Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 1251 Do you dare to make this bet?

Chapter 1251 Do you dare to make this bet?
Gao Han's words stopped abruptly.


Those things are clearly...

The eldest brother told him that it was his sister who led him to the back mountain and pushed him into the cave.

The eldest brother also told him that if his sister had not provoked the robbers, they would not be in danger.

It was obviously my sister's fault every time, so why did it become his fault now?

Big brother will not lie to him!

So, he sneered: "You have to draft a lie! How could she go out without taking a servant with her? Even if all the servants went out to look for me at that time! Then who knows what happened when she looked for me? ? It’s just full of nonsense! It’s a bunch of lies!”

The old grandma couldn't stand listening anymore. She walked over and pulled up Mr. Gao's sleeve: "There are scars here from snake bites, and there are scars from falls in many places on the body. Young Master... you..."

Gao Han immediately interrupted the old nanny: "It's so ridiculous, she might have released those snakes!"

The old grandma was speechless for a moment. She took a deep look at Gao Han and finally sighed.

Mrs. Gao looked at such a stubborn son and didn't know what to say.

In the final analysis, it was all her fault as a mother.

If he could notice the changes in the relationship between his brother and sister and mediate in time, how could he make the two siblings become the life-and-death enemies they are today?
Mr. Gao sat upright on the bed with a calm expression.

Judging from her performance, she has given up reasoning.

So, she said: "Let's make a bet. If you win, I will remarry Mr. Xue and help you solve the Xue family's difficulties. How about that?"

Mrs. Gao called out uneasily: "Rou'er..."

Mrs. Gao smiled at Mrs. Gao, and then looked at Gao Han with burning eyes: "Little brother, do you dare?"

The furious Gao Han snorted: "What kind of bet?"

Mrs. Gao slowly spoke: "Invite your eldest brother here and tell him that you already know all the truth and that he poisoned you, causing you to have a high fever and almost killing you. Let's see how he reacts. "

When Gao Han heard this, he immediately became furious: "Gao Minrou! You fart! How can you slander eldest brother like this?! You vicious woman with ulterior motives! You haven't harmed me enough! You dare to frame eldest brother! Sow discord between me and eldest brother! !”

Mrs. Gao felt that Gao Han had gone too far and quickly stopped her: "Han'er! This is your biological sister!"

Gao Han sneered: "Mother, you see you favor her again! She is not my biological sister! The only one who is good to me in this family is my eldest brother!"

Mrs. Gao was heartbroken, but she did not dare to say anything more to add fuel to the fire.

The old grandma was also helpless.

Only Gao, even though his hands were clenched, his face remained as calm as before.

She asked: "Could it be that, brother, don't you dare?"

Gao Han retorted: "This is not a question of whether you dare or not! It's just that I don't want to think about your divorce plan!"

Gao said word by word: "If eldest brother treats you wholeheartedly and doesn't mind your temptation at all, why would he upset you? What's the use of my so-called divorce plan? It turns out that you don't trust eldest brother that much. Well……"

When Gao Han heard this, his forehead felt hot and he responded: "Just bet! Whoever is afraid of whom! Gao Minrou! You will definitely lose!"

Mrs. Gao stood up: "In that case, let's make rules. In front of big brother, you can only say certain words. If you say more or less, you will lose."

"As long as you can meet this requirement, you will be considered the winner. At that time, I will personally go to the Xue family to plead guilty and beg the Gao family to marry me."

Gao Han glanced to the side and said viciously: "Tell me what I should say, and I will win until you cry!"

Seeing that the method of provoking generals worked, Gao walked up to him and told Gao Han the rules in a low voice. Finally, she warned: "If you really respect your elder brother and want to restore his innocence, then treat this matter with caution."

"Otherwise, if you lose, it means that your respect for Big Brother is just lip service, and you are no longer worthy of mentioning Big Brother."

Gao Han is sure of victory: "I will make your loss ugly!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Gao stopped talking to Gao Han.

She looked at Mrs. Gao: "Mother, you have been taking care of your brother all day long. Now that his fever has subsided, I will help you go to the wing to rest."

Mrs. Gao hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "That's fine."

The mother and daughter took their respective confidants and left together.

In the wing room.

Mrs. Gao had a sad look on her face: "Rou'er, your brother is so stubborn and stubborn, I'm afraid he won't wake up."

Mrs. Gao held Mrs. Gao's hand: "My brother is so hostile to me. No matter what anyone says, he won't listen."

"For the current plan, we can only let him see the truth for himself so that he can understand. There is nothing we can do about it."

Mrs. Gao blamed herself: "It's all my mother's fault. My mother didn't teach your brother well, which led to today's situation."

Mrs. Gao shook her head: "How could it be my mother's fault? My mother, like my brother, has been a victim all these years, so how can I not be a victim?"

Mrs. Gao was a little disappointed: "Yes, but why did I wake up so late..."

Was it because the lie they weaved was so perfect that they were able to deceive her?
Or had she already seen the clues but lied to herself?
All in all, she was not at all responsible for today's result.

However, the mistake has been made, what's the use of regret and regret? Only making amends and corrections is the top priority.

Mrs. Gao held her hand tightly: "Mother, if it were any other mother, after knowing such a thing, she would have to pretend to be deaf and dumb for the sake of 'family harmony', or even choose to sacrifice her children to maintain dignity."

"But after you learned the truth, you resolutely gave up the concept of decency engraved in your bones for the sake of your children. You also had to stand behind your children and confront the husband you had always respected."

"You are the best mother in the world. Because of you, my daughter has support and support. How can you still blame yourself?"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Gao looked at her daughter without saying a word for a long time.

After a while, she finally spoke: "Rou'er, my mother is not doing this just for you."

"Your maternal grandparents taught my mother what is right and wrong when she was very young. I hope my mother can be upright."

"What your father has done now is a crooked way, and the benefits obtained through such pursuit will not last long."

"If I ignore my mother, the family will inevitably go downhill in the end. And everyone in the family will be affected."

"I hope this small amount of resistance can make your father wake up and run the Gao family in an upright manner from now on."

"If your father can't look back, then my mother also hopes that she can at least bring you and your brother out of the quagmire."

At the end of her speech, she looked at Mr. Gao and said earnestly:

"Rou'er, as the wife of the Gao family, my mother should plan for the Gao family; as the mother of you and Han'er, my mother should think about the long term for you. Don't feel indebted, we are all trying our best to do what we should do. matter."

At this time, her mother would still comfort her in turn.

How many lifetimes of blessings did she have to cultivate to meet such a wonderful mother?

In the end, she didn't say much, just said: "Now it depends on whether my brother can wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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