Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 413 Make a perfect ending

Chapter 413 Make a perfect ending
Bai Ming nodded slightly, with an extremely sincere smile on his face: "I know, because I believe in you and the brothers."

Don’t trust people when you employ them, and don’t trust people when you doubt them. If you use them, you should give them enough trust and support, and give them enough space to show their talents.

This way no one with lofty ideals will be buried.

Zhang Jin was startled, but when he was about to say something, Bai Mingwei had already galloped a long way away on horseback.

Looking at Bai Mingwei's back, Zhang Jin suddenly realized that he had not thought of General Cui for a long time.

Even though General Cui had been his accomplice for many years, General Cui left no trace in his heart as much as Miss Bai, whom he had known for only a few months.

He knew the reason for this.

He did not mean to belittle his old master, but he once again deeply realized that Miss Bai was worthy of his life to follow.

So he waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, follow our leader!"

After all the people guarding the warehouse were killed, the seeds were quickly found.

The seeds were piled in the third and fourth caves respectively, and the driver and the brothers were carrying them out and loading them into the truck.

When Bai Mingwei and Jiang Ci met, both of them looked exhausted. Seeing each other out of breath and sweating profusely, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

Jiang Ci didn't say much and continued to direct the convoy to load the goods.

Bai Mingwei didn't have time to talk to Jiang Ci, so he immediately went to take stock of the situation in the warehouse.

Everything went on in an orderly manner until...


Zhou Yi rushed over in a hurry, but before he had time to salute, he stumbled and said: "Something happened!"

Bai Ming frowned slightly: "What's the matter? Speak slowly, don't be hasty."

Zhou Yi said incoherently: "Girl, the seeds are here, but there is no food."

Bai Mingwei said: "It's normal to have no food. Xue Huaizu has so many granaries. The food is probably sent directly to Xue Huaizu's granary and sold from Xue Huaizu."

"Those you saw in the third warehouse should be the rations of the guards. For some reason, they were piled in that hole."

Zhou Yi nodded hurriedly, and then asked: "Girl, do you know why there are so many warehouses, and they want to pile rations and seeds in the third warehouse?"

Bai Mingwei was a little confused: "Isn't it because the third warehouse is close to the first and second warehouses where they settled, making it easier to access?"

Zhou Yi shook his head, but his words were still unclear: "No, no, no, that's because the other warehouses are full, so the rations and seeds are piled in the third warehouse."

Bai Ming said slightly: "Speak slowly, don't be hasty."

Zhou Yi took a few deep breaths and then explained his words clearly: "Girl, the remaining caves are all filled with salt! There are three huge caves filled with salt. If you exchange it for silver, then... My subordinates dare not even think about it!"

Bai Mingwei heard the words and showed a sneer.

Now it's all clear.

Compared with seeds and salt, military rations are just a small profit. After being transported to Jincheng, they are directly digested by Xue Huaizu. They do not need to be transported to other places, but can be turned into silver at Xue Huaizu's place.

But not seeds and salt.

The seeds need to be transported to Qin Fengye's hands in order to realize the maximum value through the land under his name.

The salt needs to be transported to a special place and can be sold at a specific time.

Because the appropriate time for transportation has not yet arrived, the contents in this secret warehouse have been accumulated until now.

If she hadn't been involved in these things in search of seeds, she wouldn't have forced them to act so quickly.

The transportation and storage of salt require special vessels.

No wonder those people, instead of trying to put out the fire after the ship caught fire, let the ship burn completely.

They allowed the ship to be burned because they wanted to burn all the vessels in the ship so as not to leave any clues.

Bai Mingwei always thought that Qin Fengye had completely sold out the salt mines discovered near Yinshan Mountain to the Beiyan people.

But he never thought that he wanted more - to unite with the people of Beiyan and share the benefits brought by the salt mine.

Therefore, the salt produced in the mine where Fifth Brother is located is not only transported to Beiyan, but also part of it is transported here and piled up, waiting for the right time to be transported away and exchanged for huge amounts of money.

Thinking of this, Bai Mingwei clenched his fists and let out another contemptuous sneer.After all, she underestimated Qin Fengye's appetite. How could he be satisfied with just seeds?
Bai Ming took a few deep breaths to calm down, and then told Zhou Yi: "Go and estimate the approximate amount of salt in the three caves."

Zhou Yi didn't dare to delay and hurriedly led his brothers to do it.

Bai Mingwei found Jiang Ci and told Jiang Ci about the discovery of salt, and then continued: "Brother Jiang, the situation has changed now. We must be careful when transporting food. Before the food is sent to Qiang City, It must not be discovered.”

Jiang Ci sighed: "It would be easy to handle if it was all grain, but there are still three warehouses of salt. If you are not careful, someone will bite you back and say that these salts are related to us."

"We really should be more careful. Once it is revealed that we are transporting things from here, others will not care what we transport. We will be responsible for smuggling salt."

Bai Mingwei looked solemn: "Brother Jiang, I can trust the person you are looking for. There will be no problem in keeping confidentiality."

"Just how high do you think it is that they can successfully transport the seeds back to Qiang City without being discovered?"

Jiang Ci told Bai Mingwei: "Don't worry about this. The convoy is not an ordinary commercial fleet, but a escort fleet. They come from various towns on the surface, and they are no different from the commercial fleet."

"But in fact, this firm not only runs the business of ordinary fleets, helping merchants who travel all over the country to deliver goods, but also secretly runs the business of escort agencies."

"I invited them here this time for the business of transporting escorts, so these grooms pulling the carts are all trained escorts."

"Not only can they ensure that the seeds are safely transported to Qiang City, but they also have an excuse to transport the seeds. They can completely cover up this operation without leaving any traces."

"They are fully prepared for any emergencies/situations they may face on the road. They will be able to deal with them if they happen, so don't worry."

Bai Mingwei nodded slightly: "If they can do it without leaving any traces and preventing outsiders from finding out about it, even if someone knows in the future that we came here and transported a batch of things, as long as there is no evidence, there will be nothing they can do to us."

As he spoke, Bai Mingwei's eyes were bright, as if he already had a plan in mind: "Then this batch of salt will be easy to deal with."

Jiang Ci nodded: "I understand. I will tell them again to make sure they do this without leaving any trace."

Jiang Ci asked her, "What are you going to do?"

Bai Ming smiled mysteriously: "I want to borrow a knife to kill someone."

Jiang Ci wanted to ask more details, so he came over to report: "Mr. Jiang, all the goods have been loaded into the truck and are ready to go at any time. Do you have any other instructions?"

Jiang Ci nodded slightly to Bai Ming and then retreated.

The morning light dews slightly, and the sun begins to rise.

A faint layer of mist drifted between the mountains.

A thousand carriages were divided into five groups and drove away from this hillock filled with sins. Each group was escorted by a hundred soldiers.

Fifteen thousand one hundred stone seeds were loaded onto the carriage one by one.

After several days of busy work, these seeds that should belong to Qiang City were all returned to Bai Mingwei's hands.

The price they paid was not only the risk of leaving their posts without permission, but also the loss of 39 brothers.

The loss here is not a loss in the sense of life.

Including Dong Ren, fifteen brothers who were sent to rob the letter were seriously injured, and fourteen of them had their hamstrings picked up. They are likely to become cripples who will be unable to move for life.

The few battles just now also caused 24 brothers to suffer serious injuries, and it is very likely that they will not be able to fight again for the rest of their lives.

Anyone would think that exchanging 39 people for more than 1 stones of seeds would be a small price, but no one felt comfortable.

Bai Mingwei took Zhang Jin and others to personally provide emergency treatment to the 24 injured brothers, and then asked people to spread the mattresses taken from the cave on the carriage and rush the injured to Jincheng for treatment.

Zhang Jin comforted her: "Miss Bai, think on the bright side, we didn't sacrifice anyone this time. The brothers' injuries were all treated in time and will not be life-threatening. Don't worry too much."

Bai Mingwei thought of Dong Ren covered in blood, of the brothers in the tent who had their hamstrings picked up and was only breathing, and of the wounds where the skin and flesh were rolled and the intestines leaked out, she slowly closed her eyes.

She told Zhang Jin: "As a soldier, not being able to fight again may be more unacceptable than death."

Zhang Jin was silent and put himself in his shoes. If he lost his limbs and became a useless person, he would rather die.

Bai Ming slowly opened his eyes and saw Zhang Jin's depressed face, so he comforted him: "Heal the injuries of the brothers first."

"As for the value of the rest of their lives, I will try to find it for them. I will not let their hearts be ruined because of this action."

Zhang Jin nodded vigorously: "If it were you, I believe you can do it."

Bai Ming patted him on the shoulder slightly: "Lead the remaining 200 brothers to clean up the scene, don't leave any traces of us, and then break it into pieces and continue to lurk nearby. I want to give this matter a perfect ending. .”

(End of this chapter)

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