Good luck with koi carp

Chapter 174 Admission Notice

Too bored to wait, Chi Li heard a few people passing by saying that there was a canteen open at the college, and if you were hungry at noon, you could go in and eat.

When I talk about this Chili, I don't feel sleepy anymore.

She immediately stood up, followed quietly behind the group of people who were going to the cafeteria for dinner, and let them lead her to the door of the cafeteria of Tsikangliwa College.

Since the people in front were chatting while walking, and Chi Li wasn't too far behind, it was easy to hear the other party's chat.

They were talking about the school cafeteria.

Tsikangliwa College is a boarding college. Students must live in the school dormitory after admission. They are not allowed to go out at will except during holidays. They cannot apply to live abroad until they are in sixth grade.

The number of students in the twelve grades is quite large. If these students all live in the college, in order to meet the daily needs of the students, the school will naturally have to be equipped with various living facilities.

Canteens, stadiums, daily necessities stores, etc... these basics must be in place.

In fact, the internal demand of Tsikangliwa College is so great that just one student canteen is not enough. Therefore, there are a total of twelve canteens, corresponding to students of twelve grades, but no matter what grade the students are, , everyone can go to whichever canteen they want to eat, the school has no restrictions.

In addition to the important facility of the cafeteria, this rather large college also has a small commercial street. It is said that there are all kinds of grocery stores, snack bars, magic materials stores, weapons stores and so on, which can be fully supplied. Daily needs of students.

If Chili didn't have another exam at the end, she might be interested in going shopping, but the most important thing at the moment is to complete the exam, so the only recreational activity she can do is to come to someone else's cafeteria to have a meal and pay back after eating. You have to go back and wait.

You may know that today's entrance exam will last all day, and not all cafeterias in the school are open, but the two cafeterias near the exam area are open, allowing candidates, their families, and some curious tourists to come in and have a taste.

The canteen that Chi Li came to was the fifth canteen. Its appearance was very strange. It was a super large flower basket. The flower basket on the roof was really filled with various flowers. In addition to the fragrance of food, the whole canteen was also full of flowers. The fragrance of flowers.

This cafeteria has a total of three floors, two and a half floors to be precise. The first and second floors are the meal preparation area, and there are many neatly arranged tables and chairs in the open space, which is no different from an ordinary school cafeteria.

The third floor is called the canteen, but it is actually an open-air cafe. People who go up to experience it can order a drink and dessert, and then sit on the terrace surrounded by flowers and enjoy a rare leisure time.

Hearing that it was now full of tourists, candidates like Chi Li who were pressed for time stopped going to enjoy the fun.

After actually stepping into the cafeteria, Chi Li realized that she was the one who arrived late.

It turned out that before her, many candidates and their families who had already known that the school would open the cafeteria and had completed the second test were eating here while waiting for the last test to arrive.

When they saw Chi Li walking in, knowing that this was another student who had just finished the exam, everyone didn't react at all and continued to do what they were supposed to do.

Chi Li passed through countless tables filled with people and came to the food serving window. Following the prompts, she first took the plates and cutlery, and then went to line up to serve food.

The food window displays a variety of steaks, lamb chops, and pork chops, as well as a variety of French fries, potato wedges, and hash browns. There are also some pastas of different shapes. The vegetable section has a variety of boiled vegetarian dishes and The only difference between vegetable salads is whether the vegetables are cooked or raw. These things, coupled with various sauces, are the delicacies that people in this world can enjoy.

Chili: "..." I can't get used to it.

Picking and choosing, Chi Li only ordered the simplest steak, mashed potatoes and vegetable salad set, which was also topped with the most unmistakable black pepper sauce. In addition, she went to the beverage area to get a cup of black tea, so she was satisfied. lunch, spending two copper coins.

It is very cheap. If you eat such a portion outside, the price will be at least three or four times higher. The reason why it is so cheap here is because there are subsidies from the national finance. After all, it is the most famous and powerful higher education institution in the country, Tsikangliwa. The existence of the academy also represents to some extent the combat power reserve of the Tsikangliwa Kingdom, so the king’s preferential treatment and benefits to Tsikangliwa Academy are reflected in all aspects.

Subsidizing students' food expenses is just one of them.

Knowing that she had plenty of time, Chili didn't rush and ate slowly.

As she ate, she looked around and found, as expected, that many students who looked like students had no appetite and looked worried.

These children should be afraid that they will not pass the exam, or they are sure that they will not pass the exam, but they dare not tell their parents yet, right?

The results of the second test were announced on the spot. Although I am not sure whether you will pass in the end, everyone knows the quality of the test, so it is normal for some people to react like this.

Chi Li is not worried. She is sure that with her results, even if she cannot be among the best, she can at least pass the second test. Now she is waiting for the third test.

After eating, she took a stroll around for a while. After calculating the time difference, Chili returned to the examination room.

Sure enough, there were only the last dozen or so people left. These people quickly walked into the training room and started testing. After three or four minutes, everyone came out, along with a group of people with different temperaments and appearances, but all wearing Teachers, majestic teachers.

The leader introduced himself as the vice principal of the school, and he announced the content of the third exam.

"The third exam is very simple. You only need to stand in front of the mirror beast and not be attacked by it. Then you can pass the exam and become a student of our Tsikangliwa Academy."

Is it really that simple?

It turns out not to be.

As soon as they heard the name of the Mirror Beast, the whole place almost exploded. Many people were discussing with each other in an uproar. Some people even had a look of fear on their faces, as if they were shrinking back.

Are mirror beasts so scary?Chi Li flipped through the knowledge in his mind and found that he seemed to have some knowledge of this special monster.

The mirror beast looks like an alpaca, and the way it attacks people is very similar to that of an alpaca. It spits at people. The physical damage is almost equal to zero, but the mental damage is off the charts. The mental damage referred to here is real. The kind of injury that damages one's mental strength does not mean being insulted by words.

It is a high-level Warcraft. Since it is a high-level Warcraft, it naturally has some abilities that match its status. In addition to mental attacks, the Mirror Beast is named so because of its innate talent.

——"The Heart of the Mask".

The so-called "mirror heart" means that anyone who stands in front of the mirror beast will have his true heart reflected by its mirror-like eyes. Therefore, the mirror beast loves people with pure souls and hates people with dark minds. If you hit the latter, he will immediately launch a mental attack, which is Superman spitting.

People who are touched by his saliva will suffer mental damage, but it is not serious. They only need to drink a special mental recovery potion in time, and they can usually recover quickly.

Looking at the conspicuous row of medical staff standing next to the third examination room, Chili knew that the college was fully prepared. They ensured the safety of every student and at the same time, did not allow students to retreat.

After the second test, most of the students who came to take the entrance exam were eliminated, and now only more than 3000 people remain.

From more than 3 people at the beginning to more than 3000 people now, the elimination rate of 90% is quite astonishing, and this is only the result of two exams. It is conceivable that one more person will be eliminated at this last level. Wave people.

I don’t know how much I can save in the end.

In fact, many people, including Chi Li, can understand the school's intention of such an arrangement with just a little thought.

The first written test is to test knowledge.
Make sure that students have solid basic knowledge and will not be unable to understand or keep up after enrollment.

The second exam is to test your strength.

Confirm the strength and talent of students and select a group of outstanding students. After all, it is also the number one institution of higher learning in the country. They are fully qualified to select outstanding students who only meet their own requirements.

The third test is a heart test.

Confirm whether the students' character is good or bad, and only recruit the good ones, and the bad ones will be clear.

This seems a little unreasonable. After all, human nature has both black and white sides. How can one deny someone just because of the judgment of a mere mirror beast? However, Chi Li can understand the school's intention.

Just like their cultivation world, they also conduct a psychological test on new disciples. To be precise, the psychological test of Tsikangliwa College does not mean that you will not be admitted if your mind is not pure enough. He uses the mirror beast to do this. It reflects a person's heart to see if you are strong enough to withstand the high-intensity learning tasks of this top college. If you are the kind of person who will collapse under the slightest pressure or even act in extreme ways, it is best not to come. Once you enroll, other colleges with a relaxed and stress-free learning atmosphere may be more suitable for you.

Although Tsikangliwa College focuses on freedom, it is also very inclusive and even allows freshmen of all races to come to enroll. However, it only encourages students to take other majors in addition to their major courses. Courses, you know how strict they are on students' learning requirements.

No matter what race you are, everyone’s energy is limited. You need to do so many things within your limited energy, and you have to do them well. This pressure can be imagined to be great.

According to Lenana privately revealed to Chi Li, it is said that seniors in eighth grade and above are very keen on various hair growth and anti-hair loss products, and everyone understands the reasons.

Chili sympathized with this and felt sad.

As mentioned before, if students enter school according to the normal age, they will reach adulthood after completing the 12-year college education. Therefore, even in the eighth grade, the seniors and sisters are all underage. As a result, they will have to fight for baldness at a young age. Worry, this is so crazy, it also illustrates the intensity of learning in this academy and the accompanying pressure.
In this case, it is necessary to let the mirror beast screen out some people who are not strong enough. The school is not willing to suddenly have an unthinkable student to cause trouble for them.

Everyone was gathered in a sports ground. A group of pharmacists and other medical staff were sitting on the side steps. In the center of the field stood an alpaca that was munching grass leisurely. No, it was a mirror beast.

This mirror beast is a contracted beast of a teacher in the college. It is a controllable beast, so the college dares to use the mirror beast to test the new students with confidence.

Behind the mirror beast, there are several rows of desks and chairs, and behind them are temporary clerks who are teachers. As long as a student passes the test of the mirror beast, he can go there and receive his own admission notice. After that, you only need to wait for the students of other grades to start school, then you can report to the school together and officially enroll.

The order of taking the mirror beast test is determined by the students' overall ranking in the first two exams. Chili's written test score was only at the bottom of the hundred, but her second strength test score was not bad, and her final overall ranking was stuck at No. 20.

A very front position, which is good news for her, at least she doesn't have to wait too long before it's her turn.

The first person whose name was called to take a heart test was a human boy. He was handsome, luxuriously dressed, and well-educated in every move he made. When he stood in front of the mirror beast, he didn't panic at all and was polite. He greeted the monster with a greeting.

"Hello, Mr. Mirror Beast, my name is Benrina West, nice to meet you."

Hearing the sound, the mirror beast, which was munching on grass, raised its head. A pair of special eyes made of countless broken mirrors fell on Ben Rina. After looking at him for a long time, he just tilted his head and showed no reaction.

This process lasted for a minute and a half. When the test teacher announced that Ben Rina had passed the final exam, the elegant smile that had been maintained on the young boy's face couldn't help but break away, with a little child's excitement, but he was soon replaced by him. After controlling himself, he took on the aristocratic young master's attitude and walked gracefully to the teacher at the back to go through the formalities and receive the admission notice.

Seeing the first person pass the exam so easily, this undoubtedly gave a strong injection to the hearts of most anxious people, and the next people whose names were called all performed very well.

After all, they are among the top twenty students of a certain kind, which is enough to show their excellence.

However, when the student No. 18 who was called away just stood in front of the mirror beast, he was angrily attacked by the mirror beast with saliva. Even if the teachers responded quickly and did not cause any harm to the student, they still left the students behind him with a heartache. Cast a shadow.

This student was eliminated.

After finally defeating countless people to get to this point, he was obviously not willing to be eliminated, but his fate was decided by a beast. He was clenching his fists to seek an explanation for himself, when he suddenly heard his father's call in the distance.

"Tokos, come back and don't lose your composure."

After a while of action, the boy named Tokos was finally called back by his father and did not really cause trouble.

But before leaving, he looked at the mirror beast with a particularly cold look, and seemed to have murderous intent.

This shows what kind of character he is, no wonder he is not liked by Mirror Beast.

Chi Li withdrew her gaze and no longer paid attention to this irrelevant person.

After the next person finishes taking the test, it will be her turn.

Fortunately, the next student also tested successfully. When she happily ran to receive the admission notice, Chili's name was also called.

She had just stood in front of the Mirror Beast. She wanted to feel what it was like to have her heart tested. Unexpectedly, the Mirror Beast who saw her suddenly screamed happily and took steps to get closer to her, rubbing her hair and coquettishly with her, but he couldn't. List didn't dare to get close to her because of some dangerous aura on her body.

In the end, this guy settled into a funny posture where he desperately wanted to get close to Chili, but always kept a distance away. It looked a bit funny.

Maybe it was because he didn't notice the bad behavior of his mirror beast. The teacher who contracted with it sensed it and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Chili. He waved his hand to indicate that she had passed and that she could go to the back to go through the formalities and receive the admission notice.

"Thank you, teacher." Chi Li walked away obediently, and the mirror beast behind him still bleated reluctantly at her. The voice was long and delicate, as if asking her whether she was leaving like this?Why don't you stay and play with it for a while?

But this timid guy didn't dare to approach her.

Chili thought funnyly.

She guessed that the tangled look on the mirror beast just now was because he was impressed by the auspicious aura on her body, so he was naturally very fond of her. However, she had been with Ashiks for a long time, and it was inevitable that she would be infected with the golden giant. The smell of a dragon.

Who dares to offend the property marked by the Dragon King?

Therefore, Mirror Beast likes Chili but does not dare to approach her.

"The annual tuition of this school is eight hundred gold coins. After admission, the school will provide students with all the items they need for learning. Such auxiliary teaching aids including textbooks, uniforms, etc. are included in the tuition. There is no need to pay additional money in the future. The tuition can be taken You can choose to pay the 12-year tuition fee once a year or in one lump sum. Which payment plan do you want to choose?"

"Pay all 12 years of tuition fees in one lump sum."

Chi Li is not short of money, so it would be too troublesome to pay the money every year. Here, the bank cannot automatically deduct the money like in modern times. Every time she pays, she has to go to the school logistics department with a large bag of gold coins. It's a waste of time to go through all the trouble, so let's just settle it all at once.

"Okay, a total of [-] gold coins need to be paid. Excuse me..." Before he could ask how the student would pay such a large amount of money, a huge cloth bag was placed in front of the teacher who was responsible for collecting tuition fees. , filled with glittering gold coins.

Not frightened by this battle, the teacher skillfully turned his fingertips, and the magical radiance poured out. He used the convenience of magic to quickly count the money, and found a total of 960 gold coins, which was just right.

After confirming the amount of money, he stamped the receipt and made two copies, one of which is collected by the college and the other is exchanged for the student to keep. Then he can go to the next table to receive the admission notice.

Everyone's admission notice is unique, and a special magic mark will be used to indicate the student's information. Others are not allowed to snatch or impersonate it.

Once the magic mark sounds an alarm when enrolling, it means that the student is not the person he is. It is a serious crime in the Tsikangliva Kingdom to pretend to be an imposter. Once discovered, he will be imprisoned until death, or simply guillotined.

Under such severe punishment, few people would commit suicide like this.

You can leave after receiving the admission notice, and come back next time when the semester officially starts.

After a full day of exams tonight, even though there was no strenuous exercise, Chi Li still felt a little tired. Chili hesitated for a moment between taking the opportunity to wander around again or going back to rest directly, before making a decisive decision to go back and rest.

Anyway, I will still be studying here for 12 years, and there will be more opportunities to go shopping. There is no need to worry about this short time. It is most important to rest as soon as possible.

The carriage of Modotier's family stayed outside the school gate. When he saw Chili coming out, the coachman immediately waved to her. After picking up the person, he raised his whip and drove the carriage back to Modotier's house.

As soon as she entered the door of Modotir's house, Chili was keenly aware of an unspeakable tension in the air.

What's going on here?

Confused in her heart but not showing it on her face, Chi Li got out of the car and entered the door in a natural manner. When she walked in, she saw a strange and familiar person sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Strange because she thought she didn't know this person. Every time she heard her name, it was from someone else's mouth. Familiar because this person looked very similar to her friend Akarina. If the two stood together now, plus One is relatively mature and stable, and the other is relatively immature and innocent. They look like a mother and daughter.

But in fact, these two are biological sisters, but the age gap is a bit big.

Yes, the legendary Earl of Modotir, who often went out to work on his career but never came home, came home for the rare occasion, and the other party should have been back for a while. Now he has taken a shower and changed into home clothes, holding a book. Shu was sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for someone.

Who is she waiting for?

Of course it can't be Chili, so it can only be...

It was such a coincidence that the figure that had just flashed in Chili's mind appeared from behind her the next moment, and affectionately held Chili's shoulder, asking her carelessly: "Lili, why are you standing at the door and not going in?"

Since everyone got acquainted with each other, Lenana and the others changed from calling Chi Li by their full names to calling them nicknames. The two also said that Chi Li could directly call them by their nicknames, but Chi Li was already used to calling them by their names, so they didn't. change.

Seeing that Karina hadn't realized that there was an extra person at the scene, Chili could only pat her arm that was holding her and remind her: "Your sister is home."

"My sister?" Akarina was stunned for a moment, then turned her head suddenly like a dog seeing its owner. Sure enough, she found her sister who had put down her book on the sofa and was looking at her with a smile. She cheered and flew away. He ran over and threw himself into his sister's arms.

"Sister, are you home on vacation? When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me in advance? If I had known, I wouldn't have gone out today. I'm so sorry that I couldn't see you right away..."

Ecarina talked a lot to her sister, looking like she couldn't speak at all. Count Mordotir also tolerated her and allowed her sister to hold her and talk coquettishly.

It was also the first time for Chi Li to see Ekarina like this. She didn't expect that a girl who usually looked quite steady and heroic would completely change her appearance in front of her sister. However, this also shows that the relationship between the two sisters is really good.

Those who are pampered are always confident.

Just like Ekarina to Count Mordotir, just like Chili to Ashix. (End of chapter)

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