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Chapter 215 Flame Bear 2

Chapter 215 Flame Bear 2
"Bang." Sensing the strange movement, Yanxiong stood up and looked at the two intruders warily.

Yanxiong was the first to attack, rushing over and heading straight towards Jiang Lian and Wei Chen.

Wei Chen was faster, approaching from mid-air in an instant, using the stone wall to roll upwards, grabbing Yan Xiong's head, half-kneeling behind Yan Xiong and about to stab him with his long sword.

Feeling the threat on the back of his neck, Yanxiong let out a roar, and the sound wave was like substance in this narrow space, and then rushed out of the cave in an attempt to shake Wei Chen off.

Along the way, it continued to spit out flames from its mouth, causing the temperature of the already narrow cave to rise sharply.

Wei Chen's expression remained unchanged and he held on to the back of the flame bear, unable to stab its neck due to the violent shaking.

Jiang Lian held the broken sword in his hand, avoiding the crazy Yan Xiong, but without even taking a step back, he stabbed Yan Xiong's thick right leg.

At this moment, Yanxiong had gone crazy and escaped from the cave. Behind him was Wei Chen, who was like a maggot attached to his bones, and beside him was Jiang Lian, who was stabbing secretly.I am no match for these two humans.

Yanxiong roared angrily, grabbed the tree trunk next to it, pulled it up, and wanted to throw it at Jiang Lian.

"Crack." The ancient tree snapped in response, and Liang Yuwei nervously clenched her sleeves.

He and Wu Lian were almost exposed. Seeing that Wu Lian wanted to help Jiang Lian, Liang Yuwei immediately took Wu Lian's arm and whispered, "What are you doing! What will I do if you leave? It's so dangerous, you Don’t go!”

Wu Lian threw away Liang Yuwei's arm. The flame bear went crazy and kept spitting out flames. There was no reason why he couldn't go!

Seeing Wu Lian going over resolutely, Liang Yuwei cursed secretly, bent down and quietly moved her position.

As long as Yanxiong doesn't discover his position, it will be fine.

They beat their own and moved their own.

Unfortunately, all of this failed to go as Liang Yuwei wished. Yanxiong gradually fell into the disadvantage, with blood gurgling in many places on his body, and he became even crazier. Flames continued to spurt out around him, almost turning the surrounding area into purgatory.

Its giant hand grabbed the ancient tree in front of Liang Yuwei and broke it. Just when it was about to turn towards Wu Lian, it was keenly aware of a weak human aura around it.

The next second, from Liang Yuwei's perspective, a big hand came overwhelmingly. It was so fast that she didn't have time to react. It immediately grabbed her body and pushed it into the bloody mouth.

The burrs on Yanxiong's body were like small steel needles, making her scalp numb. She wanted to struggle, but the giant hand tightened tighter and tighter, almost crushing her into a blood ball.

"Help! Help! Help me!!" Liang Yuwei cried heartbreakingly, struggling for her life and throwing away her spiritual power.

The more she struggled, the tighter the giant hand tightened.

She didn't dare to move anymore... She felt like her ribs were about to be crushed, and all the air in her chest was squeezed out.

The strong fishy smell in Yanxiong's mouth can make anyone's eyes sore.Liang Yuwei's face was smeared with tears and runny nose, and she could no longer distinguish anything.

Until Yanxiong fell, Liang Yuwei fell to the ground with a bang, her face looking ugly as if she was going to suffocate to death in the next second.She lay on the ground and breathed in the fresh air greedily. It took her a while to recover, but she was still frightened.

Just a little bit away...she died...

She turned around and looked over. There was a broad black sword stuck in the black bear's chest, with almost only the hilt left outside.The strength is enough to make people tremble.

Jiang Lian pulled out the broken sword with an expression on his face, and blood immediately sprayed out and splashed all over the floor.

Wei Chen squatted down to handle the Flame Bear corpse, while Wu Lian also followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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