"No, this is too outrageous, isn't it?"

After Lin Qiang read this rumor, she was shocked by the content.

"Yes, we also think it's outrageous, but the current situation just isn't quite right."

"And now the situation online is getting more serious."

In addition to spreading rumors about Lin Qiang, Su Wanwan also did not forget to brainwash the richest boss.

"Anyway, if it's just like this now, it's okay, but I'm afraid this situation will be more troublesome." The secretary said with a sad look on his face.

Lin Qiang frowned and then said. "Okay, I understand. You take care of the company's affairs, and I will take care of these things here."

Went home with a heavy heart.

As soon as she arrived in the corridor, she found Jiang Jingcheng standing at the door, which shocked Lin Qiang.

"I have sent people to investigate again. It should not take long for the truth to be revealed."

Jiang Jingcheng was very worried about Lin Qiang, and Lin Qiang smiled helplessly.

"Actually, it's not as exaggerated as you said, but I'm really exhausted both physically and mentally."

"Let's rest first. I'll help you solve the planning case you mentioned before. Do you have any questions?"

Lin Qiang originally wanted to refuse, but Jiang Jingcheng said it seriously. If she refused, Lin Qiang really couldn't say it.

Finally acquiescing, Jiang Jingcheng followed Lin Qiang into the house. More than two hours later, someone knocked hard on the door from outside.

"Who is it?"

Lin Qiang called out, but the other party didn't answer. The knocking on the door became louder and louder.

Jiang Jingcheng also felt puzzled, and then walked to the cat's eye over there.

After taking a look, I saw that she was a well-dressed woman, accompanied by several other women of the same age.

"How many middle-aged women?"

Jiang Jingcheng was confused but opened the door.

"Is this Lin Qiang's house?"

When the other party saw Jiang Jingcheng opening the door, he asked aggressively.

Lin Qiang poked her head and said, "What's wrong with my family?"

"Madam, why are you here?"

Seeing that it was Lin Qiang, an acquaintance, he came up to say hello, but he was about to pack his bag and stood in front of Lin Qiang in Jiangjing City.

"What's going on? If you have something to say, please say it. Don't do anything."

The women next to him were even more unhappy.

"What's there to say? We're not allowed to seduce other people's husbands and work as mistresses."

Lin Qiang frowned deeply. She originally thought that this matter would never happen, but she didn't expect that it was still unavoidable.

"You misunderstood, how about you come in and talk slowly."

Lin Qiang could tell that the richest man's wife was not a rude person, but very gentle.

The reason why I came to visit today is probably because of the rumors, plus because these little sisters are so aggressive.

It was because he couldn't bear it that he reacted this way. Otherwise, he would never do such a thing.

"What do you mean?"

The richest man's wife obviously didn't understand what Lin Qiang said.

"Maybe you all misunderstood."

Jiang Jingcheng quickly stood up and explained.

"I'm her boyfriend. You see, we all live together, and we are more compatible, right?"

After Jiang Jingcheng finished explaining, Lin Qiang also quickly stood up.

"Yes, madam, you really misunderstood. Those are all rumors and were deliberately photographed."

Lin Qiang took the opportunity to invite them into the house, poured them tea and explained what happened.The few little sisters who were originally accompanying me didn't believe it.

I thought it was just because Lin Qiang didn't want to be beaten, and she deliberately made an excuse, but she saw Jiang Jingcheng and Lin Qiang being close.

In addition, these are the correct words spoken by the Lord.

"Isn't this a distrust of your husband? Have you ever thought about who the person who makes us kill each other like this is?"

The richest man's wife frowned.

"Are you talking about the Lu Group?"

Although there is a competitive relationship between them, it really has not reached that point, but the current situation is indeed a bit unjustifiable.

"I don't know who is against your husband, but this situation is definitely beneficial to them. In this case, the shares of Big Brother's company will decline."

"They will definitely benefit. He said that if you come to my door, you will attack me. This is all part of the plan."

After Lin Qiang explained clearly, the richest man's wife frowned.

His expression was very ugly.

"I just want to be a full-time wife at home and not cause him any trouble. When he needs me, I will try my best to come out. But I'm afraid that by the time I'm an old man, he will still look like that."

The richest man's wife looked increasingly sad as she spoke.

Lin Qiang stepped forward and handed over two pieces of paper and comforted her.

"You can't think like that. If he really had this idea, I'm afraid he would have abandoned you long ago, right? Now is the period when his career is on the rise. If he can deal with me for a hairpin, it shows that he still has a good feeling for you. "

"Besides, you are so good-looking, why do you have such concerns?"

Lin Qiang said lightly.

The richest man's wife was indeed comforted by Lin Qiang.

"Actually, what this girl said is quite good. The one in our family is really good to you. We only got excited after reading these things on the Internet."

The two little sisters next to me also said a little embarrassedly.

"This is normal, sisters. If my husband were like this, I would be very angry and sad. What you are doing is what normal people would do."

After Lin Qiang finished comforting her, her face turned cold.

"What do you think about this matter? If we follow the plan, we may be able to find the person behind it, but if we let it go, we will only make ourselves sad."

Although the richest man's wife was still a little confused, she also felt that what Lin Qiang said made sense.

"I've always felt that I couldn't help him, but now that you've said it, I feel like I'm not useless."

"Of course, let's do this first."

After Lin Qiang finished discussing with the richest man's wife.

"Okay, that's what I'll do, go back and talk to my guy."

After they discussed it, Lin Qiang gave them some more gifts, and then sent them away. When they left, Lin Qiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart and solve this problem yourself."

Facing Jiang Jingcheng's ridicule, Lin Qiang was helpless.

"There is no way to do this. Besides, they are innocent to begin with. In the final analysis, this has nothing to do with us, nor does it have anything to do with them. But the people behind it are really despicable and shameless."

Lin Qiang contacted the paparazzi and explained the matter to them in advance.

The other party readily agreed.

What Lin Qiang wants is to treat others with their own body, and Lin Qiang and the richest man's wife will use their tricks.

As a result, the other party quickly exposed his flaws and even came to tease her.

As a result, Su Wanwan was surrounded by the people brought by Lin Qiang.

"Hey, you like spreading rumors and shooting random things so much, so let you feel the atmosphere."

Lin Qiang clapped her hands and the paparazzi stepped forward to take some atmospheric photos. Su Wanwan felt something was wrong and kept struggling.

"What are you doing? Why are you doing this to me? Do you know who is behind me?"

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