Chapter 145

Li Xiuju didn't eat for a whole day and night, so she drank the white porridge until not a grain of rice was left. After finishing the porridge, she took a nap and then drank a large bowl of Chinese medicine.

Although she was bedridden, she always thought about the chickens, ducks and geese she raised. Therefore, after her condition stabilized, Baoyu went home first, and Zhou Chenyu stayed here to take care of her.

As usual, after autumn, the rain in Qingshui Town should decrease a lot. However, after staying in Shen Yunzhi's Jirentang for a few days, the rain continued. I heard that many people's houses collapsed and several people were injured.

Their family was trapped in the hospital for several days and finally received the good news that Shen Yunzhi was allowed to go home to recuperate. All he had to do was take some medicine regularly and take it for three months.

Li Xiuju's leg was treated by Shen Yunzhi, and it surprisingly improved a lot. The swelling disappeared, the pain was reduced, and she could walk more smoothly than before. "Doctor Shen, I'll thank you for your help these days."

Shen Yunzhi delivered it to the door in person, "Old madam, it's my duty to collect money and treat illnesses. Why should I say thank you or not? That's a mistake."

"Of course thank you." Zhou Chenyu looked at him. If she hadn't asked about the apprentice's specific fee, he would have been fooled by just saying it casually.Three taels of silver may not be much to him, but it is their gratitude to him.

Some advantages can be taken advantage of, and some cannot be taken advantage of at all. She can still distinguish this point.

Shen Yunzhi thought he was smart enough, but he was always one step behind Zhou Chenyu.He smiled helplessly, "Old madam, look, once your legs are healed, the rain outside has also stopped. I'm even happier."

Li Xiuju narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Then let's go back first."

"Hey, go slowly."

As soon as Zhou Chenyu and others left, Shen Yunzhi turned back to the house, poured a cup of hot tea, and then a blue figure walked in.

Shen Yunzhi was about to drink tea when he saw Yang Xi walking into the room and joked: "Hey, Team Leader Yang came at the right time."

Yang Xi glanced at him displeased, took away his tea, and sat down directly, "I only have time for this cup of tea, so hurry up and grab my mother's medicine."

Shen Yunzhi told his apprentice to grab the medicine, looked at Yang Xi, and smiled, "Zhou... Shen... Yu... this name is really pleasant to the ears."

Yang Xi's eyes flashed, and he grabbed Shen Yunzhi with his big hand and yelled: "What did you do to her?"

"Doctor Shen, Team Leader Yang, who are you?" The patients in the hall were stunned.

"Hahaha, this is my friend, we are fighting, don't panic." Shen Yunzhi smiled and comforted the patient, looked back at the angry Yang Xi, and tried to open his palm, but to no avail, so he had to He glared and cursed: "You're such a thick man, why do you always grab people by the collar? Don't scare my patients, let go, let go quickly, if you don't let go, I will bite them!"

"..." Yang Xi let go of his hand, still looking at him with sharp eyes.

If Shen Yunzhi doesn't tell the truth, he will be beaten.He curled his lips in resignation, "She brought her mother to my place for medical treatment. I saved her mother. Why not tell me the name of my savior?"

Yang Xi said coldly, "There are dozens of medical clinics in Qingshui Town. Why don't you go anywhere but come to you?"

"Hey, you just hit the key point." Shen Yunzhi smiled proudly, "She offended Qian Rushan, and those medical clinics didn't dare to take them in, so she had no choice but to come to me?"

Yang Xi's brows furrowed again, his black eyes filled with anger, "It's him again!"

Shen Yunzhi stared at his changes and smiled: "Look, you clearly care about others, but you don't admit it."

"Me!" Yang Xi turned his head and met Shen Yunzhi's searching eyes. For the first time in front of him, he had no words to argue with.

Shen Yunzhi leaned over and said, "I have been with that girl for a few days. She is smart and clever, and she is a perfect match for you."

Good match?

Yang Xi's heart, which had been heavy for a long time, rippled again. He looked away and drank the tea in one gulp. "My master's case is so intricate that we have never been able to find out. As long as the Qian Mansion does not collapse, my situation will become worse." No safety. How can I get involved with her and put her in danger?" Shen Yunzhi frowned, but he couldn't agree: "Then there have been countless people who have handled cases throughout the ages, and those people are all stoic and don't marry and have children?"

Yang Xi knew what Shen Yunzhi meant, and he also knew that people have seven emotions and six desires, but if the one he loved was hurt because of himself.

Rather than this, he would rather never have it.

"They are them, and I am me." Yang Xi lowered his eyes, with determination in his eyes, "We are destined to be destined to each other. Don't mention this matter again in the future."

The apprentice picked up several medicines and delivered them to him. Yang Xi took the medicine, got up and left.

Shen Yunzhi stared at his back and said to himself helplessly: "Miss Zhou, he is just a dullard. Whether he is destined to be destined or destined to be married, it depends on you."


It rained so hard that the water where the river lanterns were placed a few days ago was turbid and overflowed several stone steps. After leaving the city gate, the river outside the city was even more rapid.

As the floods passed, the weeds on both sides of the river that were taller than people collapsed in the direction of the flow, and the surrounding rice fields were not spared either.

Zhou Chenyu and Baoyu pushed Li Xiuju past here. The farmers were kneeling barefoot on the ground, their clothes stained with mud.

He looked at several acres of his farmland that had been washed away by floods, and held his head helplessly, with sad tears flowing down his wind-beaten face covered with ravines:
"Oh, my rice."

"If it hadn't been for this rain, we would have been able to harvest in more than ten days. With this flood, several loads of food will be gone. What will we eat next year?"

"Several fields have been washed away by floods. My rice is going to cost my whole family."

Zhou Chenyu listened to the old man's cry and saw scattered green and yellow rice grains floating on the water where the water was gentle.

The formation of these rice grains involves soaking the seeds in water, germinating, growing into seedlings, inserting into paddy fields, fertilizing, and preventing pests and damage. After a series of processes, it finally bears fruit.

A sudden rainstorm wiped out all the country people's hard work from dawn to dusk for several months.

At that moment, it seemed that what she saw was not the rice, but the cut flesh and blood flowing from the old man's body, which really echoed the ancient poem.

Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey.

The three of them stopped there, were silent for a while, and then walked back to the village. The rice situation in Zhoujia Village was much better than outside the city gate. According to the old man, first, the terrain in Zhoujia Village was higher than other places and could not be flooded.Second, after being flooded once in the first half of the year, the river channel was widened, so the losses this time were much smaller.

When they entered the village, Soybean smelled a familiar smell and ran out to greet them like a gust of wind. His dark eyes were wet, thinking that his family no longer wanted him.

"Hey, Xiuju is back?"

Mrs. Wang saw them, followed Hongmei, and excitedly stepped forward to greet them, "How are you recovering from your injury?"

Li Xiuju hadn't seen these neighbors for a long time and smiled, "It's okay. The doctor has taken care of me. I'll be fine after just a few more months of medicine."

"It's okay, it's okay." Mrs. Wang nodded happily, and Hongmei smiled and said, "You're okay, we can finally have a good sleep."

Li Xiuju looked at Hongmei and heard Baoyu say that they had been feeding the livestock with Hongmei in the past few days. She didn't expect that she had such a disease and received so much care from everyone, and her eyes couldn't help but moisten.

(End of this chapter)

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