Rebirth of the eldest daughter

Chapter 1206: What you say is better than what you sing!

Chapter 1206: What you say is better than what you sing!

Yu Jianling doesn't believe in refugees.

The subordinate officials were not optimistic about Liu Yao.

No one thought that Liu Yao could defeat Qian Kun.

Liu Yao, who was not favored by anyone, knelt on one knee and held a wooden stick high in his hands.

The wooden stick was as thick as a child's wrist and three feet long.

The top was polished smooth and shiny. It might be a cane used by a hobbling old man or a thin and weak woman.

He held it like that and spoke loudly, word by word:

"Liu Yao's late arrival has caused all of you to suffer hardships. I stand here to apologize. I dare not ask for forgiveness from the folks. I only hope to eliminate the anger of the folks."

As soon as he said this, someone immediately spat at him: "Bah! What a shame!"

Some people were furious: "The soil covering people's graves is still new! There are still corpses floating in those potholes! Just because you bear a thorn to plead guilty! It's useless! Even if I kill you, I won't be repaid with my life!"

Some people came to the conclusion: "Yes! In Dashui, Jiangbei, it is your Liu family who has no virtue! The emperor has no virtue, and God will punish us! Killing you will not be enough to pay for it!"

Someone's emotions were immediately aroused: "Wait until he says nonsense! Kill him now! Kill him! Take his life as a sacrifice to heaven!"

Others echoed: "Enough is enough! We have had enough in this life! We have had enough of exorbitant taxes and natural and man-made disasters!"

Some people's eyes were red again, their faces were ferocious, and they were hysterical:

"Kill you and we will be free!"

"If I kill you, we won't have to live without enough food and clothing!"

"Kill you so we don't have to suffer in this world!"

"Kill you! Only kill you, only kill you!"


The crowd was outraged:

"Kill the dog prince!"

"Kill the dog prince!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

The people lost control again and the situation was chaotic.

Rage, roar.

Noisy, noisy, noisy...

It's like a raging flame that's hard to control.


At this moment, a crisp crack of a whip drowned out the commotion.

Like thunder piercing the ear.

Liu Yao's back soon showed a deep mark.

He was wearing mysterious clothes, and the color of blood could not be seen.

But the skin exposed in the tatters of the clothes was shocking.

It's the man in gray.

He held the dirty rope in his hand and used it as a whip to throw at Liu Yao's back.

He shouted: "The folks are right! The death of the Dog Prince is not a pity!"

The noisy people were stunned by this voice.

They are all low-class people with their faces turned to the earth and their backs to the sky. At most, they have only killed livestock and beasts.

They kept shouting and killing, and became as violent as animals.

But if you really see blood, you will still feel a little uncomfortable.

This discomfort gave Liu Yao the opportunity to speak.

"Good fight!"

He still held the stick high and threw it loudly, his attitude could not be described as insincere.

The man in gray gave him another hard whip with his backhand.

Use all your strength. Liu Yao's back instantly drew a big bloody cross.

The man in gray was filled with indignation: "Good fight, right? Do you think this is the end of it?!"

"Your Liu family is incompetent! In the face of natural disasters, you will only increase taxes and miscellaneous taxes! Make us do corvee! You have never thought of solving natural disasters for us, and have driven us to death again and again!"

"You Liu family are incompetent! In the face of man-made disasters, you only know how to recruit troops from us and send our young men to die. You don't even care about the gray-haired old people at home and the children who are waiting to be fed!"

"There is no one to repair the house, there is no labor force in the fields, there is no one to take care of the old parents, and there is no one to protect the weak wives and children! In this flood, there is not even a person who can hold on to the wood to prevent the old and young from being washed away!"

"Open your eyes and look! Look at the people in front of you! Old ones, young ones. Do you know how we survived when the flood came? Do you know how hard we worked to leave?" Did you go to the county town for help?"

"But what did your court do?! You didn't open the warehouse in time to release grain, just to treat the people, but you also drove us to death! Do you think that by digging a hole and burying us, all these debts will be written off?!"

"It's all because of your Liu family's incompetence! If you don't have the ability to support the people! You have no right to sit in that position! If you don't have the ability to make the people rich, you should be punished! Even if your blood is splashed on the city today, it won't be enough to offset our anger. !”

Having said this, the man in gray gave another fierce whip:

"It's not enough to repay. The suffering and torture we have been suffering are not enough to make up for our painful struggle under the disaster!"

In a word, every word hits the nail on the head.

Every word speaks to the hearts of the people.

The root of people's anger is long-standing suppressed dissatisfaction, as well as the anger and fear caused by hunger during disasters.

When these emotions accumulate, they become demons that overwhelm reason.

Therefore, every time the man in gray said a word, the hearts of the people would tremble heavily.

By the end, some people were shaking with emotion.

Some people poked their hearts in tears and burst into tears.

There are also people who are angry at the incompetence of the court and resentful of God's injustice.

But without exception, they did not shout to fight or kill at this moment.

But I want to know if the emperor's son can give them justice!

Liu Yao was still kneeling on the ground, his back straight but his head hanging down.

Straightening his spine is a sign of his pride as a nobleman.

He lowered his head, showing his shame as a prince.

In the silence, he cracked the silence with a hoarse voice suppressing pain: "Good fight!"

After a pause, he continued:

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm late. Before the flood happened, I failed to see your suffering, and I was wrong; when the flood happened, I was not by your side, and I was also wrong; after the flood, I didn't Arriving right away, it’s even more of a mistake!”

"For the suffering you have suffered, the pain of my mere flesh is nothing. As you said, even death cannot offset your pain."

"But I want the folks to know that I, General Zhenbei, and other officials went north, not only with the imperial edict for disaster relief, but also with the determination to solve the floods in Jiangbei."

"As long as we can help you, no matter what method, we will try. We will find a way to make the water recede and help you rebuild your homes."

"And we are doing this. The disaster relief regulations have been drafted and will be gradually improved. By then, you will not only have enough food, clothing and medicine to survive the disaster, but you will also be well settled before the disaster is over."

"After the disaster is over, we will try our best to ensure your future life. The land you rely on to survive, the crops you live on, and the homes where your fallen leaves return to their roots will all be there. We just ask you to give us some time."

"I know you can't trust me, but please believe in General Zhenbei. She came with Old Prime Minister Bai's instructions and with the determination to save you from fire and water, just like when she went north to defend the enemy without hesitation, she will never give up on anyone. !”

He could not admit that it was the Liu family's fault from beginning to end.

He takes all the blame himself.

He spoke slowly and without impassioned tone.

But it's very sincere, so sincere that people can't help but believe it.

The people looked at each other.

Of course they don't believe in any bullshit prince.

But I have to believe in Old Bai Xiang.

For a moment, they fell into conflict——

Kill the dog prince to vent your hatred, or gamble on a chance of survival?

At this moment, the man in gray clothes spoke again: "That sounds nice, but how do you explain those victims who died?"

(End of this chapter)

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