Chapter 156

Yang Xi watched Qian Rushan's carriage go away coldly, then slowly turned around and looked at Zhou Zhou Chen Yu with a half-smiling look.

He was startled, couldn't help but lower his eyes, and then raised his eyes to look at her, "Are you okay?"

Zhou Chenyu locked eyes with him, looked at his evasive eyes, and shook his head with a smile.

If she remembered correctly, when the two were together just now, he left first, taking the same way he came.

The road she left was in the opposite direction.

She had walked both of those roads. One exit was in the east of the city, and the other was in the west. They were thousands of miles apart, and it was impossible to walk from east to west in a short time. She had to go around in a big circle.

It turns out that her intuition was right, someone was indeed following her.

It's just that the person following her is not the brother and sister from the morning, but the person in front of her who appears to be one thing but behind the scenes is another.

Zhou Chenyu straightened out the logic and asked him: "Yang Xi, why do you appear here?"

Why is it here...

Yang Xi pursed her lips in confusion, balled up her fists, and then pretended to look at her calmly, "I was nearby. I heard some movement here, so I came over looking for the sound."

Zhou Chenyu had a smile on his brows, "What a coincidence? Are you lying to me? In fact, you didn't go far at all just now, but were waiting for me near Jirentang. I left Jirentang, you Just follow me quietly. Am I right?"

Yang Xi looked at Zhou Chenyu's smile, and his earlobes felt uncontrollably warm.

He looked away awkwardly, his cheeks tightened, and he felt annoyed: "I am not an idle person like Qian Rushan, and you are not the vicious person I want to arrest. Why should I follow you for no reason? You guessed it wrong ”

guessed wrong?
Zhou Chenyu looked at his red ears. Although he did not admit it, all the answers were already unspoken.

"Team Leader Yang, what are we going to do with these people?" The policeman who took custody of the people hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Yang Xi clasped his hands behind his back, glanced at the group of people with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Take them all back to the dungeon, and let their master come and pick them up in person."


Yang Xi watched the group of slaves being taken away, looked away, looked at Zhou Chenyu, and opened and closed his lips.

Zhou Chenyu chuckled lightly, "I know, you are busy with something again, so you don't need to tell me. If you want to leave, just leave. You don't want to talk to me anyway."

"I didn't!" Yang Xi held back the explanation he blurted out. Looking at Zhou Chenyu's slender body, his unsmiling expression finally couldn't hide his worries, and his words became more caring, "Then I'll leave, so be careful. You When you go home after shopping, it’s best to go with others instead of alone. It’s hard to guarantee that money will come to you again, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to handle it alone.”

"Well, I understand." Zhou Chenyu nodded, watching the figure walk away, and finally raised his lips and smiled, "So this is what Chen Yunzhi meant by a strong dose of medicine."

"Strong medicine." Zhou Chenyu was immersed in laughter and took two slow steps before a thought came into his mind.

She stopped and looked at the direction where Qian Rushan disappeared, her eyes darkening a little: "Let's take a strong dose of medicine, rape, and punishment with a cane."

After Zhou Chenyu finished speaking, he looked warily at the passers-by around him, picked up his things and left.

Later, although I was not afraid of people with huge amounts of money coming my way, it was better to do less than to do more.

After Zhou Chenyu finished shopping, he took advantage of the crowds of people on the road and followed the pedestrians near Zhoujia Village back home.

"Huh? Where's the person?" Zhou Chenyu knew that Li Xiuju's mouth always tasted bitter after taking medicine recently, so he bought her favorite pastries on the street.

But when I got home and opened the door, I saw no sign of Li Xiuju.

"Where have people gone?"

problem occurs?
After seeing no one for a long time, Zhou Chenyu hurriedly put down his things and ran out to look for someone. As soon as he walked to the vegetable garden behind the vegetable garden house, he heard the cackling sound of people.

Li Xiuju stood in the wasteland full of withered grass, making gurgling sounds from her mouth. When she saw Zhou Chenyu standing there, she asked, "You're back?"

Zhou Chenyu breathed a sigh of relief, walked over, and muttered: "Old lady, I just got home and couldn't find you. I thought something had happened. I was scared and told you not to wander around, but you refused to listen."

"My legs are almost healed. How can anything happen? You and Baoyu are just too nervous." Li Xiuju stared at the haystack as she spoke. Zhou Chenyu looked at her as if he was looking for something, and came closer and asked: " What's wrong? What did you throw away?"

Li Xiuju straightened her sore back, "A hen is missing. It usually stays nearby with several other chickens. My mother was looking for it for a while, but she couldn't see it."

"Really?" Zhou Chenyu scratched his head.

The chickens at home have been raised since childhood until they can lay eggs. They have been raised with great effort for more than half a year. If they were really lost, it would be a big loss.

Zhou Chenyu went back and closed the door, and accompanied Li Xiuju to search around the area. They had visited all the areas where chickens usually roam, but there was no trace of chickens.

Li Xiuju's face became worried, "Mom, I don't expect that chicken to be sold for a few coins. I killed it and kept it for myself. I can also eat one or two meals to replenish your body. If I lose it now, I will have nothing." "

Seeing that he couldn't find the chicken, Zhou Chenyu simply looked away, "We don't lack a chicken now. If it's gone, we can earn it back. Let's go home first."

Li Xiuju was still reluctant to give up, and stood still, looking up at the mountain with her old eyes, and her hope was ignited again.

"Chen Yu, you go back first, and then mother will go up the mountain to look for you."

Going up the mountain now?
In autumn, the daylight hours are short and the sunlight is weak. Before evening, the sky has already darkened on the mountain.

The night wind suddenly picked up, making the old bamboos in the bamboo forest creak as if someone was shaking them.

Zhou Chenyu looked at the gloomy scenery around him and stopped Li Xiuju, "Old lady, it's dark. You can't see me when you go up the mountain now. And your legs are not good. Don't injure your legs again just for a chicken." .”

"Let's go home first, and I'll go up the mountain to look for it tomorrow. It won't take more than one night."

Li Xiuju looked down at her legs, her facial features were all crowded together, and her face was full of reluctance.

Li Xiuju couldn't find the chicken. She kept thinking about it and had no appetite for dinner. She just took a few bites of rice and she was full.

Seeing her in such a mood, Zhou Chenyu didn't dare to mention the trouble he had suffered during the day at the hands of Qian Rushan and others. After dinner, his mother and son turned off the lights early and went back to their rooms to rest.

As night fell, the wind became stronger, dogs barked, forest leaves and broken branches blew to the ground, and the tired leaf litter was lifted up and swirled in the air. The terrifying howling wind resounded through Zhoujia Village like the howling of ghosts and wolves.


Chen Cuiping, who had just returned from the city at night, turned around suddenly and saw a ghost floating on the empty moonlit road. She was so frightened that she crawled back home, "Open the door! Open the door quickly! Open the door for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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