Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 320: Repairing the army, the embarrassing situation of Poland and Hungary

Chapter 320: Repairing the army, the embarrassing situation of Poland and Hungary

"Haha! When do you plan to attack Central Europe?" Eupracia lay on her side on the bed, stretched out and asked.

During the few months when Zhang Yong went to fight, she followed the translator and learned some Chinese.

Coupled with some previous foundation, I can now reluctantly communicate with Zhang Yong.

After all, it would be too outrageous to be unable to communicate verbally with your man.

"We will rest throughout the spring and summer, and then attack Central Europe in the fall. By the winter of that year, we should be able to enter their borders." Zhang Yong said.

The entire Rus' kingdom has just been conquered, and now the situation must be properly repaired. In order to manage some inland affairs, some military rations need to be stored.

Fighting can be really outrageous sometimes! Mongolia spent three years preparing some supplies. Except for some strategic supplies, food has been basically exhausted.

The current supplies of the Mongolian army are entirely provided by the Kipchak grassland, after occupying the Kipchak people's land last year.

The Mongolian army's logistics and baggage troops have been raising livestock there. Otherwise, the army that was detoxifying should have returned now.

No wonder in the original history, it took nearly three years to defeat the Ross countries. The consumption of an expedition was too huge.

"Okay! If you don't talk about these things, I have to give you a child in the next six months." Zhang Yong pulled the princess into his arms, touched her face, and said.

Originally, Batu wanted to invite Zhang Yong's army to return to the Kipchak grassland to recuperate, but Zhang Yong refused.

Mongolians prefer to live on the grasslands, but to be honest, he doesn't like it very much.

The Kievan Rus' region, as well as the newly conquered Southern Rus' region, also has some water and grasslands, where some family members of the Western Expeditionary Army can come to live and graze here, without any problem.

Even after making adequate preparations and fighting for a year, the food and grass were basically used up.

In the recent period, she also vaguely felt that this time the Mongolian army was divided into two factions. Although they were very harmonious on the surface, they were divided into two factions and there were some fights.

"But it's okay to come here. You can completely control the South Rus region and the Ryazan region." Euprasia nodded and said.

It's okay to contact his cheap father-in-law, after all, he married his daughter.

Moreover, recuperation on the grassland can only provide some cattle and sheep. If you want to truly repair and supply supplies, it is best to be in a country with a farming civilization.

Therefore, this time the rest and recuperation will be divided into two groups. Zhang Yong will lead an army of 100,000 to station near Kievan Rus, while the army of 100,000 to the Western Expedition led by General Du will be stationed on the Kipchak grassland for half a year.

The land here is very fertile, the world-famous black land, and the land in Sarai City on the lower reaches of the Volga River is also great.

But compared to the land of Kievan Rus, it is far behind. (The specific name cannot be written, everyone should know where it is.)

And Kievan Rus is already close to Central Europe. The weather is not so cold anymore. This is really a piece of high-quality natural farmland belonging to the farming civilization.

"It's no problem to support your 100,000 troops in Kievan Rus and South Rus, but what about the other team! If they come over, I'm afraid the local food will be very tight!" Euprasia said.

"Okay, I will send an envoy over immediately. You can write a personal letter and deliver it to your father." Zhang Yong said.

They will also follow this autumn, gathering 115,000 troops to launch an attack on Central European countries.

As for his 15,000 troops, they have already set off and will arrive in a month, and then start farming near Kievan Rus.

In the autumn, the army began to gather, and then invaded Poland and Hungary in the winter. This was the battle plan he and Batu had discussed.

Zhang Yong will spend most of the next half year near the city of Kiev. The land of Kievan Rus is one of the most fertile lands in the world.

"Perhaps you can send an envoy to the Roman Empire and tell them that you married a princess and want to restore the territory of the Roman Empire and attack the Crusaders. I think my father will be very happy." Eupracia He spoke. (European countries call them the Kingdom of Xenia, and some also call them the Empire of Xenia, but they still call themselves the Roman Empire.)

If there is a shortage of food and grass, their Xinian Empire can also support part of it. Of course, hundreds of thousands of troops cannot support all of them. They can only provide some military food and even military help at the appropriate time.

The letter passed from Batu first told Zhang Yong that Novgorod, the northernmost Russian country, has surrendered to him, but the Mongol army's rations have now been completely used up, and it is time to make some repairs.

"Don't worry, they won't come. I received their letter a few days ago. Batu, with his remaining nearly 150,000 troops, has returned to the Kipchak grassland to rest." Zhang Yong said.

As expected, he was raised pampered since he was a child, and he is also a purebred Roman. There is nothing to say about his skin and figure. The big sheep horse is still very cool.

"Haha! Come on! Let our child be born this winter." Princess Eupracia smiled, hugged Zhang Yong's neck and said.

A few days later, a team of dozens of envoys headed towards the Xenia Empire. They carried the princess's personal letter, Zhang Yong's personal letter, dozens of messengers and some gold and silver. Gifts such as jewelry. (Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire.)

And Zhang Yong also began to manage the South Ross area. Compared with the colder North Ross area, the weather in the South Ross area is pretty good. Living in a comfortable castle every day, warming up by the fire, hugging Her Royal Highness, is comparable to living on the grassland. It was much more comfortable in the tent.

Guyu, this kid really doesn't know how to enjoy himself, so he went to live in a tent on the southern grassland.

A month later, Zhang Yong's Han army and some of the Russian slaves that Batu had given him had also arrived in Kievan Rus, and under Zhang Yong's arrangement, they began to cultivate and cultivate the spare land.

The great spring plowing time cannot be wasted. We must grow enough food this year.

While Zhang Yong was immersed in development and waiting for a reply from Euprasia's father, the current Grand Duke of Kievan Rus, Mikhail, hurriedly came to Zhang Yong's palace.

"Oops, King Guanzhong!"

"What's so alarming?" Zhang Yong asked.

"That despicable Grand Duke of Galichvolnia actually invaded our western land and even wanted to taint Ruros." Mikhail said angrily.

These despicable guys actually chose to invade while their country of Ross was just stabilizing.

Now the coalition forces in the Southern Ross area have indeed been wiped out by the Mongols, but that doesn't mean there is no defensive military force!

Needless to say, the 50,000 surrendered troops have now been sent back to their respective principalities. The Ross countries are not without any troops.

In addition to the local military strength of Ross, the thighs here are very thick. The Principality of Galichnia sometimes dares to invade the western region.

Mikhail, I don’t know how to describe the brain of the leader of the Principality of Galichvolnia.

Maybe your principality will be annexed to your own territory, and you have to come over and make a fuss about it, so that you can attack the other party with the thick thigh you are hugging now.

"The Principality of Galicivolnia? What is this? Is it also one of your Ross countries?" Zhang Yong asked curiously.

Is there any mistake? I have close to 12 troops living here now. How dare you come and invade? Are you taking the courage of a bear and a leopard? Or maybe you think I can’t carry the knife anymore?

"It used to be one of our lands in Kievan Rus. It split away decades ago. This time their Grand Duke said that I was not worthy of inheriting the Grand Duke's position, so he came to attack me under the banner of restoring rule." Mikhail said said.

Isn't this a coincidence? I also hope to take your land back! It's a pity that I don't have much strength, and I'm too embarrassed to ask for help from my thighs, but you actually fought it by yourself, so what else can you say?

"?? It's also your Ross Kingdom. I actually forgot about him. I know, how many troops do they have? How many people came?" Zhang Yong asked.

"Reporting to the King of Guanzhong, they have come in total, 10,000 people. There are more than 8,000 militiamen and more than 2,000 knights." Mikhail said. The Principality of Galichvolnia is the country that truly borders Poland and Hungary. It also belonged to their Principality of Kievan Rus.

"Well! I'll let Cha Tuohua lead an army of 10,000, and you can send another 10,000 troops to follow. If you send 20,000 troops, we should be able to take care of them." Zhang Yong said.

At first, he thought that Kievan Rus and the West should be European lands. As a result, I didn't expect that there was still a small principality. This was a strategic mistake on my part. I thought that Kievan Rus was the westernmost country in the Rus region.

But if someone dares to attack you with this little bit, how tough are you! Zhang Yong is too lazy to take action on this point, so he can just let Cha Tuohua do it.

An army of more than 10,000 people is indeed a large army in Europe, but it is just a drizzle in front of itself.

"Sir! After occupying the Principality of Galicvolnia, what do you think will be done with their territory?" Mikhail said.

Hearing this, Zhang Yong narrowed his eyes and worked for a long time. You kid wants to make a profit, right?

It turns out that you want the other party’s territory!

"I have my own plans for the future of this territory, so you don't need to worry about it yet." Zhang Yong said.

You already have enough territory, don’t think I don’t know. In recent times, you have annexed many Rus’ countries where the Grand Duke has died. Do you think I am a fool? Will allow you to unite all of southern Rus.

This guy named Mikhail will be very honest if he is here, but once he leaves, he will be a big rebel. Get rid of him when he leaves to ensure the rule of his little wife and son.

This country is the westernmost of the Russian states, and its territory is basically bordered by many countries in Central Europe. Zhang Yong plans to give this country to his unborn son, the princess Eupracia.

Hearing this, Grand Duke Mikhail was a little disappointed, but since Zhang Ying had spoken, he did not dare to say anything more. Anyway, it would be a good thing for him to eliminate this neighbor.

But he didn't know that because of his greed, Zhang Yong had already begun to murder him.

Soon Chatuohua set off with an army of 10,000 people and an army of 10,000 Ross servants, and marched towards the border in a mighty manner.

There is naturally no suspense in the battle. Even if their army doubles, they will not be able to annihilate their opponents. After adding the main army of the Principality of Chivolnia, Zhang Yong took over the country.

And sent part of the army to guard this place.

At this time, some countries in Central and Western Europe had also discovered the phenomena caused by the Mongol invasion.

It's just that most Western and Central European countries believe that the Mongols' targets are the pagan Rus.

These guys who believe in Orthodox Christianity are pure pagans in the eyes of these Western European countries, and they are also one of the targets of the Crusaders.

The two Central European countries bordering the Rosti District are the Kingdom of Hungary and the Kingdom of Poland.

The Polish region belongs to the Silas people, and the East Russ people in the Rus area belong to the same race but different ethnic groups.

Moreover, the Poles chose Catholicism instead of Orthodox Christianity, so the relationship between the two parties was not very good.

Moreover, the Polish region at this time was in a similar realm to the Rus' countries, and was also filled with principalities.

About eighty years ago, the ruler of Poland, Boleslaw III, divided his territory among his five sons.

Although this ended the struggle of the sons, it also laid the foundation for the disaster, causing Poland to become similar to the Rus region, both of which were dominated by grand duchies.

At this time, there were a total of five Grand Duchys in Poland. The King of Poland at this time was only in name. Although he bore the title of King of Poland, the power of the Grand Duke of Krakow was limited.

Even if the nominal king of Poland wanted to organize effective troops to prevent the Mongolian attack in advance, he was powerless because of his true strength as the king of Poland.

At this time, the most powerful monarch in Poland was Henry II, the Grand Duke of Silesia. The Grand Duke of Silesia was extremely powerful and even vaguely wanted to seize the King of Poland.

In this regard, the nominal king of Poland was extremely helpless and could only hurriedly strengthen his castle and recruit militiamen.

He also sent envoys to the Holy Roman Empire and the Papal States to request reinforcements in preparation for resisting the Mongol invasion, but basically no one paid him any attention.

Although both sides were gathering strength to prepare for the Mongol invasion, Henry II, the Duke of Silesia, was obviously more appealing.

He is also contacting the armies of all parties. The other three Polish Grand Dukes, the Teutonic Knights in Prussia, and many Polish lords have also agreed to participate in the war.

In addition, the Knights Templar also agreed to send some reinforcements, led by the Grand Master himself, to assist in the battle.

The Holy Roman Empire will also send some reinforcements to support, although Henry II is not the nominal king of Poland now.

But there is a vague ambition to rule the entire Poland.

The real king of Poland is, to put it bluntly, just an empty shell. (Most of the territory of the Grand Duke of Silesia was in Poland, and a small part was in today's Germany and the Czech Republic. Henry II was good at dancing and had marriages with many European countries. If it weren't for the invasion of the Mongols, he might really have become Poland. The king even unified the entire Poland.)

Compared with Poland at this time, Hungary's situation was slightly better, but not much better.

At this time, the Kingdom of Hungary was a unified kingdom compared to Poland and Rus. The newly appointed king was called Béla IV.

However, Hungary at this time was in no mood to resist the upcoming Mongol invasion, because the king and the nobles were fighting for power due to certain things. The Kingdom of Hungary had great power in the country due to the inaction of the previous two generations of kings.

A golden edict was signed that was unfavorable to the royal family. For example, the property of the nobles was not confiscated, the territories of the nobles were confiscated, and the troops of the nobles were not allowed to be mobilized.

The newly appointed Bella IV planned to change this situation, take back the rights of the nobles, and consolidate his own situation.

Moreover, he did not think that the Mongols could easily cross the border and enter Hungary. The Hungarian border and the Rus region were blocked by tall mountains, and it was not that easy to enter Hungary.

King Béla IV of Hungary felt that the next target of the Mongolian army to conquer was likely to be the Poles, so he wanted to integrate the forces in Hungary in the shortest possible time, become a true king, and weaken the nobility.

It's just that the situation in Europe is very delicate. Emperor Frederick II of the Holy Roman Empire has always been at odds with Pope Gregory IX.

The Pope had long ago ordered that Frederick II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, participate in a new Crusade or serve as an organizer to form a Crusade.

But Frederick II, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, had always shied away for various reasons.

It was not until the Pope issued an ultimatum in the name of divine power that he reluctantly embarked on the battlefield and conducted a crusade.

And through negotiation, the Holy City of Jerusalem was recovered, but this move not only failed to win the favor of the pope at the time, but even aroused the disgust of Pope Gregory IX.

Because Pope Gregory IX told all the parishioners that if they negotiated with the enemy to obtain the Holy Land, they must have violated the Lord's will and sacrificed the interests of Christ, so that the pagans were willing to give up the territory.

Pope Gregory IX directly and openly excommunicated the Holy Roman Emperor and called on all Christian countries in Western and Central Europe to attack the Holy Roman Empire.

The Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire responded without any sign of weakness, saying that Pope Gregory IX was jealous of his talents and openly opposed the church.

(End of this chapter)

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