Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 421 What did you get?

Chapter 421 What did you get?
The river is cold and the water is cold, with sporadic light rain.

Bai Xiuying and Liu Yao are investigating the identities and backgrounds of the dead girls.

They had just found Ren Yazi, and based on Ren Yazi's memories, they followed the clues to a girl's home.

When the girl was sold, she was the same as Bai Xiuying, but at the age of 13, she was still a young and beautiful girl.

If the girl were still alive, she would be twenty-eight years old now.

Several years later, the reason why Ren Yazi still remembers the girl who passed through his hands is mainly because this girl had a tragic fate that made everyone sad and shed tears.

The girl's name was Jiuyue. When she was born, her father was drafted into the army and went to guard the border in Qiang City. He was away for many years.

Her mother raised her alone and lived a hard life, but she did not starve to death.

But in September, when she was three years old, there was no harvest during the disaster year, so her mother had no choice but to take her to flee the famine. She was a frail woman with a baby who had just learned to walk. Needless to say, the hardships involved.

After finally surviving the famine, a father came back with his feet chopped off by Beiyan people.

So instead of having an easy life for the mother and daughter, the already difficult life for the mother and daughter was made even worse because they had to take care of their disabled father.

As September grew older, her mother became bedridden due to overwork.

In September, when she was ten years old, she took on the responsibility of taking care of her parents. Later, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she took the initiative to find Ren Yazi and sold herself.

In order to get more money for her mother's medical treatment, she asked Renyazi to sell her to the Xue family.

and after?
She didn't know whether her mother received good medical treatment because of this money.

She didn't know whether her father had changed into a softer bedding because of the money.

In this way, in pain and regret, it became the nourishment of flowers.

Liu Yao listened to Ren Yazi's eloquent narration. He was silent throughout the whole process, until a man who was too thin to be human-shaped crawled out of the dilapidated thatched hut.

The old man was covered in mud and had gray hair. He was wearing a ragged clothes, and his exposed flesh was chapped and purple from the cold.

His body was covered with large and small scars, some old and new, as if they were left by crawling on the ground.

Because he couldn't walk, he could only put two wooden boards on his elbows and tie them with tattered strips of cloth. He just dragged his immobile legs and moved little by little.

Liu Yao was startled at first, and then asked: "Are you September's father?"

He was used to being aloof and could not learn to speak softly. His arrogant attitude surprised and frightened the old man.

Bai Xiuying punched his arm, and then he stopped what he was going to say next.

Because Zhang Jin was worried about Liu Yao, he asked Zhou Yi to follow him.

At this time, Zhou Yi immediately spoke to ease the atmosphere: "Uncle, are you September's father?"

The old man nodded, but said nothing. He just crawled on the ground with difficulty.

Liu Yao wanted to speak again, but was still stopped by Bai Xiuying.

Zhou Yi didn't speak and watched quietly until the old man buried his head in the sink in the courtyard, drinking and drinking the dirty and turbid water in the sink.

Liu Yao couldn't bear it anymore. He threw the bucket into the well and brought up a bucket of clean water.

I wanted to find a cup or bowl to fill the old man with water, but I turned around and saw nothing.

He was a little angry, but he still took off his cloak, put it on the old man's body, and told him: "That's muddy water. Drinking it will kill you. Don't drink it next time."

The old man glanced at the noble Liu Yao in front of him, his eyes spread over Bai Xiuying, and finally stopped at Zhou Yi.

"I lost my legs, my wife and daughter, and now I have only one life left to survive. If there is anything I can't bear, just say it."

The old man's eyes were desolate, as if Liu Yao's warm cloak could not provide any comfort to his frozen body.

Bai Xiuying was surprised: "Uncle, she gone?"

The old man struggled to crawl towards the slightly bulging earth bag in the yard, grabbed a handful of earth with his hand, put it to his nose and sniffed. His cloudy eyes seemed to be filled with sadness.

"It's gone. It's gone a long time ago. On the night when September left, he disappeared without even mentioning it."

"I can't move her. I can't move her too far. I can only dig a hole for her in this yard and let her sleep here."

The old man spoke extremely calmly, and it was precisely because of this calmness that people felt the profound heartache.No one can imagine how a crawling man could bury his wife here.

They couldn't even imagine how the old man could survive without anyone taking care of him for the past three years.

Because the Xue family has been exterminated, Zhou Yi and the others don't have to worry about retaliation from the relatives of the deceased, and they don't have to be secretive in their actions.

Although it was difficult to say it, he still told the old man the truth: "Miss Yue Yue, she is gone..."

At this point, Zhou Yi choked up.

Seeing the old man's expression, he really couldn't finish his words.

The old man obviously didn't want to hear him continue speaking, so he raised his hand to stop what he was about to say.

The old man was silent for a long time, until the drizzle condensed into water droplets on his hair, and then he spoke slowly, his voice hoarse and desolate: "Where is the body? Can her body go home and be buried with her mother?"

No one realized for a moment that those who sold the death contract no longer had a so-called home.

That's why the old man asked if his daughter could come back and be buried with her mother.

Zhou Yi shook his head: "Sorry, her body is difficult to recover."

The old man didn't speak until everyone thought he would remain silent. Then he suddenly lay on his wife's grave and burst into tears.

"I couldn't leave the corpse behind, I couldn't leave it behind..."

"I have been holding my breath for these years, enduring day after day. I just don't want my son's hard work to be in vain. I also think that if one day she can go home, she can see her father even if she can't see her mother."

"But now that the person is gone, what's the point of all this? What's the point!"

The old man didn't ask how it disappeared, where it disappeared, or when it disappeared.

It seemed that he already vaguely knew his daughter's destined fate.

But still because of the connection of blood and flesh and blood, he wanted to see his daughter again.

This is his obsession.

Other than that, nothing else seems to matter.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Zhou Yi bent down to help him: "Uncle, it's cold outside, let's go inside and talk."

The old man cried so hard that he almost lost his breath. No matter how much Zhou Yi held him, he did not resist, so he was carried back into the house by Zhou Yi.

Yes, it's cold outside.

But it's colder inside.

There are no furnishings in the bare-walled house, except for a pile of tattered quilts whose color cannot be seen in a dry corner...

Liu Yao even felt that such a house was not as good as the ruined temple he and the beggars robbed.

The old man was still crying, beating his chest with his calloused hands while crying about the unfairness of his fate.

"I lost these legs for Dongling. I have never complained. I am sincere to Dongling. What will I get in the end?"

"Is it the wife who never had a good day and died of exhaustion and illness, or the daughter who sold herself for her parents, only to end up with no bones left?"

"I have been living on my last breath for three years. I have endured thousands of days and nights. It's not that I don't want to die, but it's not that I don't dare to die. Why am I holding on for a breath? It's just to see the miserable September side of me again!"

"Just to see my son again... once..."

The old man vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the side, breathless.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi had prepared everything in order to serve the Ninth Prince, and he also brought along a colleague who had been a barefoot doctor for several years.

When the man saw this, he immediately put his hand on the old man's pulse.

But in the end, he still shook his head: "Uncle has long been mentally exhausted, and there is no way to save him. Even if we don't come today, this will still be the result."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man opened his eyes weakly, opened and closed the corners of his lips, and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.


(End of this chapter)

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