Sincere movie king

Chapter 91: Fang Xian’s little poem, playing with four hands!

Chapter 91 The little poem is revealed, played with four hands!
"Für Elise" is an independent piano piece written in rondo form. It only lasts for more than 3 minutes, but it occupies a very special position in the history of music.

First of all, because its technique is too simple and not so magnificent, it is called "trivial music". However, this insignificance is precisely the highly concentrated expression of Beethoven's strong personal style and creative ideas;

Secondly, because it is short, delicate and easy to play, it has almost become a must-learn piece for piano beginners. Its soft and moving melody makes it one of the favorite works of later generations of musicians;

Finally, the story behind the song also adds a touch of romanticism to the work:

The mainstream view is that Beethoven originally wrote this work to his favorite student Theresa, also named "To Theresa", and the manuscript remained with Theresa until someone sorted out Theresa's belongings and discovered the manuscript. , made the work public to the world, but when it was published, the title was mistakenly written as "For Alice";
Another view is probably based on this wrong name. The general idea is that a kind-hearted girl named Alice asked for help everywhere in order to help a blind old man and realize his wish to see the forest and the sea. Beethoven listened. I was so moved that I played a piece of beautiful music for the old man on Christmas Eve, bringing the old man into a musical situation with snowy mountains, sea water, seagulls and sunshine.

After listening to it, the old man was satisfied and dispelled the loneliness and sorrow in his heart, so Beethoven dedicated this piece to the kind-hearted girl Alice.

This story is indeed more in line with the tone of music communication, but the styles of "Reader" and "Yilin" are too strong.

Just like those Internet songs that are popular on the Internet, netizens like to give them a poignant story to increase the expressiveness of the music.

In this world, the origin of "To Fairy Chang'e" is that Fang Xian and his friends gathered together during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and inspiration suddenly came to them at random.

Or to be more romantic, everyone can rename this piece "A Little Poetry to Peng". As for the story behind it, everyone can play freely.

In fact, if Fang Xian played this piece for the first time in a bar, the audience might not understand its value. Now when he played it in front of Peng Xiaoshi and Dou He, the audience was not large, but the effect was outstanding.

"You are the kind of genius with an absolute sense of sound, right?" Dou He said.

Fang Xian had no choice but to repeat the saying of standing on the shoulders of giants.

Peng Xiaoshi, who heard this statement not for the first time, said: "You are too giant."

Then Fang Xian impromptu sang "May People Live Longer" with the theme of "Mid-Autumn Festival".

This song was originally sung by the sweet song queen Teresa Teng, and later covered by the queen Faye Wong. It is a classic song by the two.

Of course, the strongest part of this song is not the two singers, but its lyricist——

Su Dongpo.

The song is not difficult to sing. Basically, as long as you can recite the entire lyrics, you can sing it.

Fang Xian plays and sings by himself:

"When will the moon be there, ask Qingtian about the wine..."

After he finished singing, Dou He and Peng Xiaoshi looked at each other and said, "I don't want to play anymore."

Peng Xiaoshi didn't care. She walked to the piano and started playing by herself, and sang "May People Live Longer" again.

That's right, she could sing it after just listening to it once.

And, I have to say, she sings significantly better, and her voice is more beautiful and relevant.

On a whim, Fang Xian actually cooperated with her, his hands still jumping on the black and white keys.

The two of them felt something in their hearts and played a four-hand song in tacit agreement.

Dou He saw it wonderfully and took out his mobile phone to record the moment.

"People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. It's difficult to solve this problem in ancient times. I hope that people will live long and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles away..."

At the end of the song, besides Dou He, two other people were heard applauding.

It turns out that Yuzi and Xiao Zhao also came over at some point.

They were also shocked by the scene just now.

This applause can be said to come from the heart.

Not to mention those CP fans, these staff members who are familiar with the two are beginning to envision the official announcement of the two in their hearts.

After a while, Liu Min announced that dinner was ready.

Everyone came to the table and talked about the scene just now, still feeling wonderful.

It’s not surprising that the four hands played together, but what’s surprising is the two people playing the piano.

Peng Xiaoshi is a popular music diva who can go on a nationwide tour.

Fang Xian is a rising star in the entertainment industry with his works and rapid momentum.Such a combination, looking back two years later, will be even more legendary.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Min asked.

Dou He handed the video to her to watch. After Liu Min finished watching it, he looked at the two of them respectively and said:
"You two can recreate this scene at the Shanghai concert."

As soon as these words came out, except for Fang and Peng, everyone else nodded quickly and said it was a good idea.

"Do you have a schedule?" Peng Xiaoshi asked Fang Xian, which was equivalent to an invitation.

"Yes." Fang Xian nodded immediately. He had benefited from Peng Xiaoshi's concert, and now that the other party invited him again, he had no reason to refuse.

"Then it's settled." Liu Min decided.

She was also feeling quite emotional. The last time Fang Xian from Beijing Station attended Peng Xiaoshi's concert, it was Peng Xiaoshi who showed his face to Fang Xian and gave him a chance.

It had only been a while, but Xiaoshi's concert tour hadn't ended yet. Fang Xian was invited again, and the two were already joining forces.

As for the scandal between the two, it is no longer within Liu Min's scope to refute the rumors.

Many people inside and outside the circle asked her privately whether Peng Xiaoshi and Fang Xian were secretly together.

Therefore, her current public opinion plan for the two has only one direction, and that is the official announcement of the two.

Looking at this situation, it's only a matter of time.

I don’t know if it was influenced by Peng Xiaoshi and Fang Xian’s song, but the atmosphere at the dinner table was particularly harmonious. Everyone was eating, drinking, talking and laughing, creating a strong festive atmosphere.

It wasn't until 10pm that the guests left one after another.

Before leaving, Dou He asked Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi: "I will post on WeChat Moments and Weibo later. Can I post a photo of the two of you bombing together?"

Peng Xiaoshi glanced at Fang Xian quickly and said, "I'm fine."

Fang Xiandao: "That's okay with me."

Xiao Zhao and Wang You both smiled knowingly and said, "Then let's do it too."

Fang Xian & Peng Xiaoshi:...

Before Fang Xian returned to the Kunshan hotel, Dou He, Xiao Zhao and Youzi had all posted on social media.

Fortunately for Xiao Zhao, he doesn't have many fans on Weibo. Dou He and Youzi are both players with over a million fans.

"Getting together with friends during the Mid-Autumn Festival, happy holidays everyone! [Heart]"

Not long after the two posted on Weibo, the photo of Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi playing the piano together was captured by fans and marketing accounts, and spread quickly.

"Wow! World famous paintings!!"

"Is this an official announcement?"

"Two musical geniuses, a perfect match!"

"What a match made in heaven, tactical fallback."

"Shixian CP wins again..."

"Envy, I want to be there too."


Gubei No.[-].

Peng Xiaoshi was also on Weibo. Like Fang Xian, she had tacitly agreed not to post on Weibo, but she was happily doing so and the smile on her face never stopped.

When Fang Xian returned to the hotel, he briefly read Weibo, then washed up and rested early.

Tomorrow, there will be another important performance, broadcast live across the country.

(End of this chapter)

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