Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 282: The Kingdom of Jin breaks through, and the heroine is pictured after tasting it?

In front of the east city gate of Kaifeng Mansion, the Mongolian army was also neatly arranged, with large numbers of cavalry lined up with swords.

Behind them, there was a team of about two thousand people, dressed exactly like ordinary civilians, quietly hiding in the middle of the team, only waiting for a large number of people to leave the city before they would appear.

The first to come out were thousands of Jin soldiers. They lined up neatly with shields and spears, and then set up a defense around the city gate.

Afterwards, a large number of people came out carrying baggage or two loads of luggage on their shoulders, bringing their children and their families.

After these people came out, they were obviously very afraid. They all stayed in front of the city gate and did not dare to go forward.

When I stayed at my home in the city, I felt somewhat safe, but when I came out and saw so many cavalry outside, holding steel knives and wearing iron armor, I was so frightened that my legs trembled.

"Don't be afraid, everyone! I am the King of Guanzhong, you are all ordinary civilians, and we will not harm you.

Keep going! We arranged a place for you to stay, boiled some hot water and cooked some porridge for you to satisfy your hunger. "Zhang Yong came with a group of cavalry and said in front of these people.

After hearing Zhang Yong's name, the people present began to whisper among themselves.

"Is this the King of Guanzhong who stopped the Mongolian massacre? I heard that Henan Prefecture also resisted to the end. As a result, the Mongols did not massacre the city after they broke through, and they also treated the local people kindly!"

"The same goes for Daming Mansion. I have a relative who invited me to take refuge there some time ago. But then the Jin Army sealed the city gate and I couldn't leave."

"I have a relative who lived in Guidefu. It is said that Guidefu was not massacred."

"There's nothing wrong with Dongping Mansion. It's said that some people in some small villages starved to death."

"Let's go! It's just a dead end if you stay in the city now. Maybe you can have a chance to make a breakthrough when you go out."

Because of the previous agreement with Wo Kuotai, Zhang Yong used his power to save most of the cities in the Central Plains that should be slaughtered.

This makes the title King of Guanzhong still very appealing in the Central Plains region, and reputation is the most important at all times.

Today, Zhang Yong has only used the twenty-city appointment with Wo Kuotai eighteen times, and there are still two opportunities that have not been used!

However, it seems that there is no need to use these two opportunities, because the people of Kaifeng Mansion, Wo Kuotai, have no intention of harming them.

After all, in addition to himself, this group of Han nobles in Hebei also protected the people to a certain extent.

"Go forward, the front has cooked mutton soup for you. Go over and drink the hot mutton soup!" Zhang Yong said.

The gruel was made by Wokuotai, who ordered some to be allocated from the army rations, while the mutton soup was made by Zhang Yong himself who brought out some sheep and stewed hundreds of large pots of mutton soup for these people.

At this moment, the smell of meat wafted over for a while. The people who were standing there immediately twitched their noses when they smelled the smell of meat.

No longer afraid, he slowly approached the direction indicated by Zhang Yong. In front, some food prepared by Wokuotai and Zhang Yong, and a temporary camp appeared in front of these people.

"You don't need to leave, just stay here. Don't go far, stay here. I'll make sure you have food and drink. If you dare to leave, you will be killed without mercy." A group of cavalrymen kept running back and forth beside the people, shouting this sentence.

In the past few days, these people who left the city must stay in the temporary camps prepared by the Mongols.

"Didn't we agree to let us leave the city? Why? Why are we trapped here again? What do the Mongols mean?" A fifty-year-old man, dragging his grandchildren and his elderly wife with him The son spoke.

"Who knows? If you have the guts, just ask." A man said.

"No, they don't want to use us as military rations, I heard. I heard that the Mongols eat, eat." A woman was frightened and stood there and said.

"If the military rations were insufficient, this might happen, but since the Mongols cooked broth and porridge for us, it proves that they are not short of food and grass. The reason why we stay here is not to use us as military rations."

"Let's go. It's good if you have a stutter. I haven't had the smell of meat in my mouth for months."

"I don't care about that much. There's food ahead. Let's eat until we're full first. Even if we die, we'll still be full."

"Let's go and drink some broth!"

"The King of Guanzhong cooked this broth for you out of his own pocket. You must be grateful!" said some Guanzhong soldiers who were responsible for distributing mutton soup.

"Thank you King Guanzhong for your kindness." When the people heard that the broth was specially distributed by King Guanzhong, they were extremely grateful.

After all, their identities are a muttering mystery. Now that he is released, he can have a way to survive and drink a bowl of broth. This treatment is already quite good.

"Everyone lines up. Each person can only get one bowl of mutton soup. There is a little bit of minced meat floating in the bowl, and then go get a bowl of gruel. Each person only has one bowl of broth and one bowl of gruel. Don't take more. , if anyone is found, please use military law to serve him." Several officers responsible for maintaining order said.

This time, the people who greeted these people were all Guanzhong soldiers under Zhang Yong. The purpose of doing so was naturally to win people's hearts.

Further improve his status in the Central Plains and in the hearts of the people in the Central Plains.

After each of the first batch of people received broth and gruel, they were arranged to rest in temporary tents at the rear one after another, while the remaining people were leaving the city in a steady stream.

At the same time that the people at the east gate continued to leave the city, at the west gate, Wanyan Chenglin led an army of 3,000 makeshift iron pagodas and 2,000 light-armored cavalry to guard a large number of Jin nobles, carrying a large number of The gold, silver and jewelry rushed out directly.

"Soldiers, follow me to kill and rush out. Maintain good formation and never get separated. Head in my direction. Everyone, follow me to kill!" Wanyan Chenglin roared angrily. He took the lead and rushed out on his own horse.

"The Jin people are treacherous. The Jin people are treacherous and have launched an attack. Prepare to defend. Prepare to defend." After seeing the scene of the Jin army rushing out of the city at the west gate, the Mongolian soldiers guarding the west gate also took action immediately. stand up.

Large numbers of Mongolian light cavalry, as well as the infantry of the Han Shihou in Hebei, began to gather into a tight camp, intending to block the Jin army.

The two sides fought together instantly.

On the battlefield, iron horses galloped and arrows rained down.

The Mongolian army fought bravely to kill the enemy, while the Jin Kingdom's iron pagoda cavalry rushed out like fierce tigers with the last and most severe strength.

The two armies fought against each other, and the battlefield was in a mess, with corpses strewn across the field.

"Kill! Stop them and never let them escape."

"Kill, kill all these Mongolians and rush out. Everyone rush out with me."

A huge meat grinder was opened at the west gate, and countless Jin soldiers and Mongolian soldiers entered it one after another and fought together.

The battle situation here was quickly reported to Wokuotai.

"The Jin people really had bad intentions. We let them out of the city, but we didn't expect that they actually wanted to break through the west gate."

"Yes! The envoy from the Kingdom of Jin previously said frankly that the emperor of their Kingdom of Jin would definitely stay in the city. I think he has already wanted to rush out, right?"

After learning that the Jin army had begun to break through, the Mongolian generals present cursed.

"Okay! Don't we want to take over this city? This incident just gives us a suitable excuse. It is justified for us to attack now." Wo Kuotai said.

After doing this for a long time, we Mongolians thought of taking this opportunity to make a sneak attack, and you, the Jin Kingdom, also planned to take advantage of the chaos to break out and leave!

But who would have thought that it would be your Kingdom of Jin that was the first to be unable to bear it? Since you have already taken action, it seems that there is nothing wrong with us fighting back!

But this is indeed good news, because it was you, the Kingdom of Jin, who took action first. We here really want to take the people out of the city, and we have also prepared hot porridge and mutton soup for them.

It can be said that benevolence and justice have been exhausted.

"How many cavalry are there in the Jin Kingdom? Are they heavy armored cavalry or light armored cavalry? Do you know who is leading the troops?" Zhang Yong asked.

"King of Guanzhong! The leader is General Wanyan Chenglin of the Jin Kingdom, and those in front are the Three Thousand Iron Buddhas.

More than two thousand light cavalry followed behind. The number of people should be around five thousand. "A messenger said.

Wanyan Chenglin! Emperor Jin Mo. The emperor who reigned the shortest in Chinese history was less than an hour old.

All right! It turns out to be you, brother!

It seems that the members of the Jin Kingdom's royal family are not with you, and Jin Aizong Wanyan Shouxu should still be in the Kaifeng Mansion.

But I can't let you run away no matter what. It would be terrible if Jin Aizong hides inside.

If these gangs escape, five thousand people can capture a medium-sized city, and then they will have to fight another meaningless siege.

"How many defenders are there at the west gate?" Wo Kuotai asked.

"Report to the Great Khan! There are more than 10,000 Mongolian light cavalry and more than 10,000 Han infantry on the west side, totaling 20,000 troops." A Mongolian general came to Ogedai and said.

"Yes! Immediately send me an order to mobilize another 10,000 Mongolian light cavalry to intercept and kill this Jin cavalry. We must keep them here." Wo Kuotai said.

If I let you run away, wouldn't it mean that I, the Great Khan of Mongolia, would lose all my face? Twenty thousand cavalry should be able to stop five thousand cavalry, right?

"Great Khan! They have three thousand heavy armored cavalry. The heavy armored cavalry cannot outrun the light armored cavalry, and the Jin people's war horses are not as fast as the Mongolian horses. It is better to put them out and drive them towards the Yellow River. Run, and then use the horse archers to kill them.

Now send 20,000 cavalry to fight them head-on. The light cavalry will suffer a big loss, and the infantry will not be able to help at all. It is better to let them out first. "Zhang Yong said.

Sweat profusely! Sweat profusely! Have you forgotten the tactical guerrilla warfare that the Mongols are best at?

The ones facing them are heavy armored cavalry, and only the three thousand heavy armored cavalry under my command can fight them head-on.

Even if you send 20,000 cavalry over, it is impossible to fight them head-on. The advantage of heavy armored cavalry against light armored cavalry is simply too great.

Therefore, it is the safest tactic to release them first, then bite them slowly and continuously consume them.

Anyway, these guys have nowhere to go and drive them to the Yellow River, and then they will have no choice but to jump into the sea.

"You're right, I've forgotten about this. I ordered the army to open an opening for them to rush out, and then 20,000 light cavalry followed them, biting me hard and forcing them to the edge of the Yellow River. ." Wo Kuotai said.

"Great Khan! Let's go from the end!" Subotai stood up and said.

He was the only veteran left during the Genghis Khan period. How could he not participate in the final war that destroyed the Jin Kingdom?

Moreover, he himself is good at cavalry field combat, but not good at siege warfare. There is no use staying here. It is better to command the light cavalry to go out and annihilate these five thousand Jin cavalry.

"Well! Old General Subotai is willing to take action, but those Jin people will naturally not be able to get a favor." Wo Kuotai nodded and said.

With the veteran taking charge personally, he was relatively reassured that these five thousand cavalrymen would definitely not be able to run far.

"The army on the east side was ordered to start attacking the city. While attacking, shout at the same time! The Jin people betrayed their faith and broke out from the west, and then arranged for our people to find a way to enter the city." Zhang Yong said.

"Yeah! Just follow what this guy Zhang Yong said."

At the east gate, the people who were about to leave the city suddenly looked up and saw that the Mongolian cavalry actually drew their sabers and charged over with a fierce look on their faces.

The Han soldiers who charged with the Mongolian cavalry also began to shout. :

"The Jin people have betrayed their trust. The Yi Jin people have betrayed their trust and attacked the west gate. Now they are planning to withdraw their troops. All the people, please return to the city."

"The people of the Jin Kingdom have betrayed their trust. The Jin Emperor led his troops to break out from the west. All the people must return to the city."

The people who heard this were immediately confused. Why, how could this happen? Didn't we agree to let us leave the city? Why is it the other way around?

"This Emperor of the Jin Kingdom is so inhumane. Didn't he agree to let us leave the city and spare our lives? Why did he break out of the encirclement in a sudden change of hands." A commoner who had just left the city shouted angrily.

"Alas! We, the common people, are nothing more than pawns in the eyes of these rulers."

"Quick, quick, everyone, run back. If we run slower, the Mongols will kill us." Suddenly there was a group of more than 2,000 refugees.

He appeared from an unknown direction, quickly blended into the refugee group, and kept shouting.

If you don't run away, the Mongols will kill you, so hurry up, hurry up and get into the city.

"Don't panic, don't panic, enter the city in an orderly manner, and be ready to close the city gate." When the Jin Kingdom defenders on the city wall saw this situation, they immediately ordered.

well! His Majesty! Did you really break out and leave us alone?

These Jin soldiers guarding the city had no idea about the situation on the west side of the city wall, but their ears were not deaf. They didn't hear the shouts of killing coming from the west side of the city wall.

Huge chaos began to emerge in front of the city gate. After the Mongolian cavalry launched a charge, everyone was frightened. The originally orderly team leaving the city became chaotic and began to rush towards the city gate in a crowded manner, trying to run back into the city.

The ordinary people of the Jin Kingdom who had left the city early were extremely lucky. Fortunately, they came out early and were not squeezed back.

Not only did he not die after he came out, but he still had mutton soup to drink, which was also a good thing.

In the zero-hour refugee camp, a team of about 200 people gathered together and occupied more than a dozen tents.

Dozens of young men stood outside and looked fierce, even holding swords and weapons.

Among them were more than a hundred women with black ash on their faces and their whole bodies covered tightly.

However, even so, it still cannot cover up the graceful figures of the women sitting in the middle.

"Queen! There is indeed a fight at the west gate. According to His Majesty's order, we, we have to leave now." A young eunuch came to the Queen who was guarding Wanyan and said.

The queen with perfect appearance is a beautiful woman in her thirties, and this girl is his second queen.

At this moment, he was only wearing ordinary peasant clothes, and his face was smeared with a lot of black ash.

According to the original plan, after they broke out, they would immediately disguise themselves and then drive away quickly in their carriage.

Then find an ordinary small town to settle down and see how Wanyan Chenglin is doing.

If Wanyan Chenglin's side could successfully break through the encirclement, then they would drag their entire family over to defect to the new emperor of the Jin Kingdom.

If that doesn't work, then they will remain anonymous from now on, change Wanyan's surname to Jin, and then change Wanyan's surname to Yan. From then on, they will become Han Chinese and remain anonymous.

But the development of things was a little different from what they thought.

After the Mongolian soldiers released them from the city, they did not let them disperse, but gathered all the refugees together.

They had also sent a small team to break out before, but these twenty people had just made it halfway.

The Mongols warned once and then tested them again. Hundreds of bows and arrows shot over and killed these people without hesitation.

"Stop calling me empress, just call me madam!

Remember, I am just an old lady named Jin now.

My husband died, and I, I came out to escape. "The queen said with great fear.

You damn thing, in this case, how can you call me your mother-in-law?

If others heard about it, wouldn’t they immediately discover the identities of us women?

"What did the Mongolian soldiers outside say? When will they let us leave?" the Queen asked.

"Queen! No! Madam, this little one doesn't dare to ask!"

The more than 20 people who wanted to explore the road before were directly killed by the Mongols. "The little eunuch said with a embarrassed look. (End of Chapter)

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