Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 153: Burning the Song army and blowing up the camp

Chapter 153: Burning the Song army and blowing up the camp

Just now, many soldiers saw a strange black bird flying in the sky. This strange black bird was flying high in the sky, but its eyes were shining with red and green light, and it looked very scary.

The leading general immediately began to reassure the ordinary officers and soldiers under his command, saying that they were just big birds, just like a cat's eyes, they would glow at night, and there was nothing strange about them. There were many such things in Xixia.

But the real situation is that these generals have never seen this strange bird, but they cannot tell it because once they discover something unknown.This will cause panic among the soldiers, which is extremely detrimental to the war situation.

"No need to worry, it's just a big black bird. It just flies above our heads at night, and then leaves after a short time." The leading Song Army officer said.

"General Liu, are you well-informed? There is such a terrifying bird in Xixia?" the deputy general under his command immediately said.

"That's natural. A certain family has read books about sages since childhood and has seen this kind of bird in the book. This big black bird lives in Xixia and is a unique bird in Xixia." The leader of the Song Army officer said. said.

"General, you are well-informed."

"Unlike us, we grew up in farmland and have never seen anything."

The Song Army who was ambushing on the other side also saw this strange black bird. Although it was strange, they did not pay much attention to it. After all, there was nothing they could do about the thing flying above their heads.The bow and arrow were shot towards the sky, but they could not reach very far.

And it’s just a big bird on either side, so what’s the fuss about?

"Zhang Yong, according to your instructions, we have sneaked behind these two Song troops. Now they have reached the range of the catapult. As long as you give the order, we will start attacking immediately." Wo Kuotai Looking at Zhang Yong, he said.

According to Zhang Yong's instructions, their march this time was extremely secretive. They didn't even light the torches during the whole process, they just walked over quietly.

"Well! Father-in-law! Are you sure you can defeat them in this battle?" Zhang Yong asked.

This is not the army of the Delhi Sultanate. The army in the Central Plains is not comparable to the armies of Western countries in terms of military discipline.

"Can you defeat them? You should ask me if I can annihilate them all." Wo Kuotai patted Zhang Yong on the shoulder and said with a smile.

This kid didn't even realize how useful his flying artifact was?That is an eye hanging in the sky, and every move of the enemy is under my nose.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the art of war will know what this means. This is an absolute victory, a victory that cannot be defeated.

What's more, are they using cavalry to attack infantry or sneak attacks.If he couldn't win in this situation, then Wokuotai would be a complete idiot.

"Is your father-in-law so confident?" Zhang Yong asked.

"It's not that I'm confident, it's a fact. If you take action with your flying artifact, they will have no chance of survival." Wo Kuotai said.

"When the war starts later, father-in-law, please try to drive them away, let them run to the Song Army's base camp, step on the trap first, and let them blow up the camp. More than 5 people will blow up the camp collectively. These Song Army will not be defeated if they want to be undefeated." Difficult." Zhang Yong said.

This is my personality. Whatever you do, you must be fully prepared and have no plans left. You must eliminate all factors of failure.

"Your boy is indeed cautious in character, don't worry! I know what to do. This time I will lead [-] cavalry, which is enough. You can bring [-] cavalry to support me." Wo Kuotai said.

"Okay! Be careful with their flint cannons, and never be hit head-on by the flint cannons." Zhang Yong said.

"Hahaha! You are really cautious, don't worry! I know what to do." Wo Kuotai said.

Zhang Yong, if I lose in this situation, you don’t need to take action, I will just wipe my neck and commit suicide.

After finalizing the final details.Zhang Yong gave an order, and the entire army lit up their torches and ignited the gasoline cans on the catapults.

Dozens of catapults began to launch catapults at the two ambush positions of the Song Army. The huge gasoline tanks that were lit exploded in the ambush positions of the Song Army.

Under Zhang Yong's order, except for the first wave of attacks, which set the gasoline cans on fire, all the remaining gasoline cans were not ignited and were thrown directly into the Song army's camp.

As long as there are a few sparks and gasoline is poured over, it can immediately catch fire. As for the first round of blows, there is no way. Although there is a certain degree of danger, fortunately, if it is done properly, it will not burn itself.

The location where the Song army ambushed this time was, to be honest, not very good. They were all in the woods.This is indeed a good location in normal times and is not easy to be detected.

But that's not the case now. These trees are easy to catch fire, and they are good combustion aids.

This time, when he and Ogedei went out to fight, all the gasoline they brought was put into the battle.

As soon as the fire lit up behind him, Song Jun reacted and realized that he and others were discovered.

They immediately wanted to organize a formation to start defense, although they didn't know how the Mongols got behind them and discovered these ambush troops.

But the enemy has already attacked, and there is no time for them to think too much.

"Quick, quick, everyone raise their shields and prepare to resist the horse formation!" the leading officer immediately shouted.

A large number of spear soldiers began to gather together and formed a cone-shaped horse-rejection formation.

“Don’t panic, everyone, all form a formation, don’t panic.

If we escape now, we will only be killed by the cavalry. Only by gathering together to face the enemy can we have hope of survival. Our camp is not far away.

Du Shuai will soon discover the situation here.Come to our rescue. "A group of Song Army officers began to yell and asked the soldiers to form a formation. They began to deal with the Mongolian army behind them.

The first wave of huge gasoline fire cans exploded around them. Some of the gasoline touched the soldiers, and just a little spark immediately ignited them.

"Ah! Ah!"

"Help, it's on fire, it's on fire!"

"Brothers who are on fire roll over on the ground and put out the fire on their bodies. The soldiers behind me go get water and put out the fire around me. Don't mess up the formation." General Song Army shouted.

Is this appropriate for playing fire attack with them?It's just that the first wave of fireballs didn't have a very good effect!
Although I and others are in the bushes, they can exit at any time, and there are no Jedi around them.There is no way to retreat. Playing with fire attacks in this kind of terrain is not a wise choice!
The only thing that answered him was a larger gasoline can. This time they were all unlit gasoline cans, but these things were equivalent to accelerants in the sea of ​​​​fire.

After the unignited gasoline was poured over, as soon as it encountered the fire core on the ground, it immediately burst into flames.

The monstrous fire ignited instantly, directly igniting the surrounding trees. The fire spread at a speed beyond imagination.

"Impossible, this, how could this burn so fast? What did the Mongols use?" The Song Army general was shocked.

Some Song troops from behind had already come over with buckets of water, intending to put out the surrounding fires, but something even more unexpected and terrifying happened.

Water poured on these flames, instead of extinguishing them, made the fire more fierce, just like pouring oil on the fire.

"Ah! Ah! My eyes, my face!"

"Ah! This fire, why can't this fire be extinguished?" These people were carrying buckets.Jun became the first batch of victims and was instantly devoured by the ruthless fire.

A large group of Song soldiers fell into a huge panic. Who had ever seen a flame that could not be extinguished by water?

It's okay that water can't put it out, but it can actually make the fire more fierce. What's the point of this?

However, the enemy will not give them time to think and think of countermeasures.

The gasoline cans thrown by the catapult traced a perfect arc, gradually igniting all the surrounding places, and the flames shot into the sky.

As the gasoline burned violently, thick smoke billowed out, and some extremely pungent smells began to enter the mouths and noses of these Song soldiers.

Rolling smoke and monstrous fire surrounded the two groups of Song troops who were ambushing outside the camp.

Finally, a large number of ordinary Song soldiers' psychological defenses began to collapse. They threw away their weapons, took off their armor, and ran back like the wind.

"Don't retreat, don't retreat, come back." Seeing this situation, the Song Army officer wanted to yell loudly, but his voice could not reach the ears of ordinary soldiers at all.

The battlefield was filled with all kinds of screams, the sound of blazing flames, and billowing smoke.

Zhang Yong never expected that gasoline would perform so well in the first battle on the plains. Water could not extinguish it, but would make the flames more ferocious. This was a huge psychological blow to the soldiers of this era.Without even giving Wo Kuotai any room to take action, the two groups of Song troops who were ambushing outside the camp collectively rushed towards their home base, the Chinese Army Camp.

"Hahaha! Did you see it? Boy, I have expected this situation a long time ago. Okay, I'll set off and kill them all." Wo Kuotai said.

"Wait! Father-in-law, when you attack them, first cut off their flags and then kill them.

Don't let the low-level generals go, kill as many of their officers as possible, and then ask all the soldiers to shout in Chinese!Surrender without killing, surrender without killing! "Zhang Yong said.

"Why is this?" Wo Kuotai asked.

“If we surrender without dying, they will give up resistance, and we can end this battle faster and reduce casualties.

We don't want to take the remaining defeated troops as prisoners, but just put them all back.

Let them overwhelm the Jin Kingdom's front line by themselves. The tens of thousands of defeated troops fleeing back will cause a huge burden on the Jin Kingdom's border defense, so I want you to kill all the officers. "Zhang Yong said.

Once the uncommanded troops enter the enemy's territory, it is a very terrifying thing.

The chaos that these defeated troops could cause would be far beyond Wokuotai's imagination.

And although they will cause a huge burden to the Jin Kingdom, they still have a chance to escape back to the Song Dynasty.

After these defeated troops enter the territory of the Song Army, they will cause panic in the local area.

All towns will know the news of the Song army's defeat, and there is no way to block it.

This panic of defeat will spread to all the rear towns, waiting for the arrival of Genghis Khan's army.

They will definitely threaten the Southern Song Dynasty as in the original history. If they want to defeat the Southern Song Dynasty, then it will be a good opportunity for them to lead the army into battle.

It will be easier to seize the land of Sichuan and Shu if you lead the troops to attack by yourself.

These defeated soldiers will spread the flames they see, the kind of flames they see that cannot be extinguished with water, as miraculous.

Let all the people and the generals guarding the city know that they will face an extremely terrifying flame.

Some timid Song Army generals would directly open the city gates and surrender, greatly reducing the difficulty of the battle.

You can make the enemy surrender without fighting. This is the real attack on the city first and attack on the heart first.

Compared with killing these defeated Song troops and letting them go back, the latter can have a greater deterrent effect.

Zhang Yong told Wo Kuotai some of his thoughts.

"It's a good idea if you want to take advantage of these defeated troops. I understand. I will instruct all the soldiers in the army to shoot all the commanding officers and not ordinary soldiers." Wo Kuotai nodded and said.

Zhang Yong is now thinking about the land of the Song Dynasty, but as long as you can conquer it, there is no problem in rewarding you with these areas.

All you have to do is pay your taxes on time.

Genghis Khan set the rules very early on. Anyone who surrenders can be treated well and let their own people manage their own people, as long as they pay taxes regularly.

"Du Shuai! Oh no, the two groups of soldiers we were ambushing in the outer camp were all discovered by the Mongols. They launched a fire attack." A messenger came to Du Gao and said.

"I saw those two fires, and I'm not blind! What did the Mongols use? Why did the fire spread so fast?" Du Gao asked.

He carefully selected these two ambush locations. Although there were some shrubs around them, they were surrounded by open land and there was a small river next to them.

Even if the enemy discovers that they are using fire attacks, it can be saved.

But the question is, why does the enemy's fire spread so quickly?And how did they discover these two ambushes?I am obviously fully prepared!
According to common sense, when the Mongols arrive, they should attack their camp first. Even if they don't come, they shouldn't find themselves ambushed in two ambushes outside the camp!
They didn't have torches or anything like that.

"Send an order to the whole army! Block the outer gate of the camp. After all the broken troops come over, ask them to stop moving forward. The camp must not be blown up. Let all the heavy armored infantry line up outside to prevent the Mongols from sneak attack." Du Gao said .

The two waves of people ambushing outside only have [-] infantry each, and there are nearly [-] soldiers in the own camp. Even if these two ambushing troops are defeated, there will be no big problem.

As long as these broken troops don't rush into the camp and cause a chain reaction, it will be fine.

"Du Shuai! Won't we save those brothers?" the Song Army officer said.

"We can't rescue now. If we do, we will have to fight with the Mongolian cavalry in the field. How many cavalry do we have in total? If the infantry leaves the camp, they will be wiped out by the enemy's cavalry.

You stop their rout outside, and after they calm down, let them enter the camp in batches. "Du Gao said.

"As ordered!"

Driven by Wokuotai, the Song soldiers who survived the fire began to rush towards their camp crazily.

But they were quickly blocked by heavy infantry.

"Quickly, let us in quickly! Brother, let us into the camp."

After a group of defeated soldiers arrived at the gate of the camp, they started shouting. The faces of the defeated Song soldiers were dark and they looked extremely embarrassed. Some of them even had sparks on their bodies.

After being burned, he ran back dragging his broken body.

"No one is allowed to move forward. Get into formation and don't run around. We will let you into the camp shortly."

"Why, why don't you let us in? The Mongols, the Mongols are coming." A group of broken soldiers began to shout anxiously. The Mongolian cavalry was outside, could they not be anxious?

"Everyone! Uh." Before the Song Army officer could finish speaking, a large wave of arrows came towards him, turning him into a hedgehog.

The power of Mongolian bow cavalry began to show.

The Mongolian light cavalry did not come into contact with the heavy armored troops of the Song Army. Instead, they kept going around and unleashed waves of arrows at them.

A large group of broken soldiers crowded at the entrance of the camp. When they were shot by bows and arrows, they became even more frightened and began to rush towards the camp.

At this time, Zhang Yong commanded the following 5000 people and brought the catapult to the front of the Song Army's camp, still using the same tactics.

But this time, because there were a lot of torches lit in the Song Army camp, they just threw the gasoline cans over.

This time, Du Gao finally knew what the Mongols used to launch the fire attack.

The oil jar contains some golden oil with a strange smell.

"Quick, run! Those fires, those fires and water can't be extinguished." After seeing the Mongolian army launch a fire attack, the defeated Song army soldiers were even more frightened.

"Don't panic, don't panic, put the giant shield in front, open a gap, and let these broken soldiers in first. No one is allowed to run to the center of the camp. There are a lot of horse traps and horse pits here.

Move all the thunder cannons and flint cannons to the main entrance of the camp and bombard the Mongolian army. We can hold it. "Du Gao immediately came to the main gate of the camp and began to give instructions.

But sometimes, once the emotion of defeat arises and the fear spreads, it is irreversible.

What's more, the range of thunder cannons and flint cannons is only so small that they can't reach the Mongolian army at all.

The Mongols didn't attack the main entrance of the camp at all. They just kept shooting arrows and firing strange oil to burn their camp.

The battle situation began to gradually become chaotic.

"Surrender without killing, surrender without killing!" At this moment, a large number of Mongolian cavalry began to shout at the Song army.

(End of this chapter)

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