Song Rutang didn't look at Sun Shunzi, but he naturally knew Sun Shunzi's expression and reaction at this time.

I sighed slightly in my heart, stir-fried the chicken a few more times, and lowered my eyes slightly.

This kid is still too impatient.

But Song Rutang didn't say anything. He took a piece of fried chicken out of the pot, poured it into a bowl, and asked someone to help bring it to the front.

The man who had just spoken to her outside was already waiting, and his stomach was bloated. As soon as he smelled the smell and saw the waiter coming out with the chicken, he quickly shouted:
"Boy, bring me a new product!"

The waiter scratched his head.

As soon as it came out, someone wanted to buy it?I haven’t shouted yet!
Sure enough, the shopkeeper was right. If you bring it to the front, someone will naturally want to buy it.

With this thought in mind, the waiter brought the dry-pot chicken to the person's table and said hello in advance:

"The new product costs forty cents a piece. The shopkeeper said that it will be sold at half price on the first day and costs twenty cents a piece.

It's just that the plate I'm holding is the first portion of the pot. It may be a little undercooked. Do you want this portion or wait later? "

The waiter was originally thinking that this person wanted food before even asking for the price. What would happen if he heard that the price was too high and refused?
He first discussed the price, and then found a place for the person to sit on, thinking that if the person didn't want to have sex, he would save the money and be harassed.

But he didn't expect that the man's taste buds would be opened when he smelled the aroma of meat. He directly took out the money and said anxiously:

"Quickly, bring it to me and let me have a taste. This big plate is full of a whole chicken, isn't it?"

"It's a whole chicken with the butt removed. Our shopkeeper has given instructions. If you can't eat it alone, I'll wrap it up in some oil paper for you later so you can put it back home and eat it."

"No, no, no, you can't eat a chicken? You're really looking down on me, give me another jar of wine!"

The man waved his hand and drove the waiter away. He thought to himself why the waiter was so verbose today. It was really annoying. He took the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

Smash it in your mouth, and a strong spicy flavor overflows in your mouth. The meat is tender and slightly chewy, and it won't feel too dry if you drink it with a small drink.

With a sigh, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this chicken is worth buying!
There were already people eating in the store at this time. When they heard about the new products and the price, they were a little hesitant at first, but when they saw that this person was eating so well, they all paid for the chicken.

It's just that there are a lot of people eating in the restaurant right now, and there's a mixed crowd. There are also some people who saw Song Rutang buying a bald chicken in the West Market and came here to watch the joke.

At this time, seeing that Song Rutang had really fried the chicken, I just thought that Song Rutang was using bad goods to pretend to be good goods, and he instantly looked down on her.

Seeing that someone actually bought this chicken to eat, he laughed at the side and said:

"Does anyone dare to buy this chicken? I don't know where I bought it. It's a rotten chicken. I'm afraid I'll have diarrhea for three days after eating it."

"What do you mean?"

The man who bought the chicken finally bought the chicken. He took a bite and found it extremely delicious. When he heard someone laughing at his chicken, he immediately got angry and snarled back:
"You can't eat the chicken yourself, so you say other people's chicken tastes bad, right? Why don't you say that the vegetable leaves between your teeth are rotten vegetables?"

The man dug his teeth guiltily, but found nothing. He glared at the chicken buyer and said:

"I've kindly advised you but you still won't listen? I said there's something wrong with this chicken, but you don't have the brains to hear it?"

"You don't know how to smell if you don't have a nose? Even a chicken that smells so good is a rotten chicken. It's useless to have a nose on your face. If you talk more, be careful and I'll break your nose!"

The man who bought the chicken was drunk, and naturally he spoke rudely. He waved his fist at the man, which really angered him, and he immediately shouted:
"You are so stupid that you give money to others. I just saw it with my own eyes. The shopkeeper of this store bought a bald chicken in Shangxi Market!
That bald chicken is missing a piece of hair here and there and a piece of comb on the other. Maybe there is something wrong with it. You should stay away from me later to avoid contracting chicken plague! "This made the chicken buyer laugh, and he replied drunkenly:

"You still have to eat chicken feathers to eat chicken? You saw the shopkeeper buying chickens, and I saw them too. The chickens bought by the shopkeeper were all fat and strong.

This chicken costs [-] cents a piece, which is the same price when buying a chicken outside. What’s more, the chickens sold outside for [-] cents are not as big as this chicken. Don’t sacrifice others if you don’t want to eat it. I will eat such a delicious chicken even if it is poisonous! "

The man sulked and fell silent.

Only forty articles?

Such a large plate of a whole chicken costs [-] cents?

It only costs [-] cents to buy a live chicken outside. You have to go home, kill it, pluck it, chop it and cook it yourself. It only costs [-] cents to prepare a delicious chicken in this restaurant. So why should he go out and buy it? ?

It's better to buy it from here and take it home to eat. It costs the same money and saves him the trouble of going home.

He simply stood in the queue at the front and hummed:

"Boy, give me a piece of rice...grilled chicken."

The waiter had already heard the quarrel between the two, and now he counted the number of people and said with a smile:

"Sir, the number of people buying dry-pot chicken is full today. You have to wait until tomorrow. You see, our sign says that the limit of dry-pot chicken is twenty servings a day."

The waiter took out the new sign written by the cashier, and it clearly stated that the quantity of dry-pot chicken is limited to twenty portions.

The man counted the people in front of him, no more, no less, exactly nineteen, plus the one he had just argued with, there were twenty in total.

Now that he felt that the waiter was deliberately targeting him, there was nothing he could do, so he could only say a few words of bad luck in his heart and left the store with big steps.

After the man left, someone in the team couldn't help but remind the waiter:
"We worked together as a few people, not bought one by one."

The waiter naturally knows this.

When the new product was just launched, some people were almost full after eating the powder, and they were reluctant to spend more money, so they simply sat at a table with a few people who had just met over the meal and formed a partnership to buy it together. Ordered a portion of chicken.

At that moment, the waiter saw this scene in his eyes, remembered it in his heart, and thought about telling the shopkeeper later that if a few people could work together, it would also help people who didn’t want to buy it because of the price. A chance to taste it.

It's not that he does more good deeds, but it's because the shopkeeper gives Lao Shizi a commission. The more people buy, the more he earns. Can't he work hard enough?

It's just that the man just now was really hateful and ruined the shopkeeper's reputation. It's okay not to have such a customer.

The waiter took matters into his own hands and apologized, pretending to have forgotten:
"Look at my brain, let me count... there are only six spots left for the dry pot chicken! Is there anyone else who wants to buy it?"

Soon, these six places were filled.

The waiter called out from behind. Song Rutang had just finished the second portion and was setting up the pot to stir-fry the third portion with Sun Shunzi.

There were already many people shouting outside.

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