Chapter 115 Sedum works
After one operation, the grapes were quickly dried.

No one thought it was so easy to make raisins. Is this really possible?
Sedum has never eaten raisins. He doesn't like sweet things, but he has seen raisins.

Raisins are quite expensive, and it takes several kilograms of grapes to make one kilogram of raisins.

At first, Ding Keer wanted to make raisins, but Sedum thought it was very feasible.

On the one hand, the grapes were damaged a lot by hail and the grape bunches were damaged, which made buyers less willing to buy them.

Making raisins solves this problem.

On the other hand, raisins are much more expensive than grapes and the profit will be greater.

Jingtian looked at Ding Keer who was directing everyone, with approval in his eyes.

A rural girl can think of making canned grapes and dried fruits, which shows that she is really thoughtful and excellent.

"Sedum, what are you looking at? Come to work quickly."

Ding Keer's words interrupted Sedum's contemplation. Sedum responded and quickly went to dry the grapes.

When cleaning the grapes and other tasks just now, Ding Keer also directed Sedum to work.

When the others saw the young master working, they all stepped forward and took over the work.

But under Ding Keer's glare, Jingtian persisted and saved some lives.

Seeing this, Ding Keer felt much better and thought to himself: If you don't want to stay here, then you can work for me.

If you want to eat and drink for free, huh, no way.

"Ke'er, is this okay? Let's let him work. What if he tells Mom and Boss Jing?" Ding Qiang asked worriedly.

Ding Keer thought of Sedum's complaint at breakfast, and her smile suddenly faded.

She was not afraid that Jingtian would tell Jingshen, but she was afraid that he would complain to Shen Lan again.

Shen Lan's baby Sedum is now as precious as a son, no, more precious than a son.

"It's okay. If he wants to complain, let him complain. I asked him to do this and it has nothing to do with you." Ding Keer said angrily. "Ke'er, I'm not worried about this. I just look at you and you seem to dislike him. Is he bullying you?"

Ding Qiang looked at Jingtian, then at Ding Keer, and asked doubtfully.

How should I tell Ding Qiang this? It's often just a feeling that someone doesn't like him, not because of anything he did.

In order not to worry Ding Qiang, Ding Keer said: "Second brother, I don't find him displeasing, I just think he is incompatible with us.

Besides, if we don't take good care of him, he will say something to Boss Jing and it will affect our canned goods. "

Ding Qiang thought about it and realized that was the case, so he didn't say much.

Ding Keer thought for a while and decided to talk to Jingtian, then called him away.

"Master Jing, there is no one else here, so stop pretending.

Tell me, what do you want to do if you stay here? ", Ding Keer showed his cards.

Ding Keer's serious look made Jingtian laugh, "I'm telling you, you are a very cute little girl. Why are you deliberately keeping a straight face? It doesn't look good."

"Don't change the subject for me, I won't do this.

Don't think you can fool everyone.

The more you don't despise this or that, and the more you work without being dirty or tired, the more I feel that you are uneasy and well-intentioned. "

Ding Keer remained unmoved and continued to speak coldly.

Jingtian slowly fell silent, he looked directly into Ding Keer's eyes and asked: "What do you think I am worried about?

I just wanted to feel maternal love and the feeling of home again. What was wrong with me?

Why do you always target me? Where did I offend you? "

(End of this chapter)

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