Tumeng: I am a national advisor in the Golden Family

Chapter 112 Wokuotai, highly toxic chemicals

Chapter 112 Wokuotai, highly toxic chemicals
"Forget it, keep driving! I'll take a nap first." Wo Kuotai smiled at Zhang Yong, then closed his eyes and began to take a rest on the off-road vehicle.

Zhang Yong nodded and continued to follow the large army in the off-road vehicle. The two girls in the back row were already asleep at this time. They did not understand Mongolian, so Wogotai just dared to chat with Zhang Yong. these things.

If the two of them could understand, Wo Kuotai might be killed and silenced.

These two poor little girls, sometimes they don’t know, it’s also a kind of happiness!

When everyone was resting that day, Wo Kuotai pulled Zhang Yong out of the off-road vehicle and found a very secret forest. After making sure that there were no soldiers around, he pulled Zhang Yong to sit down together and said.

"Zhang Yong, your son will be my son-in-law in the future, and he will also be a member of my family. I'm afraid you don't know our current situation. Although my father Khan passed on the position of Great Khan to me, the thousands of households under my hands are still Less than ten.

However, there are more than 90 thousand households under the tulei men. Even if we include brother Chagatai's, the two of us together have less than 15 thousand households.

Do you know what this concept is?Tuo Lei alone controls more than [-]% of the army of our great Mongolia!Even if I sit in the position of Great Khan in the future, this position will not be stable.

Because of towing mines, he can use his military power to take away this position at any time. This kind of thing happens often whether on the grasslands or in our Central Plains area?When Father Khan dies, it might be the time for you and me to die! "Wo Kuotai grabbed Zhang Yong and said.

This is really not an alarmist statement. As long as Tuo Lei thinks about it, Tuo Lei definitely has the strength and ability to do it.

And with Tuo Lei's prestige, even if he did this, not many people in Mongolia would stand up against him.

Now Zhang Yong has stood with him, and the two of them are in the same boat. The last time Zhang Yong helped him deal with Tuo Lei, he had completely offended Tuo Lei to death.

That's why he dared to bring up the poisonous matter to Zhang Yong, and after getting along with him in the Delhi Sultanate, he also had an understanding of this boy's nature. During the expedition, this boy gave himself many ways to deal with it. Drag mine.

Therefore, Wokuotai was not worried about Zhang Yong going to Genghis Khan to inform him, because doing so would be of no benefit to either of them.

Moreover, Genghis Khan hated his children fighting with each other. If Zhang Yong dared to report here, although he would be punished, Zhang Yong would definitely be killed by Genghis Khan, even if he had the status of a messenger of God.

"Father-in-law! You are the next successor chosen by Genghis Khan himself, and all the Mongolian generals, including Tuo Lei, have approved this matter. Do you have anything to worry about?" Zhang Yong asked. road.

"Why can't this kid understand? What I'm worried about is not whether I can successfully succeed to the throne. Now I have the support of my eldest brother and my second brother in this matter. In addition, with the appointment of my father Khan, I have ascended to the position of Great Khan. , it should be almost certain.

But the problem is that after I ascended the throne of the Great Khan, my position is not stable. Sometimes everything is based on strength, and Tuo Lei's strength is stronger than all of us put together.

If he cannot be eradicated, according to what you Han people would say, I will have trouble sleeping, eating, and sleeping at night! "Wokuotai said.

Depend on!How many times have I told you, if you don’t know how to use idioms, don’t use them. It means having trouble sleeping and eating. It’s obviously having trouble sleeping and eating.

And I can't sleep at night. After Mader used this trick last time, Genghis Khan directly rewarded me with a girl.

However, what Wokuotai said did make sense. In the future, Tuo Lei's four sons also verified this matter.

After Meng Ge, the last recognized Khan of Mongolia, succeeded to the throne, he immediately launched a purge of the Ogedai family, and all direct members of the Ogedai family were persecuted.

In the end, if there hadn't been a ruthless man in the Ogedai family who directly rebelled against Mongolia, the entire Ogedai family might have been slaughtered.

And for the Mongols, some edicts, testaments, etc. have no reference value at all.

In the original history, when Ogedai was still in power, he invited all the Mongolian princes.

Let all of them swear an oath that even if the Ogedai family is born a straw bag or a piece of stinky meat in the future, they will support him to ascend to the position of Great Khan.

But does this work?Ogedai had just died, and his son Guiyu died within two years of taking the throne. Then the throne of the Ogedai family had been passed down for two generations and disappeared. It was a typical death of the second generation!
Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Wo Kuotai to have this kind of worry. In the future, Tuo Lei will die early. Who can believe that it is a natural death?He was only in his 40s before he was 30 years old, so he died young.

The Mongols really have a lot of poisoning traditions. A certain Russian Grand Duke was sent by Batu, the Khan of the Golden Horde, to attend the sweating ceremony of precious oil.

As a result, Queen Naima and Guyu, because Batu did not come in person, directly knocked down the Russian Grand Duke with a glass of poisonous wine.

In the history of the Mongolian court, even after the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, poisoning occurred from time to time.

So you have so many talented shamans and medicine men in Mongolia, why do you have to look for me?
"I know you have it. From the look in your eyes just now, I know you must have it, right?" Wo Kuotai suddenly held Zhang Yong's shoulders and stared at Zhang Yong with very fierce eyes.

I don't know what happened, but suddenly, a very cold murderous intention enveloped Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his hair stood on end.

This feeling, this feeling, I seemed to have felt when I drove Genghis Khan out last time in an off-road vehicle. In the end, Genghis Khan gave him a fur coat, and the chill disappeared.

The people behind me at that time were Wo Kuotai and Tuo Lei!Knew it!
The father-in-law Ogedai, who usually seems gentle, is not a bad person. After all, he is the son of Genghis Khan.

And being able to detect that you are lying from your own eyes is really not a given. No wonder Genghis Khan would choose you as his heir. This guy Wogotai is much better at judging people than Tuo Lei.

It seems that if he doesn't agree today, Wo Kuotai will never give up. He might die here.

There is no way, people have to lower their heads under the eaves, sometimes I can't help it!

"Father-in-law, I do know some formulas, but these formulas were passed down to me by gods. They are used to defend against some poisons, to identify the authenticity of some poisons, and to save people." Zhang Yong said.

There’s nothing you can do if you don’t say it!It might be life-threatening!The struggle for power is so cruel!
"Hahahaha! I knew you had it. I was actually trying to scare you just now, but I didn't expect you to be so careless! I was just playing with you, and you were so scared." The cold killing intent disappeared instantly. , Wo Kuotai returned to his normal appearance, laughing and patting Zhang Yong on the shoulder.

hehe!I dare to use my fucking head to guarantee that the murderous intent you just expressed was definitely not fake.

Scare me, who are you kidding?Changing faces is faster than turning the pages of a book.

The emperor of the Central Plains has been using this trick for thousands of years. It seems that he can't escape this time. He has to give him something to come out.

"You don't have to worry. The golden armored god gave this thing to you to save people. Isn't this to save my life and yours? If Tu Lei doesn't die, you and I will die. So this is saving your life and mine," Wo Kuotai said.

Isn’t this just about saving people?What is saved is his Wo Kuotai, all the family forces behind it, and Zhang Yong, your boy's life.

"What my father-in-law said makes sense, it is indeed something that can save your life and mine," Zhang Yong said.

There is no other way. In this case, let me show you the power of chemical poison!
So think about it now!Which kind of thing should be used to do this? It is easier to extract in this era. For example, chemical poisons can be extracted by distillation.

Many dangerous and highly toxic chemicals can be extracted from some ores, plants, and even rotten meat.

It can lead to drug poisoning or allergies in the human body, and electrolyte disorders, especially high or low blood potassium, which may lead to sudden death.

There are many things that can kill people quickly, and there are also many mycotoxins that can have such an effect. Maybe you can also try highly toxic substances such as mold. (I can’t write it down in detail here, everyone can understand it by themselves.)
"Father-in-law, does it have to be something that can kill people silently after a few months?" Zhang Yong asked.

It took a few months for the attack to occur, which was indeed a bit difficult!Not easy to handle.

"What? Don't you have such a thing?" Wo Kuotai asked.

“I have several highly toxic formulas that need to be extracted by distillation, filtration and dilution, which can cause people to die of cardiac arrest, which is a sudden heart problem.

Then he died suddenly and quickly. Even if a corpse came to check the autopsy, he would never find anything poisonous and would only come to the conclusion that he died suddenly and suddenly.

And it's the kind that is incurable.

It may take a few hours to attack, and it is colorless and odorless, but if it is to cause death, it will take several months to attack, and I certainly didn't. "Zhang Yong said.

The one with the longest effect only takes 72 hours to take effect. It is really hard to find highly toxic chemicals that only take a few months to take effect. There are quite a few that are colorless and odorless and can quickly reach the heaven of immortality.

For the requirements of Wokuotai.

Among them, ricin is the most suitable, and it is relatively easy to extract. The onset of symptoms starts three to 24 hours after use. If the dose is small, it can even be extended to more than 72 hours.

Moreover, this is a very famous assassination poison in the world, but this thing does not seem to meet Wo Kuotai's time requirements.

Wokuotai was a little embarrassed when he heard this. He really wanted to kill Tuo Lei, but he didn't want outsiders to know!
You must protect your reputation and face in whatever you do, he just guessed.Zhang Yong has something, and the effect will be very good, but it is not what he needs at all.

It would be too obvious to have an attack within a few hours, and he could get this poison himself, but this guy said that no autopsy could reveal any truth, but that the death method of sudden cardiac arrest was quite novel.

"Without any symptoms, he died suddenly. How long was the longest period of time?" Wo Kuotai asked with a smile on his face.

"Three days, during these three days, he will not have any physical discomfort, and his death will be extremely sudden." Zhang Yong said.

After all, he died of multiple organ failure, which was basically incurable. Even modern medicine could not save him. It was just troublesome to configure, but Zhang Yong was just right.

"No! This time is too short. It's hard to deal with it in three days, and it's hard for me to clear away the suspicion." Wo Kuotai shook his head and said.

What is my father-in-law thinking?If you personally poison someone and it is very obvious, you will indeed notice it.

But there is no need to take action directly!Some dangerous and highly toxic chemicals can have serious consequences if you smell them or come into contact with them accidentally.

"Father-in-law, there is actually no need to go to such trouble. As long as he is exposed to a little bit, serious consequences will occur, and we can completely poison him without anyone noticing." Zhang Yong said in a low voice.

Do you know what alibi is?
Do you know what it means to perfectly put aside all suspicions and poison without letting anyone know that you did it? There is no need to delay the time for three months!

Let me shock you with some modern thinking technology!

"Father-in-law, when do you plan to take action? Or when do you plan to take action against Tuo Lei?" Zhang Yong asked.

"Well! I have to ascend to the position of the Great Khan and stabilize the rear before I can take action. If I take action in advance, it might trigger some chain reactions." Wo Kuotai said.

At least before his father Genghis Khan died, he could never take action, because he would take action at that time.

Genghis Khan will discover something, so he must not take action until he becomes the new Mongolian Khan.

"Father-in-law, no problem, leave this matter to me! I will prepare the poison. When the time comes, you do as I say, and we will definitely not have any suspicion." Zhang Yong said.

It just so happens that I also need some time to think of a way for you to get some alibi, and then remove the suspicion.

"Okay! This matter is really not urgent. You go back and think about it carefully first. We grow watermelons here and we have plenty of time to think about it." Wo Kuotai said.

"Yeah! Leave it to me." Zhang Yong nodded and said.

"Zhang Yong, remember, today's conversation between you and me is only known by heaven and earth. You know it and I know it, and we must not let a third person know about it.

If a third person finds out, then you and I, and even all our relatives and family members, will die. Do you understand? "Wokuotai said.

"Don't worry, father-in-law, I understand. No one will know about this matter. You and I are just here to discuss some things, planting watermelons, planting tomatoes, preparing food for the army, nothing else. "Zhang Yong said immediately.

After hearing this, Wokuotai nodded with satisfaction and let Zhang Yong leave.

(End of this chapter)

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