Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 172 Presents the distribution map of gold mines in Xiliao

Chapter 172 Presents the distribution map of gold mines in Xiliao

Zhang Yong was very busy in the next few days. On the first day, Zhang Yong first wrote out the detailed ingredients of the soil blocks and bricks, and also completed the design drawings of some houses.

Then he began to deal with the more than 4 Han troops and the 10,000+ Xixia civilians. For the Xixia civilians, Zhang Yongshi told them all that for this year’s autumn harvest, they only need to hand in a piece of what they harvested, and there is no need to participate in various Shake service, military service.

There is no need to turn in the livestock raised by one's own family. In the first year, the focus is on restoring productivity.The local residents of Xixia were very happy to know this.In recent years, we have been at war with Mongolia and the Jin Kingdom.

Even the horses paid for the Song alliance almost squeezed the local people. In recent years, Xixia's tax revenue has even reached as high as [-]% to [-]%.

Although this year's autumn harvest has experienced some wars, in general, the Mongols did not do much damage, and they should still be able to harvest a lot of food. If they only hand over [-]%, they will still have enough to eat at home.

Therefore, the favorability of Zhang Yong, the newly appointed great master, has increased slightly. Ordinary people in this era, whether it is Xixia, Jin or Song.As long as they can survive, they are not willing to raise the knife to rebel.

The only thing that makes these Xixia people unhappy is that the land where the Xixia people were relocated no longer belongs to them.

But it was not them who decided the matter, but Genghis Khan and the Mongolian army behind him.

It's good to be alive, and their own fields are there. As for other people's fields, they don't dare to think about it.

Then they arranged for the remaining Han people, soldiers and civilian husbands. This group of people were all young and strong, most of them were adult men in their twenties. Even among the 30 husbands, only 40 years old accounted for one. A small number of people, including none over [-] years old.

Those who can escape from the north to the south and survive are definitely not old and weak women and children, but young and middle-aged men.

This group of young and middle-aged men is Zhang Yong's main strength. The previous group of people followed Wokuotai for more than a month.

This group of people basically ate one meal a day. After delivering it to Zhang Yong, they were all so hungry that their eyes were dizzy.

There was no other way, Zhang Yong could only draw a batch of grain from the grain depot, and then asked Tu Lanlun to draw a thousand sheep from his home and send them to be slaughtered, so that these soldiers who had been hungry for a long time could eat happily. A meal.

Only when you are full will people listen to what you have to say.

Zhang Yong began to promise this group of Han soldiers that a group of common people would come over soon, and then all the young and unmarried women could marry them.

They will also be given fields, tools and seeds for farming.

Next year, you will also provide them with free cattle for spring plowing.

This incident is a great joy for all the Han people.In this era of war and chaos, it is the greatest happiness to be able to give you a wife and a field for you to farm.

They were not treated like this when they fled to the Southern Song Dynasty.

"Sir! What about us, are we soldiers now?" one person asked.

"I will select five thousand strong men from you, who must join the army, but the rest can become civilians." Zhang Yong said.

It was impossible for everyone to be released as farmers. The five thousand Mongolian cavalry alone would not do anything. The five thousand Han soldiers were the largest force they could accept.

After hearing this, a large group of people were very happy to be reduced to soldiers, at least not all of them were soldiers.

But some younger men began to worry. After all, the death rate among soldiers these days is very high.Who would want to be a soldier if they couldn't survive?

"I will select young and strong men to serve as soldiers, but you will have preferential treatment. Soon a group of Han people will come to settle here. When the time comes.

You can give priority to choosing your wives from among the unmarried women. You can choose the young and beautiful among them to be your wives.

Those who are willing to serve as soldiers will be given an additional two acres of farmland each, and they can also receive mutton for winter this winter.

You don’t need to pay any taxes for three consecutive years, and whatever you grow is yours. "Zhang Yong said.

Without benefits, naturally you cannot attract these people to work for you, so you still have to give benefits.

"Sir, if I serve as a soldier for you, can we choose a wife ourselves?" A young man who looked to be in his twenties asked.

If there are such great benefits, then becoming a soldier is not impossible!

"That's right! You choose first. As for the ordinary farmers, after you finish your selection, unified arrangements will be made." Zhang Yong said.

"Sir! There are two more acres of land, and there will be three years of tax exemption?"

"Yes! You will be exempted from taxes for three years." Zhang Yong said.

With the temptations of land, wife, and tax exemption, Zhang Yong reluctantly selected more than 700 soldiers.

The remaining people, under Zhang Yong's order, all became farmers. After the disaster victims arrived, they could combine with each other and settle down here.

Although these people who did not serve in the military lost some privileges, they were still very fortunate.

After all, those who serve in the military these days have to wear their heads in their belts, which is beneficial, but it also requires a life flower.

"Those Han compatriots in the north will come here in a few months, so during this period, I will take you to build some houses and courtyard walls and do some construction work. You must not be lazy." Zhang Yong. said.

"Sir, it's okay for you to let us work. As long as we can have enough to eat."

"Yes, it's okay for adults to work, as long as you can eat enough."

"Don't worry, I will naturally make you full. Don't you have enough to eat today?" Zhang Yong said.

"Sir, we are full today. We have mutton to eat today. Thank you for your gift."

"Well! It may be a little difficult in the first year, but as long as we wait until next year's autumn harvest and we can grow enough crops to raise livestock, everyone's living conditions will improve," Zhang Yong said.

"Sir! We believe you, sir."

"I hope you won't break your promise!"

After appeasing these Han soldiers.Zhang Yong quickly came to Wokuotai's residence.

There are some things that I have to discuss with my cheap father-in-law.

"Why did you come to me? Is there something wrong?" Wo Kuotai asked after seeing Zhang Yong.

"Father-in-law! I would like to ask how the coal mines and salt mines in Xiliao are doing?" Zhang Yong asked.

"The salt mine has been mined, but the coal mine is still short of people! Of the slaves I got from Xixia, I can only send a small part to mine the coal mine." Wo Kuotai said.

"I wonder if you can transport some coal to me this winter." Zhang Yong asked.

"Winter is still two months away, so there shouldn't be any big problems. Don't worry, I said that [-]% of the coal mining proceeds will be for you, so I won't break my promise.

It’s not too far away from the coal, and transportation channels have been opened everywhere. It’s very convenient to bring it here, and it can be carried by camels. "Wokuotai said.

Seeing how active Zhang Yong was when he came over today, Wo Kuotai thought he was here to propose marriage and pick up his little daughter!I didn't expect that I came here to discuss coal matters.

"Father-in-law! You also know that I have just received the land rewarded by the Great Khan, but it is full of waste and is waiting for development. The food in my hand is too little. I have nothing to ask for. I have no choice but to rely on this batch of coal. Spend the winter." Zhang Yong said.

The food problem has not been completely solved, and now I can barely feed these soldiers for less than a month. I only have less than [-] shi of food in my hand, which is really a bit short.

"If you are short of food! Just ask the local Xixia people for it! The crops here are harvested in good condition. Just harvest some of them." "In the first year, I don't want to oppress them too much. Wait until the second year." I’ll collect it again in the new year.”

"You have a kind heart, but there are tens of thousands of mouths! How do you plan to feed them?" Wo Kuotai said.

"Father-in-law, I think this way, we can keep a large number of livestock. With these milk and some remaining livestock, we should be able to persist in the next autumn harvest." Zhang Yong said.

"If you let these soldiers eat one meal a day to basically maintain food and clothing and not starve to death, then it is barely enough. But if you want them to work, people who don't have enough food will not have the strength to work. In this way, your food will be It’s not enough.” Wo Kuotai shook his head and said.

This guy has a good idea. If his method can really save a large number of livestock that will freeze to death in winter, then the number of cattle and sheep will double. If this method is feasible.

He plans to borrow it and implement it in his own territory. Anyway, it was his son-in-law who came up with it, so he can just ask him to help with it.

However, the food in this boy's hands is still too little. Even after the herdsmen arrived, the dairy products produced by the cattle, sheep and livestock in their hands were not enough to feed these [-] mouths.

"Father-in-law, after the herdsmen arrive, I plan to lead five thousand cavalry to the Tubo territory." Zhang Yong said.

He also knew that it was not enough, so he had to go to the Tibetan people to discuss the issue of borrowing some food and pasture.

As long as he can hold on to the little food he has for a month or two, when the war in Xixia is over, he can set off with five thousand cavalry.

If you go quickly, it should be done within ten days. After all, they are all next to each other and the distance is relatively close. At the speed of the Mongolian Rangers, it is still very fast.

"Those Tibetans are even poorer than us, and the most they can do is provide you with a little food and let you grab some cattle and sheep.

But I guess it’s still not enough. You still have to raise taxes, otherwise it won’t work. "Wokuotai said.

He had previously brought his cavalry to clear grass and valleys in Xixia.

Naturally, he has also been to the territory of the Tubo people. The water plants there are indeed quite lush.Grazing is no problem.

But those Tubo people are poorer than the Xixia people, and even poorer than the Mongols. It is unrealistic to get some food from their hands.

"Then what do you think we should do? Father-in-law, I really have no choice. I can't let these tens of thousands of people starve to death, right?" Zhang Yong asked.

"It's not like you'll starve to death. It's just a matter of eating less. What a pity! If you have some gold and silver, I can think of a way for you." Wo Kuotai said.

Depend on!This cheap father-in-law doesn't even let go of his own son-in-law. Fortunately, I was prepared. Originally, I didn't plan to take out this precious thing now.

Zhang Yong silently took out a drawn drawing from his arms and handed it to Wo Kuotai.

After Wokuotai took it, he saw a map, which was a bit like the map of Xiliao, but seemed to be slightly smaller than Xiliao. There were some small dots drawn on some locations on the map. What were these?
"Why did you give me this? This is a map. It seems to be from Xiliao, but it is slightly smaller than Xiliao." Wo Kuotai asked.

"Father-in-law! When I was in the Shenren Cave, the Godman once surveyed the whole world and knew the distribution of some minerals. I know that half of the land in Xiliao belongs to you. Do you know what the dots above represent? What is it?" Zhang Yong asked.

"Are these all coal mines? Or salt mines? You dedicated this map to me because you want me to develop these mines myself and help you, right?" Wokuotai asked after reading the map and putting it down. road.

"Yeah! It's a map of the mining area. This is a specific location map. As long as you send someone to look for it, you should be able to find it. Some are buried underground and some are in nearby rivers. But this is not a coal mine or a salt mine. Something like that." Zhang Yong said.

"Oh! Not coal mines or salt mines? What kind of mines are these? Are they iron mines?" Wo Kuotai asked.

Salt mines are the most precious, coal mines are about the same, and iron mines are inferior. Wo Kuotai took a look around.

There are probably more than 50 small spots, and there are more than 30 of them within my own territory, which means more than 30 mineral deposits. They must be iron ore!

"Father-in-law! These are all gold mine maps. What is buried in them is not coal or salt, but real gold." Zhang Yong said.

"You, you, you kid, you said these are all gold mines, are you kidding me? This, this, so many gold mines." Wo Kuotai suddenly stood up and asked.

Even his hands were shaking a little. He knew very well what so many gold mines represented. He would do it no matter how much manpower and material resources were mobilized to mine gold mines.

These things are money when dug out, but is Xiliao so rich?Why doesn't he know?

"My father-in-law, my son-in-law dare not hide anything. These are indeed gold mines. My father-in-law only needs to send people to search for them.

If you can find it, you can mine it. Once these gold mines are mined, you should know the wealth value they represent. "Zhang Yong said.

In his mobile phone, there is also an e-book with distribution maps of various minerals across the country, as well as the locations of some of the world's largest mines. What he took out this time is the distribution map of all gold mines in Xinjiang.

The distribution of gold deposits in Xinjiang is divided from north to south into seven major gold mining areas: Altai, West Junggar, East Junggar, West Tianshan, East Tianshan-North Tianshan, Southwest Tianshan, and Altyn.

They are all marked and marked with detailed maps.

This was drawn by Zhang Yong overnight, and he also marked it in detail whether it was an underground gold mine or a river gold mine.

Anyway, you can't mine these mines yourself, so why not be a favor and leave it to Wo Kuotai to mine, so that you can maximize your profits by getting some benefits.

"These gold mines are indeed a huge fortune. What do you want me to do? Just tell me." Wo Kuotai asked.

He has no doubts about the authenticity of these gold mines. Zhang Yong will not lie to him, and the golden armored god will not lie to him either.

So Wokuotai asked excitedly.

"Father-in-law! I hope you can plead with the Great Khan to exempt him from all taxes and military service in my territory for three years. Of course, it would be better if it could be a little more." Zhang Yong said.

He had been tearing it up over the past two days and felt that exempting all taxes would be the best result for the future development of his territory.

"Well! When these gold mines are mined, you don't want any of them, so I will do this for you." Wo Kuotai said.

After all, the thing mined this time is gold, and the manpower and material resources required to mine gold are much more complicated than mining coal mines and salt mines. Only a map is provided, and you need to find it yourself. The cost is still very high.

At least for a few years, Wokuotai won't be able to mine these gold mines. After all, there is a shortage of people!
"Father-in-law! I don't want any of these gold mines. Do you think you can exempt me from taxes and military service in my territory for a few years?" Zhang Yong asked.

"Five years! I will go to see Father Khan right now and present some gold mine drawings. I will exempt you from the penalty for five years at most. I am confident that I can accomplish this, and it is to the best of my ability." Wo Kuo Tai said.

You know, the territory Genghis Khan promised Zhang Yong was not just the two small towns in Xixia, but the entire Guanzhong area. Moreover, after attacking Xixia, Genghis Khan would go to attack the Guanzhong area.

The Mongols are extremely good at fighting in winter, but they are not very good at fighting in summer. Therefore, after destroying Xixia, Genghis Khan will enter winter.

Therefore, this tax reduction is the tax for the entire Guanzhong region for five years. This is not a small amount. If it were not for the backing of these gold mine maps, Wokuotai would not have the courage to speak.

"Well! Thank you father-in-law!" Zhang Yong said.

In fact, if he dedicated this gold mine map to Genghis Khan, he was confident that he would be exempted from five years of imprisonment. However, the reason why he gave it to Ogedei to present the map was just to do a favor.

These gold mine distribution maps are in Xiliao, and I have no ability to mine them, at least for more than ten years, or within 20 years, and I don’t only have the mine maps of Xiliao.

I also have distribution maps of various minerals in Tubo, Xixia, Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, and all over the country, so Zhang Yong doesn't care at all about the little gold mine in Xiliao.

"Well! Leave this matter to me. I will go and tell you in person. By the way, I will help you get ten thousand stones of food and grass for you to use." Wo Kuotai said.

After taking so much gold mine, help this kid get some more food!

(End of this chapter)

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