Chapter 180 Collusion, curse?
Chahan's eyes lit up when he heard this. Originally, he was just asking.

I never thought that Zhang Yong really had a way to solve the current problem. After all, no one can conjure food out of thin air.

Moreover, this is the Lord God Envoy, who is also in a state of food shortage. He also has hundreds of thousands of mouths to eat, let alone taking care of himself.

But what I didn't expect was that this divine envoy really had a solution!
Sure enough, Jiang is still very old. It is not unreasonable for his father to like this person and want to marry him.

My father said that the two families were very close to each other, and their future interests could be said to be bound together.

But Wo Kuotai's son is not so easy to say. Recently, he and his father have been arguing about his sister's marriage, and the matter has not been settled.

If the God Envoy can really solve his crisis this time, then Chahan plans to follow his father's arrangement and try to marry Zhang Yong.

"Master Zhang! You said that as long as our problem can be solved, there is no problem with the [-]-[-] split." Chahan said.

After all, I still don’t know what to do!

"I just saw that there are some crops in the nearby farmland that should not be harvested yet. You should immediately bring your army to harvest these. This is also a large amount of food and cannot be wasted." Zhang Yong said. .

Because of the siege by the Mongolian army, some farmland near Zhongxing Mansion was not harvested. In these farmlands, there were golden crops growing.

The current Mongolian army all looks at the wealth of Zhongxing Mansion.

They all thought about leading people into the city to plunder, and it was probably several days before they thought about the crops outside the city.

In fact, Zhang Yong saw these crops when he first arrived at Zhongxing Mansion. After all, he was also short of food now.

He wanted to harvest, but the problem was that he was traveling alone this time.

I don't have anyone under my command, so it's hard to accept these dealers.

And if you want to harvest all these crops within a few days, it will probably take a team of [-] people.

Now with Chahan's help, it's easy to say, this guy has more than 1 soldiers.

Chahan's eyes lit up when he heard this. This was indeed a solution. Why didn't he notice the crops outside the city?

If the two of them move faster, they can harvest all the crops outside the city in two or three days.

It is estimated that they should be able to produce [-] to [-] million shi of food and grass, and as two people, they will not go into the city to grab anything, but just harvest some crops.

It's equivalent to taking a trophy, and no one will say anything at all.

But the problem is, if you divide it half and half, you still don’t have enough. You have to get them all to get enough!

"This, Lord God Envoy, this is indeed a good idea, but can you give me all these grains?" Chahan said.

He had just agreed to split it half and half, but he wanted to keep it all to himself. Chauhan looked a little embarrassed, but he still had the courage to say it.

"Chahan! We just agreed, don't you want to regret it?" Zhang Yong smiled and asked.

"Master Divine Envoy! There are hundreds of thousands of people in Zhongxing Mansion. These grains and grass can only ensure that no one will starve to death. They will have to eat gruel this winter.

After getting through this year, next year, and next autumn harvest, I will return all these grains to you. "Seeing Zhang Yong's expression change, Chahan immediately spoke.

There is no way, this time it is not that he is too greedy, but that he is too needy. Anyway, Lord God Envoy, you have enough food of your own, so why should you care about this?

He knew that the envoy had just received [-] shi of grain from the Great Khan, and his situation was much better than his own.

"We just agreed that I am also relatively short of food.

You also know that after the war in Xixia ends, a large number of Han victims will soon arrive in my territory.

These people will also need to eat by then. "Zhang Yong said.

It seems that the fish has taken the bait. This is the effect I want. This batch of food from Chahan is just my bait.

"Master God Envoy! You are just talking. All the people who harvest the food are my subordinates, and they also help when transporting it away. We really need this food.

Otherwise, I will send a team of several hundred people to rob the city. I will not take any of the looted property, but will give it all to you. Do you think this is okay? "Chahan asked.

"Alas! After all, there are hundreds of thousands of people, and I can't bear to see them starve to death. Just take all the food! However, I want you to do one thing for me." Zhang Yong said.

The treasures looted from the Zhongxing Mansion were an unexpected surprise, but these were not what I really wanted!
"Speak, Lord Envoy of God!" Chahan said.

As long as you can give this batch of food to yourself, then anything can be said.

"Chahan! Your Xuanhua Mansion is very close to our Xiliang Mansion. Wait until this winter.

You order [-] cavalry, and I will order [-] cavalry. How about we gather [-] troops, and then enter the Tibetan area and occupy the areas with fertile water and grass in Xining Prefecture and Qinghai Lake? "Zhang Yong asked.

What he really wanted was for Chahan to send troops to help. Although he owed three favors for sending troops for rescuing three cities, Zhang Yong did not intend to use these three unconditional opportunities until the critical moment.

This is sending troops free and unconditional to deal with Tubo.

Zhang Yong did not want to waste these three opportunities. No matter what, these three opportunities should be reserved for dealing with the Southern Song Dynasty or the Jin Kingdom.

"Lord Envoy of God! You, you want to attack Tubo and take away the Tubo people's territory?" Chahan asked.

"Well! The Great Khan handed over five thousand families of herdsmen to me. These five thousand families of herdsmen also need pasture.

You also know the land situation in Xixia. There is a rich pasture in Xining Prefecture.

But as we are very close to the Tibetans, instead of waiting for a conflict to break out and compete for pasture, we might as well attack them directly and occupy the entire area. "Zhang Yong said.

Xining Prefecture is only more than 100 kilometers away from Qinghai Lake, and this area has not yet completely entered the plateau area.

The land near Qinghai Lake, which is rich in water resources, is quite fertile.

Moreover, this area is also equivalent to the peripheral forces of Tubo. Now Tubo can be said to be a piece of scattered sand.

In various places, large landowners recruited some private soldiers themselves, and then nominally obeyed the orders of the Tibetan religious lama leaders. (You can’t write huofo here, just everyone knows what it means)
If they occupy this area, the Tubo people will not mobilize troops and send out large armies to fight against them.

"Master God Envoy! We Xixia have been coveting that land with fertile water and grass for more than 100 years, and we have never thought of sending troops to attack it.

It's hard to lead and fight there, it's really hard to fight there, let alone you and I who have gathered [-] cavalry.

Even if the number is doubled, it will be very dangerous, and the whole army may even be annihilated! "Chahan shook his head and said.

They Xixia Party members are not good men and women.

The Xixia people have long been interested in the area with fertile water and grass in Tubo.

But this area is not as easy to conquer as imagined.

Otherwise, given the character of the Xixia people, they would have occupied this land long ago.

"Why can't we fight? In the past, Tubo's national power was still very strong and could be defended, but now Tubo is just a piece of loose sand!" Zhang Yong asked.

The decline of Tubo's national power also began in the past ten years, and the Xixia's national power has also declined in the past ten years, and was even attacked by the Jin Kingdom and Mongolia in turns. Of course, they did not have the energy to seize the Tubo's territory.

"Master Shenshi is ignorant, not because the Tubo people are so powerful.

When our country of Xixia was first established, not to mention our cavalry troops, even the infantry could easily defeat the Tubo army.

The reason why that area is difficult to fight is not because of how powerful the Tibetan army is, but because there is a curse on that land. Chahan said softly.

"Haha! What's the curse?" Zhang Yong asked with a smile.

The curse this guy is talking about must be altitude sickness, right?

In ancient times, the Tubo people often used this trick to deceive outsiders, meaning that if you come to our land, you will be punished by God.

But in fact, the truth is that the altitude is too high and altitude sickness occurs.

My own Xining Prefecture, later known as Xining City, has an altitude of 2295 meters.

The average altitude of Qinghai is 3000 meters. The altitude in this area is far less terrifying than the Tibetan Plateau, but some altitude sickness is inevitable.But you Xixia people can capture Xining, so why not go a little further over there?

"Sir! It's fine here in Xining, but if you go over there, you'll get higher and higher.

Many soldiers suddenly faint while walking, and then develop dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, palpitation and other symptoms.

When you go to bed at night and wake up the next day, your nose will bleed and the corners of your mouth will bleed and you will die.

And when we were cooking, the water was clearly boiling, but nothing was cooked, as if everything we ate was raw. Don’t you think this is a curse? "Chahan said.

This is the curse of Tubo. Xixia sent troops to conquer Tubo several times, but they only managed to get around Xining Prefecture.

It's impossible to go further west, and the soldiers can't get up at all.

Whether you are marching, eating or sleeping, you have to worry about curses.

Under such circumstances, there is no way to fight.

"Chahan! Have you forgotten where I come from? I have lived with the man of God for a long time.

Lord Kamito has taught me how to deal with this situation, and I have a cure for this curse. "Zhang Yong smiled and said.

In fact, this situation is simply altitude sickness.

In my own Barefoot Doctor's Handbook, I have some Chinese herbal formulas that can treat altitude sickness.

If it's too high, you really can't guarantee your safety.

But if it’s just over 3000 meters above sea level, then there’s no problem.

Moreover, this time it is not a large-scale troop dispatch, it is just occupying a small area.

The most difficult plateau problems can be solved by yourself.

"Master Divine Envoy, do you mean that the curse of the Tubo people can be lifted? That was set by their great lama himself," Chahan said.

"I know that some herbal medicines can relieve this symptom as long as they are boiled into a soup and given to the soldiers. Besides, we won't go deep, we just want their marginal pastures." Zhang Yong said.

According to records in the Barefoot Doctor's Handbook, something called Ping'an Pills was invented during the Qing Dynasty.

After the soldiers eat it, they can resolve some altitude sickness.

There is also a Tibetan medicine called Ajisu in Tibet, which can also solve this plateau symptom.

These prescriptions are all recorded in the barefoot doctor's manual, and he even drew sketches of the required medicinal materials, growth habits and growth zones.

Qing Dynasty soldiers relied on this medicine to conquer Tibet.

In addition, there are some Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions that can solve this kind of altitude sickness.

And when marching, pay attention to let the soldiers rest well.

Opening your mouth while sleeping can also solve some symptoms of hypoxia.

For people of this era, the Tubo curse, which is very difficult to solve, can be easily solved on our side.

And the most important thing is that the Qinghai area can be used for military training to allow soldiers to adapt to altitude sickness.

When the time comes when your wings are full, you can attack the interior of Tibet and Lhasa.

The fighting power of Tubo is really not that strong. What is really strong is their terrain and altitude sickness.

As long as these are overcome, any Han army can defeat it. The combat power of the two sides is not of the same level.

"In this case, if there are really those herbs you mentioned, Lord Envoy, they can solve these curse problems.

That can be fought. The Tubo people's fighting ability is extremely poor. With 1 of us, we can even attack Huanglong. "Chahan said slightly excitedly.

As long as the curse problem on the Tubo land can be solved, then that land no longer belongs to the Tubo people.

Although the Xixia people are not as ferocious as the Mongols and Jurchens, they are still a warlike nation and can easily deal with the Tubo people.

"Well! Then we have agreed, you take all the food, you send people into the city, and I will share half of the treasure collected." Zhang Yong said.

"Well! Lord God Envoy, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Chahan suddenly asked.

If the two families can really conquer the Tubo land by joining forces, then the relationship between the two families must be closer. Ordinary alliances will not work.

There must be a more stable and intimate relationship.

"Tell me, what else can I do?" Zhang Yong said.

"Our two families are relatively close, and we will be closer in the future. How about we get married?

My father has a daughter who just turned 1 this year. My father and I make the decision, how about marrying her to the Lord God? "Chahan said.

"Ahem! I already have several wives." Zhang Yong coughed twice and said.

Is this asking me to join the race hall?
Mongols, Persians, Mongolian-Chinese hybrids, Aryans, and now another party, the Xixia people?
"Haha! Lord God Envoy, the Great Khan has rewarded me with more than a dozen women over the years. I have married a few of them, and the rest are all equivalent to the concubines of your Han people.

The real wife you have now is just the daughter of Princess Tulanlun and Master Wokuotai. My sister was only the third in line when she was married. "Chahan said.

All right!Farmaena, Bakhnaya, and the two harem women Genghis Khan gave to him before are not considered wives at all in your eyes.

However, this marriage is indeed very beneficial to me. If I want to survive in the land of Xixia, I still need the support of some local powerful people.

Even though his base may be transferred to Guanzhong in the future, it does not mean that he will give up this Xixia territory. The marriage between the two families will only benefit him, and there will be no harm.

"I still need to ask Tulan Lun about this. How about we wait until we return to Xiliang Mansion before making a decision." Zhang Yong said.

"Master God, why do you need to ask women about men's matters?

Whether your parents are alive or not, you can decide this matter yourself, why should you ask others? "Chahan asked very puzzledly.

Even though Princess Tulanlun's status is very noble, she got married according to Mongolian etiquette.

Then everything must be obeyed by your husband. As long as your husband can support a woman, he can marry as many as he wants. There is no need for the consent of his own woman!

And not to mention Mongolia, even in the territory of the Han people, the husband has the final say in such matters.


"Master God, this matter has been settled. In the future, our two families will join forces to attack Tubo. We will divide the Tubo people's land equally," Chahan said.

Zhang Yong was not even given a chance to refuse!
Damn it, I just invited you to conquer a small piece of pasture, even just near Qinghai Lake. You actually want the whole territory of Tubo?
You are greedier than me!Although my medicine can solve some altitude sickness, Zhang Yong has never thought about conquering the whole of Tubo, at least at this stage.

"Chahan! Just grab more than 200 miles of fertile land near Qinghai Lake, starting from Xining Prefecture. This is our strategic goal this time." Zhang Yong said tactfully.

"I naturally know that this time is just a military training. In a few years, our two families will join forces to send 3 troops to completely wipe out Tubo." Chahan said.

Ahem!Please don't mess with my strategic goals casually, okay?
I want to seize the Guanzhong area, and then take advantage of the situation to seize the Sichuan-Sichuan area, and then gradually encroach on the Song Dynasty. You are better off, just drag me to fight against Tubo.

"The matter of our two families joining forces to attack Tubo in an all-out way requires long-term planning," Zhang Yong said.

"Hahaha! Well, let's go harvest the crops first, and we'll talk about this later." Chahan said with a smile.

After discussing the specific matters, the two of them did not even rest that night. Chahan ordered 500 of his soldiers to go to the city to plunder property.

The remaining people, led by Zhang Yongchahan, went to harvest all the unattended wheat fields outside the city.

In order to ensure that these wheat fields and crops would not attract the attention of other Mongolian officers, Zhang Yong and Chahan shot an arrow to mark every time they came out of a wheat field, indicating that they had occupied it.

After Chahan shot the arrow, Zhang Yong ordered the soldiers to start harvesting the crops.

(End of this chapter)

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