Chapter 227 The crazy man hates the woman

Before Kong Qianyu could speak, netizens couldn't sit still.

"Damn it, why are you helping your wife find a family? Didn't you even meet your father-in-law when you got married?"

"How can you kill a fool? Are you taking advantage of others?"

"She must be the daughter-in-law she bought from her hometown in the mountains! Call the police and arrest the traffickers!"

"Why do you have the nerve to come here? You're still pretending to be affectionate. It's disgusting~"

In an instant, there were all kinds of abuses in the comment area. The man was at a loss and wanted to turn off the microphone several times. Finally, he held back after looking at his stupid wife.

"City D, Nanhai Province." Kong Qianyu suddenly reported a long list of addresses, down to the house number: "You take her back now before you have time to see her mother one last time. Don't waste time, go quickly!"

The man scribbled down the address, thanked him profusely, and hung up the phone.

"Anchor, why are you helping a bad guy who buys and sells people?" The righteous netizens couldn't sit still anymore and began to attack Kong Qianyu.

"That's right, there is no harm without buying and selling. Buying and selling is the same crime, and he is also guilty!"

"Which of your eyes has seen him sheltering trafficked people? He listens to the wind and acts like rain. He picks up the keyboard and calls himself righteous." She shook her head funnyly: "You must remember that the evil words you say will all come from you. Your own karma. Taoism emphasizes the cycle of cause and effect, and retribution will not be satisfactory. Therefore, please speak with caution."

Whether these people listen or not is none of her business.

"Let's tell a story." She said smoothly, closing the reward channel.

"More than ten years ago, there was a girl who was nineteen years old. She was pure and lovely. She had just been admitted to college. In the first and half of her freshman year, she thought she had met the prince charming in her life."

"The senior who is two years older than her is a gentle and affectionate person. He has been chasing her for a whole hundred days, and he has little surprises that change every day, which makes her heart beat."

"It was the age when she longed for love. She quickly fell in love, had sex with her sweetheart, and even fantasized about getting married after graduation."

"However, it is naturally difficult for a passionate person to be devoted. He is a famous time management master and has so many girlfriends that he can't count them on one hand. She is just the most inconspicuous one among them."

"Neptune raised too many fish and eventually the pond exploded."

"Everyone thinks that he is a rich second generation who usually spends a lot of money. He buys tens of thousands of luxury goods without blinking an eye, and gives away gifts worth thousands upon a request."

"As a result, he became a pretty boy who specialized in eating soft food outside school. The high living expenses he received from the rich woman every month were all spent on raising fish."

"The rich woman couldn't bear it anymore and came to seek revenge on him. But seeing his handsome face and soft words of begging, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she targeted the unsuspecting fish in the pond."

"The first person to bear the brunt was the innocent freshman girl. In front of many teachers and students in the school, her dignity was completely trampled underfoot. She became everyone's favorite mistress to seduce others. This incident caused a big fuss. She After being expelled from school, everyone in the family knew what happened, and the boy, who made himself the victim, had to be given a warning."

"The girl suddenly disappeared after this. No one could find her, even if her parents cried heartbrokenly and called the police to find her, it was of no avail."

"When things got serious, the boy's other fish also woke up and came forward to testify that the boy was not a good person. In the end, his reputation was ruined and he also ended up being expelled."

"But it was too late, and no one has ever seen the girl again. My mother became ill due to longing for her, and her health is getting worse day by day. Until now, she has run out of oil and energy, and her end has come."

Kong Qianyu’s story is over. Her tone was very calm, but it made everyone who listened subconsciously shut up.

This is a very old story. It may have happened many times before, and it may still happen in the future. Girls may be sisters and juniors around everyone.

It's not as lofty as the grudges between wealthy families or the love and hate in the entertainment industry, but something that can happen to everyone. Because of this, it makes people even more silent.

"So, is the woman just now this girl? She is so pitiful."

"Then she has been homeless for more than ten years? How did she survive? I heard that the reason why there are so few female homeless people is because they are easily violated and keep giving birth to children." "Then didn't I wrongly blame just now? That big brother? Alas, it’s all my fault for being such a foul mouth and scolding others.”

"But a normal person, who would find a fool, he still wants something."

"Do you want to know what happened to that man?"

"Do you achieve nothing and fall to the bottom of society? And then become impoverished?"

"Being abandoned by others and losing my love forever?"

Everyone in the comment area is guessing how miserable this man is. People probably like to take revenge. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. This is called fairness.

"I disappoint you."

"That man. He is living a good life now. After he was expelled from school, he still stayed with the rich woman and successfully became a regular employee. Then with the support of the rich woman, he had a successful career. After his wings became strong, he divorced the rich woman and married Xiao Shi. His wife is several years old and has given birth to a beautiful daughter.”

"Is God blind? Let this kind of person live such a good life?"

"Holy shit, I want to be a scumbag too!" The bitter working dog broke his guard.

Kong Qianyu continued to smile: "Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"The little daughter he gave birth to later is not his biological child. He was drugged by a rich woman many years ago and cannot have children at all. It's a pity that he doesn't know it yet. And now his career seems to be prosperous, but it has long been at the end of its power. , within two years, he will fall off the altar."

"So, the anchor is teaching us that we should not be too immoral, okay?"

"Are you telling the truth or a story?" They were still half-convinced whether a metaphysics anchor was a persona or a god.

"Then the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom." After saying this, Kong Qianyu left the broadcast.

A city thousands of miles away.

Work went well and he came back a day early, just in time for his birthday. When he opened the door, he was still thinking whether his wife had prepared any surprises for him at home. When he contacted her today, she was absent-minded.

The living room was quiet, the nanny was not at home, and the daughter was nowhere to be seen. Only the bedroom door was closed.

He had been on a plane for three hours and was a little sleepy. He had just poured a glass of water when some ambiguous movements suddenly came from the bedroom, mixed with suppressed screams.

He was slightly surprised and hurriedly opened the door and went in. He was not surprised by what he saw.

With a piece of green grassland on his head, his anger surged, but he couldn't beat the young and strong man. He knocked his head on the cabinet door, making his eyesight black.

"Now that you have seen it all, let's get a divorce." The wife said coldly.

"Le can, the child belongs to me." His daughter has been caring since she was a child, and he will not give it to this bad woman.

"Haha, she is not your biological child, don't even think about it!"

This time he really fainted.

City D.

The crazy woman saw her familiar relatives again, her expression gradually became vivid, and she tremblingly called out "Mom". Unable to suppress the sadness in her heart, she cried loudly. The mother, who had lost her face in the hospital bed, finally saw her daughter again. Holding her daughter's hand, she slowly closed her eyes.

Kong Qianyu came out of the house and stood in the courtyard. The merits sprinkled by the stars made her sigh. In this world, there are so many crazy men and resentful women~

(End of this chapter)

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