Sincere movie king

Chapter 71: Fang Xian is defeated, but you are victorious!

Chapter 71 Fang Xian has ten defeats, and you have ten victories!

"It turns out he grew up with his grandma..."

Xiao Zhao clicked on the interview, looked at it, and sighed.

"Xiao Zhao, please go back and rest first."

Peng Xiaoshi glanced at the interview, saw a few key words, and wanted to take a closer look.


Xiao Zhao left the boss's room while reading Fang Xian's interview.

After hearing Xiao Zhao close the door, Peng Xiaoshi lay down on the bed, leaned against the bedside, and began to read the interview released by Tang Pei word by word.

As a beautiful reporter of "Deng Tu Zi", Tang Pei is quite famous in the industry. Many readers of "Deng Tu Zi" magazine like to read her character interview series.

Her writing style is exquisite and her perspective is unique. She can write a [-]-word interview in a eloquent way, making people finish it without even realizing it and become curious about the interviewees.

Her Weibo only has 120 million fans, but each Weibo has more interactive comments than those with millions or tens of millions.

However, her previous Weibo posts only featured long-form interviews, and she had never included short guest interviews like this.

This time I posted a short interview with Fang Xian, and specifically commented:
"After reading this short interview, you should be able to understand why Fang Xian was able to write those lyrics."

Peng Xiaoshi quickly saw the problem Xiao Zhao just mentioned. Fang Xian said that he had no contact with his family. His grandmother who raised him passed away and his parents divorced.

Inexplicably, Peng Xiaoshi thought of a line in "Someone Like Me", "Would anyone feel sorry for an inexplicable person like me?" I wonder what he was thinking when he sang this line.

It was also at this time that Peng Xiaoshi realized that she actually didn't understand Fang Xian.

I usually think of him as a sunny, cheerful, handsome, versatile, and humorous guy, but I didn't expect that he has such a life experience.

Continuing to look back, I saw the paragraph where Fang Xian said "clear love, direct disgust", and I immediately agreed with it, feeling that it spoke to my heart.

Just when she secretly felt that she and Fang Xian had a lot in common, she suddenly saw Fang Xian say that he likes "girls with beautiful souls and sincere love"...

This answer has also been discussed on the Internet. The mainstream public opinion must think that he is joking, especially male netizens, who all believe that this standard is very scientific and well-founded.

Some female netizens are indifferent and feel that Fang Xian is smart and smart, while others think that Fang Xian's words are essentially misogynistic and malicious, causing female rivalry and continuing his performance in romance dramas.

This can be regarded as the basic base. Once some people are labeled with a certain label, even if you pee while standing, you will be led to the corresponding topic and you will be punched head-on.

When Peng Xiaoshi saw this statement and thought of Fang Xian's expression when he said this, he smiled silently. Then he couldn't help but think again, what kind of girl does he think has a beautiful soul and a sincere love for her?
Just as I was thinking this, I saw Fang Xian's conclusion about divorce, and I fell into thinking for a moment. Thinking of his parents' marriage experience, I can understand.

When I saw him quoting Romain Rolland, I immediately searched for "Romain Rolland", but the Internet showed that Romain Rolland was a French architect.

Then there is no more information.

Peng Xiaoshi searched with keywords again, but there were still no specific results. So how did Fang Xian know that Romain Rolland had said this sentence? Is his scope so wide?
And this sentence makes sense. Recognize the truth of life and still love life.

This should be his summary of his life, especially the last sentence he gave to everyone. He gritted his teeth and walked a long way.

After reading the entire interview, Peng Xiaoshi felt that she had a deeper understanding of Fang Xian, and at the same time she became more curious about him.

After thinking alone for a while, she asked Fang Xian in the group: "So Fang Xian, who is Romain Rolland?"

After a while, Fang Xian replied: "When you were writing essays when you were studying, didn't you ever quote famous quotes?"

Peng Xiaoshi: "I've quoted it, what's wrong?" Fang Xian: "Yes, in order to enhance the persuasiveness of the article, we all quote famous quotes. If you think of a sentence and really don't know which celebrity said it, just casually Make one up.

"The teacher won't check it deliberately when correcting the test paper. Maybe he will think that you are more erudite and have a wide range of knowledge. How many more points will he give you?"

Peng Xiaoshi: "...treacherous!"

Liu Min: "I knew you made it up."

Xiao Zhao: [covers mouth and laughs]

"No need to check, maybe he made it up himself."

Also watching Fang Xian's interview was Gu Yunnan.

His next competition will be a head-to-head confrontation with Fang Xian, and he is under great pressure. When he saw the hot search related to him, he couldn't help but click on it.

He hoped to know himself and his enemy, but like other netizens, he was stumped by the name Romain Rolland.

He went to his team's small group and asked who this was. Everyone checked it out and finally came to this conclusion.

“Deliberately making up a famous person to support his point of view shows that he is very scheming,” the public relations person in charge said.

Gu Yunnan's agent then responded: "These are all trivial matters. The focus now is on the next competition, to defeat him head-on on stage."

"I think Brother Nan will have the advantage in the next competition." The person in charge of the new media said, "Fang Xian has ten losses, and Brother Nan has ten wins!"

Agent: "Tell me more."

New media person in charge: “First, Fang Xian has released several songs recently and feels that his reserves have been exhausted.

"For example, "Meet", which was just written for Peng Xiaoshi, and "Xiaochou", which received good feedback from the previous show, will most likely push his musical reputation to its peak after the show is broadcast. Correspondingly, everyone's appreciation for him Anticipation has also reached its peak.

"In this case, if the new song he performs in the next competition performs slightly worse, the judges will feel the difference and abandon their votes.

"Secondly, the assistant guest he invited, Peng Xiaoshi, is a little queen of the music industry, but her personal stage style is too strong, and Fang Xian can't bear to sing duets with her;
"Before Fang Xian was a guest at her concert, some netizens said that their duets were not in the same dimension.

"Thirdly, in terms of the choice of duet songs, although the song "Your Answer" they sang together is good, it is not relevant to the topic. Peng Xiaoshi's representative works do not have songs that are relevant and suitable for duet singing, so they have no choice. too much."

The assistant guest Gu Yunnan invited was Meng Wenjun from the same company. He was a veteran diva singer with a lot of masterpieces. You can find a few songs about the theme of regret, and there are at least two popular songs, such as "Only Memories" , "If We Do It Again"

The duet song they chose this time was "Only Memories".

Of course, the most important thing is that the new song Gu Yunnan will perform in the next competition is a work carefully composed by him and his team. It is a masterpiece that is bound to sing regrets to the point of heartbreak——

"She's Not You"

Gu Yunnan: "Isn't it ten victories and ten defeats? No more?"

The person in charge of new media: "Only these three points will guarantee victory. It’s okay not to mention the rest."

Gu Yunnan: "No, I want to hear it."

New media person in charge: "Brother Nan, please wait a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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