Be a small county magistrate in ancient times

Chapter 162 Who is standing behind him?

"We are busy suppressing bandits here, and he is busy recruiting people over there." Yu Tai on horseback said angrily: "What are you talking about!"

Mao Chunfang suppressed her dissatisfaction and said, "Master Yu, just do your own thing. Why were you transferred from the military camp to Yangmen County?"

"Master Mao, can't you hear that? I'm speaking for you." Yu Tai said, "Even I, a reckless man, know what impact Master Meng's move will have on you. Is it possible that you have such a good relationship with Master Meng?" Can I give up my political achievements?"

Mao Chunfang looked sideways at him, "I'm so reckless that I can't say what you said and put those gangsters into the cell."

"Master Mao!" Yu Tai called to Mao Chunfang, who was turning around, "Aren't you going back to the county office?"

"I have something to do and I'm going to Liangzhou Mansion."

Mao Chunfang and her close government officials ran faster and faster on the official road, and did not slow down until they entered Liangzhou City.

"Master Mao." The guard of the Liangzhou government office immediately stepped forward to lead the horse, "Why are you back again? Master Futai just left."

"Do you know where my lord is?" Mao Chunfang dismounted and handed the reins to one of his men who came forward.

"Your Majesty told Sun Tongpan before leaving the house." The guard led him inside, "Please go to your usual resting room and wait a moment. I will go and ask for Sun Tongpan right away."

Mao Chunfang stretched out her hand to stop the guard, "No need to bother, I'll go directly."

After saying this, Sun Xiang just walked out of the corner in front, "Master Mao, I remember you just left Liangzhou Mansion, why did you look back?"

Mao Chunfang stepped forward and bowed, holding back the anger in her heart and asking as calmly as possible: "Where is Mr. Futai?"

Sun Xiang looked at him and said, "We have gone to Weishan Camp. Sir Mao has something urgent to do. Do you want me to send someone to bring Mr. Futai back?"

Mao Chunfang took a deep breath and said, "No need." He twitched the corners of his lips, "It's not an urgent matter. I just heard some things on the road and wanted to check with Mr. Futai."

"Oh, that's it." Sun Xiang took Mao Chunfang to his office, served tea and asked, "What is it, Master Mao, can you tell me?"

Mao Chunfang held the tea bowl and thought: "I don't know if it is convenient for me to say this to Tongsuan."

"If it's a top-secret military and political matter, then you really shouldn't tell me about it, but you also said that you heard it on the road. Since you heard it on the road, it probably won't be a top-secret matter, right?"

"Of course." Mao Chunfang said, "On my journey from Liangzhou Prefecture to Yangmen County, I often heard people say that they wanted to move to Beishan County.

He also said that this was Mr. Meng Changqing's personal promise that they could move there as long as they wanted, and Beishan County would allocate land and houses for them.

Has Sun Tongpan heard anyone say anything about this matter? "

Sun Xiang patted the official documents on his desk and said, "As you can see, I'm so busy these days that I can't even go out to the government office. If you hadn't come here, I wouldn't have known there were such strange things outside."

"Yeah, I find it strange too." Mao Chunfang said: "But nothing comes out of nowhere. Even rumors must have a source. Presumably the source must be Master Meng of Beishan County."

Sun Xiang listened very carefully and asked: "Since you know that the source is in Beishan County, why did you come to Liangzhou Prefecture?"

Mao Chunfang relaxed the serious expression on her face and pretended to be joking: "You and I both know that the source of Beishan County is Liangzhou Fuyamen."

"What Mr. Mao said is mysterious. If we push it this way, the source of Liangzhou Mansion is in the palace wall thousands of miles away." Sun Xiang also joked: "My lord, go back to the source, why don't you go to the root?"

Mao Chunfang suppressed the smile on her face, "Sun Tongpan said that, I would like to go." "It's a joke, Master Mao, don't take it off." Sun Xiang said, "There are places that you can't reach by yourself. There are other ways to help you get there. I will ask someone to verify this matter. If Mr. Meng maliciously incites the people and damages the interests of other counties, I will ask Mr. Futai to investigate strictly. "

He paused briefly and then said: "If this matter is really the result of the confidence given by Mr. Futai... You know, as the magistrate of Liangzhou, I also have the right to report it to the capital."

Mao Chunfang stood up, saluted Sun Xiang and said: "This matter has been spread among the people for a long time. Please ask the general judge to find out as soon as possible."

Sun Xiang stood up and returned the gift, "Master Mao, don't worry about this. It's almost the twelfth lunar month and your time is very tight."

"Yes, as you said, I have to return to Yangmen County quickly."

As soon as Mao Chunfang left, Sun Xiang sent detectives to various counties to inquire about the matter.

The results were obtained quickly. There were such rumors in various counties, and the people were very sure that this matter was said by Master Meng of Beishan County himself.

Sun Xiang waited in the government office until Wei Fangyun came back, and immediately went to find him.

Before Sun Xiang could speak, Wei Fangyun asked him to sit down, "I know why you came to me."

"I used Capt. Li's people to investigate the matter, so I can't hide it from you." Sun Xiang only looked at Wei Fangyun's expression at this moment and knew that he must have been aware of Beishan County's actions.

In fact, it was because of his support that Meng Changqing dared to do this.

"Your Excellency, have you never thought about what the other county officials in Liangzhou would think of Master Meng's move?" Sun Xiang lowered his voice, "You are a military attache, and you have put in so much effort to achieve today's scene. Why bother to do it for Master Meng?" Are you in trouble yourself?"

"I know you came here because of me." Wei Fangyun poured tea for Sun Xiang, "You also know that he and I treat each other as uncle and nephew. Unfortunately, my official position is not high, so I can't help him much."

Sun Xiang sighed, "Are you sure to side with Master Xiao Meng this time?"

Wei Fangyun corrected, "I'm not standing on his side, I'm standing in front of him."

"Master Wei!"

"I have worked with you much longer than I have known him, Meng Changqing." Wei Fangyun said, "I am able to sit firmly in the position of Liangzhou Prefecture, thanks to your help, and I am very grateful to you.

I know you are talented, but you don't like official battles, so I am willing to be a general judge in Liangzhou.

You said this for me, but I am going to live up to your kindness. "

"Your Excellency, you have promoted me." Sun Xiang cupped his hands and said, "Since you are in the officialdom, there is no fighting. What you are doing now is using your power to bully other officials."

Wei Fangyun was silent and then said: "I don't deny it."

"Once Mr. Meng takes actual action, I will forgive you for reporting it to the court truthfully."

"This is your duty." Wei Fangyun promised, "I won't stop you."

"Your Excellency, your gentleman's virtues are greatly admired by your subordinates." Sun Xiang walked to the door and suddenly turned around, "Do you deserve to be called an uncle? Do you prefer Lord Xiao Meng or behind you?"

"Sun Tongpan, why do you need to ask questions clearly about everything? Besides, I don't know who is standing behind Meng Changqing... Do you know?"

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