Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 137 Unscrupulous businessman!

"Dear audience friends, hello, I'm sorry, I suddenly disappeared and scared you, but didn't I tell you in advance last night, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"Not only is everything okay, I also found my missing friends!"

Bai Qiuwu explained to the camera that the focus was on reporting safety.

But obviously everyone’s focus is not this.

[Holy shit, shit, what the hell is this? Is it fake? Is this a prop? Where is this? Is it so exciting? Is this thing broadcastable? You can't play like this, I will call the police, I really will call the police! Hey, you demon spirit? There is someone here who is suspected of scaring people. Can you arrest him as soon as possible? 】

[No, what happened? Where were you last night? Where are you? What happened? Why did you suddenly disappear? We didn't hear a sound at all last night! And these bones, are you kidding me? Are these really the missing people? Are all those missing dead? 】

[Oh my god, how many bones are these? I saw more than a dozen with my bald skull, and I can’t even count them. How many people died here? Let me just say it’s not that simple. No wonder I always feel like there are Uneasy feeling, this is really a big fucking case! Damn it, I'm going to tremble, barrage body protection! 】

[Don’t use the barrage to protect your body. I’m afraid of the barrage. I’m confused now, very confused. If this is a script, I can only say that the person who came up with this script is a genius. Not much to say, let’s focus on the main point and let’s see how you come back! 】

[Does anyone still remember that this is a live broadcast room that combats feudal superstition and promotes science... Why do I feel that this is going further and further on the road of metaphysics? Now so many lives have been reported. Can this matter be solved? Have we all become witnesses in a major case? Will I be summoned by the police if I turn around? 】

[I have asked all my friends to watch this live broadcast together. There are no such uncoded pictures in TV series. Master Bai, can you focus the camera? I want to take a few pictures. I am a medical student. I have never seen such a wild skeleton, I want to see it in detail]

[The forensic doctor is passing by. I want to tell all of you friends here who are definitely props. No prop can be made so realistic. Have you seen the thigh bone next to the anchor's right foot? This thigh bone has obvious bends and is obviously fractured. Judging from the shape and color of this bone, it should be that of a young man]

[I have already called the police. Host, please wait to be summoned by the police. I really didn’t expect that I could see such a big thing just by watching a live broadcast. What kind of luck am I! 】


Bai Qiuwu's appearance was like the finale of a good show, instantly causing a surge in popularity. In just a few minutes, the number of online viewers increased by tens of thousands.

And this growth is still continuing, and the speed is increasing instead of decreasing, and the popularity of the entire live broadcast room has reached an unprecedented explosion.

This is obviously not only the work of Bai Qiuwu, but also the poor missing people on the ground.

Pu Xi originally had a lot of questions to ask, but in the end, netizens asked him everything they wanted to ask, which was more comprehensive than what he asked.

So, Pu Xi silently shut up, looked at Bai Qiuwu on the screen eagerly, and waited for an explanation with netizens.

Bai Qiuwu didn't mean to whet everyone's appetite, and directly explained the situation in detail.

"Didn't I tell you last night that if you want to understand what the missing person has experienced, you should go through what the missing person has experienced? I decided to implement this plan. In fact, this plan is quite simple."

"According to my guess, I think the reason why these people disappeared is because they found something they shouldn't have found, so I went to the village chief last night. Yes, I didn't go back to the room. I went directly to the village chief's room. ”

"I told the village chief that I found that the house had been burned by fire and there was a student ID card under the bed. I asked him who Bai Ting was. I also told him that I knew Bai Ting and I were from the same school. Hers Why is the student ID here, where is she?"

"Then, guess what happened to the village chief. As I guessed, the village chief couldn't sit still immediately. This old man was very bad. He told me to wait for him to ask others, and then I waited for him. As a result, Four villagers are waiting."

"These four guys took advantage of me not paying attention and hit my head with a rock. Then I pretended to be dead and they threw me here."

Bai Qiuwu said, turning her head slightly to show everyone the wound on her right temple.

The light was too dim just now, and she turned the camera so quickly, just to show everyone what the missing person looked like, so no one noticed that she still had injuries on her head.

As a result, when I saw it, I took a breath of cold air instantly.

I don’t know what was smashed out, but it seemed to be a brick. Anyway, the whole temple was bloody and bloody, and it seemed that white bones could still be seen faintly.

However, Bai Qiuwu should have wiped the blood and tidied it up herself, so there was no blood on her face for such a hideous wound.

But this wound is still very scary, and it doesn't look fake at all. If this can be done with makeup, then this makeup artist deserves to be in the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

Originally, many netizens were clamoring that it was a script, but now they saw the wound and stopped instantly. Whose script was going to hit the actor's temple with bricks?

Bai Qiuwu seemed to feel no pain, and said very calmly: "It's okay, it's just a minor injury. It will heal soon. The important thing now is that I have figured out the location of the missing person."

"I just saw that some netizens said they would call the police for me. Thank you very much. Please tell the police the specific location. I have activated the video location. You can just come to me here."

"The bodies of the missing persons have been found, and there is a personal identification like mine, so I think we can almost close the net."

Bai Qiuwu said this without any intention of joking.

So everyone was even more in an uproar.

He actually asked netizens to help call the police. Now there are hundreds of thousands of online viewers. Someone must call the police. If this is still fake and is a script, this matter will never be settled.

So at this moment, no one with cerebral palsy is still shouting that it is fake. Everyone is more concerned about Bai Qiuwu's injury and the current situation.

Bai Qiuwu didn't have the slightest sense of being an injured person. After all, when she said it didn't hurt, it really didn't hurt. If she didn't need a little injury to deceive those people, she could have avoided any injury at all.

In other words, this small injury was indeed caused by her deliberately releasing the water, and she still had spiritual power. It would be easy to recover, and she wouldn't even leave a scar.

Of course, this was for her, and the villagers did not spare any energy. The bricks were smashed with the intention of killing her. If it had been an ordinary person, he would have burped on the spot.

These villagers are obviously veterans, and they control the strength of their movements very skillfully. They can die easily in one go.

Otherwise, Bai Qiuwu wouldn't be able to pretend to be dead.

Bai Qiuwu was about to tell everyone about his discoveries along the way, when he suddenly heard voices outside.

It was the voices of the villagers. They spoke in strange dialects, and their voices were not deliberately concealed, so that the netizens in the live broadcast room could hear them.

Bai Qiuwu couldn't understand this dialect, but some netizens in the live broadcast room did.

[Oh my god, this person said that they had sharpened the knife, and asked if it was still the same as the third child. Then one person said to take out the kidneys first, saying that the newly dead ones are still very fresh, and this is the most valuable, and people will be sold after they have been dead for a long time. No more price increase! Then the person who started talking asked what happened to the kidney, and the person said the cornea! 】

[Are you serious in front of me? Damn it, don’t scare me. What are you doing, disposing of corpses? They thought the anchor was dead, so they were ready to dismember the body? This is selling human tissue! How come this has created an industrial chain? More than one person must have died here. The police must be called! 】

[No, are you a genius in front of me? Do you want to see how many bones are on this screen? Of course more than one person died! Also, your hand speed is too slow. My policeman has finished asking questions, and he said he would handle it immediately and handle it urgently! ]    [I feel that this live broadcast room will be closed soon. Everyone, please watch and cherish it. And anchor, do you want to hide for a while? It will be terrible if you are caught! If they find that you are not dead, they will be kind enough to patch you up, but if they are really bad, they might just bring you alive, which is scary to think about! 】

Pu Xi was also panicking at this moment, because just now, he received a call from the police.

Normally, the live broadcast room would have been closed on the spot, but because he was a shareholder and one of the big bosses, the people from the App did not dare to make any unauthorized claims and came to ask him.

Pu Xi communicated with the police and finally decided to keep the live broadcast room open.

But this time it's not for money or popularity.

It was because the live broadcast room was needed to locate Bai Qiuwu's location and situation. The police heard that there were people squatting in the live broadcast room to watch, but the city was still too far away from the village, and they might not be able to get there in a while.

Can they just watch helplessly as something happens to this girl?

Everyone was anxious and pulling their hair. Pu Xi wanted to call his brother and ask his brother to send a helicopter to bomb. Of course, this was his nonsense. No matter how good Pu Yao was, he couldn't do this.

What's more, in this case, it will take time for the helicopter to arrive!

It seems to be trapped in an infinite loop, a doomed situation.

Unless Bai Qiuwu, a weak woman, suddenly becomes so powerful that the infinite universe erupts and uproots weeping willows, and defeats all of them by herself.

But even thinking about it with my toes, I know it’s impossible!

Everyone was anxious and worried, and the popularity was rising, but in the blink of an eye, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded one million!

This is much better than those adventure variety shows. The key is that it is really dangerous!

But Bai Qiuwu, who was worried by everyone, was the calmest one at the moment.

Because she knew that she could defeat everyone by herself, and she was indeed prepared to do so.

The spiritual power she had accumulated during this period was enough for her to squander it.

She was even prepared to show some humiliation to those who were planning to attack her waist, as a way of avenging that piece of bricks.

She even thoughtfully found an angle for her phone so that everyone could see more, but they couldn't see her secretly casting spells.

If we go by her thoughts, she is prepared to create a lot of surprises, at least that's what it looks like on camera.

And she was just an innocent little girl who only knew how to run around. Those people behind her accidentally tripped over various things and hit their bones. How could they blame her?

It can only be said that these people are too bad and deserve retribution.

Bai Qiuwu had already written the script, and even prepared the lines he wanted to say. He just watched those people walk in with anticipation.

A total of 5 people came, the previous 4 people plus a village chief. Three of them had knives in their hands, the village chief held a plate in his hand, and the other one held a huge flashlight.

These five people must have come here often and were very familiar with this place. They didn't even glance at the pile of bones on the ground and just walked inside without noticing.

They are not afraid of dead people, but they are obviously afraid of people who have risen from the dead.

Bai Qiuwu didn't even think about hiding, and just stood there well. When these people saw a person standing there, they were instantly frightened.

After seeing what this person looked like, it was no longer as simple as being shocked.

I saw that the expressions of these five people were as if they had seen a ghost, their eyes were wide open, and they were mumbling a lot of words, their voices were urgent and fast, as if they were frightened.

Bai Qiuwu didn't understand their nonsense dialects, but now she was even more worried. She was not going to talk to these people, and was already preparing to take action.

The hearts of netizens were also in their throats at this moment. As a result, at this moment, a woman's sharp cry suddenly came from the cave.

A red shadow came from nowhere and suddenly floated over. She was really floating, and her face was ferocious. Under the tattered red skirt, a pair of legs without feet was exposed.

Her figure was illusory, and she kept making sharp cries from her mouth, and she threw herself at the five villagers like crazy.

The villagers were instantly frightened and ran away, but when the woman met the villagers, she passed through them, and her body even became more illusory.

Her hair was messy, her body was covered in wounds and blood, and she kept making sharp sounds.

This scene directly made all netizens dumbfounded.

Bai Qiuwu was also stunned because it happened so suddenly that she didn't have time to react.

After reacting, the first thing she did was to decisively shut down the live broadcast.

Countless netizens who were screaming watched the scene just reach its peak, and then the connection there was suddenly disconnected.

Snap... it broke.

Countless people looked at the small words on their mobile phones or computer screens that the anchor had left, and the connection was automatically disconnected. They couldn't help but cursed.

This includes Pu Xi.

My family members don’t know how it feels to have the most wonderful place cut off!

It’s just killing me. What’s next, is there paid content?

Then give me a fucking payment code! Can't we just give you money?

This is too much, what an unscrupulous businessman!

(End of this chapter)

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