Chapter 240 Group 3 tied for No. [-]
"Nothing can be done to let these two succeed!"


All the contestants in the waiting room felt ashamed of the behavior of the two girls in the eighth group.

On the field, the last team entered the answering area.

I saw Li Ming looking at Luo Xiubai. As the last participating team, let Mr. Luo come up with the question!
"Teacher Luo Xiubai, please come up with a question for the ninth participating team!" Li Ming said slowly to Luo Xiubai, but kept staring at him.

Seeing that he was about to ask another question, Luo Xiubai glanced at the objects on the field. Some things had already been raised as questions before.

After thinking for a few seconds, Luo Xiubai suggested, "Then let's use 'love' as the keyword!"

"Okay, are the two contestants ready?" Li Ming still asked the two contestants next to him in the same way as before.

"Ready!" The two contestants nodded towards Li Ming and said.

They had just seen how the contestants in the eighth group used the rules of the competition. Although they both wanted to win this competition, they had to keep morality in mind more than winning or losing.

The two of them discussed giving up their previous ideas and planned to start answering based on the path they were currently taking.

"When will we know when we will miss each other? It's embarrassing at this time and this night! - "Three Five and Seven Words", written by Li Bai."

"Can this feeling be recalled? It was just that I was at a loss at that time. - "Jin Se", written by Li Shangyin."

"Sentimental but always ruthless, I can't laugh in front of the bottle. - "Two Farewell Songs, Part [-]", written by Du Mu."

"It's not Taoists who come to make people laugh. Zhou Qing and Kong Sizheng are pursuing it. - "Two Poems from White Deer Cave, Part [-]", written by Wang Zhenbai."

"Those who sit and watch fishermen only envy the fish. - "Looking at Dongting Lake to Prime Minister Zhang", written by Meng Haoran."

"The peonies in front of the court are innocent, and the hibiscus on the pond is pure and unfeeling. - "Peony Appreciation", written by Liu Yuxi."

"A crane lining the clouds in the clear sky brings poetry to the blue sky. - "Two Autumn Poems, Part [-]", written by Liu Yuxi."

"Lovers complain about the distant night, but they start to miss each other at night. - "Looking at the Moon and Reminiscing about the Past", written by Zhang Jiuling."

"I don't know how many people are returning by the moon, but the falling moon shakes the trees all over the river with love. - "Moonlit Night on the Spring River", written by Zhang Ruoxu."

"Sent off to the king and grandson again, full of farewell sentiments. - "Farewell to Fu De Gu Yuan Cao", written by Bai Juyi."

"The water of the Shu River is green and the mountains of Shu are green, and the Holy Lord loves each other day and night. - "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", written by Bai Juyi."

"The laughter gradually fades away and becomes quieter, but the passion is annoyed by the ruthlessness. - "Die Lian Hua·Spring Scene", written by Su Shi."

"My motherland wanders in my mind. I am so affectionate that I should laugh at me, and I will have beautiful hair early. - "Niannujiao·Chibi Nostalgia", written by Su Shi."

"Leaving the family on the road, but thinking about it, ruthless and thoughtful. - "Shuilongyin·Ciyun Zhang Zhifu Yanghua Ci", written by Su Shi."

"Ruthlessness is not as painful as sentimentality. One inch is like thousands of strands. When the ends of the earth are limited, there is only endless love. - "Spring in the Jade House·Spring Hate", written by Yan Shu."

"The small characters on the red paper are all about smooth business. The geese are in the clouds and the fish are in the water. It's hard to convey such sadness. - "Qing Ping Le·The small characters on the red paper", written by Yan Shu."

"Time can only help people grow old. Don't believe in sentimentality. If you leave the pavilion with a long-lasting regret, your spring clothes will be sober with tears and wine. - "Picking Mulberries: Time Can Only Help People Get Old", written by Yan Shu."

"Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc. Who do you want to describe lovesickness like? A lover doesn't know. - "Sauvignon Blanc·Sauvignon Blanc", Yan." "It was written by Yan Jidao." The teammate standing on the right quickly continued.

Seeing her panting, he signaled with his eyes that she would answer the next poem.

"There is no way to eliminate this feeling, so I only lower my brows, but it is in my heart. - "A Cut of Plum Blossoms: The Fragrance of Red Lotus Roots and the Remaining Jade Mat in Autumn", written by Li Qingzhao."

"Sentiment has hurt parting since ancient times, and it is even more embarrassing to neglect the Qingqiu Festival! - "Rain and Ling Ling·Cicada's Sorrow", written by Liu Yong."

"Even if there are thousands of customs, who should I tell them to? - "The Ring in the Rain and the Sorrow of the Chilling Cicadas", written by Liu Yong."

"Tender feelings are like water, good times are like dreams, and I can't bear to look at the Magpie Bridge on the way home! If our love lasts for a long time, how can we live day and night." - "Magpie Bridge Immortal·Xianyun Nongqiao", written by Qin Guan.

"The mountains reflect the setting sun and the sky meets the water, and the fragrant grass is ruthless, even outside the setting sun. - "Su Muzhe·Nostalgia", written by Fan Zhongyan."

"I am a county official in Caozhou, and every branch and leaf is full of love. - "Poetry on Ink Bamboo Pictures", written by Zheng Banqiao."

"Falling red is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect the flowers. - "Jihai Miscellaneous Poems Part [-]", written by Gong Zizhen."

"Time's up!" Li Ming interrupted quickly.

The countdown on the screen also instantly changed to "0".

The statistician on the side of the stage wrote the number of poems read by the ninth group of participating teams on white cards and quickly went on stage to send them to Li Ming.

Li Ming took the card and slowly opened it. He saw the number "25" written on it, and announced, "The score of the ninth group of participating teams is 25 points!"

After saying that, some changes occurred in the rankings on the electronic screen at the competition site.

No.1: The fifth group, with a total score of 35 points;
No.2: The first and fourth groups have a total score of 27 points;
No.3: The eighth and ninth groups have a total score of 25 points;
No.4: The third group, with a total score of 24 points;
No.5: Group 23, with a total score of [-] points;
No.6: The second group, with a total score of 21 points;
No.7: The seventh group, with a total score of twenty points.

[Hey, this ranking is really strange!The scores of the eighth group and the ninth group are exactly the same! 】

[Now there is something exciting to watch. No. 2 and No. 3 are both competing teams. 】

[Didn’t the program team declare that the top five participating teams can advance to the finals? 】

【Yes!It is true that only the top five participating teams are qualified to enter the finals, but the method of the eighth group is really too insidious! 】

[In order to win the game, this method is a bit dirty, but it is quite shameless! 】

[How can she be so shameless and use the rules of the competition unscrupulously on this stage? 】

[The two contestants in the third group are really miserable!She unexpectedly met such a group of competitors. If she hadn't met them, she would have made it to the finals! 】

【Why!Everything is fate, nothing is up to you!They just happened to be stuck in the No. 4 position, and the participating teams in the ninth group happened to have the same results and rankings as the participating teams in the eighth group. This makes it impossible to be picky! 】

【It’s really unfair! 】

[It’s not fair and there’s no way around it!This is how the program team set up this broken rule! 】

(End of this chapter)

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