Sincere movie king

Chapter 25 Fang Xian went crazy!

Chapter 25 Fang Xian went crazy!

After reading the manuscripts of other guests, Fang Xian had some more ideas in his mind. After chatting with the screenwriter, the two began to revise the manuscript on the spot.

Fang Xian complained more and more, and he gradually became unable to hold it back. When he said, "I gave RB the toilet water to drink," the screenwriter quickly interrupted: "You can't say this."

"What's wrong? You're not allowed to mock RB?"

“Occasionally you can talk about it offline, but it will be reviewed online.

"In fact, not only RB, but all negative topics involving foreign countries will be reviewed. The reason behind this is a bit complicated and I can't explain it for a while."

"Okay, then I'll change it..." Fang Xian himself is in the entertainment industry and knows some insider rules. No matter how good his complaints are, there is no point if they can't be broadcast.

"What about this complaint about size humiliation and lasting humiliation?" Fang Xian asked.

The screenwriter smiled awkwardly and shook his head: "It involves vulgarity."

"That will change." Fang Xian smiled.

The two of them reviewed the draft until 7:[-] and finally finalized it.

"Familiarize yourself with the manuscript a few more times. The main thing is to pay attention to the confusing parts and master the rhythm and tone.

"If you're on stage, you don't have to worry about forgetting your words. We have a teleprompter and post-production, so you can NG."

The screenwriter reminded with a smile.

"Yes." Fang Xian nodded, feeling that the screenwriter was very responsible and did not mess around just because of his low status.

"You can go put on makeup now."

Fang Xian went to the dressing room with the screenwriter.

Then I learned that Gu Yunnan was using the dressing room and was not allowed to enter for the time being.

After waiting for a while, Gu Yunnan put on makeup and came out, followed by four assistants.

Fang Xian and the screenwriter said hello out of politeness, but were ignored.

Gu Yunnan didn't even turn his head.

Fang Xian and the screenwriter smiled at each other and went in to put on makeup.


eight pm.

The "Tucao Conference" program was on site and the recording officially started.

As the only domestic complaint-type talk show, "Tucao Conference" is the only one that dominates. The platform is well-deserved S-level, and there are no competing products.

Now in the sixth season, it no longer has to worry about attracting investment. Instead, many merchants have to queue up and wait for them to choose.

The main focus is on someone who is quite wealthy and has a sufficient budget.

Reflected in the stage design, it is gorgeous yet technological, and the lighting, music, sound, etc. all give people a high-end and classy feeling.

Under the introduction of the host in the background, the guests appeared one by one.

Fang Xian was the second to appear after Lin Zhu. From the reaction of the audience, it can be seen that his reputation does need to be improved.

If there wasn't an on-site director directing the atmosphere, most of the audience would probably have been confused when they saw me, thinking that some handsome guy had jumped onto the stage before the audience.

Of the guest lineup, the finale is naturally the main star Zhang Miaoxue, whose popularity is second only to Gu Yunnan.

After all the guests appeared, the host and host Huang knew Boss Huang, and the last one made a brilliant appearance.

At this point, the atmosphere of the opening reaches its climax.

Then, Huang knew there would be an opening speech, introducing the background of the program, introducing the guests, introducing the rules of the program and reading advertisements.

At the same time, he was also the first guest to complain.

As one of the top talk show actors in the country, Huang Zhizhi has a very strong sense of stage rhythm.

In addition, his status in the circle is now rising, and it is a home game, so he is in the most natural and relaxed state. He has few worries when complaining and can give full play to his skills.

Therefore, the contents of his manuscripts are often sharp, bold, and full of laughter. They are very to the point, and there are rarely any silences.

The place was heated up by him.

The second person to appear was Lin Zhu. She also took the opportunity to complain about Fang Xian and proposed the concept of "Pu Xin" for the first time. The response from the scene was good, and it was the first meme of the show.

This is also the reason why they asked Fang Xian - to provide an entry point into the topic.

After Lin Zhu, there is Internet celebrity entrepreneur Yu Pan, whose memes about showing off his wealth also won a lot of applause.

On the one hand, this is because he usually shows off his wealth successfully; on the other hand, everyone is always willing to praise the rich, hoping that their laughter can be heard by him.

Then go to Gu Yunnan.

He has a heavy burden as an idol. He doesn't want to be a funny guy, so he can't let go on stage. He stares at the teleprompter almost the whole time. When he complains about Zhang Miaoxue and others, he is a little reserved and even apologizes.

It wasn't until I started complaining that I felt a little more relaxed. There wasn't that much pressure and there was no need to apologize.

In fact, Fang Xian could feel that although everyone in this program was teasing him with a sense of humor, the unintentional contempt for him was still very obvious.

Maybe the status disparity is too great.

When I appear on this occasion tonight, I play the role of a marginalized person and a transparent person who does not need to be taken care of. In fact--

He is indeed such a person.

He is the punching bag of the female guests and the Murong Fu of the male guests (he is a foil to the three male protagonists, and was beaten up by the three male protagonists in the three major scenes).

Then it was Murongxian's turn. He stood on the stage and started his performance:
"Good evening everyone, I am Fang Xian. My profession has just been introduced by Boss Huang. I am a [-]th-tier actor and I am currently acting in a basketball-themed online drama.

"Except for the few professional fans I invited to create atmosphere, there are probably no more than 6 people in the audience who know me.

"It's normal. After all, before this, I had only participated in one variety show, which was a love variety show between amateurs and celebrity CPs.

"The previous guest mentioned that Xin Yutong is my intended CP partner. Do you know what this means?

"Yes, I participated in that variety show as an amateur.

"So, when I received a call from the program team of "Tucao Conference", I saw that my anti-fraud APP didn't have any prompts, so I asked them curiously, what's the matter, your "Tucao Conference" also needs amateur men Guest?"

There was a burst of moderate laughter from the audience, and the baggage was barely heard.

Fang Xian continued:

"Then the program team told me that they invited me to come to the rescue, well, on the basketball court, it means a substitute.

"I thought at the time that it would be great to be a substitute in the "Tucao Conference". It wasn't until I came to the scene today that I realized that you asked me to come to the rescue. You guys are clearly planning to get me out of the entertainment industry!

"Think about it, I am a [-]th-tier actor. If I complain about Zhang Miaoxue, I will offend the film and television industry; if I complain about Gu Yunnan, I will offend the music industry and the food circle; if I complain about Mr. Yu, I will offend the business circle; if I complain about Hong Zhishen, I will offend the cultural circle; if I complain about pornography Boss and Lin Zhu, I offended the talk show circle...

"You really didn't leave any way for me to survive. After the show is over, you can save my place."

This section made the whole audience laugh, and the guest seats also burst into laughter.Self-deprecation is also a high-level humor in itself.

Fang Xian paused technically for two seconds and continued:

“Now that I’m standing here, I can even imagine what will be posted on the barrage:

"'Wow, this program is great, the guests are all so good. Sister Xue is still so beautiful, Teacher Hong is still so knowledgeable, Mr. Yu is still so rich, Gu Yunnan is still so cool and handsome, Boss Huang is still so humorous, Lin Zhu still dares to say...

"Fang Xian, Fang Xian is wearing a shirt too!"

This somewhat twisted joke made all the talk show writers backstage burst into laughter. Huang Zhizhi also bent over and laughed.

Zhang Miaoxue looked confused and asked Huang Zhizhi: "What does wearing a shirt mean?"

Huang Zhizhi replied: "There is nothing to praise, so I forced myself to find something."

"Oh." Zhang Miaoxue also laughed.

Some jokes can only be understood, but once the humor is analyzed, they are not so funny.

"In this case, I'll just break the pot and stop pretending. I'm going to take advantage of all of you today. I'm going to show off my cards!

"So, everything I say next only represents the position of the program team and has nothing to do with me."

After the foreshadowing was over, Fang Xian’s real complaints began:

"Zhang Miaoxue, Sister Xue, I have seen you comment on social news about domestic violence on Weibo before. At that time, you said, 'Men in our country are really masculine, especially when they beat their wives and bully girls.'

"I would like to correct you here. The masculinity promoted by our officialdom is jumping from a helicopter when there is a flood. It is blocking the monstrous flood with your flesh and blood. It is standing up in the subway to stop the murderer with a knife. It is jumping in the winter. Entering the water to save people...

“These are called masculinity, domestic violence and bullying are not masculinity, they are illegal crimes.

"It seems that every time our officials do a positive publicity, some people will misinterpret, deconstruct, and stigmatize these good qualities into negative ones. It's very strange.

"If you really don't understand the meaning of a word, you can buy a Xinhua dictionary. If you do understand and pretend not to understand, then why?"

After Fang Xian finished speaking, he smiled politely, nodded in greeting, and responded to Zhang Miaoxue's attack on him just now.

"Teacher Hong Zhishen, every time I see you, I have the feeling that you are always melancholy, always thinking, always deep, always speaking English, well, English...

“I am the kind of person who can talk to the technician about the concepts of self, id and superego, and the dialectical relationship between subjectivity and world spirit even if I just pinch my foot.

“Usually when chatting with people, you will mention a foreign writer or foreign work in three sentences, as if every point of your opinion has a classic classic as a backing, otherwise it will be untenable.

"And I find that you are shy about talking about domestic writers, as if the Four Books, Five Classics, and hundreds of schools of thought cannot highlight the foreign knowledge. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm biased, prejudice!

"Finally, I want to say something to Teacher Hong: Teacher hong, slow down, please!"

When Hong Zhishen heard the last sentence in English, he still nodded and smiled.

But at this time, everyone also discovered the fact that Fang Xian obviously came with bad intentions today.

Fang Xian looked at Huang Zhizhi:

"Boss Huang, you said on Weibo, 'Pain and emptiness are the true meaning of life, everything we do is to escape.' No, you are making almost [-] million a year, and you have also obtained your Shanghai household registration. You are still suffering. What about your pain and emptiness? Can you let me try your pain and emptiness?"

Huang Zhidao laughed and nodded: "Okay, okay!"

Fang Xian smiled, looked at the audience, and said seriously:

“Recently, a friend advised me to manage finances and trade in stocks. He said that he joined a group of financial masters who post investment and financial management strategies every day.

"Now everyone knows that what a master is, he is actually just cheating money and cutting leeks!"

Having said this, he suddenly looked at Gu Yunnan: "Just like Gu Yunnan, you release a single for fans to buy."

This reversal confused Gu Yunnan and forced him to smile.

Fang Xian continued: "As a pop singer, none of your songs have become popular. How did you do this?"

The smile on Gu Yunnan's face had become a little stiff.

Fang Xian said it was enough: "When you complained about me just now, you said you didn't know me. After checking online, you still don't know me. Now I should be able to leave some impression on you."

After saying this, Fang Xian did not leave time for everyone to react and went straight to the next one:
"Mr. Yu, I have listened to the video of your speech and know that you particularly like to talk about the craftsmanship spirit of RB. You especially admire the sushi god of RB. You fly there once a year to eat and feel the baptism of that spirit.

"I was wondering, is the reason why the God of Sushi has been making sushi for decades because he can only make sushi and not make dumplings? Then as time went by, he was said to be the god of craftsmanship and the god of sushi. Really? Then this god is too cheap.

“We have many master chefs who have been making steamed buns and selling noodles for decades, but none of them are gods.

"Oh, maybe I haven't eaten that kind of sushi, so I can't appreciate the spirit.

"But in my opinion, my grandma is the real craftsman. She can cut the noodles thinner than those made by machines, and they are not too chewy. The dumplings she makes are filled with sesame and peanuts, not to mention how fragrant they are!"

“However, no one has ever said that she is the god of noodles or dumplings.

"So, whenever I hear these remarks, I am very confused. You have given your seriousness to Germany, your quality to France, and your craftsmanship to RB, but you often treat the most diligent and kind-hearted nation in the world, the Chinese nation. The criticism and ridicule are constant, why?”

After saying this, the audience burst into applause and cheers, and Yu Pan also applauded magnanimously and with a smile.

Fang Xian bowed and thanked.

The system in my mind actually responded, with sincerity values ​​+18, +9, +8...

Fang Xian has no time to pay attention to the sincerity value at the moment. He still has one last guest to complain about:

"Lin Zhu, Sister Zhu, you just asked a question, which is why men like me are so ordinary and so confident. I want to ask you, can't ordinary men be confident?
"We are already very ordinary, so why don't we let ourselves be confident? Why, when ordinary men see you, should they bow their heads in inferiority, grovel on the ground, and stay away?
"Besides, don't you think this sentence is actually very flattering? Attacking ordinary men is just to please elite men!
"For example, all the male guests here today include talk show bosses, entrepreneurs, top idols, and cultural elites. If you mock me, you are actually indirectly giving them a sense of psychological superiority. This is changing the direction to please. !”

Hearing this, Lin Zhu stood up with an embarrassed smile and shouted at Fang Xian, "You're talking nonsense! I didn't!"

Fang Xian also smiled back and thought to himself, Mader, who can’t give it a thumbs up?
In another time and space, the title "Pu Xin Nan" had already been used as an AOE for boys like him who lived at the bottom of society.

The key is not to talk back yet. Whoever talks back is right.

If I have the chance this time, I will definitely fight back on the spot:
"Honestly, in today's society, it's too easy for us ordinary boys to lose confidence. We don't dare to go on blind dates without a car or a house. The bride price is not up to standard and we can't hold our heads up. A height of less than 1.7 meters is called a second-level disability. A woman who marries well is called a change. Destiny, if a man is lucky enough to marry a good wife, he will eat soft rice...

"There are also some chicken soup for the soul and advertising slogans. If you love her, take her to Taikoo Xuan. If you love her, customize an XX brand diamond ring for her. If you love her, give her Hermès. If you love her, take her to see the Aegean Sea. If you love her, take her to see the Aegean Sea. Just treat her to Haagen-Dazs...

"You see, we are constantly being bombarded by society, and we have been educated and brainwashed to the point where it is difficult to be confident.

"Now, we want to maintain that little bit of self-confidence, which is also called 'general trust'. I don't agree with this statement.

“What I want to say is that we must not only maintain confidence, but also carry this trivial self-confidence with us and continue to be strong forever. No one can beat us, and no one can beat us!

"I'm Fang Xian, thank you everyone!"

After saying this, under the leadership of Huang Zhizhi, the whole audience stood up.

The applause sounded like a tide.

The prompts in Fang Xian's mind never stopped.

"Fang Xian went crazy tonight!"

Behind the stage, a screenwriter commented.

 A big chapter of 4400 words!Please vote, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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