Good luck with koi carp

Chapter 201 Cooperation

Although the question was direct, Chi Li actually didn't expect Jian Yuan to answer her questions honestly.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even think about it for a moment, and just categorically said two words: "Water transport."

Chi Li, who had experience as an official, immediately understood: "The imperial court wants to take back all control over water transportation."

Jian Yuan expressed satisfaction with the word "recycling" in Chi Li's words. He smiled appreciatively at Chi Li and said, "Yes, water transport is related to the country and is one of the important foundations of a country. But now most of it is If it falls into private hands, it will definitely shake the foundation of the country in the long run. The court has been suffering from this for a long time. The Holy Emperor has also made up his mind this time to take back control of water transportation, so he specially sent me to preside over this matter."

"This king? Is he a prince?" Xiaoli said in surprise.

"Shouldn't you be surprised that he suddenly revealed his identity?" Chili expressed helplessness at Xiaoli's focus, but it was understandable. After all, this child has not received relevant education, and it is normal for him to lack some political acumen.

As the saying goes, the more you know, the sooner you die.

Although this sentence seems inappropriate to describe the current situation, it is still quite the same. Jian Yuan suddenly revealed his identity in front of Chi Li and also revealed that the imperial court has been dissatisfied with the various forces in the rivers and lakes that have long occupied the control of water transportation. Is it just to drag her into trouble so that she can win over and cooperate with the court?

After all, she already knows so many things. If she doesn't agree to cooperate, who knows if there will suddenly be more wanted posters for her on the streets tomorrow, or she will simply not be able to leave this place today.

As if he knew what Chi Li was thinking, Jian Yuan shook his head in a funny way and said, "Don't worry, Miss Gongyang, I am not the kind of person who gets angry if cooperation fails. If you don't want to, you can leave. Just as I have never seen you today, you have never seen me."

After that, he stopped talking and just sat at the table, elegantly playing with the tea sets on the table and brewing two cups of tea.

One of the cups of tea was pushed in front of Chi Li, and the other cup was picked up, placed lightly under the nose and sniffed back and forth, enjoying the fragrance of the tea before drinking it slowly.

Knowing that the other party is giving me another cup of tea to think about.

Now that time has passed, it's time for Chili to show her attitude.

It's up to her to decide whether to cooperate or leave.

Xiaoli was very quiet. She didn't dare to speak out to influence Chili's judgment. She just silently observed her every move. Chili didn't actually think about it for long before she made a decision.

She also took the opportunity to sit across the table, raised her tea cup, and toasted Jian Yuan with tea instead of wine: "It's a pleasure to work together." Then she drank the warm tea in one gulp.

This is what it means to represent cooperation.

"My demand is very simple. All the murderers who participated in the extermination of the Chi family must pay the price." As for the price, it depends on the role those people played in the original incident.

Some people's sins may not lead to death, but some people must pay with blood.

"We will investigate that incident thoroughly and then bring the truth to you." Knowing that Chi Li agreed to cooperate with them, he wanted to use their official channels to investigate the truth of the Chi family's massacre, so Jian Yuan agreed immediately.

To be honest, when it comes to investigating cases, except for some people in the world who are extremely talented in this area, the government is still better at it.    

After all, they were professionals, and they just didn't investigate some things in detail. If they really wanted to dig deeper, what could they hide?

No matter how seamless the case is, it will one day be solved.

"I have informed you of the imperial court's needs. We want to take back control of all water transportation. Not only the control of water transportation in the hands of the righteous forces, but also the control of water transportation in the hands of the Demonic Cult. This is related to the foundation of the country. Everything must be in the hands of the imperial court."

The court actually didn't care about the various disturbances in the world. As long as they committed illegal crimes and intruded on people's lives, the court didn't care how noisy they were.

So in fact, they don't care about the battle between good and evil in the world. After all, in the eyes of the court, they are all a group of troublesome guys who refuse to obey discipline because of their martial arts skills. They are also a headache.

Therefore, this time the imperial court intervened in Jianghu affairs, but it was also to regain control of water transportation. After all, water transportation, like salt and iron, is an important existence related to the country. As long as he is a monarch with a sound mind, including all the ministers under his rule, It cannot be allowed to remain in the hands of unofficial forces.

In other words, it is quite unreasonable for the control of water transportation to be divided like this, but it involves the privacy of the late emperor, so it is difficult to discuss this.

In fact, Jian Yuan, not to mention Chi Li, also knew that it was nothing more than the incompetence of those in power, which caused the emperor's power to be scattered and others took the opportunity to embezzle and occupy it.

Fortunately, the next king is a wise king. Since he came to power, he has been conscientiously governing the country, making up for the mistakes made by the previous king little by little. Fortunately, the ancestors of this country have laid a good foundation for future generations, even if there are one or two foolish kings in the middle. , and will not immediately destroy it. Now that a wise king has appeared to turn the tide, it is conceivable that at least during the reign of the king, there will be no risk of the country overturning the building.

This is also the reason why Chili is willing to cooperate with the court.

Strictly speaking, she is not a Jianghu person, and her attitude towards all kinds of grievances and disputes in the Jianghu is that as long as they don't come to her face, they don't care. However, the stability of a country is related to the survival of countless people under its rule. , so even if it was just to prevent those people from suffering, she would definitely stand by the court.

After both parties clarify their respective goals, the ensuing cooperation can easily begin.

Chi Li and Jian Yuan discussed it and both agreed that in order to regain control of water transportation, the position of leader of the Wulin Alliance was the key.

If he can win the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, he will definitely have 20% control of water transportation. At that time, he only needs to transfer these 20% to the court, and the court can immediately take back this part of the water transportation control, and then use the call of the leader of the martial arts alliance. If you use your strength to call on the martial arts people to destroy the demon sect, you can naturally gain control of the 30% of the water transportation that is controlled by the demon sect. As for the remaining 10% of the water transportation control that is scattered among various forces, you have to rely on the court to find a way. Went to take it back.

In fact, this is not difficult. Anyone with some brains will know what their main purpose is when they find out that the imperial court has taken back 50% of the control of water transport in one go.

Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials. No matter how strong their martial arts skills are, they are still people. They cannot fight against an entire country. Therefore, in order to prevent their family from being targeted by the court, or to protect themselves, or be coerced, or voluntarily, they Everyone must obediently hand over control of their own water transportation.

In this way, the court will naturally achieve what it wants.

And Chi Li can also get what she wants in this.

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