Be a small county magistrate in ancient times

Chapter 152 Unable to catch the cake

Bafang slapped his thigh, "It has to be the young master. I didn't expect this level at all."

Yang Zheng also looked at Meng Changqing. This was something he didn't expect. Sure enough, don't fight with civil servants.

Even so, Yang Zheng still had something to worry about.

"Sir, once you give this gift, other farmers will definitely follow suit."

Bafang said: "Brother Yang, this is exactly the effect my young master wants!"

Yang Zheng frowned, "Farmers are doing business. They have experienced the taste of quick money. Who else is willing to farm? Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

Meng Changqing replied: "Daliang has a clear distinction between farmers and merchants. Farmers can also do small business, but if the income exceeds the limit, farmers must become merchants.

The taxes for farmers and merchants are completely different. People who have the brains to do business will naturally be able to calculate the gains and losses. "

Yang Zheng sighed: "I'm afraid that if they are used to having money in their hands, they will find it hard to pick up a hoe again."

"That's for sure." Meng Changqing said, "Those who can catch the pie can fill their stomachs, and those who can't catch it can only have their hands smashed."

"Perhaps your Excellency has something else to ask for?" Yang Zheng asked tentatively.

Meng Changqing smiled and said, "Best brother Yang."

At this time, several people just walked to the entrance of the yamen. Lai Cai was waiting at the door to ask Bafang and Meng Changqing to go to dinner. Yang Zheng wanted to find out but had to find another time.

Besides, after Meng Changqing and his party walked around Luojia Village.

On a night that should have been quiet, the people in Luojia Village could not calm down. Every house opened its doors, and people seeking information came and went.

It started from Luo Hongzhu’s house.

After Meng Changqing and others left, a neighbor from next door came to the door immediately, asking what happened just now and why someone from the government came to the door.

Luo Hongzhu said happily: "Not only people from the government came to visit, but also the county magistrate!"

The neighbor's eyes widened, "Why? But it's taboo for your family to sell tofu next to the wall?"

"What's the taboo?" Luo Hongzhu stepped aside and showed the visitors several packages placed on the Kang table. "Look, these are all given by the county master. He praised us for being smart and knowing that we can make small things by ourselves in the winter when we have nothing to do." By buying and selling, not only can I make a profit, but I can also send more tax money to Beishan County."

The neighbor asked in surprise: "How much tax money have you paid, can the county master give you such things?" "Hi." Qi Susu grabbed a handful of dried longan and stuffed it into the neighbor's hand. The two children on the kang followed each other with their eyes. The handful of dried longans, with a look of reluctance in his eyes, "How much can you earn from selling two tofus?

We only made thirty or forty copper coins in total. Hongzhu and I thought it was something extraordinary. We came back and counted the money several times. We thought we had made a fortune.

As a result, the county magistrate came to do the calculation for us and realized that we were doing a loss-making business. "

The neighbor didn't understand, "In just two days, you made more than 40 copper coins and still lost money?"

"Come, sit down and talk." Qi Susu greeted Luo Hongzhu, "Go and bring the teapot in."

Seeing that Luo Hongzhu couldn't get a word in, he could only do what he was told.

Waiting for the people to sit on the kang, Qi Susu put on a posture of explaining in detail, "The county master said that business and work are different. The cost of work is one's own strength. But when our family sells tofu, it is not only strength, but also strength." Soybeans, primer.”

"Hey, how much is this worth? Besides, the soybeans didn't come from your own land? It means you have no capital."

Qi Susu nodded, "I had the same idea as you at the beginning. I told the county boss this, but the county boss said that it can't be calculated like this. Even if you buy your own soybeans, you have to buy them from outside, so that you can do business in the long run. algorithm.

We also have to count how many people are in the family and how many hours we work. There are four adults and children in my family who are busy all day long. If you calculate it like this, one person can only earn five or six cents a day. "

"Hongzhu's family, you really know the world, how can you earn five or six cents a day? In this winter, how many people want to make a penny but can't, but your children can make six cents!"

"The accounts haven't been settled yet, and the money after excluding the beans is less than five or six cents."

"This is great," said the neighbor. "It will be great if you have money coming in. After planting next spring, your family may be able to build a brick house!"

"I don't want to think about that." Luo Hongzhu came back with a boiling kettle and poured a bowl for his neighbor. "The county master also said that the work on the wall will not last long. When the people disperse, the business will not be able to continue. Went down.

With this little money, how can I earn enough money to build a house made of bricks and tiles? "

"You have a relationship like the county master. Even if there is no one around the wall in the future, maybe the government can help you bring your business to Yangmen County." The neighbor said: "When you become rich, don't forget us poor neighbors. .”

"What are you talking about?" Qi Susu said: "It's just a matter of tens of cents, how can there be any difference between rich and poor? When it comes to making money, it's better to make money by selling sweet potato noodles. A bowl of two cents is more convenient than making tofu. "

When the neighbor heard this, he said, "Who doesn't know how to make this sweet potato starch? Who doesn't have sweet potato starch in Beishan County? Just throw it into the water. How can someone spend two cents to buy it?"

"Many people are buying it! Sweet potato flour is not uncommon in our Beishan County, but it is not found in other counties. Think about it, when the government first taught us how to make it, weren't we also curious for a while?" (End of Chapter)

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