Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 300 The arrival of the old concubine and Zhang Yong’s killer move

Although the great wizard was very confident, Zhang Yong still felt that this matter was a bit unreliable. He should check the most critical part of the poison carefully.

If you have not traveled through time, then the poison you prepared is indeed very powerful. There is at least an 80-90% chance of killing someone.

There is a very simple reason why you have been able to try this poison hundreds of times in the past.

That is, ancient people really didn’t know how to deal with wound infections and bacterial infections. Any small wound infected with bacterial invasion could kill someone.

If you use this method in modern times, you only need to go to the hospital and get a random injection to cure it.

But in ancient times, when medical conditions were extremely backward and people could only rely on some herbal medicines to treat diseases, this was completely unfeasible.

The most critical point is that allicin, which I invented in advance, can be said to be the top anti-infection miracle drug of this era.

With this thing in mind, as long as Tuo Lei is willing to take allicin, he can be 100% immortal, and the manufacturing method and configuration method of allicin.

It has been completely handed over to the Mongolian Empire. Now it can be produced in various parts of Mongolia. It is popular among the army as a kind of munitions, but it has not yet been opened to the public.

As one of the most important figures in Mongolia, Tolei is definitely qualified to use allicin.

As long as allicin is used, the things you cultivate with this method will definitely not kill him. At most, it will leave some roots of disease in him, such as rabies or something like that.

However, although the fatality rate of rabies is very high, the onset period is too long. Wo Kuotai can't wait, and neither can he!

"I want you to tell me the truth. You should know that I came from the man of God.

I have heard of your formula before. It does have a chance of causing death, but the probability of death is low.

And the allicin I invented is the antidote to this kind of poison. "Zhang Yong said straightforwardly.

"What? Lord God, you mean that God also has a highly toxic formula like mine, and the allicin you invented is its antidote?

Wasn’t the allicin you invented taken after someone was injured by a knife or something on the battlefield? "The great wizard said a little confused.

The allicin invented by the Lord God is indeed a miracle medicine. None of them thought that garlic could be used as medicine, and the effect was so good.

Some wounded soldiers who were about to die were saved by him, but can he also be saved by the poison he created?

"That's right! To put it bluntly, it's actually just a wound infection. I know you may not understand what a wound infection is. Anyway, I don't want to explain it, but you just need to know that my allicin can save Tuo Lei. "Zhang Yong said.

"Master God Envoy, this, this," the great wizard heard this and didn't know what to say.

"Besides this kind of thing, do you have any herbs or poisons extracted from animal toxins?" Zhang Yong asked.

Genghis Khan's father was supposed to have been poisoned in the wild. After returning home, he took care of his affairs and took Temujin back, which should have only taken a few days.

In addition to this kind of thing, you should have other highly toxic items!

"Master God Envoy, if you say so, I, I really don't have any powerful poison in my hands. There is one that can kill people in five or six days after eating it, but this kind of poison is used frequently. However, people can tell at a glance that someone has poisoned me." The great wizard said.

This kind of thing once poisoned Genghis Khan's father, and many high-ranking Mongolian nobles were killed by this thing.

The death was extremely miserable and painful, and anyone could tell that he had taken poison.

Ogedei's order was to ensure that nothing went wrong, otherwise he, the Mongolian Khan, would not take the Lord God's medicine and fall into a high fever.

Including the high fever state he fell into, it was an illusion. He would only take it when a real doctor went to check it out, but the effect of the medicine would wear off within an hour or two after taking it, and Ogedai would return to normal.

If the poison he made before was taken by Tuo Lei, the symptoms would be exactly the same as the sweating and he would die after a few months, so it could be foolproof, but this decision was now vetoed by the Lord God Envoy.

"This, if this is the case, then should we tell Dahai Khan about this! What about our plan, our plan! Lord God Envoy?" the great wizard said.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Zhang Yong said with a headache.

What are you doing? Something went wrong in the most critical step. What should I do? Damn it, I was still counting on you shamans to have some kind of magic medicine. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it was this kind of thing. In the end, I had to take action.

But on my side, there is indeed no poison that can kill someone in a few months! Unless you take poison for a long time, but this method is not reliable.

There are not many opportunities to poison Tuo Lei, and Wo Kuotai had to work hard to get this opportunity.

While the two were talking, a sound suddenly came from outside the great wizard's tent.

"Princess Bortie has arrived!"

Bortie! Why did he come here?

"The concubine is here, Lord Divine Envoy, what should we do?" the great wizard asked in a panic.

"You go out and deal with the concubine first, and don't reveal that I am here." Zhang Yong said.

Damn, come sooner or later, you came when I secretly came to see the great wizard.

"Master Divine Envoy, there is a tunnel under my tent. You can hide in it first, and then come out after the concubine leaves." The great wizard hurriedly came to the inside of his tent, opened a tunnel, and said.

Okay, the preparations are quite complete. Zhang Yong nodded and planned to enter the tunnel, but then he thought about it and stopped.

He took out the fully charged driving recorder he carried with him, placed it in a relatively private place, and turned on the recording function.

"After the concubine leaves, you come to me immediately with this thing. Do you understand? There must be no mistakes." After Zhang Yong set up the driving recorder, he looked at the great wizard and said.

"Don't worry, Lord God, I know what to do." The great wizard said.

Zhang Yong nodded, then got into the tunnel and left the great wizard's tent.

I'll take a look at the driving recorder in my hands later to see what the concubines are going to do.

After Zhang Yong left, the great wizard tidied up his appearance, then opened the tent and invited the Mongolian concubine who was standing outside, and knelt down to the concubine.

"Greetings to the concubine, I wonder what the concubine's orders are when she comes here?" the great wizard said.

"You're welcome, Great Wizard. There is one thing I want to know when I come here this time. Does my son Ogedai have to have someone drink the diseased water for him? Does it have to be a close relative?" Borte said. .

"Toffee! Master Wokuotai is so ill, there is only one way." The great wizard said.

"In that case, let me drink this disease-relieving water! My status in Mongolia should be comparable to that of an older child like him. If anyone wants to bear the pain for Ogedei, then let me, the mother, do it. Come on!" Bortie said.

The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. Tuo Lei came to her today and said some last words and said that she would sacrifice for her brother.

How could he be watching? What if the other son dies again? The death of her eldest son had already dealt a huge blow to her. Since someone wanted to take care of her third son, it was up to her, the mother, to take care of it.

The special requirements mentioned by the great wizard should also meet this condition.

"Taifei, you are a woman, so you are not suitable." The great wizard said.

"There's nothing inappropriate. Just go and prepare. Let me drink the sickness-removing water. I'll bear everything and let Changsheng God spare my son." Borte said.

After saying that, he turned around and left the tent without giving the great wizard a chance to speak again.

Seeing that the concubine had caused such trouble, the great wizard did not dare to neglect. He immediately took the divine weapon of the divine envoy and saw Zhang Yong in the secret passage.

"Lord God Envoy! We, our plan went wrong. The Dowager Princess suddenly came and said that she would drink the sick water for the Khan and not let his youngest son Tuo Lei take it." The great wizard said.

Hearing this, Zhang Yong's expression changed. He took the driving recorder from the great wizard, then turned on the playback function and started checking it.

Although it was not the first time to see the divine weapon of the Lord God Envoy, the great wizard was shocked again by the reappearance of such a miraculous function of the conversation between himself and the concubine. The great wizard admired the divine envoy Zhang Yong to the extreme. It would be great if he could learn something from Master Divine Sense.

After reading the contents, Zhang Yong's face turned a little pale, "No, now we have to discuss this matter with Wo Kuotai."

In the original history, Wokuotai was able to succeed because he was attacking the Kingdom of Jin at that time. Both of them were on the front line. Wokuotai suddenly fell ill and immediately summoned Tuo Lei.

He was forced to take de-icing water, but now he was in the Mongolian headquarters. There were too many people who could intervene, but there would be no good opportunities after that, because the tow mine would return to his graveyard.

"Let's go see the Great Khan." Without saying a word, Zhang Yong led the great wizard out of the secret passage. After making sure that there was no one around the tent, the two of them secretly came to Wokuotai's tent before.

First, a great wizard went in, saying that he wanted to pray for the Great Khan, and sent Guyu and his son out first.

Then from the other side of the tent, a small opening prepared in advance was opened and Zhang Yong was let in.

"You two are here, how are things going?" Seeing that it was the Great Wizard and Zhang Yong who arrived, Wo Kuotai simply stopped pretending, got up from the bed, took off the towel on his head, and said .

He has been lying in bed every day for the past few days, and he has been depressed to death. Moreover, his son has done stupid things in the past two days. To be honest, he is happy and a little angry at the same time.

He was very pleased that his son could bravely stand up against Tuo Lei.

But fighting for power and profit and plotting against the kings made him feel uncomfortable.

Forget it, let’s send Guyu to the Western Expedition! Don't even think about the position of heir.

"Profuse sweat! Something happened, here's what happened." Zhang Yong immediately told him about the poisonous failure and the fact that Princess Borer had gone to visit him.

"My mother, why did my mother go? And Zhang Yong, are you sure? The great wizard's medicine cannot be used." Wo Kuotai asked with a very ugly face.

I've been pretending to be sick for so many days. Is this all in vain? Don't you want to leave? After releasing the tow mine and leaving, it was really a fish in the sea!

And after this incident, Tuo Lei might turn against him completely and lead the host kings to rebel.

Two not-so-good news made Wokuotai completely stop pretending to be sick.

"Bhan! There are indeed some mistakes. We may be able to implement the second plan." Zhang Yong said.

When he was still in Xiliao, Zhang Yong told Wo Kuotai some ways to create an accident, put aside all proof of presence, and let Tuo Lei die in an accident.

But in the end, Ogedai chose to carry out his plan because of the poison brought out by the great wizard.

In the meantime, Zhang Yong only prepared a bottle of medicine that could cause him to have a temporary high fever.

But now there is a flaw in this matter. The so-called poison configured by this great wizard is just an alternative way of infection. It can be cured by one's own allicin.

And the dowager intervened, causing the plan to fail.

"Then what should we do now? Should we just let Tuo Lei leave?" Wo Kuotai said.

His mother wanted to force herself to drink the disease-removing water, but there was nothing he could do.

"Zhang Yong, why don't we use your kind of poison, the kind that kills people in a day or two." Wo Kuotai said.

"We have no chance to poison him, and the concubine has stopped Tuo Lei from coming over to drink the sick water." Zhang Yong said.

It was so obvious to poison Tuo Lei in this way. Basically, the high-ranking Mongolian nobles could guess that Wokuotai did it.

What's more, now they have no chance at all, and Tuo Lei will not take the initiative to come over and eat anything Wokuotai gives.

For a moment, everyone fell into silence.

At this time, Zhang Yong suddenly turned his head and looked at the burning stove in the Wokuotai tent, with some coal burning in it.

These coals were all transported from the land of Xiliao. With so many large coal mines discovered, there was naturally a lot of coal in the big tent at Wokuotai.

Coal, coal, carbon monoxide poisoning!

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Zhang Yong's mind.

Coal has a distance of thousands of miles to be transported to the mainland of Mongolia. Generally, it is extremely precious after being transported and can only be given to some princes and nobles for use.

When burning coal, the biggest danger is carbon monoxide poisoning. When Mongolians burn coal, they don't build a chimney or take ventilation measures, such as opening windows.

In winter, yurts are sealed, which is an environment that is extremely prone to carbon monoxide poisoning.

The large tent where Wokuotai lived was specially built at Zhang Yong's suggestion, with a huge chimney leading to the outside. It is very safe to burn coal, but the environment for others is not so good.

"Sweat! Is there any coal burning in the tent where Tuo Lei lives now? Is there such a big chimney? Or will Tuo Lei and the others open some gaps in the tent when they sleep?" Zhang Yong asked. .

Zhang Yong reminded Wo Kuotai to make this kind of large chimney. After all, it is too easy to cause carbon monoxide poisoning without using this thing.

Even so, Zhang Yong still reminded Wo Kuotai to pay attention to the ventilation problem in the room.

"?? In the entire Hara and Forest, I am the only one with some upper-class Mongolian nobles who use coal for heating in winter.

The relationship between Tuo Lei and me is not good. I have never given them coal. They have been burning horse dung.

Of course he didn't do much in his tent. What about this big chimney you made? "Wokuotai said.

Tou Lei came from his own territory to attend the funeral of Genghis Khan in Halakhelin.

The tent was also brought and built by his own family. It was not prepared by him, the Mongol Khan. Naturally, it was not designed by them to add a large chimney to burn coal.

Therefore, there is no such thing as a chimney in the tow mine tent. As for the exhaust, in winter, the herdsmen will make the tent very tight.

No wind can blow in. After all, if there is a little wind in the winter on the grassland, it will really freeze people to death.

What's more, for someone like Tuo Lei, his tent is basically the most luxurious one, not much worse than Dahan's.

The airtightness is excellent.

Zhang Yong was thoughtful when he heard this.

The generation of carbon monoxide has a lot to do with the burning of coal, but more importantly, it is an indoor environmental problem.

Zhang Yong planned to do some tricks on this, and then find a way to make these coals burn in an airtight manner in the tow mine tent.

Directly causing carbon monoxide poisoning, or even worse, killing the entire Tuo Lei family at once.

"Great Khan! You continue to pretend to be sick now, and then, Great Wizard, you instruct some lower-level slave servants to send some coal to Tuo Lei's room to burn." Zhang Yong said.

Coal is used by the entire Mongolian aristocratic circle. Tuo Lei was not used before. That was because the coal that Wo Kuotai obtained from Xiliao was not sent to Tuo Lei at all. Now he only needs to send some to him. .

Moreover, these upper-class Mongolian nobles don't care what is burned in their own stoves. Basically, it is the servants who take care of it, and they burn whatever they bring.

"Zhang Yong, do you have any new plans? Are you sure about it?" Wo Kuotai asked.

"Great Khan! Don't worry, Tuo Lei will be blamed by Changshengtian and die of a curse because he was unwilling to give Great Khan a drink to cure his illness." Zhang Yong smiled and said. (End of chapter)

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