Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 309: When troops arrive in Riazan, ask your wife to come out and surrender.

Chapter 309: When troops arrive in Riazan, ask your wife to come out and surrender.

"Your Majesty! These barbarians are so strong. Working alone is one and a half times more powerful than us." A Han army officer looked at the Russians who were working and said.

is not that right? These Russians are tall and strong, and they are very powerful when they pick up their hoes to work.

He is indeed a good hand at turning over the ground! The surrounding ground was frozen very hard, but these Russians could hoe it open with a shovel.

In addition to these Rus slaves, Batu also mobilized 10,000 cattle to help. Although the cultivated land is not as good as the cattle and buffalo in the Central Plains, it can be used barely.

"Watch them working carefully and provide them with enough food every day." Zhang Yong looked at the Russians who were working and said.

"Prince, don't worry, I will keep a good eye on them." The officer nodded and said.

"By the way! Do you think the land they reclaimed can be used to grow something?" Zhang Yong asked.

"Yes! Of course it can! I have never seen such good land. I'm afraid you don't know, my lord, that after digging up the land, it's all black soil. It's so fertile that we don't even need to bury anything." "The officer said.

It goes without saying how valuable the black soil is. The land in the lower reaches of the Volga River is black soil and is extremely fertile.

This kind of land is most suitable for farming.

"What's the situation over there in Nanruos?" Su Butai asked.

The decline of the Principality of Kievan Rus is also directly related to Subotai Tetsubetsu.

"So, our first target is the border country in Northern Russia, the Principality of Ryazan." Zhang Yong looked at the map on the table and said.

Naturally, it would be best if we could avoid fighting. They would be very happy to follow behind, farm the land, and look after the prisoners.

"These envoys can be asked to increase their provocation. It would be best if these Russian countries could unite together and then form a coalition army to fight us decisively." Zhang Yong said.

The conquest of the Ross area will begin soon, and there will be a lot of slaves sent over.

The most powerful country in Southern Rus is the Grand Duchy of Kievan Rus, and the most powerful country in Northern Rus is the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.

I originally thought that after arriving in this strange land, I would have to experience various bloody battles! Who knew it wasn't as scary as I imagined.

The so-called 100,000-strong army marched to the Kalka River in a mighty manner, where they were defeated by Subotai. Six grand dukes died in the battle, and the number of nobles in the entire Rus region who died in the battle reached more than 70.

The other principalities warned them not to send troops to support them, otherwise they would attack them next. " Batu said.

"Strategy! What do you think? Let's attack Northern Rus first, and then attack Southern Rus after wiping out the Northern Rus area, and finally destroy the Principality of Kievan Rus." Subotai looked at Zhang Yong and asked.

"Well! There is also a small principality, which is a subsidiary principality of Ryazan, the Principality of Murom. The Grand Duke of this country is the nephew of the Grand Duke of Ryazan.

"Okay! Then we will send envoys first. Whether it is Southern Rus or Northern Rus, each grand duchy will send an envoy.

In name, it is the suzerain state of all Rus' states. It was not until the rise of the Principality of Vladimir ten years ago that it was able to compete with the Principality of Kievan Rus'. " Batu said.

Seeing everyone arrived, Batu cleared his throat and spoke. :

“We have proven that the countries of Rus’ can be divided into Northern Rus’ and South Rus’. The strength of South Rus’ is stronger, while the strength of Northern Rus’ is weaker.

In fact, instead of attacking the city like this, he would rather hope that these Ross countries can form an alliance, and then gather the armies of all the principalities, all together, and let them annihilate them in one battle.

In the autumn of that year, when winter was about to approach, many generals gathered in the Mongolian camp and began to formulate plans to attack the Russian countries.

It is precisely because of this incident that the Kievan Rus' Principality has weakened. Although it nominally leads the Rus' countries, its current status has begun to be vaguely replaced by the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.

Even the Grand Dukes of the Principality of Kievan Rus and the Principality of Vladimir are still brothers.

Zhang Yong estimates that if all the Russian countries unite together, they should be able to gather an army of 100,000 or even 120,000 people. If all these armies can be annihilated, it will probably take a month or two. Capture the entire Rus region.

There are a lot of vegetation growing around, including dense pine forests, and there are vast grasslands outside. With these vegetation, the land here will not be any worse.

The geographical conditions of Southern Rus are slightly better. There are fertile black lands everywhere near the city of Kiev, which are very suitable for farming and support a large population. Their strength is naturally stronger than that of Northern Rus. The climate in the Northern Rus is cold and the location is not that good. good.

Unfortunately, this wish could not be realized. The battle ten years ago had just passed not long ago, and the Russians had not forgotten the bloody lesson they learned in fighting the Mongolian army in the wild.

Let them stay here to build the city and take care of the slaves, which means there is no need to fight.

Zhang Yong expressed his thoughts. Instead of attacking their cities one by one and taking more than a year to conquer the entire Ross area, it would be better to gather them all and kill them all at once.

When the two passed by here ten years ago, the Grand Duke of Kievan Rus called on all the Grand Dukes in the entire Rus region to form a coalition of 80,000 people, plus 20,000 coalition forces in the Kipchak area.

The main countries in Northern Russia are Ryazan, Murom, Vladimir, Novgorod, and Smolinsk. These countries are relatively weak, and we can attack them first. "

We demand that the Principality of Ryazan, as well as the Principality of Vladimir and the Principality of Murom surrender to us.

If we want to fight, it is naturally best to attack the Northern Rus' country. The closest to them now is the Ryazan Principality.

At that time, the Grand Duke of Vladimir was still on the way to help with his own country's army. As a result, he learned the news of the annihilation of the coalition army on the way, and was so frightened that he ran back to the city of Vladimir.

"Then first conquer the Principality of Ryazan, the Principality of Vladimir, and the Principality of Murum!" Zhang Yong nodded and said.

"I'm afraid this will be difficult!" Subotai said.

"I understand, Your Majesty, we will build a small city here." The officer nodded happily.

Zhang Yong also put down the work at hand and came to the Mongolian frontline camp to attend the meeting.

"Then I'm relieved. More than ten thousand of you will spend the winter here this winter, build a small city here with these Russians, and live here first." Zhang Yong said.

The only difficulty is the weather, but the weather in the lower Volga River is pretty good, so it’s not impossible to grow things.

As long as I stay here for a few years, I can return to my hometown. I don’t know when the prince’s promise to his wife will be fulfilled?

Zhang Yong's army and slaves were busy reclaiming wasteland, while other grassland nomadic armies began to conduct reconnaissance in the border areas of the Ross countries. Batu had already sent a large number of spies to conduct reconnaissance in several surrounding countries.

It was not until I learned that Subotai and Jebe led the army to leave that I felt relieved. All the armies of the other principalities were wiped out, except for the army of Vladimir Principality.

My spies told me that all the armies of these two countries gathered together are estimated to have less than 10,000 people, or even less than 5,000 people. Their capitals also have wooden walls. " Batu said.

“The most powerful and important country in Southern Rus is the Principality of Kievan Rus. According to the information obtained, the city of Kiev is called the mother of ten thousand cities in Rus.

There must be a rear base.

Unless they really don't want to live anymore, no army is willing to fight in the wild with the Mongolian army of this era, not even the Jin Kingdom, which is the only country that can touch the Mongolian army.

"It depends on people. We can give it a try. Maybe they will really unite together as soon as their brains twitch. In this way, we don't need to divide our troops to deal with them." Zhang Yong said.

"Well! I will tell the envoys and ask them to visit these Grand Dukes of Rus in the most severe tone." Batu said.

He originally wanted to threaten other principalities and not allow aid to Ryazan, as well as Vladimir and Murom principalities, but now Batu hopes that they can unite together.

After discussing the specific battle plan, the assembled Mongolian army marched towards their first target, the Grand Duchy of Ryazan.

The Grand Duke of Ryazan was named Yuri Igorevich.

When the Mongol army attacked the Bulgarian Khanate and the Kipchak tribe.

The Grand Duke of Ryazan had already discovered them, but the then Grand Duke of Ryazan, Yuri Igorevich, did not take it to heart.

In his opinion, these Mongols were steppe tribes, exactly like the Kipchaks. They just came here to grab things, and they would leave after plundering everywhere in the winter.

In the spring and summer, the Mongolian army remained inactive after wiping out the two forces. They began to cultivate and graze on the grasslands, which also made the Grand Duke of Ryazan feel relieved. But when winter came, and the Mongolian army gathered together and marched towards his principality, the Grand Duke finally panicked.

You don’t have to think about this, the Mongols’ target is themselves! Immediately afterwards the Mongolian envoys came to his capital city of Ryazan.

The Grand Duke and nobles of Ryazan did not receive the Mongolian envoy, but directly blocked the door and drove him away without even meeting him.

After the Mongolian envoys left, the Grand Duke of Ryazan knew that with the power of Ryazan and Murom principalities.

There was no way to stop the Mongolian army, so they immediately went to the Principality of Vladimir, hoping to move to recruit troops.

A few days later, the Grand Duke of the Ryazan Principality came to Vladimir, the capital of the Vladimir Principality.

Met with Grand Duke Yuri II of the Principality of Vladimir at this time. (Yes, both of them are named Yuri, hahaha.)

As soon as the two met, Grand Duke Ryazan expressed his feelings to Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri II.

I hope he can send reinforcements to help him defend the country against the Mongols.

“Dear Grand Duke Ryazan, your country is facing invasion, and this is your own business.

It has nothing to do with our Principality of Vladimir. Go and face the Mongols yourself! "After Yuri II finished speaking, he waved his hand and asked his guards to send Grand Duke Yuri of Ryazan out.

These Mongols, like the Kipchaks, only wanted to plunder property.

They will destroy your country, but they will not stay on your land. After they leave, your land will be mine.

"Pass my order to the whole country to prepare for war and strengthen nearby castles to prevent nomads from sneak attacks."

Instead of moving reinforcements from the Principality of Vladimir, the Grand Duke of Ryazan returned to his own country worriedly.

All the nobles and some generals responsible for military defense were immediately summoned to hold an emergency meeting.

"That's it, my nobles, now, I'm afraid we can only rely on our own strength to defend the country."

"When the Mongols came ten years ago, they brought nothing good. They brought only death and killing."

"We should strengthen the city wall now, cut down some trees, and strengthen our city. The city wall in Liang Station is very thick.

We have defended ourselves against the attacks of those nomads many times before, and now we can also defend against them. No matter how many people they come, it will be useless. "

"You're right, Grand Duke, we can also pour some water on the city wall and let it freeze, so that the Mongols will be even more unable to climb up." Another baron said.

At this time, Prince Theodore, the son of Grand Duke Ryazan, stood up and spoke. :

"Father! We should avoid war. Why don't we bring some gifts to meet the Mongols and plead with them not to attack our country."

"My son, you have no idea of ​​the terror of the Mongols.

In the war ten years ago, my brother died at the hands of the Mongols because of his participation in that war. "Liang Zan said openly.

If it hadn't been for his brother's death in battle, he would not have had the chance to inherit the position of Grand Duke.

"It is precisely because the Mongols are so cruel that we should appease each other, talk to them, and see what they want." Theodore, the son of the Grand Duke, said.

"My son, you are now going to meet the Mongols with some gifts and stabilize them first.

I sent some envoys to some principalities in other areas to ask for help, hoping that they could send reinforcements. " Grand Duke Ryazan said after thinking for a moment.

"Don't worry, father, I will definitely convince the Mongols," Theodore said.

Soon a team of about a hundred people set off from Ryazan City and headed towards the military camp of Batu and others.

After several days of trekking, these people were brought to the military camp in Batu on the border of Ryazan State.

They carried more than a dozen boxes of heavy gifts, and each box looked heavy.

But when the box was opened, all the Mongolian generals present, including Zhang Yong, felt disappointed and disgusted.

The box contains some animal skins, wine, as well as some weapons, swords and armor.

Apart from this, there were only a few silver coins and iron utensils mixed in, not even a piece of gold or jewelry.

Please, can you afford this little thing?

"Great Khan, this is a little gift from us. I hope you can accept these gifts. We hope to maintain a friendly relationship with you." Prince Theodore said carefully.

Along the way, he saw how many troops there were in Batu's military camp. There were at least hundreds of thousands or even more than 200,000 troops.

The military camps were densely packed, which frightened him to the extreme. There were not that many civilians in the Ryazan Principality combined.

Oh, God! Please bless your people!

A European businessman who was responsible for translating conveyed these words to Batu and everyone present intact.

"We come here with good intentions. I will protect your Ryazan Principality. From now on, your Ryazan Principality will obey Mongolia's orders and no one will dare to attack you.

And what you have to do is to donate one-tenth of your wealth.

And in the days to come, one-tenth of the wealth will be handed over to Mongolia every year, so that your country and people can be safe. " Batu said.

In Batu's view, this request was very tolerant. After all, he was the first to surrender, and he did not even ask them to send troops to assist in battles in the future.

This is a preferential treatment for the first person to surrender.

The person in charge of the translation translated this to Prince Theodore.

Hearing this, the expressions of the Ross generals present and some of the prince's attendants changed. What kind of protection is this?

Isn't this equivalent to conquering them in disguise and making them completely surrender to Mongolia? Not even the Grand Duke of Kievan Rus dared to ask for this.

These nomads are so arrogant.

"Sorry, Lord Khan, we cannot obey your order. We are all God's people, not servants of Mongolia. We cannot agree to your request." Prince Theodore said.

The businessman in charge of the translation also said these words intact, and the expressions of all the Mongolian generals present changed.

Are you mistaken? This surrender condition is extremely generous! It's even equivalent to letting you control yourself to a certain extent.

"Hahaha! Okay, then I don't want your gifts, so be it! Let your wife, your sister, or other sisters, all the women of your nobility, come together to drink and sleep with me, and I will let it go. How are you doing?" Batu smiled and said.

If you don't drink the toast, you'll be punished with a drink, then ask your wife to come over and surrender.

Batu now plans to destroy the Ryazan Principality.

"That is impossible, I will not give my wife or sisters to you.

If you must have them, then step over our corpses and conquer us, and they will be yours. Prince Theodore said.

"Then I will do as you wish."

(End of this chapter)

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