It turned out that it was so.

Zhou Liming's mind suddenly exploded. It turned out that the joy in her eyes was because of him.

Perhaps it was because the people he sponsored finally managed to get out of the mountains.

Or maybe she didn't expect to see the students she sponsored in Beijing.

Zhou Liming didn't understand that smile at the time.

But now...

His face suddenly turned pale.

At this moment, Zhou Liming looked at Tan Jiuzhou's eyebrows again, as if he had seen the beauty that had caught his eye in the first place.

Tan Jiuzhou was already in his mother's belly at that time, and his mother's whole body was exuding a gentle light because of her pregnancy. She went to the hospital for a prenatal check-up that day, and she did not expect to see the person she had sponsored outside her home.

She thought this was God's reward for her kindness, but she didn't expect that man was here to ruin her happy life.

After learning the truth, Zhou Liming collapsed on the ground, his clenched fists and nails embedded in his flesh. The strong consent was glued to the pain in his heart, making his old face look increasingly sad.

He murmured to himself, "No, no, you arranged this deliberately, it's impossible!"

Li Zhi stood up, her legs a little numb, as if she had stepped on the tip of a needle. She looked down at the now elderly Zhou Liming, "What can I get by lying to you?"

At this moment, Tan Jiuzhou turned on the mobile phone in his hand hands-free.

His mother's gentle voice came from the satellite phone, "Hello, Professor Zhou, I am Shen Xingli."

Zhou Liming looked up blankly.

Tan Jiuzhou held up his cell phone and pointed it at Zhou Liming on the ground.

The ageless beauty was looking at him from the other end of the video conversation.

More than 20 years have passed.

Shen Xingli had actually let go of her past relationships a long time ago, which was why she never accepted Tan Jiuzhou's father.

The relationship between the two was broken not only because of Zhou Zong's child, but also because of her insecurity.

She smiled softly, "I have sponsored many outstanding students, but you are the best among them."

Shen Xingli took out a painting.

She painted it outside "Zhoujia Village" during the summer vacation that year when she went on a field trip with her family.

The protagonist in it, Nan Ran, is Zhou Liming.

Or maybe it was Zhou Zhe at that time.

At this moment, Zhou Liming already believed it without Shen Xingli saying anything.

He lowered his head and wanted to apologize, but his throat suddenly seemed to be blocked by something, and there was no sound.

Shen Xingli spoke very slowly, just like her gentle personality, she had always spoken slowly.

"I'm sorry that mankind has lost such a young and promising scientist like you."

Zhou Liming has long forgotten what it feels like to shed tears over the years. The moment Shen Xingli said these words, his tears suddenly fell.

He knew that Shen Xingli was sincerely praising him.

There was a sudden echo in his blocked throat, and he regretted it, his voice trembling, "I'm sorry..."

He didn't know that the first person to destroy the results he had studied for so many years was actually the person who helped him unconditionally.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

The cave echoed with Zhou Liming's confession.Shen Xingli smiled briefly and bitterly in her heart, "Maybe, this is fate."

She has been working hard for her career since she left Tan Jiuzhou's father. Later, when Tan Jiuzhou grew up, the family business was handed over to him. Slowly, she put down the burden on her shoulders and began to live a life of self-cultivation.

A brief phone call with Shen Xingli made Zhou Liming completely repent.

After he collected himself, he looked at Li Zhi and said, "I can help you, but you have to agree to one condition."

Li Zhi: "You say."

"My daughter... I was not by her side when she was born, and I was not by her side when her mother passed away. In this life, I am most sorry for them." Zhou Liming said bitterly. He said, "Can you please help me take care of her before I research the "antidote". "

"Don't worry, I will surrender after I develop the "antidote." "He will admit all the mistakes I have made over the years, which can be regarded as a good result for Shen Xingli's kindness back then.

He knew clearly that if his daughter could be under the protection of Li Zhi, she would definitely not be caught by those people.

Li Zhi agreed.

She asked him again, "What is the relationship between Hong Rui and you?"

Zhou Liming thought for a long time before he remembered who this person was. He had actually lived a ridiculous and inhuman life these past few years.

Hong Rui can be considered his woman.

When he is irritable, he also needs a woman to resolve some of his inner irritability and needs.

It was at this time that Hong Rui appeared outside "Zhoujia Village".

She didn't know who she knew from, that there were talented people in "Zhoujiacun" who could change the genes of children. Facing the venomous snake forest, she couldn't get in, so she screamed outside the forest every day.

At that time, he was irritated by an experiment and needed some freshness, so he took people to the back mountain.

Hong Rui stayed in the back mountain for a month, and as a reward, he promised to complete the matter for her.

But the child in Hong Rui's belly was really not Zhou Liming's.

After all, he no longer has that level of activity.

Hong Rui found another man to conceive the child, and it was her idea to get Bei Minglu's blood, put it in a special device he gave her, and brought it to "Zhoujiacun".

She left "Zhoujiacun" only after knowing that he successfully completed the matter for her.

Zhou Liming suddenly realized that it was because of that accident that he allowed these people outside to find out about "Zhoujiacun". He had really shot himself in the foot.

Sure enough, as Shen Xingli said: Maybe, this is fate.

It's him, Zhou Liming, no, it's Zhou Zhe's fate.


The truth about Zhou Zhou's blood relationship has been revealed.

Regardless of whether Zhou Zhou could be restored to her original genes in the end, Shen Xingli knew that her husband had not betrayed her.

Across the ocean.

Outside a three-story small foreign-style building, Tan Yunfan was guarding there as always. Even if she didn't want to see him, he was still guarding there unshakably every day. Just where he stood, the grass on the ground was trampled by him. .

Even so, he still didn't see his wife.

He knew that his son should have found out the truth about his car accident, but he didn't want to go back.

After so many years, it was not easy for him to be so close to his wife, so a fool would want to leave her.

Shen Xingli stood in the garden watering the flowers. The sun was shining on her body and her hair was shining.

Even though she is no longer young, in Tan Yunfan's eyes, she will always be as beautiful as when he first saw her. (End of chapter)

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