.

When the obstruction in front of him disappeared, all he could see were the broken limbs splashing on the ground.

Her face was expressionless, and the hatred in her eyes did not diminish much.

Then, she attacked the remaining shadow guard.

She and Zero fought back and forth, but after just a few moves, she stabbed the Shadow Guard's body with her sword, pinning the Shadow Guard to the ground.

Pulling out the sword, her eyes were scarlet: "Your master is next!"

(End of this chapter)

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