Chapter 151 Who leaked the secret?

The news reporter couldn't help but be a little disappointed when he saw that this question did not allow the two parties involved to jump into the trap.

They came here specifically to dig out some different news.

"Hello, Miss Pei Yuning, I would like to ask, what do you think of your old employer, Yangmei Film and Television Co., Ltd.?" Another news reporter stood up and pointed the microphone directly at Pei Yuning.

Pei Yuning put the wheat in her hand away slightly, and then said slowly, "My old employer, Yangmei Film and Television Co., Ltd. is a very good company, and it is also very good at cultivating artists."

"Miss Pei Yuning, can you elaborate on this?"

The reporter followed up and asked.

After all, if the artist can answer some questions about the topic between the former agency and the current agency, then they can create a lot of hype.

"Sorry, no comment."

Faced with the press of reporters, Pei Yuning didn't let others bully her like she was before.

Luo Xiubai, who was sitting in the back corner of the venue, felt very pleased to see Pei Yuning's current appearance.

"Finally I know how to protect myself."

Before, he just wanted to help her get a job at Xingchen Film and Television Company, but he didn't expect that she herself had such talent and could reach this point.

Hong Ying, who was beside Pei Yuning, was impressed by her answer.

indeed!For those in the industry like their artists, although temper is not a good thing, it cannot be completely absent.

Pei Yuning's ability to directly and calmly refuse the reporter's in-depth exploration can be regarded as a high-quality answer.

Seeing that the news reporter could not dig out any effective information from Pei Yuning, she was defeated by her. Now she is unable to step down and is very angry.

Pei Yuning glanced at the female reporter indifferently. Since she didn't feel the slightest respect or courtesy from the other party, there was no need for her to give the other party the so-called respect and courtesy.

The other reporters looked at each other in confusion. They all began to doubt the previous rumors that "the nation's daughter" Pei Yuning was a bitch.

At least when I saw her at today's press conference, I didn't feel the slightest bit of cowardice or uneasiness on her part.

Su Xue, who was beside Hong Ying, glanced at Pei Yuning quietly, with a satisfied smile in her eyes.

More than half an hour has passed without realizing it.

Other news reporters still wanted to try, so they asked Pei Yuning a new round of questions, "Ms. Pei Yuning, I heard that the liquidated damages for the termination of your contract with your former employer, Yangmei Film and Television Co., Ltd. A huge compensation of 950 million yuan, is this true?"

Pei Yuning was slightly stunned by this question. No more than ten people could know about this liquidated damages, and Mr. Hong and Mr. Yang had communicated privately. The amount of her liquidated damages would never be disclosed to the media. From a journalist friend.

I don’t know why this reporter knew the amount of his liquidated damages.Seeing that Pei Yuning did not express any opinion on this issue, the reporter's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked in pursuit of victory, "Miss Pei Yuning, did you pay for the huge sum of 950 million yuan yourself?" Is it true? Is your relationship with your former employer, Mr. Yang, not harmonious? "

Seeing that the reporter's questions were getting more and more excessive, Su Xue was about to stand up and answer for Pei Yuning, but was stopped by Hong Ying who was standing beside her.

Hong Ying shook her head slightly, signaling Su Xue not to let Pei Yuning stand out.

Pei Yuning has to face such things by himself in order to grow.

"This issue is relatively private, and it is also about two companies. I don't know if this is a private matter. Can it be discussed in such a large public place?" Pei Yuning said. He looked thoughtful and said to the reporter.

Seeing that Pei Yuning seemed to be planning to break the news, the news reporter excitedly raised the microphone and said to her, "This question is not a private matter. Miss Pei Yuning, you can feel free to speak!"

"Since it is not a private matter, it is a public matter. It is already publicly known to everyone, so I think there is no need for me to say it anymore!" After speaking, Pei Yuning said directly, "There are other news Journalist friends, do you have any other questions?”

The journalist who asked the question just now couldn't help but feel confused when faced with Pei Yuning's answer.

When did he say that this matter was not a private matter.

Suddenly realizing that he had fallen into the trap dug by Pei Yuning, the journalist could only lose in shame.

Everyone felt that it was too rare to get some useful information from Pei Yuning's mouth.

For a moment, friends from the media did not know what to ask her.

Many journalists in the audience were whispering, perhaps the drafts of questions they had prepared before were of little use now.

Pei Yuning and the group of reporters in the audience were fighting for wits and courage!
Luo Xiubai, who was sitting in the back row, folded his hands and watched with interest how the girl would deal with these reporters.

Although she could beat them in the first round, these reporters were not so short-sighted, and the questions they would ask next would probably be even sharper.

Sure enough, a female reporter stood up immediately, turned the microphone to Pei Yuning and said, "Ms. Pei Yuning, when you terminated the contract with your former employer, Yangmei Film and Television Co., Ltd., did you have any quarrels with your adoptive mother and sister? We had a fight, right? We even broke away from them and severed ties with them?"

As soon as this statement came out, as expected, many journalist friends in the audience expressed surprise.

They are aware of Pei Yuning's life experience, but as Lin Shizhen is the wife of the Pei family, Pei Yuqian is the real daughter of the Pei family, and soon, the Pei family will marry the Xu family. The real daughter of the Pei family, Pei Yuqian, and the Xu family The news that the illegitimate young master Xu Ziang is getting engaged has already spread in their industry.

Everyone just endured it and did not announce it to the public. After all, the Pei family and the Xu family had not yet officially held an engagement banquet, and media reporters like them did not dare to arrange the affairs of the Pei family and the Xu family.

If you don't do it well, you may not be able to gain a foothold in this industry and lose your job.

Pei Yuning narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at this menacing news reporter. It was probably the work of Lin Shizhen and her daughter. Otherwise, how would she know about the Pei family's affairs, and they all happened in the Pei family.

The servants of the Pei family have all signed confidentiality contracts. They cannot leak a word about the Pei family's affairs, otherwise they will be held legally responsible.

(End of this chapter)

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