Be good, call me uncle

Chapter 652 Collapse

Chapter 652 Collapse
A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground, as if in a convulsion, his body twitching in pain.

At this moment, a small figure crawled out from the piles of corpses and quickly moved towards him.

"King Qi!" Yang Qian and his three dreams shouted at the same time.

"Master!" the guard shouted hoarsely.

But Changsun Tao didn't seem to hear it. The poison tortured his body, making him worse than death.

The poison attacked his reason and heart, making him miserable.

At this moment, he was as fragile as a baby bird without the protection of his mother.

Yang Qian and his guards rushed out quickly, but it was too late.

A sharp sword suddenly pierced Chang Sun Tao's chest, pushing Chang Sun Tao towards the water.

With a "plop", the two fell into the water at the same time.

The sharks were attracted by the blood and swam back and forth in the water, lingering until prey entered the water and surrounded them one after another.

"Gulu" a blood-red water splash appeared, burning the eyes of all survivors.

Xiao Hei screamed and ran over, diving into the water. Hui Hui bit its mane, and the two little guys disappeared.

"King Qi!" Yang Qian held his sword and jumped into the water. With his good water properties, he kept searching in the water, but he couldn't find Chang Sun Tao at all.

He was like crazy, desperately looking for Chang Sun Tao, and all that came to his mind were all the details of getting along with Chang Sun Tao.

The innocent but always able to trick him into death, the sinister but upright King Qi...

Such a living person disappeared before his eyes. Did he die in the belly of a fish?How should I explain to Yu'er?
It wasn't until a rope wrapped around his waist and pulled him out of the water that he woke up as if from a dream, lying on the ground and exhaling loudly.

"Pa!" San Meng grabbed Yang Qian's collar and slapped him suddenly, "Are you awake?!"

Before Yang Qian could fully recover, San Meng slapped him hard again: "King Qi is not dead! He may have been swept away by the undercurrent. The disappearance of Xiao Hei and Hui Hui is the best proof. If King Qi If they are dead, it is impossible for them to leave here. We must find King Qi as soon as possible, so cheer up immediately and use your brute strength to help everyone build rafts!"

Yang Qian was sober after being slapped by Sanmeng. It was because he misjudged and fell into the man's trick, which caused King Qi to end up like this. His guilt and self-blame made him crazy, so he did such a crazy move. .

The few people quickly set up the raft and threw many corpses into the water to attract the shark's attention. They quietly boarded the raft and fled quickly, preparing to search along the direction of the current.

San Meng carried Chang Sun Tao's sword onto the raft, and immediately said to Yang Qian, who was a little lost, "I will send a message for someone to come and deal with this place. Otherwise, if the body is exposed like this, it will definitely contaminate the nearby area, and if it causes a plague, it will Oh no!"

Yang Qian took a deep breath and said, "Send the message immediately."

Seeing that Yang Qian was in such a low mood for the first time, Sanmeng could only advise: "Brother Yang, think about what your master said, how could something happen to King Qi so easily? Don't be discouraged, we will definitely find him and save him!"

Yang Qian said dejectedly: " should I explain to Miss Chu? Before leaving, she asked me to protect King Qi, but I personally pushed him into such a situation."

Sanmeng tore off a few pieces of cloth and threw them in front of Yang Qian: "Even if you want to cry, you have to wrap up the wound first. Look at the blood flowing all over the floor. Later, you will attract sharks. There are a few sharks here." Life is not enough to lose. If you want to die yourself, don’t drag everyone down.”

It turned out that just because Yang Qian had tried to stop Chang Sun Tao, he had already been covered in bruises and blood, whether it was his own or someone else's.Yang Qian wrapped the wound silently, still looking absent-minded.

He still hasn't fully recovered yet. Such a powerful King Qi could defeat King Qi who was thousands of miles away despite his well-planned plans. How could he fall so easily?
After much deliberation, Yang Qian did not come to a conclusion until he didn't know how to explain to Yu Qinghuan and his mind was filled with Yu Qinghuan's figure. He thought of his aunt and uncle who died young.

Why?Because what the vicious thief is holding is King Qi’s weak spot!

My uncle and aunt were willing to die calmly for the sake of one hundred thousand people. How could King Qi, who had always been worried about national affairs and world affairs, leave these people behind? So even if he knew there was a problem, he could not leave decisively and let these people fend for themselves. .

But he personally killed these people he cared about and protected. How sad should he be?
"Brother Shen, tell me, why is it so difficult to be a good person?" Yang Qian had mixed feelings.

Isn’t it difficult to have three dreams in silence?
If it wasn't difficult, why would he remain anonymous?

In this world, it is always easier to be a bad person than a good person.

"I don't know." San Meng said, "It is precisely because we cannot be good people that we should protect those good people. Brother Yang, the backbone of Da Qin cannot be broken. No matter what the cost, we must find King Qi!"

San Meng said: "We will definitely find him!"

After they were all gone, a strange-looking man appeared behind a big tree on the top of the mountain.

He is Dingbeihou's retainer. Everything today is a conspiracy between Dingbeihou and Yu Qian.

More than ten years of hostile life gave Yu Qian a certain understanding of Changsun Tao, so he chose the family members of the prisoners, drove them to this hilltop, and then used the poison he took from Yu Qinghuan's grandfather to kill them. These people went crazy with medicine one by one, and used them as a sharp blade to assassinate Changsun Tao.

The result was just as Yu Qian expected. Changsun Tao's sense of responsibility for the people prevented him from directly abandoning these people and leaving, which gave them an opportunity to take advantage of him.

Then there were the dead soldiers lurking in the water. Their bodies were all covered with the poison that could trigger Chang Sun Tao's poison.

In the end, the poison that made the people go crazy and the heart-wrenching tactics of the man killed by Yang Qian finally buried the lion Changsun Tao.

Changsun Tao, who was already suffering from the poison, suffered greatly because of the powerlessness of being unable to save these people, even though he had Baili Wuxiang's medicine. That suffering was magnified countless times under the influence of the medicine, and he watched... The illusory scene of Yu Qinghuan dying in front of him caused him to completely collapse.

The strategies are not clever, but they hit the mark.

In this way, Yu Qian conspired with Dingbei Hou and finally knocked Changsun Tao into the water. His life and death were unknown.

"Miss, I treated the other person in his own way, and avenged you!" The man muttered a few words to himself, and then delivered the good news of victory to the Marquis of Bei.

God knows, how long have they been preparing for this day?

A flood that disrupted their original plans only contributed to their success.

"Miss, this must be God's will!" The man smiled proudly.

At the same time, Yu Qinghuan was still on the road. She rode Xiaohong towards Yangzhou day and night without stopping for a moment.

Running around made her look haggard, her skin was rough, and her lips were chapped, but she didn't even dare to stop to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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