I farmed and built a villa in ancient times

Chapter 102 Alone in the Wooden House 3

Chapter 102 Alone in the Wooden House 3
The second method is to use a crossbow. When the prey is found nearby, the crossbow arrows are aimed at the prey and shot directly.

And the last and most stupid way is to capture him alive with bare hands.This method requires a high level of physical fitness of the hunter, but the rewards are generous enough, because wild game captured alive sells best on the market.

Not long after Baoyu left, Zhou Chenyu took the soybeans and the crossbow and went out.

On the road they climbed from the boulder, except for the tenacious trees, there were few other vegetation. There was no food for the prey to eat, and there was nowhere to hide. They found no prey worth catching along the way.

Zhou Chenyu avoided that location in advance, watched for a while, and went directly to the mountain stream with abundant water. When he walked nearby, he saw a few piles of chicken or bird droppings scattered in the grass on the ground. He slowed down and walked over. Sure enough, I saw four or five pheasants with black feathers and red crowns pecking under the rotten leaves.

"Huangdou, hush, don't move."

She held down Huang Dou's head. Huang Dou seemed to be a born hunting dog. He understood her words, drooled with his tongue, wagging his tail, and then he lay down on the ground obediently, staring at the pheasant with his eyes.

"How good." Zhou Chenyu smiled, pulled out the crossbow arrows on his back, tightened the bow string, narrowed his eyes, and aimed at the belly of one of the pheasants, "I came all the way here, you must give me a good start. ah!"

After saying that, Zhou Chenyu let go and shot a crossbow arrow through the grass as fast as the wind. An arrow was inserted into the ground a few centimeters away from the chicken's butt. A group of pheasants were frightened by the sudden crossbow arrow and flew away a few meters away.

"Don't run!"

Zhou Chenyu didn't have time to retract the fired crossbow arrow, tightened the bowstring, took the soybeans, and secretly followed behind the tails of the wild pheasants like a thief.

After a danger, the pheasant also became more vigilant. Just the slightest sound she made when she stepped on a dead branch would make the pheasant immediately move its position.

Zhou Chenyu was in a panic and fired two more crossbow arrows. The result of his panic was that he didn't even touch a feather of the chicken. He worked blindly all morning and gained nothing at all.

In the past, Zhou Chenyu could quickly pick up and learn whatever she was asked to do, but this time she got off to a bad start, which made her begin to suspect that she might not be suitable for hunting anymore.

"It is said that one has to specialize in the arts. Since I am not interested in hunting, wouldn't it be better to go fishing in the river, weave a net, cast it into the river, and take some time to shoot some prey? Soybeans, don’t you think so?”

Huang Dou's eyes followed her, and he responded twice. With Huang Dou's support, Zhou Chenyu pursed his lips and smiled, picked up the fired crossbow arrow, and let's do it!
Baoyu was not in the wooden house at noon, so Zhou Chenyu ate alone. He heated up the cold rice in the morning, stir-fried the dried fish and wild vegetables, and finished lunch in a hurry.

Without Li Xiuju around, not only the diet of the two siblings plummeted, but the diet of soybeans was also much scarce.

Zhou Chenyu watched Soybean licking the leftover rice in the bowl. There was nothing left. She rubbed its furry body and said, "I hope I can catch a few big fish in the afternoon, so that we can all have extra meals!!"

After noon, the sun set in the west, and the light in the forest became weaker.

Zhou Chenyu took the knife, first went to the boulder he had climbed, cut a large bundle of vines, and returned to the wooden house. Thanks to the cage weaving skills he learned from Li Xiuju, after a few cups of tea, a fishing net tied with vines was made. She did it.

Bringing fishing nets and bows and arrows, "Huangdou, let's go!"

"Woof woof woof!" Huang Dou climbed up from the ground excitedly, closely following Zhou Chenyu's pace. Zhou Chenyu held a stack of woven fishing nets and first went to the deep pool closest to the wooden house.

But when I got closer, I found that the water flow at the entrance and exit of the deep pool was extremely fast. When the vine fishing net was lowered, I was afraid that the fish would not be caught, and the fishing net would be washed away by the water first. "It doesn't work here. We still have to find a place where the water flow is slow and the banks are narrow. Huang Dou, let's go quickly!"

After saying this, Zhou Chenyu immediately moved her position and walked up the mountain stream for about 500 meters. She found a narrow sinkhole in a depression.

There is a lot of living water here. The two banks are two or three meters apart. The water outlet is like a small waterfall flying down. The fishing net is blocked here. The fish automatically enters the net along the water flow. No one needs to be here to watch it. It falls into the net. , that can’t be run away either.

"Okay, this is it!" Zhou Chenyu did as he said, and moved two big rocks and placed them on both sides of the water outlet, pressing down the fishing net, and the gurgling stream passed through the fishing net and fell vertically.

She stopped and watched for a moment, and after making sure that the fishing net was solid, she picked up the crossbow and continued hunting nearby.

"Huangdou, let's go!"

Zhou Chenyu held a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. He pushed aside the dense grass and stared at the traces on the ground. He soon found a few pieces of animal feces on a weed.

As if Huang Dou had discovered a living creature, he wagged his tail violently, as if to remind her.

"Shh, I get it." Zhou Chenyu made a gesture, and Huangdou's tail stopped swaying, and he squatted under the big tree with her. The forest wind blew, and there were thin and broken sounds around him. The sound had not continued yet. How long, and soon it was gone again.

"What on earth is it?" Zhou Chenyu frowned, tightened the bow string, and when the sharp arrow pointed at the two o'clock direction, two grazing rabbit heads popped out of the tuft of grass.

"It's a hare! It's unlucky for you to meet me. My aunt will definitely catch you this time!" Zhou Chenyu pursed his lips, with all his facial features working hard, he stretched out his right arm and pulled the bow string to the end, right on the rabbit's head. While he was grazing low, he did not hesitate to let go of the arrow. The arrow shot out like a gust of wind and hit the hare's hind leg.

"Ah, I'm hit, I'm really hit!" Zhou Chenyu exclaimed, and Huang Dou immediately ran over, following the hare closely to prevent it from escaping.

When Zhou Chenyu saw the struggling hare, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It seems that I also have a little talent for hunting."

She felt proud for a while, grabbed the rabbit, tied its feet with vines, and put it in a basket.

With this good start, Zhou Chenyu seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and shot three hares nearby, two of which were caught alive.

After they are fattened, a few hares are sold at the market, which makes another fortune.

Zhou Chenyu went hunting and forgot about the fishing net still soaked in the water. If the light in the forest hadn't been darkened, she would have continued walking deeper into the mountains.

"Two dead rabbits, two live rabbits, the harvest this afternoon is pretty good. Soybean, let's go back and see how the fish are doing!"

Soybean barked twice with unsatisfied intentions. Zhou Chenyu picked up a basket of hares and quickly hurried back to the position where the fishing net was placed.

"There are so many hares, and if there are so many big fat fish, I will stay here and not leave!" Zhou Chenyu smiled and put down the basket, hoping to let Huang Dou watch it so that she could go into the water and collect the fishing net.

(End of this chapter)

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