Chapter 169

One night passed, and winter began in Qingshui Town without even realizing it.

Li Xiuju was in the kitchen making breakfast for the whole family. Baoyu had just returned from hunting in Stone Mountain yesterday and had a rare chance to sleep in, so she let him go.

Zhou Chenyu carried the food for the chickens, ducks and geese to the chicken coop and walked out of the yard.

After being blown by the howling cold wind all night, the leaves of the old tree outside the yard have all withered. The dark yellow and dry leaves are piled around the roots of the tree, a thick layer of tiredness. There are still a few leaves on the tree. Looking from a distance, It has become bare.

The paddy fields in the distance were no exception. There was no greenery within sight, and the straw leaves growing on the straw roots withered overnight, leaving no life at all.

"I didn't expect that I would spend all spring, summer, autumn and winter here." Zhou Chenyu looked at the winter scenery in the village and muttered to himself, then picked up his things and walked to the chicken coop.

In the chicken coop built with wooden planks, cold wind blew in from all directions. All the food in the food trough was eaten, and the food splashed outside was blown dry by the wind. A group of poultry huddled together to keep each other warm.

"Kekeke, come here, Kekeke."

"Giggle, giggle, come here quickly."

Zhou Chenyu scooped the chicken food into the square groove. One or two chickens came out first. The chickens behind saw them eating. They were afraid that they would all be eaten, so they hurriedly chased them out to grab the food.

While they were eating, Zhou Chenyu went around to take a look at the vegetable garden. It was similar to the tree in front of her house. It was dead and withered. There were still some things she didn't like to eat, such as cabbage and mustard greens, which were quite beautiful. Good.

"Oh, we're running out of food."

Zhou Chenyu sighed and walked back to the chicken coop. When the chickens, ducks and geese were almost done eating, he opened the door and let the poultry out to move around.

"Let me see how many eggs we can get today." Zhou Chenyu got into the chicken coop as usual, skillfully picked up the chicken coop and picked up five eggs at once.

She put the eggs in the basket and took another look at the henhouse. She scanned the whole house, but there was no trace of the duck eggs.

"No, no duck eggs were laid today?" Zhou Chenyu frowned. He usually picked up at least three big duck eggs every day, but today there were none.


Zhou Chenyu listened to the sound of the duck flapping its wings outside, picked up the bucket and basket, and hurriedly chased him out.

Chickens like to peck in the wasteland near the vegetable garden, and ducks prefer to play near paddy fields and ponds.

Zhou Chenyu followed the sound to the door. The released ducks flapped their big wings and stepped on their webbed feet. They walked to the paddy field at the door of their house. They jumped into the air, jumped over the ditch and landed on the paddy field. They flew for several times. rice, the clear paddy fields were dragged out with a long turbid mark.

Zhou Chenyu stared at their traces and waited for a while. When she saw a few of her ducks nesting on the ridge of the field, she raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Is this laying eggs?"

Zhou Chenyu walked over carrying the basket. When the ducks noticed the human footsteps, all the nearby ducks stood up and ran away.

The weeds on the field ridge were all made of muddy water they had passed through. Zhou Chenyu stared at that corner, and sure enough, in the mud on the field ridge, he saw several large oval duck eggs with a few white duck feathers attached to them. .

"Don't let the good news flow to outsiders. You still have to pick up what should be picked up."

Zhou Chenyu bent down to pick up the few duck eggs, wiped them clean and put them in the basket. Then he walked back to a swamp covered with weeds and saw several more large white duck eggs. "Good guy, the ducks in every house are coming out to lay eggs."

Zhou Chenyu felt as if she had found a treasure, and stepped carefully on the swamp ground. Mud oozed from the swamp surface like jelly, making the soles of her shoes wet.

But getting your shoes wet is nothing compared to picking up duck eggs for free.

She picked up the big duck eggs and looked around reluctantly. There were no more duck eggs. Then she walked back to the strong field ridge and counted them.

"One, two, three... six, seven, eight duck eggs. I picked up eight duck eggs in the morning."

Zhou Chenyu looked at this treasure land occupied by ducks and raised a smile, "From now on, if I go out and walk around every morning, will I be able to pick up so many? How will I know if I don't try?"

Under the gloomy sky, wisps of thick smoke from the chimneys of every house floated over Zhoujia Village.

Zhou Chenyu faced the cold wind and walked back with the basket contentedly. Not many people went out for a walk in the early morning. Chen Cuiping walked into her sight at the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village.

Zhou Chenyu looked at Chen Cuiping who was in high spirits, with an expression as if she was rushing to claim credit, and sneered: "There is no better mother-in-law. Wan Qiu's guess was really good. Chen Cuiping really couldn't wait to run to find Qian Rushan. It's better to do it earlier, earlier. A surprise for you."


After Chen Cuiping left Zhoujiacun, she rushed into the city and found Qian Rushan's mansion.

After hearing the news, the slaves of the Qian Mansion rushed to the inner house to report the news. As soon as they entered the house, they saw a young woman with a gloomy face and dressed in purple serving Qian Rushan.

"Someone is coming," the woman said.

"Who is it?" Qian Rushan raised his eyes faintly, looked at the servant kneeling in front of him with a stern look, carefully put his legs on the ground, and asked displeasedly: "What else is there to bother me so early in the morning?"

The servant glanced at the young woman in purple beside him, lowered his head guiltily, and said hesitantly: "Second Master, there is something very important, about Chen Cuiping..."

The young woman in purple heard him speak and only said half a sentence. She turned back coldly, saw the servant's staring eyes, glanced with disdain, and walked out of the door with her things in her hands.

Qian Rushan then looked at him, with an impatient murderous intent in his eyes, and said: "This old guy has been playing tricks on me over and over again. If I don't show her how powerful I am, she really thinks I'm scaring her. She Since she came to her door in person, you should give her a ride."

The slave trembled, but still knelt down in fear, "Second Master, Chen Cuiping just said outside the door that she came today to bring good news to Second Master."

"She has tricked me several times, what good news can there be?" Qian Rushan scolded with an angry face.

The domestic slave was scolded for no reason and did not dare to talk back. Thinking of Chen Cuiping's solemn expression just now, he persuaded in a low voice, "Second Master, it doesn't hurt to hear this. What if Chen Cuiping is really like Second Master and brings good news? What? At this point, Chen Cuiping can't escape from your hands no matter what. She said today that she has good news, so why don't you just listen to her?"

"If it's true, can't the second master be happy? If it's false, it won't be too late for us to deal with her."

Qian Rushan was persuaded by the slave's few words, snorted disdainfully, and threw the handkerchief back on the table, "Bring this old immortal here, I want to see what new tricks she can come up with."

House slave: "Young man, take the order."

(End of this chapter)

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