Good luck with koi carp

Chapter 154 Promotion

Chi Xiucai is leaving today. At the same time, Chi Li, who is left alone in Kyoto, also has to move out of the inn and move into a house that her father rented for her in advance.

From the end of the Qionglin Banquet to the formal joining of the job, Chili had only half a month's leave and had no time to go home. Therefore, whether it was erecting a Jinshi monument or going home to worship her ancestors, her father had to go back and handle it on her behalf.

Therefore, Chi Xiucai had to go back and could not stay in Kyoto to accompany her daughter.

But before leaving, he tried his best to arrange everything for his daughter.

The first is where to live.

When my daughter becomes a Beijing official, she will definitely have to live in Kyoto in the next few years. It is not a problem to stay in an inn all the time. The cost will be high for a long time, which is not cost-effective. Therefore, I learned that my daughter will take the eighth grade in the exam. After that, Chi Xiucai had the foresight to find a suitable place for her to live in advance and paid her a full year's rent.

House prices in Kyoto are expensive, and renting a house is not cheap, but it is still much better than buying it outright. At least the money Chi Xiucai carries is enough to rent a house in a better location for his daughter, but the apartment is relatively small.

Fortunately, for now, my daughter lives alone with three servants, so she can still live comfortably.

Yes, Chi Xiucai only took Ahu with him when he left. The rest of Fengwen, Wang’s mother and Fulv were left to their daughter, so that she would not be alone in Kyoto with no one to take care of her.

In fact, if he wasn't worried that it would take a lot of time to deal with things after returning home, he would only need to rent a house for his daughter for half a year. After the family affairs are finished, Chi Xiucai and Xu will still come to Kyoto.

Even though the Chi family's property is in Nanhuai Mansion, the couple only has a daughter, so naturally they don't feel comfortable leaving her so far away from them, so the couple has already decided where their daughter is. They follow wherever they go.

As for the family's property, it's not impossible to hire someone else to take care of it. As long as you are more strict when checking the accounts every year, and ask more trustworthy people in your hometown to help keep an eye on it, you won't be afraid of your subordinates being unfaithful.

And Chi Xiucai's private school is also preparing to transfer out.

The main reason why the private school can be opened is because of Chi Xiucai's reputation as a scholar and his teaching ability. These personal abilities will not weaken even if a person leaves his hometown, so even if he moves to Kyoto, if Chi Xiucai still wants to continue To teach and educate people, I can also continue to open private schools here in Kyoto.

Don’t worry that there are so many students in Kyoto and the pressure to open a private school is high, so you may not be able to open one.

In fact, it is precisely because there are so many scholars here in Kyoto that many families are willing to send their children to study. Therefore, as long as you have real talents and can teach your children well, you don't have to worry about the source of students.

Moreover, Chi Xiucai still has the living signature of Chi Li.

Regardless of how Chi Li studied, in the eyes of outsiders, Chi Xiucai has raised a daughter who is the number one scholar, which is even better than a son who is the number one scholar. After all, even if you have not experienced it personally, everyone knows that women have to take the imperial examination far more than men. It is much more difficult, so I will believe more in Chi Li's value and Chi Xiucai's teaching ability.

Even if Chi Xiucai wanted to set up a private school in Kyoto, he would only be able to help young children gain enlightenment. He would not be able to teach very advanced knowledge, and he would not be afraid of making any mistakes and misleading his students.

So there is still a lot of potential for this matter.

Since he had already planned his future career in Kyoto, Chi Xiucai naturally became more determined to live with his daughter and his wife.

Chili got up as soon as it was dawn and sent her father on the return carriage.

Because she was worried that Chi Xiucai might not be safe on the way back with Ah Hu alone, she also specifically contacted the escort agency that had escorted her before, and spent some money to ask them to send an escort to escort her father back home.

We had cooperated once before, and Chi Li felt that the service of that escort agency was quite good, so now she felt more at ease in entrusting her father to them.

Chi Xiucai didn't want to spend more of the unjust money, and wanted to save some money for his daughter to spend more money on. However, he was stopped by Chi Li's expression of whether to cry or not. He was afraid that he would really make his daughter cry, so he had no choice but to do so. compromise.

Thinking that apart from the 100 taels he left and the 200 taels given by the court, the child would be enough to live in Kyoto for a year and a half if he didn't spend it lavishly, so he said nothing more.

After all, this is also a child's filial piety.

In fact, there is another 100 taels of money given by the court to Chi Xiucai, but these silvers have to be taken back to build the Jinshi monument, and they cannot all be left for Chi Li. After all, the main purpose of the money given by the court is to let them go back and build the monument. , so no matter how much you spend or how little you spend, you have to spend it on the things that need to be done. The more you spend, the more you will get.

Those who are more particular will spend a lot of money to repair the ancestral hall, so as to show that the descendants of the family are promising and the ancestors are glorious.

Chi Xiucai did not need to worry about repairing the ancestral hall.

As early as when he was preparing to take his daughter to Beijing to take the exam, the clan leader sent a letter saying that if Chi Li could really pass the Jinshi exam, the clan would spend money to repair the ancestral hall to celebrate that the Chi clan had a promising heir. .

Chi Xiucai was noncommittal about the behavior of his clan.

When his daughter took the scientific examination, there was no support from the clan. Now they are waiting for her to be admitted as a Juren, and are about to be admitted as a Jinshi, and they are eager to express their closeness. They are not stupid, and they can't see that the clan members want to be greedy. He looked at their family and looked down upon his attitude towards Li'er being a girl.

So in the past two years, Chi Xiucai's originally warm attitude towards the clan members has become much less friendly. Didn't he see that even if he had to choose people from relatives to help him, would he give priority to people from his wife's family?

"You have to take good care of yourself in Kyoto. If something happens, remember to write home and tell me and your mother in time..."

Before getting on the carriage, Chi Xiucai kept talking to his daughter. Chi Li nodded her head the whole time, regardless of whether she heard it or not. Anyway, her serious and obedient attitude was quite good.

Although he knew that his daughter might not really be obedient, it was already getting late. When it was time for Chi Xiucai to leave, he could only embark on the return journey with a heart that could not let go.

Even though his father was gone, Chi Li was still nodding habitually.

It wasn't until Mama Wang stopped her in a funny way that she relaxed and exhaled a breath that was still filled with white mist, and then turned around and greeted Fu Lu happily: "Fu Lu Fu Lu, let's go quickly to see the new home."

She had been busy before, and even though she knew her father had found a new place for her, Chili didn't have a chance to take a look, so now she is full of expectations for the new home she is about to move into.

Originally, Chi Xiucai wanted to wait until he helped his daughter move to a new home before leaving, but Chi Li persuaded her to go back. The reason was that her mother must have been impatient after waiting so long in her hometown, and asked her father to go home early. It would be good to reunite with my mother.

Perhaps he was concerned about his wife at home, so in the end Chi Xiucai followed his original plan and left for his hometown after his daughter attended the Qionglin Banquet.

As soon as his father was sent away here, Chili was already on the carriage heading to his new home.

Their luggage had already been loaded onto the carriage. All they needed to do now was to set off directly. They had also checked out of the hotel and there was no need to come back.

Chi Xiucai was really attentive when he was looking for a house for his daughter, and Chi Li only discovered when she actually arrived at the place that it was actually only one street away from the Zhenguo Palace.

What this means is obvious.

Chi Xiucai was hinting that if her daughter encountered any trouble in Kyoto, she should take the token and go to the Zhenguo Palace for help in time.

This move was mainly to guard against He Xuexi.

Chi Xiucai knew that the bastard who bullied his daughter was in Kyoto. If he didn't want to cause trouble for his daughter and was worried that it would affect her career if someone found out, he would have thought of a way to teach that person a lesson. So that he can vent his anger on his daughter.

Although it is very close to the Zhenguo Palace, it is not strictly within the area where the powerful people of Kyoto live. However, the rent is still quite high. Just the small courtyard that Chi Xiucai rented for his daughter costs 35 per year. Two silver coins.

The deposit is 20 taels of silver.

This adds up to 55 taels of silver.

Don't think that 55 taels of silver doesn't sound like a lot. In fact, many petty officials from poor families in Kyoto probably don't have that much savings in their families.

Take Chi Li herself as an example. She is now a sixth-rank official. Her annual salary is 80 taels of silver and [-] shilu rice. It is paid in spring and autumn. She is also provided with official uniforms for the four seasons, and there is also some extra tea money and so on. , this is some small additional income and is not included in the main income.

The Su Dynasty was relatively prosperous in economic development among the ancient dynasties, so the salaries paid to officials were relatively high. Even so, with these salaries, officials below the fifth rank wanted to live in Kyoto, a city where every inch of land was extremely expensive. It is also quite difficult for a whole family.

Many officials had to live a frugal and frugal life.

Chili's family has some money, and her parents don't need to rely on her to support them, and they can continue to subsidize her. Otherwise, if she wants to rent a house in Kyoto and support three servants with her salary, It’s also quite annoying.

When she stepped into her new home for the first time, Chili's first reaction was: It's so small.

It is said that it is a courtyard, but this place is almost twice as small as her family's courtyard in Nanhuai Mansion. Not only is the courtyard quite miniscule, but there are not many rooms inside.

Including the kitchen, there are only five rooms.

Needless to say, the middle room is the main room used for entertaining guests and having meals with the family. There is a relatively large bedroom at the back of the main room, which is the main room. Generally, only the head of the family with the highest status can live.

There are two penthouses symmetrically distributed on the left and right sides. The left side is respected when looking back, so the penthouse on the left is a study and the other is a bedroom for people to live in. The kitchen and another bedroom are on the right, separated by A little distance away, at the corner of the house, is a small hut.

As the one with the highest status in the family, Chi Li naturally occupies the main room in the middle. Her parents will come over in the future, but that will happen in the future. Now the best room belongs to her.
The bedroom on the left was allocated to Mama Wang and Fulv, while the bedroom on the right was allocated to Fengwen.

Because the bedroom on the right side is closer to the entrance of the courtyard, it is more convenient for Fengwen to live there for guarding and guarding.

The study is still a study. If the Chi family and his wife come over in the future, it will be fine whether Chi Li temporarily moves into the study and gives up the main room, or her parents temporarily stay in the study.

Anyway, before Chili's father left, he told his daughter that he would spend money to buy a house in Kyoto after they arrived, or rent a larger house for the family to live in, so this place was just a temporary place. It is a transitional residence. Even if the Chi family comes, they will not stay there for long.

Chili's luggage was left to Fulu and Wang's mother to sort out. She walked around the yard by herself and stayed in the study.

Within half a month, someone from above informed Chi Li that her official government and official seal representing her identity were ready.

As long as these two things are completed, Chi Li can go to the Hanlin Academy to report for employment at any time.

Thinking that she had been idle at home and had nothing to do, Chi Li simply went to work. When she arrived at the Hanlin Academy, she first went to meet her future boss, Mr. Ke, and then, under the guidance of a Hanlin Academy reviewer, she came to where she was Sit at the assigned seat.

As a compiler of the Hanlin Academy, Chili's work content can be said to be simple or complicated, that is, he needs to compile ancient books and history books, etc., and if the emperor asks Hanlin Academy officials to explain the history to him, They are going to pass too.

However, the latter is usually the duty of the attendants, and has nothing to do with Chili...

"Lord Chi, Your Majesty orders you to come over and read."

Before the thought in his mind was finished, he was suddenly cut off by a high-pitched voice. Before Chili could react, he was pulled up by Mr. Ke who rushed forward and pressed him down to continue the dictation: "Go back to Mr. Tan, Master Chi, go now."

"Quickly, follow Mr. Tan to read to His Majesty. If you are late, please be careful that Your Majesty will blame you. Then you and I will suffer."

After replying to the eunuch chief's message, Mr. Ke turned his head with a serious face, whispered to Chi Li quickly and quickly, and urged her to stop being dazed, so as not to attract the dissatisfaction of Mr. Tan.

Although Mr. Tan is just a eunuch, he is a popular person in front of His Majesty. They are petty officials who cannot afford to offend, so even if they despise the other person in their hearts, they still have to show the politeness they should have on the surface.

Chili was not a fool. She was caught off guard for a moment. After she quickly recovered, she knew what the situation was. Time was tight and she only had time to give her boss a look of thanks before quickly following Mr. Tan.

"Mr. Chi, it's your first day on duty today, are you still getting used to it?"

On the way, Manager Tan took the initiative to chat with Chi Li, and his attitude seemed quite friendly.

He was taking the initiative to show his kindness to Chi Li, and Chi Li could see the reason from his attitude.

Because his master valued him, he also wanted to show respect to himself, not to win over, but only to not offend him.

"I'm used to it. Mr. Ke takes good care of me, and I'm easy to get along with my colleagues. It's just that Chi has just joined the court as an official, and there are still many things that I need to learn from the adults. I hope Mr. Tan will not hesitate to teach me."

The olive branch was extended, and Chi Li didn't intend to turn against anyone, so she naturally reached out and took it, and also showed her kindness.

She, an official, told an eunuch to teach her something, which was already a sign of respect. Even though she actually had no intention of actually letting the eunuch teach her anything, it was obvious that Chi Li's humble gesture still made the other person have a favorable impression of her. .

Smiling, Manager Tan walked forward and said casually: "Your Majesty seems to be in a good mood today. I understand that Mr. Chi is on duty on his first day. If he accidentally makes a small mistake, he should be punished." You won’t be blamed too much.”

The implication is that the empress is in a good mood today, and she also knows that Chili has just started working on her first day today, and understands that she does not yet understand the work content very well. If there is anything she does not do well when she is studying for the empress later, She won't be blamed, so let her relax and don't be afraid.

Hearing this, Chi Li was relieved.

To be honest, this sudden attack was really scary. She had not made any preparations. She had just arrived at the Hanlin Academy to report, and before she even covered her chair, she was called over by the empress. If she had not known that the empress would not If he were to cripple her so easily, she would really wonder if the other party was here to deliberately cause trouble.

With the thought of treason turning away from his mind, Chi Li maintained a respectful attitude on the surface and followed Manager Tan into the imperial study room, arriving in front of the empress who was reviewing the memorial.

"Chen Chili has met your Majesty. Long live your Majesty. Long live your Majesty."

Chi Li followed the etiquette, made a blessing seal with her hands, and bent down to salute Si Zhaoling.

Except for the major court meetings held every five days, the minor court meetings held once every three days, and when meeting the emperor every day, the officials of the dynasty did not need to kneel down and worship. They only needed to hold the blessing seal in their hands and kowtow.

Si Zhaoling took the initiative to call Chi Li over and had no intention of leaving her alone. After approving the memorial in her hand, she threw it aside on the pile of already approved memorials, then looked up at Chi Li and said in a tone of voice He said majestically: "Pingshen."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Chi Li bowed again, and then straightened up. Her gaze did not completely rise to look directly at the holy face, but fell slightly lower than the empress's face.

"Is Chi Aiqing on duty today for the first time?" Si Zhaoling asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, yes." Chi Li replied.

"I remember you still have a few days off, why don't you wait a little longer before coming back on duty?" Like an elder chatting with her juniors, she cared about Chili's work.

Chili replied cautiously: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I saw that the official uniforms and official seals were all ready, so I decided to join the job tomorrow, so that I can relieve Your Majesty's worries and solve problems as soon as possible, and do my little bit for the people of the country."

This was a bit false, but the empress obviously liked to hear it.

She chuckled lightly and stopped continuing the topic. She only raised her hand to signal Manager Tan to hand a book to Chi Li.

"I would like to hear Chi Aiqing's explanation of the content of this book. I wonder if Chi Aiqing would be willing to answer my questions."

Chi Li took it with both hands and found that the book had been turned to a specific page. By coincidence, the content recorded on it was an explanation of various regulations on the eldest son inheritance system that had been passed down from ancient times.

"...I obey." Good guy, here comes the proposition.

Unexpectedly, the empress came up and asked her such a question. Chili was a little numb, but she could still hold on.

In fact, after being in this world for such a long time, she had some thoughts of her own on such issues, so she put them together in her mind, and then explained them to the empress: "I think that the ancestors' etiquette and laws have their own reasons, but our ancestors are like this. The regulations are also for future generations, and if this law no longer applies to future generations, it can naturally be adapted appropriately according to the actual situation. Moreover, as Your Majesty is the eldest daughter of the late emperor, it is also suitable for the theory of direct eldest son. The term "son" in this book , only refers to heirs, not male and female..."

In fact, the eldest son in it means the eldest son, but Chi Li deliberately blurred it out. She knew what the empress wanted to hear, but she didn't pick out exactly what the empress wanted to hear. Her own thoughts were also mixed in it.

"I believe that women are not inferior to men. Just as in this examination, a total of five women, including me, passed the Jinshi examination. This is proof. Your Majesty also gave us this opportunity to prove our talents. Say you are Our reborn parents are not an exaggeration, so I boldly believe that Your Majesty, who has made such a pioneering move, no longer needs to stick to the so-called ancestral etiquette. Since you can be the empress, and I can be the empress, then in this world , what else is impossible?”

Your ambitions and ambitions will one day be realized. Now it is just the malicious slander of some villains. You don’t need to care about it at all. When she truly takes control of the world and becomes a wise king who will go down in history, future generations will naturally support you. Comment on what you do.

Chi Li didn't say the following words clearly, but she believed that the empress would understand.

Sure enough, after listening to her 'answer', Si Zhaoling was delighted. She smiled and said to Mr. Tan, "I announced my order. I have done a great job in compiling and reading Chi Li at the Hanlin Academy. You have solved the problem that has troubled me for a long time." Regarding the difficult problem, I will be a minister of the Sixth Rank Cabinet of the Jin Dynasty and will stay by my side from now on to share my worries."

"Thank you Lord Ron!"

Chi Li was overjoyed and knelt down to thank him. Manager Tan's eyes also changed, and the look he looked at Chi Li was no longer the same as before.

If I want to describe it carefully, it would be that I have become more passionate and approachable.

Because he understood that Mr. Chi, who had been promoted to the first-level official position for the first time on his first day, would definitely be a popular person in front of His Majesty in the future. As long as there were no accidents along the way, his future would be bright, so he naturally had to advance Be more pleaser.

In fact, Chili herself was also surprised. She originally thought that if she wanted to be promoted, she would have to wait at least three years of working in the Hanlin Academy to gain sufficient qualifications before she could have the chance to be promoted. Who would have thought that she was promoted on her first day at work? My immediate boss called me over and said a few words, and then he was directly promoted?

He was even directly appointed to the cabinet!

Even if she is now a low-level official in the cabinet, she will still be in the cabinet, and the cabinet is a place that many officials dream of and cannot get into even if they try hard to get there.

As a result, she was let in all at once, which is a bit unbelievable when I think about it.

After Chi Li was waved back by Si Zhaoling, she lowered her eyes and reached out to flip through the information sent by the secret guard on the table.

It is recorded above that as long as everyone has contact with Chili, as long as they are kind to him, some good luck will happen to him in the end. For example, Aunt Chen and her daughter who live near the city gate, and Chili accidentally met Chili when she was in her hometown. The people who had helped her, the female escort from the escort agency who escorted her back to her hometown, and even those who threw her handkerchiefs and flowers on her body after she paraded on horseback, were more or less good after she returned. Lucky things happen.

It's just like……

"It's like some kind of auspiciousness." Si Zhaoling said to herself.

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