Rong Yu's eyes turned cold, and his whole body exuded a chill.

The old man seems to be unwilling to give up until he reaches the Yellow River.

They only thought that he and Zhao Zhao had only known each other for a year, and Zhao Zhao was still ill.

It is impossible to have deep feelings.

But they didn't know that he and Zhao Zhao had actually lived in several worlds in their dreams.


Nowadays, due to excessive pressure in life, more and more patients with mental illness and depression appear.

Their families watched as their relatives became crazy and committed suicide.


He once witnessed a depressed mother jump from a building.

I have also seen that after the company went bankrupt, some bosses became mentally ill and lived in a state of confusion all day long.

At that time, he was wondering if there was anything that could completely cure these diseases?

After all, life is precious, and you only live once and cannot do it again.

It should be cherished.

This made him determined to design a medical device to cure these two mental illnesses.

When he mentioned it to Rong's father at that time, Rong's father and he had different ideas.

I just thought he was whimsical, as his doctor of medicine has been studying it for so many years.

Only antidepressant drug treatments have been developed.

What "medical device" can you, a non-medical student, design to cure mental illness?
Isn’t this a fantasy and a fantasy?
He went to see his grandfather again and told him about it.

Although his grandfather was not as angry as his father in scolding him for being ignorant and unskilled.

But he also told him meaningfully.

It is the doctor's job to treat illnesses and save lives.

He just needs to learn how to manage the Rong family.

For the first time in his life, Rong Yu was interested in doing something, but he received ruthless blows from his father and grandfather one after another.

But he didn't give up.

He was young and frivolous, so he took out his savings over the years and secretly opened a company.

Then he hired several returnee doctors with high salaries and proposed his ideas and concepts.

The doctors were also very interested after hearing this.

Plus he pays them a handsome salary.

Dr. Turtle and the others have been researching in this direction for eight years.Finally, after countless trials, failures and improvements, a "Sleep Healing System" was developed.

It is specially designed for patients with mental illness and depression.

At first, he just didn't like Bai Xingmo and wanted to find out what kind of person she was.

But he didn't want to find out the shocking truth.

Then he asked someone to tell Tang's mother the truth secretly and led her to find the truth step by step.

When he found Bai Zhaozhao, he really sympathized with her plight.

But he was very happy inside, he had a test subject.

He can also personally test the efficacy of this "healing system".

The "healing system" will generate emotions and energy from brain waves to design a reasonable plot.

Let the host temporarily forget the unhappiness in life and show his true self in his sleep.

Two people need to lie on the bed at the same time and wear the same helmet on their heads.

That is the "sleep therapy system".

When the "Dream System" receives the instruction, the brain waves of the two people will automatically connect.

Then enter the host's inner world and watch the life she designed.

Find out what worries her most and solve it for her or protect her.

To give her a happy ending and the motivation to move forward is what she desires most in her heart.

He didn't expect that what she longed for most was just money.

But he didn't think she was hypocritical and vain.

But I only found out when I learned what happened to her.

She wants money because she wants to buy a house and have her own home.

So when she woke up in her first dream, she thought she had bought a house with tens of millions.

In fact, it was just the Tang family's property.

The money in her card was sent to her by him.

At first he admitted that he only felt sympathy for her.

But after several worlds of soul contact, he understood the most real her.

She is motivated and sincere, if not mentally ill.

She will live a free and unrestrained life.

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