Sincere movie king

Chapter 48 Fang Xian tears Gao Ruikai apart!

Chapter 48 Fang Xian tears Gao Ruikai apart!
Just when Fang Xiaobei and Yu Zecheng were carefully planning the plan to undercover Fang Xian's fan base, Gao Ruikai's agent Tian Wen also made a major breakthrough in digging up dirty information about Fang Xian.

“He went to high school in their hometown town. The place was very remote, and so much time had passed, so he didn’t dig up any useful information.

"However, when we investigated his college experience, we dug up a piece of solid and hard-hitting evidence."

Tian Wen sounded excited and reported to Gao Ruikai as if taking credit.

"What heavy black material?" Gao Ruikai is still frightened ever since he was glared at by Fang Xian that day.

What made him feel even more resentful and aggrieved was that on the night he met Fang Xian, he had a nightmare. He dreamed that Fang Xian turned into an ogre and wanted to eat him.

Therefore, now he just wants to take revenge on Fang Xian severely.

Tian Wen sounded proud: "When Fang Xian was in college, he had a girlfriend named Cheng Yuanyuan..."

"You mean he has a girlfriend!" Gao Ruikai cheered up and interrupted.

"Yes," Tian Wen nodded, "But they have broken up now. This is the most exciting part. Do you know why they broke up?"


"Cheng Yuanyuan cheated on Chu Ziwei and dumped him."

Gao Ruikai raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "You mean he has been raped by a woman?"

Tian Wen nodded and said: "We only need to sell this explosive information to paparazzi or marketing accounts, and then make him a hot search, which will make the entire Internet laugh. You can imagine how much money it will bring to him." blow.

"I'm afraid that the reputation he accumulated through those few songs will be destroyed in one fell swoop."

Gao Ruikai said: "And as long as this news is released, the conflict between him and Chu Ziwei will be intensified, like a thorn stuck between them, and it will be difficult to reconcile in the future."

"Yes, it's like cutting off his path." Tian Wen nodded in agreement.

"Hurry up and make arrangements." Gao Ruikai urged, he was now eager to see Fang Xian suffer a blow.


Eleven o'clock in the evening, Quancheng.

Peng Xiaoshi's second concert here is coming to an end.

The atmosphere at the scene was still lively, with many fans shouting until their voices were hoarse and still waving their fluorescent sticks.

Like last night, Peng Xiaoshi still chose "People Like Me" for her last song.

Since this song has been trending for a day today, everyone knows that she will sing it again tonight, so fans who don't know how to sing this song also went out of their way to learn it.

Therefore, when Peng Xiaoshi sang this song again, there were many more fans singing along than last night. When Peng Xiaoshi sang the chorus, she turned the microphone to the fans and the whole audience sang:
"How many people have you seen who are confused like me, who are searching like me, who are doing nothing like me~~~"

After the song was finished, Peng Xiaoshi said to the audience: "Special thanks to classmate Fang Xian!"

Then came the farewell.

The fans then shouted "encore" in unison.

Peng Xiaoshi returns to sing her famous work "Girl's Poems"...

The concert didn't really end until 11:[-].

After returning to the backstage, Peng Xiaoshi lay half-lying on a chair for 10 minutes before changing clothes and taking the car back to the hotel.

"What specialties are there in Quancheng?"

On the way back to the hotel, Peng Xiaoshi suddenly asked her assistants Xiao Zhao and Liu Min.

"Tang Wang cabbage." Liu Min said.


Liu Min smiled and said: "Pingyin rose, Longshan millet, Zhangqiu green onion..."

"Sister Min!" Peng Xiaoshi laughed helplessly, "Do you know what I asked?"

"You want to bring some specialties back to your parents?"

Peng Xiaoshi nodded: "There are still some friends, by the way, there is also Fang Xian."

"Fang Xian?"

"Yes, thanks to his song that made my concert a hot topic."

"I will give him dividends at the end of the year." Liu Min said with a smile.

"It's two different things," Peng Xiaoshi said, then thought of something, "It's okay not to bring him specialties, but give him a small gift as a reward. Doesn't the company have instant incentive awards?"

Liu Min nodded and asked, "What gift do you want to give?"

"Um...a car?"

"This is not a small gift." Liu Min laughed.

"What about giving me a watch?" Peng Xiaoshi asked, "What suggestions do you two have?" Xiao Zhao said, "A watch is fine."

"I don't think he's ever worn a watch," Liu Min disagreed. "Let's customize a suit and a pair of leather shoes for him."

"Okay, okay." Peng Xiaoshi nodded.

Xiao Zhao naturally had no objection either.

After talking about gifts, Peng Xiaoshi closed her eyes and rested.

Liu Min looked thoughtful.


Early the next morning, Peng Xiaoshi, Liu Min, Xiao Zhao and others were going to take the high-speed train back to the capital.

As soon as the three of them met, Liu Min said with a serious face: "Fang Xian is on the hot search."

"What hot search?" Peng Xiaoshi asked.

"The news that he was cheated on by his ex-girlfriend Cheng Yuanyuan was picked up by a marketing account."

"This..." Peng Xiaoshi frowned.

"At first glance, it seems that someone is deliberately messing with him. Many posts were posted at the same time. It is obvious that they are acting in a unified manner. I just don't know which company it is."

Xiao Zhao said: "Gu Yunnan or Gao Ruikai?"

Liu Min nodded: "It's possible that he and Gu Yunnan are going to be in "The Next Creator" and they just stole Gao Ruikai's role. Both families have motives."

"Then this is too boring, smearing people's love privacy." Peng Xiaoshi said.

"I guess I haven't found any other dirty information." Liu Min said, "Just treat this kind of news coldly. Apart from being a bit disgusting, it's not a big deal. I'll tell Cao Lihua about it."

The three of them talked and rushed to the high-speed rail station in the car.

"The communication has been completed..."

On the way to the high-speed rail station, Liu Min said to Peng Xiaoshi, "In addition, I also informed our public relations team and asked them to go and guide public opinion in another direction."

"Yeah." Peng Xiaoshi nodded.

The three of them arrived at the high-speed rail station while silently paying attention to the direction of public opinion.

Just when the three of them entered the business class waiting room and sat down, Xiao Zhao suddenly said: "Fang Xian responded on Weibo."

Peng Xiaoshi and Liu Min quickly clicked on Fang Xian's Weibo, and sure enough they saw that he had just updated a long Weibo:

"First of all, I don't know how this topic became a hot search. It's very inexplicable. It's like if a person becomes famous, he wets the bed at the age of 5, steals watermelons at the age of 6, and falls while riding a pig at the age of 7. It's like being picked out.

"This reminds me of something that happened a few days ago. The famous contemporary Chinese artist Gao Ruikai visited the crew of "Fly, Basketball" where I was working. He talked to me alone and told me that the entertainment industry is deeper than I imagined. , don’t get mixed up in everything, I formed a relationship with him, and I will have my good fruits in the future.

"Everyone knows what happened later. As soon as "Peach Blossom" was officially announced, there was an overwhelming amount of abuse against me on the Internet. This also affected Sister Tong, who recommended me, with all kinds of unsightly filthy words;

"I was already shocked at that time. It had only been a long time since the special campaign was launched to crack down on five types of chaotic behaviors in the 'rice circle'. Have you forgotten?!
"Are you prepared to indulge your fans and rebel against Operation Qinglang?

“From the day I became an artist, I have been reminding myself that I must abide by laws and regulations, abide by my duties, work hard to improve my business quality, and use my works to interact with the audience.

“I always believe that as an idol artist, you must set a positive example for your fans. If you are a little crooked, they may be crooked. If you are crooked completely, they will also collapse.

"I don't know what your purpose is for suddenly making this news a hot search. To make netizens laugh at me? To discredit me and make me lose my reputation forever? To make me quit the entertainment industry?

"No matter what your purpose is, I have eight words to encourage you: be more sunny and return to your work!"

As soon as Fang Xian posted this Weibo, it caused an uproar on the Internet.

It's not that his influence is great, but that it's been a long time since an artist in the entertainment industry has gone off stage and directly named his opponent to death.

And the one who shreds it by hand is still a top-notch person.

This is not in line with the rules of today's entertainment industry.

Everyone has always been shady and hypocritical, appearing polite on the surface, but secretly paying for the manuscript, and allowing fans to slander you to death. How can anyone be so direct and open-minded as Fang Xian?

Peng Xiaoshi and Liu Min looked at each other in confusion after reading Fang Xian's Weibo.

"Sister Min, what do you say?" Peng Xiaoshi asked.

"Let's wait and see first," Liu Min said, "Let's see what Gao Ruikai's reaction is."

There was no response from Gao Ruikai. Neither Gao Ruikai nor his parent company Huaying responded until they returned to the capital.

Because there is no way to respond.

On the one hand, of course, there is a guilty conscience;
On the other hand, Fang Xian did not directly say that Gao Ruikai was behind the chaos on the Internet. What is your response?

Finally, Fang Xian’s hat is too big. Who dares to take it?
 2 updates, the subscription looks a bit bleak...

(End of this chapter)

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