This game is too cruel

Chapter 133 Donald? No, Tang Jianguo!

After Lu Qiqi finished speaking, he looked at him curiously, "By the way, I haven't asked the Viscount to tell me about the allusion of knives and forks."

An allusion to knives and forks?

The Viscount was silent for two seconds and found that he could not speak.

Even if he said it, he couldn't be as lofty as Lu Qiqi said.

"Well... I am indeed a little hungry after coming all the way."

He forcibly changed the subject, then picked up the chopsticks again, "Lord City Lord, do you think this is the right way for me to handle it?"

Lu Qiqi smiled and nodded: "The Viscount is indeed a nobleman. He is extremely smart and can learn everything quickly."

Xiong Batian watched from the side and was even more surprised by Lu Qiqi, "You didn't humiliate him."

"Everyone who comes here is a guest. Besides, am I so bad?"

Xiong Batian secretly replied in his heart: You have it!

Lu Qiqi didn't hear it. Her attention was on the group of knights coming to Wells City. Although this group of knights headed by Donald can't use chopsticks, they like the food in Nuwa City very much. Since I couldn’t use chopsticks one by one, I started grabbing with my hands.

She called the subordinates next to her and asked the mosquito to inform the chef to change the next noodle dish.

Soon, charcoal grilled lamb,

chestnut cake,

The medicated local chicken soup was served, teaching this group of distant guests who only knew how to boil and fry meat a lesson.

"Delicious! It's really delicious."

Donald rubbed his belly with a satisfied look on his face, "Although your Nuwa City is not very strong, the food is really delicious."

Lu Qiqi's smile became gentler when he heard this, "Yes, our Nuwa City has just started, and there are still many areas that need to be developed. I wonder, Lord Viscount, do you have any good suggestions?"

Seeing her good temper, Donald's originally restrained character slowly became exposed.

One of the seven major shortcomings of human beings: being a teacher

Donald began to point fingers at Nuwa City, "The first thing is your houses. Look at what they are all about. There is not a decent one. Your castle must be built at least three floors, and other houses must be built at least two floors."

In addition, your clothes are so bad. As the lord of Nuwa City, you don’t even have any decent and noble clothes, and some people are wearing animal skins. In addition, there are no shoes. Look at the leather boots on my feet. Can't you make them?

And why do you raise so many cattle and sheep but not horses? "

Donald's last sentence seemed to be saying, why do you just eat food and not eat meat?

Because there is no meat.

"Lord Viscount, we have no horses."

Donald, who was opening the mic enthusiastically just a second ago: "Huh?"

Lu Qiqi: "Actually, this is the first time for all of us to see a horse."

A knowing blow.

The lethality of these words was enough to make the Viscount slap himself in the face when he thought about it in the middle of the night.

What is he doing?

How could he say those words to this newly established city-state, this city-state that had been built with so much hard work in a barbaric land where birds had nothing to do?

How could he despise others for being backward?

The people in this city-state may not even have enough to eat, but they are given a sumptuous lunch!

People are complex,

The Viscount, who had secretly expressed his dislike not long ago, now felt that his conscience was being condemned. When he looked at the young city lord again, there was pity in his eyes, "Although you have not had it before, it does not mean that you will not have it in the future.

Let me give you two horses from Nuwa City. Our horses from Wells City are the best war horses in the principality! "


Lu Qiqi's eyes were wide open, with an expression of surprise as if the world was falling on him, "Sir Viscount, you are friendly and generous!"

The Lord Viscount was so praised that he felt excited and said: "Actually, we brought some things to a small tribe to help them develop, but that small tribe seems to be gone, so we gave them to them as well. You guys are done."

Donald had a wooden box dragged out. After Lu Qiqi expressed his gratitude, he happily left with the wooden box.

Donald was also pleased with his kindness in helping others.

Only Xiong Batian was left in a mess in the wind - a lunch for two war horses of different genders, Lu Qiqi had already made a profit, and the other party even gave him a big box!

Sure enough, she never does business at a loss!


In fact, wooden boxes are all good stuff.

"Is this a diploid wheat species? There is hope for hybrid wheat!"

"These are beet seeds? They are the raw material of sugar and have many other functions of traditional Chinese medicine!!"

"And soybean seeds? Why do so many good things suddenly appear?"

The new farmers in Molka Continent were surprised when they recognized these crops, and they all wondered where 677 was obtained. At this moment, after realizing the preciousness of these things, 677 immediately strengthened the arrangements and took care of the little Viscount Donald Love Angel from afar.

No, he should not be called Donald, he should be called Tang Jianguo!

When Lu Qiqiu realized the importance of this kind of seed, she even said that-

I have never seen Ultraman in my life, but the moment I saw Donald, I started to believe in light!

Xiong Batian despised this and felt that Lu Qiqi was so embarrassed at this moment.


At this time, Donald and his party were very happy in Nuwa City.

Under Lu Qiqi's considerate arrangements, he experienced what it means to be friendly, enthusiastic and at home in Nuwa City. Donald was so moved that he even wanted to ask the city lord for help and send the best troops, managers, and craftsmen to help Lu Qiqi build Nuwa City!

Lu Qiqi firmly rejected his good intentions——

"I still think it's best for Nuwa City to stick to its original aspirations and develop slowly and step by step with its people."

The day before Donald was to leave with his team, she once again rejected his thoughtless kindness. He also pointed out what Nuwa City really needs right now, "If the Viscount can help us bring the trading caravan from Wells City so that we can keep in touch with the outside world, we will be very satisfied."

"This is simple, no problem."

Donald patted his chest and said, "Wrap it around me."

Lu Qiqi smiled and nodded when he heard this, and then asked someone to bring a small cloth bag, "I know that the Viscount is very interested in our food, so I specially asked someone to make some marinade packages. In the future, the Viscount will be at home You can also enjoy braised food with the same flavor.

There are also some packages containing insect repellent powder, which can prevent the Viscount from being harassed by insects on the road. "

He also brought insect repellent powder with him when he came, but it was of little use.

For this reason, Donald had no interest in the insect repellent powder given by Lu Qiqi.

But he was interested in marinades.

"Three packets of marinade are too little. I'll finish them all at once."

He looked at the contents in the bag and thought for a moment, then he thought the quantity was too small and asked directly, "Are there any more?"

Lu Qiqi: “The brine ingredients are complicated and rare, and there aren’t many.”

It just means something else!

Donald was happy when he heard this, "Then can you give me everything you have now? If you don't give it away for free, I will buy it."

Lu Qiqi was still in a dilemma: "But the ingredients for this marinade are really precious, and it's difficult to match them. I don't want to tarnish our friendship with trading."

"Oh, it's okay!"

Donald patted his chest, "Business and friendship are not exclusive at all. No matter how expensive it is, I want it all!"

Seeing him like this, Lu Qiqi hit the palm of his hand hard with the back of his hand, and then sighed, "For the sake of Lord Viscount's sincerity, I will sell it to you even if I don't sacrifice it to the gods!"

The next day

Viscount Wells from the Principality of Simonos, with his knights, left Nuwa City contentedly while pushing a human-powered unicycle!

Lu Qiqi held the horse and watched her friend go——

See you next time, dear Comrade Tang Jianguo! (End of chapter)

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