Sincere movie king

Chapter 97 Peng Ma makes a surprise attack and Fang Xian opens the door!

Chapter 97 Peng Ma makes a surprise attack and Fang Xian opens the door!
  After Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi finished their meal, they did not return to the Xiangshan crew immediately. Instead, they borrowed Dou He's studio to record a complete version of "A Laugh in the Sea."

The soundtrack and accompanying instruments also maintain a strong Chinese style, including flutes, sanxian, drums and guzheng.

Dou He, who originally spoke highly of this song, was full of praise after listening to the full version recorded by Fang Xian. He laughed and said that he felt a little nervous, as if some emotion in his heart was aroused and he wanted to sing it again.

Fang Xian suggested: "How about we record a three-person version, with each person taking a verse and singing together at the end?"

This inspiration naturally comes from Huang Zhan, Luo Dayou and Tsui Hark's version.

However, in terms of form, it seems to be closer to the versions of Jay Chou, Liu Huan and Na Ying.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Dou He definitely had no objection.

"Okay." Peng Xiaoshi was also quite interested.

So, the three of them teamed up to record another version. Their different singing styles and three completely different voices actually complemented each other, showing the enduring charm of this song from a new perspective.

"I feel that Teacher Dou's singing has the strongest charlatanism." Fang Xian commented.

"Yes." Peng Xiaoshi agreed.

"I like this song so much, haha. It's hard to find another song that can compare with the free and easy and bold pop music."

Fang Xian accepted this evaluation calmly because he felt the same way.

"I'll upload both versions later, right?" Fang Xian asked for their opinions.

Just as Peng Xiaoshi was about to agree, Dou He said, "I'm wondering if we can upload the version of the three of us after Xiaoshi finishes her Shanghai concert?"

Fang Xian immediately understood what he meant and nodded: "What a great idea. We can recreate the scene just now at the concert."

"That's what I think." Dou He nodded.

The three of them made an agreement, and then Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi practiced the four-hand piece "May People Live Forever" again, which was also a program to be performed at the concert.

Later in the evening, Fang Xian left to return to the crew of "Three Generations of Marriage, Twelve Peach Blossoms".

Not surprisingly, he felt the same atmosphere he had on the set of "Fly, Basketball".

After a trip, he came back with a great reputation, and the cast and crew members of the same crew began to undergo a subtle change in their attitude toward themselves.

Everyone's expressions and demeanor when greeting him became cautious, and those high-ranking artists suddenly became familiar with him and began to make some jokes between friends.

The filters and halo that money and fame bring to people are often the most intuitive.

"Director Lin joked with me today that he is going to ask you to write an ending song for our TV series again, so that you can give full play to your value." When it was time to film, Xin Yutong, who had put on makeup, came over to talk to Fang Xian, "I told the director that if I ask you to sing a song now, the price will be doubled."

Fang Xian laughed and said: "Unless there is a song more suitable for the TV series than "Liangliang", I won't show off my shame."

"What about "Fireworks Easily Cold"?"

"The lyrics don't have the right vibe."

"Also, the visual sense of that song doesn't match our drama. It's a different story."

After chatting for a while, Xin Yutong asked: "Are you free to have dinner together tonight?"

"We have work to discuss tonight." Fang Xian smiled helplessly.

He wasn't lying, Sister Hua was back from home.

"Understood." Xin Yutong waved his hand and went over to film.

That night, when Fang Xian finished work and returned to the hotel, he saw two actors from the crew, a male and a female, hurriedly entering the same room. He had the impression that the male actor was married.

Why are they so anxious to get into the same room?


Couple on set?


In the entertainment industry, couples on film sets are quite common, especially for long-term shootings. Those male and female artists who like each other will have sex in private to satisfy the physiological needs of adults, and then separate immediately after the shooting is over to have fun with each other. do not bother.

Nowadays, Fang Xianfan has little resistance, and he doesn't have to sleep alone every night.

Before he became famous, well-known female artists asked him through intermediary channels.

Yes, in this circle, some female artists also have a lot of fun, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and breaking stereotypes.

Fang Xian just returned to the room and saw Liu Min posting a message in the group, saying that Wei Zhuo had released a breaking news trailer on Weibo, suggesting that he had taken videos and photos of Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi dating alone.

Wei Zhuo is a well-known paparazzi in the industry. He has a team with outstanding professional capabilities and has made many famous revelations.

Fang Xian took a look at Weibo and saw that Wei Zhuo repeated his old tricks on Weibo and wrote a poem to predict the next big news:

"The refreshing Yu opened his mansion, the handsome man joined the army. The wind and rain fell when the pen fell, and the 'poetry' became the weeping ghosts and gods!"
  "I'll see you all on Monday, two top celebrities, there will be videos and photos."

This notice is basically a clear sign.

The four lines of the ancient poem are all from the poet Du Fu, and the description points to the same person - Li Bai.

Li Bai's nickname is Shixian, while Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi's CP names are exactly "Poetry Fairy CP", which is a convoluted and well-educated name. However, paparazzi usually have two meanings when they issue such notices:
  One is to see if the parties concerned are willing to spend money to settle matters;

The second is to hype and increase popularity.

Liu Min: "What do you two think? @平小诗@方兴"

This kind of public relations incident is not a big deal to Liu Min.

Peng Xiaoshi: "Just have a normal meal and talk about work, and I'll write poetry here."

Fang Xian: "It's a small matter. I'll post on Weibo later and break the news first. You don't have to worry about it."

Liu Min: "Can you post it in the group first before posting it?"

Fang Xian directly edited a paragraph and posted it in the group:
  ""Singer-Songwriter" is over. The results are not bad, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in singing skills. I invited Mr. Xiaoshi to have a meal and asked some professional questions, and then we visited Teacher Dou's studio together. , the harvest is quite fruitful.

"Next, go back to the set to film! [yeah!]"

After a while, Liu Min responded with a thumbs up expression.

Peng Xiaoshi: "You sent it and I forwarded it."

Fang Xian: "No, you don't need to pay attention."

Peng Xiaoshi: "Why?"

Fang Xian: "When you forwarded it, it felt as if we were deliberately responding to him. I posted it alone, which seemed more casual."

Liu Min: "Yes, Xiao Shi, just pretend you didn't see it."

Peng Xiaoshi: "Okay."


Opposition front group.

Panda suddenly wanted to lose weight: "Wei Zhuo wants to expose Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi, right? So, are they really going to make it public?"

Someone asked: "How do you know that you broke the news about them?"

Panda suddenly wanted to lose weight: "The few sentences he posted were about Li Bai. Li Bai is a poet, implying "Poetic Immortal CP", and he also put quotation marks around the poem, implying Peng Xiaoshi."

The group began to discuss this topic, and not long after, someone replied: "Fang Xian responded."

With that said, he posted a screenshot of Fang Xian’s Weibo to the group.

Big and generous, open and frank.

"Is this an admission?" someone asked.

Yu Zecheng: "They are from the same company and it's just a meal together. It's a normal thing.

"As a junior, Fang Xian asked Peng Xiaoshi for singing tips in an attempt to improve his poor singing skills. This is worthy of the paparazzi pretending to reveal the news. It's too much."

On the surface, Yu Zecheng scolded the paparazzi, but he was actually trying to scare those friends who tried to spread rumors.

Sure enough, when everyone saw Fang Xian's appearance, they stopped guessing.

However, someone with the ID name "Naixue's Baizi" replied to Yu Zecheng: "Fang Xian's singing skills are called poor? Listen to you."

Yu Zecheng: "My singing skills are even worse."

Naixue's Baizi: "..."


Because Fang Xian's self-explosion spoiled the paparazzi's preview in advance, on Monday, Wei Zhuo revealed another innocuous material and was ridiculed by netizens.

Then they quickly arranged for the navy to spread the rumor that "the explosive material was bought" in an attempt to confuse the public, which resulted in even greater ridicule.

Liu Min's PR performance led public opinion, and fans of Peng Xiaoshi and Fang Xian collectively surrounded Wei Zhuo's team.

Although Fang Xian’s material that exploded at this time is very popular, if you are not careful, the heat will backfire.

This is the power of the popular fried chicken. A large number of new fans are the time when the fighting power is at its peak.

Wei Zhuo later responded publicly on Weibo, refuting the rumors for Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi, claiming that the team did photograph the two of them eating together, but it was a normal work social contact, and there were other people at the scene. There was no evidence that the two of them had a meal together. together.

It is tantamount to forcing a wave of respect.

Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi did not respond further to this matter.

Within two days, the matter calmed down.

Just when the whole world confirmed that Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi were just ordinary colleagues, Peng Xiaoshi's mother, Professor Shao Danping, discovered a completely opposite truth.

This morning, she set off from the capital alone and quietly came to Shanghai, wanting to give her daughter a surprise.

As a result, when she rang the doorbell, the person who opened the door was not her daughter Peng Xiaoshi, but "that boy" in her husband's mouth - Fang Xian.

Wear your home clothes!
  (End of this chapter)

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