I farmed and built a villa in ancient times

Chapter 118 The Effect of Deer Blood

Chapter 118 The Effect of Deer Blood

Baoyu sighed helplessly, "When you go up the slope in front, there are a few sweet-scented osmanthus trees on the left side of the mountain. When I was young, I climbed trees to pick sweet-scented osmanthus, and you beat me up. Sister, you really don't remember it at all? "

Zhou Chenyu blinked and squinted back at him, "I think you just remember that I beat you up, right?"

"That's not true." Baoyu snorted coldly.

The slope in front of him was almost at an angle of 45 degrees. Baoyu struggled to pull the cart up, while Zhou Chenyu went around to the back of the cart to help push it.

A cart of pheasants, hares, and the chicken coops that Li Xiuju had stocked were too heavy. Zhou Chenyu was stepping on the gravel ground and could not hold up the sliding cart. He almost slipped and fell. After pushing it back and forth three times, he and the cart turned over. Past this ramp.

The cart rushed to the top of the slope and then went down. The scent of osmanthus became stronger and stronger. Looking around, we saw several osmanthus trees with light yellow flowers growing on the side of the mountain. There were a few children of both sizes climbing on the trees. , started playing with each other, shaking the sweet-scented osmanthus branches vigorously, and the yellow sweet-scented osmanthus fell like snowflakes.

Zhou Chenyu came closer and saw that the person climbing the highest was a little girl. He said nervously: "You climbed so high, be careful not to fall. Come down quickly."

Baoyu listened to his sister's scolding tone, and seemed to see the shadow of his own naughty past in these children.

He leaned on the trolley and showed a smile that showed no problem at all. "Sister, why are you worried about these people? I wouldn't have warned them. It's just a good thing that the fall hurts."

Hearing this, the little girl quickly climbed down from the sweet-scented osmanthus tree like a nimble monkey and slid down the slope on the dirt. She glanced at Zhou Chenyu gratefully, then followed her to the proud Baoyu and snorted coldly: "This girl is very skilled, and you just fell down, huh!"

Baoyu took a step back when she stared at her, "Oh, this little girl is so rampant at such a young age."

Zhou Chenyu looked at the little girl's back. Although she was small, she looked more powerful than Baoyu. She would probably be a ruthless character when she grew up.

She smiled and said, "Let's go."

The day they entered the city was not a market day, but because the Mid-Autumn Festival was just two days away, business travelers could be seen along the way. Zhou Chenyu looked at the people carrying poles and carts, and probably thought The flow of people in the city was even busier than usual at the market.

It was neither early nor late when she and Baoyu entered the city, and there were already a lot of bargaining sounds on the streets.

Baoyu looked at the stalls set up on the street, displaying all kinds of cakes and pastries, including osmanthus cakes, glutinous rice cakes, chrysanthemum cakes, lotus cakes, and moon cakes, which are essential for members of the group during the festival.

He was greedy and said, "Sister, we have enough money to buy mooncakes during the festival this year."

Zhou Chenyu looked at the dazzling array of pastries. She had only eaten a handful of complete mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and she felt tired of them. However, there must be a proper sense of ritual during the festival.

How can we miss out on moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival?
She replied, "We have money in our pockets now, so we can buy whatever we want! But before we buy, we have to finish the work first."

"That is."

They parked the cart near the market, Baoyu went to rent a stall, and Zhou Chenyu stayed behind to guard the place.

As soon as Baoyu left, Zhou Chenyu immediately welcomed the first guest of the day.

The woman held the basket and knelt down to take a look, "Girl, is this chicken of yours a pheasant?"

"Yes, Auntie." Zhou Chenyu greeted the guests with a smile. He quickly moved the hares away and picked out the two fattest ones. "Auntie, you are really discerning. This is the mountain we caught a few days ago. The chickens, both weighing seven or eight kilograms, grew up eating food from the mountains. They have never been raised at home, and the chicken smell is stronger than those raised in captivity at home."

The woman didn't ask any further questions after hearing this, she just pursed her lips and smiled lightly, and looked through the cage, "Girl, can you bring out the chicken so I can touch it?" Zhou Chenyu must have taken care of the woman's outfit when he saw it. The family has three meals a day, and she probably knows a lot more about chickens than she does.

She didn't dare to continue playing tricks, so she responded enthusiastically: "Okay."

The rattan ropes binding the chicken coop were untied, revealing the pheasant's feet.

The woman put down the vegetable basket, grabbed the two wings of the chicken and pulled it out. She carefully examined the condition of the chicken, and then removed the feathers to check the color of the meat. After seeing that this one was not enough, she checked another one with lighter fur.

After a while, she stuffed the chicken into the cage and asked, "Girl, how do you sell this chicken?"

Zhou Chenyu didn't expect the business to come so quickly, but she and Baoyu had spent a lot of effort to catch these pheasants, and there weren't many customers in the morning, so they didn't worry about not being able to sell them.

She boldly raised the price and replied with a smile:
"Auntie, the light-colored one is lighter, and we sell it for 130 five cents. The dark-colored one is heavier, and we sell it for 150 cents."

Zhou Chenyu prepared a series of bad words and waited for the woman to bargain.

But he never expected that the woman would wave her hand and spend money like water, "Girl, I want these two chickens, tie them up for me."

Zhou Chenyu was stunned for a few seconds before he reacted, his eyes curved into a crescent moon smile, "Okay, I'll tie it up for you right now."

Baoyu came out from the market department after renting a stall and saw people trading here. He was afraid that he would affect the business if he went there rashly, so he stopped aside and waited for the woman to leave before rushing over.

"Sister, the aunt bought two pheasants at once, which shows that the family is prosperous."

Zhou Chenyu touched the still warm copper plate, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Guess how much those two pheasants were sold for?"

Baoyu looked at his sister's happy smile, touched his chin, raised the price and said, "I guess one hundred and eleven?"

"Wrong." Zhou Chenyu shook his index finger, "The two chickens together sold for two hundred and eight copper coins."

"Two hundred and eighty?" Baoyu hurriedly covered his mouth and secretly smiled: "This is dozens of more coins than we expected on the way."

Baoyu stared at the mooncakes wrapped in red paper in the distance, and the little thought of rushing over was about to start, "Sister, I have to buy more mooncakes to eat this Mid-Autumn Festival. I haven't eaten them in several years. It's weird."

Zhou Chenyu smiled helplessly, "You are the great hero of our family's hunting, and we all depend on you."

The moon cakes were hung in front of them, and Baoyu was full of energy in his work. They transported the prey to the stall, unloaded a cart of prey, and placed them neatly in front of the stall, waiting for the arrival of the guests.

Eating chicken during festivals is a tradition in Qingshui Town. On the day of the festival, every household will kill a chicken, drain the blood, peel off the feathers, make a small opening at the butt of the chicken, take out all the internal organs while leaving the body intact, and blanch it in boiling water. Take it out when cooked, put it with moon cakes, incense and candle money, take it to the ancestral hall to worship your ancestors, and then take it home to eat.

In addition, because the taste of pheasants is more special than that of domestic chickens, if people who buy chickens for the festival choose one of the two, most people tend to spend a lot of money to buy pheasants.

The ten pheasants Zhou Chenyu and Baoyu brought to the market were all sold before noon. Although not all the hares were sold, there were only two left, so transporting them back home was not a problem.

But what surprised them the most was the wild deer.I thought that wild deer were rare and could nourish the body and be used as medicine, so they would be the best to hawk, but they were left here anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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