This game is too cruel

Chapter 118 Tribal Unification

Hearing that 677 was going to establish a city-state, more players came to join in the fun.

What was originally a good transformation meeting has now turned into a reporting meeting.

A group of Yun shareholders looked at her eagerly, making her a little nervous.

Lu Qiqi coughed twice to clear his throat, and then said: "Today we will first determine the city-state's management system and power department structure. Since the year before last, we have begun a preliminary division of labor, and now we have clearly defined each department and its priorities.

Minister of Household Affairs, Gui - Responsible for city-state land, taxation, household registration, military supplies, salary, food and wages, and financial revenue and expenditure.

Minister of Punishment, Teng - responsible for justice, prisons and internal security of the city-state.

The Minister of War is Piao; the deputy minister and commander of the archery unit and sling tribe is Fu.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chun - Responsible for all foreign affairs.

The chief strategist of the think tank, Fei.

In addition, there is the Ministry of Personnel - responsible for the appointment and dismissal, examination, promotion, transfer, and honors of officials;

Ministry of Industry - in charge of farmland, water conservancy, civil engineering, engineering, transportation, and government-run industries nationwide;

There are currently no outstanding talents in these two departments who are qualified, so I will temporarily act as their agent. "

After talking about the first arrangement, Lu Qiqi subconsciously looked at the shareholder Yun behind him.

Seeing that they had no reaction, he continued: "In the future, the people of the city-state will have four main occupations: farming, craftsmen, merchants, and Orion herdsmen. The two main development goals are to expand agricultural production and develop armed forces..."

She is in a meeting.

The matter of building a city-state has been hotly discussed in game forums.

[Hunxunxun]: I haven’t gotten a game quota yet, but 677 has already built a city.

[Cui Shou]: I have given up on experiencing it myself, and occasionally watch live broadcasts and screen recordings as TV series. The process of 677 engaging in other tribes is more interesting than some TV series.

[Absolutely Air Force]: Huh? A city is going to be built, where will it be built? It shouldn't be too far from the river. I just found a good place for fishing. Don't delay my fishing with the construction of the city in 677!

[Unexamined]: The game experience that others can’t buy for a lot of money is actually used for fishing upstairs? ! Damn you fisherman, I wish you an air force every day!


Someone is bored and gossiping.

There are also people who analyze it carefully.

A post called [Reasonable Discussion of Future Development after 677 Announces the Construction of the City] appeared and attracted attention.

[Today, I also listened to 677’s plan report and expressed my personal views.

Although 677 has made high-level structural architecture and future planning, it can still be seen from the planning that she seems a bit immature in this regard. I think the current city-states of 677 have the following three major problems.

1. Strengthen the understanding of the leadership team.

Their foundation is too poor. If they apply the institutional systems of modern society or even ancient society, these people will not be able to understand it and will not be able to operate it. 677 opened two schools, but forgot to provide intensive classes for his subordinates. Now she is responsible for the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Industry alone. In the future, if there are Hanlin Academy, bachelor's degree, prime minister, etc., she will also be responsible for it?

Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty did everything by himself. In the end, he didn't die of exhaustion and found a tree with a crooked neck and hanged himself.

2. Deal with the slave problem.

The Nuwa tribe is going to turn into a city-state. Although it is not clear what system 677 plans to adopt, it is definitely not slavery. Under the current situation, the slavery system can be completely abolished to increase the tribal population and build momentum for future development.

3. Small tribes deal with problems.    This is the biggest problem.

I don’t understand why 677 keeps them and allows them to trade and work freely outside the tribe. If we don’t get rid of them now, do we want them to learn to follow the same path? Do you want them to develop freely and compete freely with the Nuwa tribe in the future?

Now 677 is strong enough to beat these tribes, I don’t know why she is hesitating. Waiting for them to join forces and beat themselves up? 】

What this piece says is very reasonable.

But Lu Qiqi also had her own considerations. She put on her vest and commented on this post.

[The first problem is easier to solve.

Invite relevant teachers to this leadership team, and ask players to provide more one-on-one coaching. Although this group of people came from the barbaric era, their learning ability and application ability are qualified, and they can be molded later.

The second and third questions are more difficult.

In the past, slaves had to work hard to escape slavery. If now because the tribe is upgraded to a city-state, the remaining slaves are directly deregistered, what will the previous people think? If we really do this, it will overturn the commitment made before June 677, reduce our credibility, and fail to convince the public.

In addition, those small tribes are indeed a problem. But if there is a real crusade by force, wouldn't it be possible to use external force to force these tribes to unite?

If you win. More than 1V will definitely require a lot of payment. And even if they are wiped out, won't the slaves these tribesmen turned into have hatred towards the Nuwa tribe? It is difficult and dangerous to civilize them.

If they run back to their own tribe and resist desperately, the battle line will be stretched. This will greatly delay the development of the Nuwa tribe. 】

It's not that she doesn't want to solve these two problems.

It is difficult to solve.

[The vast sea of ​​people]: Indeed, a long-term war can easily bring down a newly established city-state. As a superpower, the beautiful country fought in the Iraq war for seven years. Although it gained a lot, it was trapped in an economic crisis. 7 It's okay to be the boss of a newly established city-state, but trying to wipe out all these tribes... is quite difficult.

[Mr. Wen’s lecture]: It’s not like there’s no way to break the situation. I don’t know if you have noticed the landing student policy promulgated before 677. To be honest, if I were her, I would continue to use institutional decision-making to solve the current crisis.

First, use the current dominance to force all tribes to trade in Nuwa City Commercial Street, and must use crystal coins as the only currency. Explicit exploitation is done through high rents and taxes; covert exploitation is done through the issuance of additional crystal coins. Except for Nuwa City, other tribes must rely on labor to survive, and no matter how hard they work, they can only starve to death or freeze to death, and cannot reach the living standards of the people of Nuwa City.

Secondly, use the mythical stories of the Nuwa tribe to change their cognition and ideology, so as to be on the same page as the people of the Nuwa tribe.

Finally announced the immigration policy.

For example, those who have worked in Nuwa City for one year and have no illegal records; or other tribesmen who have made significant contributions to Nuwa City can apply to join Nuwa City, enjoy all the benefits of Nuwa City, and be protected by Nuwa City. In this process, it is best to create a few examples of successful immigrants to let everyone know that it is good to immigrate to Nuwa City.

Believe me, not many people can withstand such a scheming.

As for the slave issue, it is even simpler. We also use policy rules to give them the most tiring, dirty, and dangerous jobs. Set up a redemption system. If you work well, you will get points, if you do not work well, you will lose points. As long as you accumulate enough points, you can redeem yourself and become a tribal citizen...

Lu Qiqi knew that the player was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Lots of comments, haven't the big guys posted all the solutions?

Xiong Batian: 677 and the player are indeed in the same group, and they are both full of evil.

good night~

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