I farmed and built a villa in ancient times

Chapter 104 Alone in the Wooden House 5

Chapter 104 Alone in the Wooden House 5
Baoyu caught two live pheasants and a young deer in the back mountain. He was rushing back to the wooden house to share the joy with his sister. On the way, he saw Huangdou running towards him, but there was no sign of his sister. His smile suddenly disappeared and he said, "Why are you alone?" ?Where is my sister?"

After Huang Dou finished passing the message, he barked twice, tempting Baoyu to run back.

"Did something happen to my sister?" Baoyu couldn't care less about being happy and chased after him uneasily while carrying his things. Along the way, he thought about all the bad situations that might happen, and his legs and feet became weak until he saw Zhou Chenyu, who was intact, and lying there. A man lying on his side.

He came closer, saw the person's face clearly, and was shocked, "Sister, this is Team Leader Yang. Why is Team Leader Yang here?"

Zhou Chenyu breathed a sigh of relief, "Huangdou kept barking here just now. I was worried, so I followed him to have a look. When I arrived, I saw Yang Xi lying here with injuries all over his body, unconscious."

Baoyu immediately dropped his things and jumped down the slope, "Sister, let's carry Bantou Yang back to the house first."

"Well, that's what I planned too." Zhou Chenyu helped Yang Xi onto Baoyu's back and carried him all the way back to the wooden house.

The two of them worked together to help Yang Xi to the bed. Baoyu carefully checked Yang Xi's wounds. There were injuries everywhere, and he frowned nervously.

"Sister, you said that Bantou Yang is so skilled in martial arts that even Qian Rushan has to show courtesy. Why is Bantou Yang so injured?"

Zhou Chenyu stared at his bloodless face, "He is a human being, not an iron wall. He will always get hurt. Besides, I don't follow him all the time. How would I know?"

"Bantou Yang is such a good person, so the person who hurt him must be a bad person. Sister, we must not let Team Leader Yang fall into the hands of those people."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Zhou Chenyu had no time to listen to Baoyu's nonstop chatter, and no time to pay attention to him, and said: "In short, these are not important, saving people is more important first."

Touching Yang Xi's clothes that could squeeze out water, Zhou Chenyu murmured, "His clothes are all wet. Quickly find a set of clean clothes for him to change into. Go quickly."

"Hey." Baoyu turned around and went out of the hall to look for clothes. Zhou Chenyu unbuttoned Yang Xi's collar one by one and took off his coat first.

The blue official robe was taken off, revealing the white tunic underneath. The tunic near the left shoulder was stained red with blood.

"The injury is worse than I thought." She frowned and helped him unbutton his coat. Sure enough, there was a one-centimeter knife wound on the left shoulder. It should have been cut with the tip of the knife pointing downward. .

The water-soaked wound was stuck to the white tunic. Zhou Chenyu carefully tore it open with minimal force. The man on the bed still frowned and groaned in pain.

Hearing his voice, Zhou Chenyu's heart clenched for some reason, "It hurts so much when you're injured like this."

Zhou Chenyu felt uncomfortable for a while and continued to take off the remaining clothes. Baoyu found the clothes and returned to the room. Seeing the scene in front of him, he blushed in embarrassment.

"Sister, I should change the remaining clothes for Team Leader Yang, right? You are a girl after all, how can you do these things?"

Zhou Chenyu thought about the wounds on Yang Xi's body and did not think about the details. When he saw where his hand fell on the man, he retracted it like lightning.

This...what's there to be ashamed of?
Zhou Chenyu realized it later and cursed angrily: "The man is injured like this and his life is almost gone. You still break the rules so many times. I'll wait outside and hurry up."

Baoyu was scolded and felt baffled, but when he thought of what had happened in the past few months, how could he be suspicious of his daughter's family?
He grinned.

Zhou Chenyu sat outside the door, touched Huang Dou's dog's head, and listened to the chirping of birds in the forest. After waiting for a while, Baoyu hurriedly walked out, "Sister, Yang Bantou's left leg bone is also broken."

Zhou Chenyu frowned, "Why is he injured everywhere?"

Zhou Chenyu walked into the house solemnly, while Baoyu was worried at the side, "Sister, there are not many people in the barren mountains and ridges here. Where can we find a doctor? It's almost dark again, or I should go down the mountain overnight. They will definitely not ignore anyone who comes to the government office." "No!" Zhou Chenyu rejected Baoyu's idea.

There is no moon tonight, it's pitch black everywhere.

Zhou Chenyu withdrew his gaze, "If it's the mountain road behind our village, I won't stop you if you go back overnight. But the terrain of Stone Mountain is steep. If you accidentally step on the air and fall to the bottom of the cliff, you will be dead. Even if you have to go back , then we have to wait until tomorrow before leaving."

Baoyu looked at the road outside and was unsure, "But Leader Yang..."

Zhou Chenyu looked at the man on the bed. Although she selfishly wanted him to live, Baoyu's life was also her life.

She couldn't let Baoyu be in danger.

Zhou Chenyu was silent for a moment, "Life and death are determined by fate and wealth, it depends on him. Last time Qian Rushan injured you, the old lady went up the mountain to find the hemostatic herb for you. Do you still recognize it?"

Baoyu nodded sharply, "I recognize it. It's not far from the gate. I'll go out and look for it right away."

"My leg is broken, what should I do?" Zhou Chenyu walked out of the house quickly, found a straight wooden stick, cut it into several pieces and tied it to Yang Xi's leg, "I'm not a doctor, so I can only help you like this. .”

Baoyu quickly found a few herbs to stop bleeding, crushed them with a knife, and sent them back to the room, "Sister, the herbs you want."

"Give it to me." Zhou Chenyu took out the herbal medicine with two fingers and applied it to Yang Xi's wound bit by bit. The bleeding in the wound stopped temporarily, but the surrounding skin became increasingly hot.

Zhou Chenyu frowned, touched his forehead, and then touched his forehead, "He really has a fever."

"Fever? I'll bring back some cold water." After Baoyu finished speaking, he immediately ran to the mountain stream and picked up a bucket of cold water.

Zhou Chenyu soaked his handkerchief, squeezed out the water, and applied it to Yang Xi's forehead.

Baoyu looked on, unable to do anything, "Sister, do you think Team Leader Yang can survive this?"

Zhou Chenyu paused, "It's just you and me here. If he really can't make it, you and I will be in big trouble. I hope he can make it."

After briefly bandaging Yang Xi's wound, it was already dark.

They cooked a meal, steamed dried fish, and made do with the weeds they picked up for the night.

The two of them sat facing each other outside the house, the lighted lampshade flickering like a small firefly in the vast forest.

Baoyu looked back at the house from time to time, "Sister, I really didn't expect that we would meet Team Leader Yang here."

A complex emotion flooded Zhou Chenyu's heart. He still remembered that she had angered him by pretending to be lame. He said that from now on, whether she lived or died, it would have nothing to do with him.

Who would have thought that in a twist of fate, she would be the one to save his life this time?

Is she destined to be involved with this man?

(End of this chapter)

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