Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 1238 The young master is seriously ill

Chapter 1238 The young master is seriously ill

"Fengjunshi" didn't explain clearly, and Bai Xiuying couldn't figure out the reason.

She no longer persisted in asking "Feng Counselor" about his plans. She could only follow Feng Counselor's advice, hold back her temper, and wait and see what would happen.

So, she chatted with Ha Yi for a few words, then went back to her room, without any movement the whole day.

Gao Sheng couldn't help but feel a little strange after hearing the report from his confidant:

"That sixth girl has become surprisingly quiet since she met Military Master Feng. With her temperament, it's impossible for this sixth girl to be so calm. I'm afraid there's some deceit involved..."

The confidant said: "Perhaps Sixth Miss has figured it out and knows that it is useless even if she is as anxious as a headless fly, so why not stop being anxious?"

Gao Sheng sneered: "You don't understand this little girl. She is so impatient and can't calm down at all. If she behaves like this now, I'm afraid Military Master Feng said something to her."

"This Military Advisor Feng is a member of General Zhenbei. When General Zhenbei defended the enemy in northern Xinjiang, he was the one behind the scenes."

"To be used in such an important position must be something special. If Miss Six is ​​holding on to her temper just like that, it must be the Feng Commander who has something planned."

"It seems that we have to start with my younger sister. If my younger sister is willing to remarry, no matter how powerful they are, it won't help."

The confidant asked cautiously: "Young Master, what do you mean..."

Gao Sheng showed a smile that was determined to win: "Everyone has a weakness, and my little sister's weakness is her mother. The only one who can make my little sister nod is her mother."

"That day after my mother came out of my father's study, my father ordered me to start with my younger brother. Now it's time to accept the results."

"Go, let mother know about my little brother's current situation. The worse my little brother is, the more worried my mother will be. Between my little brother's life and death, and my little sister's grievance, it all depends on my mother's choice."

After saying that, Gao Sheng smiled even deeper.

That expression was almost the same as when Mr. Gao met Mrs. Gao that day.


In the backyard.

Mrs. Gao leaned on the chair.

After meeting the Xue family mother and son, she ate and drank medicine without missing anything.

Even with this breath, her body looked much better than before.

Mrs. Gao stayed by her side, never leaving.

Seeing her daughter being so careful, she took Mrs. Gao's hand and said, "Rou'er, you don't have to be like this."

Mrs. Gao looked ashamed: "It's my daughter who has made her mother worried."

Mrs. Gao spoke softly: "You are my daughter. From the moment I know you exist, until the moment I close my eyes, I will worry about you."

Mrs. Gao lowered her eyelashes: "Mother, seeing you like this makes my daughter feel uncomfortable."

Mrs. Gao's voice was even gentler: "Wei Niang knows that you feel guilty for letting Wei Niang see the truth. You feel that it is because of your behavior that Wei Niang suffered."

"But silly boy, I am your biological mother. Isn't it right for a mother to protect her children? How can you feel guilty about the protection that a mother should give you?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Gao put her face on Mrs. Gao's hand: "I will still be your daughter in the next life."

Mrs. Gao smiled kindly, and her eyes became particularly firm.

After coming out of the study that day, she never paid attention to Master Gao again.

This is the first time in the decades since she married into a high official that she has been so tough.

It was also the first time that she openly challenged Mr. Gao.

Master Gao will not change his decision to let Mrs. Gao remarry, but Mrs. Gao firmly maintains her daughter's intention.

Now, the two of them are in a stalemate, and neither one has backed down.

Mrs. Gao comforted her daughter: "No matter what, I won't let you jump into the pit of fire. Your father's political performance assessment is about to take place, and it is a big taboo to have unrest at home. Even if he doesn't care about anything else, he will still care about his official career. I believe that, Eventually he will give in."

"You, don't think about anything, just stay by my mother's side. Since you got married, our mother and daughter haven't gotten along like this for a long time. With you by our side, my mother is very happy, and you just need to be like before. That way, you can be worry-free.”

Gao responded: "Hey!"

Mother and daughter cuddled together.

It's not too cold in Jiangnan in late autumn.

But there was already a charcoal fire in the room.

Mrs. Gao was roasted by the warm charcoal fire, and then she felt warmer.

At this moment, a young man ran in in a panic and knelt on the ground with a bang: "Madam, the young master is seriously ill, please go and take a look!"

"What?!" Mrs. Gao sat up in shock, her face suddenly turned pale.

Mrs. Gao supported her mother: "Let's go see my little brother."

Mrs. Gao nodded hurriedly, and together with Mrs. Gao, hurried to Gao Han's residence.

When mother and daughter arrived, Gao Han was lying on the bed. He was covered in sweat, as if he were soaked in water.

His brows were furrowed tightly, as if he was in great pain.

When Mrs. Gao saw this, she felt heartbroken. She threw herself in front of her son's bed. As soon as she put her hand on Gao Han's forehead, she shrank back because of the heat.

She angrily asked: "What's going on? Why are you so sick? Why are you reporting to me now?!"

Gao Han's servant was trembling, knelt down and spoke incoherently: "The doctor said that the young master was worried too much and the cold air entered his body, so he fell ill."

Mrs. Gao frowned: "Young master is lively and active, and his body has always been strong. How could he be so sick?"

The young man was frightened: "I'm reporting back to you, madam, the young master is indeed strong and healthy. Even if he was pushed into the lake by the sixth girl of Baifu that day, he shouldn't have suffered from the cold."

"It's true, it's true that he heard that the Xue family would hold on to his faults. He was overly worried for a while, and soaked in cold water for a long time, so he couldn't afford to fall ill."

"The doctor has already prescribed the medicine, but after the young master drank it, there was no relief at all. The fever never went away! You are so brave, the young master is suffering from a heart disease..."

After hearing this, Mrs. Gao did not blame Bai Xiuying for pushing Gao Han into the water because of Gao Han's condition.

Nor did he put this fault on Gao's head.

She knows the ins and outs of things and can naturally judge right from wrong.

After the initial worry, she ordered: "Go outside and invite more doctors. Go quickly."

The boy was very busy.

Mrs. Gao then ordered: "Go and get a basin of well water to cool the young master down."

She ordered her servants in an orderly manner and quickly stabilized the situation.

At this time, Gao Han began to murmur: "I don't... I don't want to go to jail... I don't want my legs to be broken... Don't... don't... have my legs broken... don't..."

Mrs. Gao put the handkerchief handed to her by a servant on Gao Han's forehead, held her son's hand, and comforted her softly: "No one will hit you, don't be afraid, my mother is here, everything will be fine."

She was so anxious that her hands were shaking.

My heart was in my throat, as if it would be crushed at any moment.

Every mother has a pity for her children.

How could she not feel pain for her biological son?

But despite this, she did not show any preference for her son in front of the Gao family.

Before Gao could speak, she said first:

"You must not think that it is because you did not marry the young master of the Xue family that your brother was harmed like this; and don't blame Miss Six. Her actions were indeed inappropriate, but your brother was also at fault first."

"Your brother is a man. He should bear the responsibility for the trouble he caused. The blame lies only on the Xue family's strong words, but also on your brother's own inability to handle the trouble. It has nothing to do with you."

Known daughter Moruomu.

Seeing my little brother become so ill, and seeing my mother so anxious.

Mrs. Gao did regret for a moment that she shouldn't have fought against fate and let her mother worry so much in the end.

Hearing what her mother said, Mrs. Gao felt even more guilty.

But in the end, all the heartache and guilt turned into determination.

The mother's sensible words and every word are filled with love and care for her children.

Now that she has embarked on this path, she cannot easily shake her heart, lest she waste her mother's wishes.

Finally, Mrs. Gao said: "Mother, I'm going to ask the doctor in the house who has seen my brother first to understand the situation. When the doctor from outside comes to visit, I will invite the doctor in the house to come over, and we will consult together and brainstorm. It’s also very beneficial to my brother’s health.”

Mrs. Gao nodded: "Go, I will take care of you here."

Mr. Gao saluted and then withdrew.

Regarding her younger brother's illness, she was initially distressed and a little guilty.

But then, she felt a little confused in her heart.

The younger brother is the son of an official family, and the Xue family is nothing if not dependent on the Taishi Mansion.

Even if the Xue family is messy, it won't scare the younger brother like this.

She made an excuse to go to the doctor and wanted to know where her brother's illness came from.

If there were no other reasons, just taking a dip in the pond, I wouldn't have become so seriously ill.

Just as she was thinking, she saw Gao Sheng at the door.

The unformed conjecture in her heart was almost confirmed at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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