Chapter 128 The Wrong Queen in Gong Du Wen 34
After listening to Bai Zhaozhao's words, the people who were recovering from their injuries started talking in all directions.

"The fish washed up from the sea have a strong fishy smell and are not edible at all."

"Yes, I once picked up a fish and brought it home, and it stinked up the pot at home."

"And me, I'm luckier than you in not picking up the smelly ones, but the smell of cooking is hard to describe. It made our whole family vomit."

Bai Zhaozhao thought for a while, fearing that they might have picked up a smelly fish.

Another reason is definitely that they won't do it.

So Bai Zhaozhao found a pair of pliers for making fire and went to the beach to catch the sea.

Look at the thing running all over the floor holding two large pliers.

The four of them, Wen Nanxi, grew up in Mingjing, and this was the first time they met.

With eyes full of surprise, he also joined Bai Zhaozhao's team of catching crabs.

They watched Bai Zhaozhao dig out various seafood on the beach.

When Bai Zhaozhao dug one out, they all asked what it was.

Then I heard Bai Zhaozhao's voice: "This is a razor clam, this is a conch, this is a shellfish...

Anyway, these seafood can be eaten. "

Several people looked at Bai Zhaozhao holding a strange-looking insect in his hand.

Fear flashed through my heart.

They didn't dare to eat it at all.

Seeing their appearance, Bai Zhaozhao said as if they didn't know what they were selling: "This is sea cucumber, it's a great tonic!"

Bai Zhaozhao went back and asked people to come to the beach to pick up seafood.

The supplies from the imperial court and the surrounding areas asking for help have not arrived.

So Bai Zhaozhao followed them and ate seafood for several days.

At first, the people couldn't get used to it.

But under Bai Zhaozhao's command, the ugly seafood was turned into a delicious seafood master.

In the end, we found out that it was really delicious, and everyone fell in love with seafood.

During these days of waiting for supplies, every household also volunteered to go to the beach to pick up seafood.

I heard Bai Zhaozhao say that there are other big lobsters in the sea that would be more delicious.

Then Zhao Lingye, who knew how to swim, went into the sea and brought one back according to Bai Zhaozhao's description.

Bai Zhaozhao made it into garlic vermicelli lobster in public.

Facing the fragrant delicious food, the people of Tianhai City drooled.

This time I rushed to taste it without any ceremony.Then the next day, the people who knew how to drink water.

He plunged directly into the sea and brought back all kinds of seafood for Bai Zhaozhao to identify.

Bai Zhaozhao was very happy to see that there was no longer any sign of defeat on their faces.

Because most of the houses and farmland in Tianhai City were flooded.

There was simply not enough food to support the huge team of victims.

In the end, Bai Zhaozhao had no choice but to pick up seafood and eat it back.

I was also worried that some of them might have seafood allergies.

Then she would share the remaining food she found with people with allergies.

But I didn't expect them to be very receptive, and no one complained about allergies.

The diarrhea that she worried about in children did not appear.

She never dared to relax and let Hua Li, who was skilled in medicine, stare at them.

If a problem occurs, seek immediate medical attention.

Finally, supplies from surrounding cities and counties finally arrived.

The prefects and county magistrates expected to see many refugees starve to death.

Or starved to the point of being reduced to skin and bones.

But I didn't expect that there was no sadness and despair on their faces.

Everyone saw them sending supplies and expressed their gratitude.

Just carrying a basket on his back... and leaving?
Are all the officials full of questions?
Bai Zhaozhao didn't care what they thought and thanked them first.

Then give them a promise that the court will not forget them.

Wait until the disaster here is dealt with.

The court will reward them based on their merits.

After hearing what he wanted to hear, the official thanked Bai Zhaozhao happily.

He took the people back.

With the supplies, Bai Zhaozhao exchanged them for modern high-tech sea rice seeds.

Teach them directly to plant, and also teach them to give up their wooden houses.

Thereby building green brick houses that are more resistant to wind, rain and tsunamis.

(End of this chapter)

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