Be good, call me uncle

Chapter 152 We have always been clear-cut

Chapter 152 We have always been clear-cut
Changsun Tao followed her silently, not leaving even an inch. He followed her to the outskirts of Beijing, and then followed her to the highest hill in the outskirts of Beijing.

There was a vigorous green pine there. Yu Qinghuan knelt down, took out a dagger and dug on the ground. Changsun Tao wanted to help her, but she pushed him away hard. She just kept digging for an unknown amount of time, until The sky was dotted with stars, and it wasn't until the moon was as white as a star that a small hole was dug out.

She poured the bones in, pushed the soil over with her hands to cover it up, and finally moved a few rocks to press the small pile of loess underneath.

Changsun Tao handed over a tombstone cut from wood, but Yu Qinghuan threw it down the mountain: "The dogs of the Yu family, the dogs that made her sad, the dogs that killed her, don't deserve to know where her bones are buried. , let her be like those heroes who are famous throughout the ages, their blood is cold under the green pines, let her look in the direction of her hometown Jingzhou, look in the direction of the capital, and see how I can make the blood of those who hurt her little by little Pay!"

Changsun Tao's eyes moved, he held her in his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Whatever you want to do, I will accompany you!"

"No need. We don't agree with each other. Your Majesty, our positions have been determined since we were born. As members of the Yu family, we can never be a real couple, let alone friends. Instead of waiting until the end, everyone will be completely different. We are all bruised and bruised. It is better to draw a clear line from now on and go our own way, rather than hurting our hearts and bodies in the end." Yu Qinghuan slowly closed her eyes and pushed Changsun Tao away, "Now, I want to be alone for a while. From now on, and in the future, I want to be alone."

After saying that, Yu Qinghuan turned around and walked slowly towards the forest.

Changsun Tao raised his hand and put it down again. The corners of his lips moved, but in the end he said nothing.

The only way to pass is in this forest full of green pines and shrubs.

The moonlight leaked through the forest, which was as sparse as residual snow.There was silence all around, except for the occasional crow of crows, and the sudden wind passing by, making a thin and dense sound.

A different kind of silence, a different kind of gloominess.

Yu Qinghuan bent down, picked up a stone, and threw it behind a big tree without making any sound.

A man in black appeared from behind the tree, holding the same stone she threw.

The man in black threw an object to Yu Qinghuan and said coldly: "Master advises Princess, don't play any tricks. His every move is under his control. Master asked his subordinates to tell Princess that your purpose is to make King Qi I can't live without you. It's better to die under your beauty trap than to push him away from you like the princess did just now. Princess, according to your ability, King Qi is not someone you can protect. Don’t overestimate your capabilities.”

Yu Qinghuan picked up something on the ground, which was the bracelet that her mother never left her body. She held it tightly and put it in her arms. Her expression quickly returned to normal, and she looked at the man in black for a moment.

She has Xue Wei, a person with different senses than ordinary people, by her side. The Yu family is extremely powerful, so how difficult is it to find such a person, so every move she made just now must have been seen.

"I understand all the principles. You don't need to go on and on. I don't need you to teach me what I'm doing." Yu Qinghuan said coldly, "If I lose my temper now, King Qi will only feel sorry for me even more. If I don't No matter how noisy it is, go back and tell my grandfather that I am better at dealing with men than he is."

The man in black laughed softly, and Yu Qinghuan knew that what he just said had been deceived, and he had passed the test in front of him without any danger.

"Let me ask you," Yu Qinghuan suddenly raised her eyes, "I married Prince Qi not to replace the eldest sister at all, but it was premeditated, right?"

Because his face, this face that resembled the late Princess Chuanping, would make Changsun Tao transfer his feelings for Yu'er to himself, so Yu Qian arranged such a marriage, just to wait until he could Use yourself to deal with Changsun Tao on this day.

I thought that I became Yu Qingwan's substitute and married into Prince Qi's palace because I was dispensable, but in the end, it was all the fault of that guy Yu Qian!
Old man, old fox, old guy!Yu Qinghuan cursed hundreds of times in her heart, thinking that with her own strength, she could not escape his control for the time being, because if she was not careful, she might kill her mother. She could not ask for help from Changsun Tao, so she could only listen to Yu Qian. His words are at his mercy.

She only hoped that during these days, she and Changsun Tao would develop some tacit understanding, and that Changsun Tao would understand the implication of what she just said. Otherwise, for the sake of her mother, she really didn’t know if she would not hesitate to do something to hurt Changsun Tao. things to come.

That damn thing Xie Yun is really unreliable at all. She was asked to take care of her mother, but she actually put her mother in this situation.

Sigh~ After all, it was all my fault that I was incapable. If I had been stronger, my mother would not have been pinched by Yu Qian.

When his thoughts were spinning, the man in black spoke: "The princess is smart, the master is not wrong about you."

This is an admission!

Sure enough, her marriage to Chang Sun Tao was a conspiracy in the final analysis.No wonder Changsun Tao was guarding her like a thief. Who said she was forced into the palace by Yu Qian?
But no matter what, she is Yu Qinghuan who died once, and she will never let Yu Qian control her like this!She will try her best to escape the fate of the chess piece!For the sake of her mother, she must not lose!

"Grandfather didn't seem to be surprised at all by what I did in Qizhou," Yu Qinghuan asked, "Could it be that my grandfather's people have always been by my side?"

The man in black sneered: "Princess, don't think too much. The subordinates won't say anything, but they can tell the princess that the master is far more powerful than the princess thought. In fact, the master had never thought that the princess would perform so well." , after all, the princess was so virtuous when she was in the Prime Minister's Mansion... What the princess did in Pingcheng surprised the master."

She saw some small holes shot by pinholes on the windows of Jinglan Courtyard in Pingcheng, as well as many blood spots that were easily imperceptible to the naked eye. At that time, she suspected that Wei Shu had killed someone, but because she could not find the body, she The suspicion has been dispelled for the time being, but Chang Sun Tao once mentioned that if there are people who specialize in assassinations, there must also be people who specialize in handling the scene. From this, it can be inferred that Wei Shu did kill someone without her knowledge, and The people he killed were probably Yu Qian's people.

"I'm really flattered to be valued by my grandfather." Yu Qinghuan calmed down and said, "Don't trust the people you employ, and don't trust the people you doubt. Go back and tell your grandfather that I have my own way of doing things. If you want me to complete his mission, please He respects my decisions and actions, and if he makes me unhappy, it will be the worst possible outcome."

"Princess, the master has arranged an entertainment program for you, so seize the opportunity!" The man in black chuckled again and disappeared under the shadow of the tree.

The corners of Yu Qinghuan's lips slowly raised. She was not a coward who waited to be killed, nor was she an idiot who didn't know how to fight back after being bullied.

The stone she just threw at the man in black had been smeared with a special secret medicine before it was thrown at the man in black. The medicine would emit a smell that no one could smell. It will be eliminated, and this smell can be smelled by a kind of mink that feeds on poison. In this way, as long as she raises a mink, she can know that the man in black is within one mile of her.

Unless that old guy Yu Qian will keep changing people to follow her, but this possibility is relatively small, because there should not be many people around Changsun Tao who can sneak around without being discovered, otherwise he will not be with her. Changsun Tao has been fighting in court for so many years, and he has already attacked Changsun Tao's lair!
Who will God forgive?
She, Yu Qinghuan, just wanted to be a law-abiding princess. It would be best if she could be rich and powerful. If not, she could live peacefully until the end of her life. But that old bitch Yu Qian forced her to keep a high profile, otherwise she would not be able to win over Changsun Tao. Hatred?
But, how noble is she when she hurts other people for her own selfishness?However, Chu's kindness in giving birth and Chu's importance in her heart could no longer be measured by these worldly standards.

If she wants retribution, it should be retribution on her. She can use her life to repay her debt to Changsun Tao.

Thinking of this, Yu Qinghuan smiled, neither sad nor happy, just like a flower blooming in the dark night, gorgeous and dazzling.

"Idiot!" With a low growl, Yu Qinghuan fell into a hug. Some hot liquid flowed onto her hand. She knew that it was blood that had just flowed out of the body and was still warm.

(End of this chapter)

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